Prolonged cough in the baby

Tip 1: How to cure a protracted cough in a child

Many mothers are familiar with the situation when the baby very often gets cold and coughs then two weeks in a row, or even more. Do not expect that this will change by itself. To help a child get rid of a protracted cough can be various means.


  1. Frequent signs of a coldchildis the temperature and drycough. After a few days of illness he should become wet. That the child could quickly recover, it will be necessary to take medications that softencoughand thinning phlegm. They should be recommended by a pediatrician. If the baby continues to cough for two weeks in a row, ask the doctor to give him a massage, breathing exercises and physiotherapy.
  2. Cope with a protracted cough will help and steam inhalation. Use steamed leaves of plants, for example, eucalyptus, sage, linden, mint, as well as pine needles and fir. A good action for the infection of the upper respiratory tract is thymus and mother-and-stepmother.
  3. Effective with cough and application of aromatic oils: 1 drop of eucalyptus oil and tea tree or thyme; a mixture of a single drop of eucalyptus, lavender and tea tree oil (2 drops each). Be sure to cover your eyes during the inhalation
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  4. To reduce seizures, try at night rubbing the baby's breast with a small amount of eucalyptus or myrtle oil. From 3-4 years oldchildYou can drive into the bath, adding to the water in the steam room all the same aroma oils. Stay in the steam room start from 3-5 minutes. The result is noticeable already the next day -coughbecomes smaller.
  5. Ifcoughdoes not pass regardless of the methods of treatment (from special medicines to folk remedies), examinechildon various infections. Cough can be caused by microorganisms that are good at hiding from the immune system of the baby: pneumocysts, mycoplasmas, candida fungi or chlamydia. They fall into the bronchichildairborne, usually accompanying a cold and flu. Treatment for each of the four infections requires a different. If you do not go to a specialist on time, the baby can develop a protracted bronchitis.

The child has a long cough, how to treat?

Cough is a normal physiological protective process, with the help of it can be withdrawn from the respiratory ways of different foreign bodies due to the fact that the mucous membrane of the respiratory is covered with ciliated epithelium. Cough is necessary for the child, but when he is in debt, you need to worry and turn to the treating doctor. It can be one of the symptoms of a serious illness. If the cough lasts, more than three weeks it lasts long.

Causes of a child's long cough

In this period, you need to constantly monitor the child, how it behaves, whether it is active, enough eats, watches, whether the appetite, skin and mucous membranes have worsened, does not it increase temperature. First you need to turn to the pediatrician, then to the allergist, phthisiatrist, pulmonologist, parasitologist.

A Mantoux test must be performed, the child must undergo laboratory tests - blood, worms and feces.
Most often, a long cough is provoked by such causes:

1. Relapse of an infectious disease.

2. Fungus - Candida, which often develops after a person took antibiotics, because of pneumocysts, mycoplasmas, cytomegalovirus, chlamydia in the lungs.

3. A long cough is often provoked by worms (ascarids). Often they can appear in the pulmonary system. To do this, you need to pass a special analysis to check if there are worms.

4. If the cough does not pass without antibiotics - this is the first signal about bronchitis, angina, pneumonia, pharyngitis.

5. Often a long cough appears in children who have an inflammatory process on the tonsils, the sky, it is accompanied by a strong runny nose, mucus begins to enter the respiratory system through the nasopharynx, cough in this case is paroxysmal.

6. A long cough due to a viral disease in the upper respiratory tract. In children, it has a paroxysmal nature, sputum is difficult to return, children can not clear their throat due to pain.

7. In cases of chronic disease in the respiratory tract, the cough is permanent, when it becomes aggravated, it begins to intensify.

8. If the disease is chronic, the cough is constant, with an exacerbation begins to increase, after a little decrease. Pay attention when the child has a persistent cough - it's dangerous.

9. With a purulent lung disease, the cough is lingering and wet. Especially worsens in the morning after sleep.

10. A wheezing cough appears due to the fact that the foreign body enters the respiratory tract, also this can happen when the child suffers.

11. Cough that has a whistle is often triggered by allergic reactions to medications, household chemicals, tobacco, faeces and home dust mites, various animals.

Treatment of a long cough in a child

The course of therapy should include methods that eliminate the main cause of the appearance of cough. After a thorough examination, the delivery of all laboratory tests, the doctor can prescribe an effective course of treatment, with which you can, as soon as possible, get rid of sputum from the respiratory tract.

Antibacterial drugs can be prescribed for infectious diseases such as bronchitis, otitis, tonsillitis, pneumonia, sinusitis. Please note that bronchial disease is most often triggered by viruses, so it is not always necessary to rush to give the baby antibiotics.

If a child has a barking cough, provoked by laryngitis, hormonal drugs are needed, hormonal inhalations help well.

In cases of dry cough, expectorants should be used, treatment with Oxeladine, Glaucin, Butamirat, Dextromethorphan is most suitable for children. At home, you can heal a child with warm milk with the addition of soda, one teaspoon needs to dissolve a teaspoon, helps raspberry, currant, cowberry tea, with the addition of honey. It is forbidden for a child to give cough supplements if he has a wet cough.

In cases of moist cough, expectorant preparations of plant origin should be taken with the help of which it is possible to quickly withdraw phlegm - licorice, alteyka, sage, oregano, anise, mint, thyme. Liquefy sputum, if a child has a long dry cough with mucolytics - black radish juice with honey, juice squeezed from plantain, thyme, often use anise fruit.

A small child needs to use mucolytics of synthetic origin, the dosage can be selected individually. It is effectively treated by Mukaltin, Dr. IOM, Ambrobe, Bromhexin.

Homeopathic preparations, which contain minerals, natural natural raw materials, help to cope well with cough. They can be combined with antibacterial drugs. A dry paroxysmal cough will help cure herbal infusions with percussion, round-necked sundew, white shift. It is especially good to drink them if the cough is painful and debilitating.

If there is no temperature, with a long cough you can put mustard plasters, they need to be treated up to 4 days. In cases where they do not help, you need to abandon them, because the disease can only get worse. It happens that mustard seeds lead to serious allergic reactions.

Children love to use potions, often it includes primrose, plantain, they can be used for children over two years old. Good liquefies phlegm in the child Lazolvan.

Thus, a child's long cough is a symptom of a pathological process. It is necessary to additionally examine it. There are cases that cough after bronchitis does not go away for a long time because the child is slowly recovering or ineffective treatment has been prescribed. Note that a long cough is most often triggered by a bacterial, fungal infection, they can be cured with antibiotics. May appear due to serious allergic reactions, chronic bronchitis, pulmonary diseases. In no case should you allow a prolonged cough in a child, it can damage the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract, which they have thin and tender and will have bloody discharge.

The child has a protracted cough - what to do? How to cure a protracted cough in a child?

Of course, for any mother, the situation when her child is ill becomes critical. One of the unpleasant manifestations of colds is a cough. And it is often impossible to get rid of it for a long time (2-3 weeks). In this case, this symptom acquires a protracted character. And what is a cough?

Many people know that this is a protective reaction of the body that helps to rid the respiratory tract of harmful microbes, mucus, dust particles.

Of course, for parents, the question is always relevant: "What if the child has a protracted cough?". It requires detailed analysis.

If you can get rid of a cold and heat in a relatively short time, then with a cough the situation is more serious.

Unfortunately, not yet invented a medicine, which after a minute destroys all the ailments. Remember that if a child has a protracted cough, then radical methods can not deal with the problem, otherwise you can harm the baby. In any case, after a relapse, mom and dad are already acquiring minimal experience in deciding whether to help the child if he coughs.

However, parents are often concerned about this question: "The child does not have a protracted cough, despite the fact that all the medicines have been tried and managed to get rid of the common cold. How can you explain this? ".

The fact is that there can be several reasons. In this case, you should immediately consult with a specialist. He absolutely will demand to hand over analyzes - it can be a crop of a sputum or a blood sampling, and on the basis of results will write out to you the prescription.

Can not get rid of a cough - contact a doctor

Remember: if a child has a protracted cough that does not last a long time, then you can not delay with treatment. An influenza weakened by the body continues to attack the infection?

What does it mean? Only one thing: the disease moves to the lungs or bronchi.

Diagnostic features

To specifically find out which microorganism has become the source of the onset of a protracted cough, it should be mandatory to make an appointment with a doctor and take the necessary tests. Their results will help correctly diagnose the disease and prescribe the right medicine. Do not self-medicate if after two weeks your child coughs. In addition to harm, such experiments will not bring anything.

Simple philistines who are thinking about how to cure a protracted cough in a child, even not suspected of what insidious infections (eg, pneumocysts) can become a source of it appearance. Often the cause of the appearance of the protective reaction we are considering are several pathogenic organisms at once. Eventually, the disease gives a complication. That's why only a qualified specialist can help in this case, and not healers-lovers.


As already emphasized, the reasons for a protracted cough in a child are very diverse. One of the main ones is just not a pathogenic bacterium, but high sensitivity of cough receptors against a background of abundant sputum after ARI or influenza.

In infants, a protracted cough can be explained by the elementary penetration of foods into the respiratory tract. In this case, a special program is used to normalize the functioning of the latter.

Do not forget that before you cure a protracted cough in the child, and in the adult too, you should find a logical explanation for his appearance.

In a number of cases, fungal microorganisms penetrate the baby's body - they cause a protracted cough. Infants can easily get infected from their mothers with cytomegalovirus.

It should also be mentioned about such a dangerous disease as tuberculosis, which in case of complications can also provoke a prolonged cough. Foreign bodies can get into the respiratory tract - this is also a logical explanation for why the baby can not calm down for a long time. External factors, such as tobacco smoke, cat or dog hair, dust, can also cause a protracted cough. Specialists identify the causes of psychogenic nature - depression, stress, nervous tension and so on.

Methods of treatment

Today, a huge number of both children and adults with prolonged cough experience real discomfort. You want to get rid of this symptom as quickly as possible.

It should be noted that the treatment of prolonged cough in children depends on a number of factors, such as diagnosis, duration of the disease, the form of the disease (dry or wet cough) and so on.

At present, many people use non-traditional (folk) medicine to eliminate these or other diseases. To get rid of a protracted cough, they can also be used, but only as an auxiliary method of treatment. Remember that you should be diagnosed with a doctor who will recommend the optimal system of recovery, the requirements of which you must observe.

It is very important to understand that the above reflex reaction of the human body can not be minimized, since it provides protection, which subsequently leads to recovery. Experts also do not recommend combining in the treatment of antitussive and expectorant drugs.

Do not self-medicate

Without the help of a doctor, you can try to get rid of only an acute cough, other variations of this ailment is inexpedient to treat without considering the expert's opinion. Also do not forget that any aggravation of the disease can be transformed into a chronic pathology.

One of the most common ways to cure a prolonged cough are physiotherapy, inhalation, homeopathic medicines and massage.

If the ailment in question appeared during the acute period of acute respiratory infections, then you can get rid of it if you use honey in combination with warm milk or radish juice in combination with the same honey.


An effective way to normalize cough is by inhalation. Cook them only with the use of warm water.

It is necessary to emphasize that too small children are contraindicated in inhalation, since there is a high probability of spasm of the respiratory tract.

If the child has an allergic reaction to medicinal plants, then the expected result will not be given.

Excellent helps to normalize the body's protective reaction to phytospora in combination with nuts, almonds and figs. As an alternative to the previous remedy, another composition can be recommended: thyme and coltsfoot. Inhalations with honey will help in a short time to eliminate phlegm, but they can not all apply, since the risk of allergy is high. In the period of treatment, experts recommend giving the baby 2-3 times a day honey combined with honeycombs.


Prolonged coughing in a child will help to eliminate mild massage procedures. Thus the child should be in a pose a head downwards. The baby should be picked up and tilted down, the older child can take this position on his own.

After this, you need to do with a slight tapping and patting in the lungs. Thus you will be able to remove phlegm from the airway walls.

A child should drink plenty of fluids

You should know that getting rid of a long cough will be difficult if the baby's body does not have enough water. Drinking in this case is one of the effective ways to combat a non-calming cough. In this case, the liquid should be slightly warm, but in no case hot. Take care that the baby is drinking as much as possible compote. Prepare to ensure that young children can be capricious. It is possible that they will have to be forced to drink.

Watch the humidity level in the room

Check the humidity level in the room. This is an important factor on which the speed of getting rid of the ailment in question depends. Consider the fact that dry air contributes to the drying up of phlegm, and then it is more difficult to be excreted from the body. To increase the humidity, place a wet cloth on the batteries or place several containers filled with water in the room.

Experts classify cough into two types: dry and wet. The first is characterized by the fact that sputum in the respiratory tract has a viscous structure and it is difficult to dilute it. Wet cough is an ailment that is accompanied by problems with the excretion of phlegm from the body.

Treatment of dry cough

A prolonged dry cough in a child can be eliminated by diluting drugs that affect the cough center.

Doctors prescribe such drugs as Butamirat, Tusuprex, Libexin. The latter medicine, by the way, reduces the sensitivity of the mucosa in the lungs. Also, experts recommend buying a drug "Delsim". This remedy, as a rule, permanently removes dry cough. As an auxiliary means of treatment, experts advise using a combination of lemon juice and honey.

Treatment for wet cough

A prolonged wet cough in a child usually passes after a complex treatment. At the same time, drugs of mucolytic (deducing) spectrum of action are applied ("Carbocysteine "Ambroxol"), inhalations containing ammonium chloride or plant extracts, medicinal herbal remedies. And, of course, the child in the treatment of a wet cough should drink as much liquid as possible.

The child has a protracted cough - what to do?

Coughing in the child is a protective mechanism, through which the trachea and bronchi are cleared. It can appear when it is affected by various stimuli - chemical or mechanical. If the baby is healthy, he should cough up to 15 times, most of all he does it in the morning. If the cough is protracted, lasts more than three weeks, it constantly recurs, appears periodically, it should be urgently treated, it can talk about a very serious illness in the child.

Types of lingering cough

1. Cough, which has a sharp form of flow, occurs with laryngitis, bronchitis, tracheitis, pneumonia. If the respiratory tube is struck, first the cough can be dry, with it does not go away sputum, it is intrusive. In cases of tracheitis, laryngitis, cough is barking. When dry cough strongly pershit in the throat. Pneumonia is characterized by a wet cough, it is deep. Prolonged cough can be wet with bronchitis, repeated when it constantly accumulates. After the sputum leaves, it becomes easier for a person.

If prolonged cough is accompanied by high body temperature, catarrhal syndrome, this indicates that a virally-respiratory infection has joined, while the child has a hoarse voice, it is difficult for him breathe. It is very important to exclude pneumonia in time, at which you can hear wheezing, shortened percussion sounds, breathing changes.

2. Prolonged spastic cough suggests that the child has bronchial asthma, everything starts with obstructive bronchitis, bronchiolitis. In this case, an extended exhalation. Such a cough is distinguished by hissing sounds.

If the cough for a long time does not pass and the child does not suffer from ARI, it can say that there is a foreign body. He looks like whooping cough. A prolonged cough is dangerous because the lung can swell, and the breath is weakened.

Symptoms of a protracted cough

It lasts more than two weeks. Most often occurs after acute bronchitis, appears not because of the inflammatory process, but as a consequence of infection, because the child has hypersensitive receptors. It is very important in this case to consider how old the child is.

Newborns after the transferred bronchitis have increased mucus secretion, different sounds are heard in the chest, which pass after the child clears throat, when sputum accumulates again in the chest, different sounds.

If the sputum is collected in the larynx, the trachea in children is a rare, but strong cough. It should be noted that there may be a cough due to food aspiration, this happens in infants. The baby coughs, often chokes, then there are wheezing, they can quickly disappear or appear again. On the x-ray of the infants, the bronchial region is obscured.

In children, cough after eating can indicate that the child has bronchopiscous fistula, while a large number of sputum sputum is released. In this case it is very important to undergo esophagoscopy, to carefully examine the esophageal system.

In children who suffer from reflux, coughing can begin to disturb at night. At an early age, a protracted cough suggests that the child has swelling of mucus, larynx, nasopharyngeal region, adenoiditis, nasopharyngitis, bronchitis.

In schoolchildren, a protracted cough speaks of tracheobronchitis, which is a consequence of a transmitted viral respiratory infection. When he has symptoms such as paroxysmal discharge of mucus, some can tolerate whooping cough and not know about it. Symptomatic can occur in vaccinated and non-vaccinated children.

In adolescence, a protracted cough has almost no wheezing, it does not aggravate. After the pressure on the tongue, it may be paroxysmal, the child puts out a tongue strongly, his face turns red.

What measures do you need to take during a prolonged cough in a child?

If cough occurs with bronchial asthma, you must pay attention to the fact that it does not exacerbate. It can be complicated by frequent ARVI. It is dangerous for bronchospasm, it can only be examined using X-rays.

In cases of permanent obstructive bronchitis, a cough in a four-year-old child may be prolonged and be moist, spastic, appears after an acute respiratory infection, an increased body temperature may be observed. It does not have a paroxysmal character, but it needs to be treated in a timely manner, because bronchitis develops into asthma. Especially if the allergen affects the bronchi, the person overstrains, inhales the cold air, because of this, the mucous membrane of the bronchi inflames.

Constant coughs can be observed in chronic diseases of the larynx, bronchi, lungs. He then decreases, then falls down, but the child he worries constantly. Wet lingering arises from pulmonary diseases, intensifies in the morning, after sputum is separated, cough decreases. In this case, you need to take funds that will help get rid of phlegm.

The disease of cystic fibrosis is accompanied by persistent and intrusive coughs, viscous sputum, obstructive process is observed, the child is very thin. It is very important for cystic fibrosis to investigate sweaty electrocoliolites. The doctor will prescribe a special course of treatment.

Caution should be given to a constant dry cough, this indicates a serious laryngeal disease. At the same time, the child is disturbed by severe shortness of breath, chest is deformed, heart problems. You may need surgery.

Often children develop a cough of a psychogenic nature, which is dry, has a metallic hue, appears in the daytime, passes in a dream, regular, exacerbated in stressful situations. It may be the first symptom of ARVI, in some children it manifests itself in the form of a tick. Such a protracted cough requires psychological support, parents should treat the child with understanding, pay as much attention to him, and take interest in his problems. It is very important for a child to carefully examine to exclude the pathological process, in some situations use antispasmodics, aerosols, which include steroids.

Thus, a protracted cough is a serious problem caused by various diseases, in any case it is an abnormal phenomenon, is pathological in nature, so it is very important to fully examine the child in time, to find out the cause, only then you can start the course treatment.

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