Colds of the kidneys

Colds of the kidney: treatment and symptoms

As a rule, this is a usual seasonal indisposition, which is caused by the fact that you just wet your feet. But in any case, the kidneys cold always requires the most prompt and thorough treatment.

Symptoms of developing a cold kidney

Under this common cold, it is customary to imply various types of kidney disease, usually either having symptoms similar to this ailment, either arising from the background of a cold or after transferring it. So in the course of influenza-like illness, infection through urine or blood penetrates into the kidneys, which is what triggers pyelonephritis, namely inflammation of the renal pelvis.

As a rule, all the manifestations of pyelonephritis are very similar to the usual cold - it's still the same

  • chills,
  • heat,
  • general weakness.

And that's why many patients quite often consider him for a simple SARS. Another type of disease, which is called in the people "kidney cold" - glomerulonephritis, namely infection of the glomerulus of the cortical renal layer - may also be a consequence of influenza or colds.

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How to distinguish the "cold kidney" from ARVI?

You can distinguish between "colds of the kidneys" by several obvious signs, namely:

  • the occurrence of pain in the lumbar region,
  • incessant headache,
  • urine becomes cloudy and dark.

In this case, you should immediately contact the urologist, maybe a cold or flu caused you inflammation of the kidneys, or maybe you yourself from the outset took for kidney inflammation of the kidneys.

Features of treatment and prevention of colds of the kidneys

If the first symptoms of the disease occur, you should immediately contact the urologist. Remember - acute inflammation of the kidneys can easily become the main cause of kidney failure. Only a doctor can determine the main cause of inflammation, as well as prescribe the right and effective treatment.

In comparison with the "cold of the kidneys" a simple cold can seem harmless. But with weak immunity, it is the main cause of glomerulonephritis, pyelonephritis and other kidney diseases.

1. Warm up. Overcooling, in itself, does not cause a cold in the kidneys, but it can easily provoke the activity of the infection and weaken the body.

2. Temper for the prevention of disease. Periodic hardening can wean the body to react to sudden changes in temperature, both to severe stress. But the main thing to remember is to begin to be tempered gradually.

3. Drink plenty of fluids. It includes herbal tea and water. Simple tea and coffee, on the contrary, provoke the retention of all the liquid in the human body, thereby complicating the kidneys work. Also, with inflammation of the kidneys, tincture from spring, young birch leaves is quite useful.

4. It is also necessary to visit a doctor on time.

No self-treatment and with the first symptoms of the disease immediately consult a specialist!

How to understand that you have chill kidneys? Symptoms of the disease

Almost at any time of the year, having drunk your feet or sitting on something cold, you can get chapped kidneys. Symptoms of this disease, as a rule, manifest painful sensations in the lower back. They are joined by other signs, which we will discuss in more detail below.

Signs of chilled kidneys

In addition to back pain, the patient is also concerned about the frequent urge to urinate, in some cases, however, it, on the contrary, becomes rare. Urine changes color or there are impurities of blood in it, thirst is disturbed. As a rule, as a result of this disease the eyelids, arms and legs of the patient become swollen, especially after sleep, as the kidneys stop coping with the outgoing function. And the skin is covered by a rash that appears because of the high concentration of toxins in the blood. From the mouth of the patient you can catch the smell of ammonia. His taste is also subject to change. In addition, there is fever, fatigue, and in some cases - loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, blood pressure disorders, weight loss and even visual impairment.

What if you suspect a kidney leak?

Kidney pain is a symptom that can not be ignored. Therefore, always at the first manifestations of the disease, consult a doctor. In addition, dorsal and renal pain can often be difficult to distinguish even by specialists. For this, analyzes and examinations are needed. Do not be presumptuous! Wrong diagnosis, inaccurate treatment can lead to very serious consequences! You, in the first place, need to pass urine and blood for analysis. You may need to have a kidney ultrasound. The urologist, having received all the data from the examinations, will prescribe the treatment. As a rule, antibiotics are required in order to cure chilled kidneys. Symptoms are deceptive, and sometimes you can get by with weak drugs. Therefore, do not take anything without the advice of a doctor.

Means to facilitate the condition

If you still prescribed antibiotics, then herbal teas will be an excellent support for the body. In the pharmacy you can purchase a renal collection and take it as indicated in the instructions. He has both a diuretic and anti-inflammatory effect, while increasing the defenses of the body. To check if you are allergic to this medication, take a 10-fold reduced dose for the first time. If the reaction is good, then drink in full doses, but no more! If you have chill kidneys, the symptoms suggest that the sitting bath will be very useful. In a warm, heated to 40º, water is added a decoction of renal collection and sit in it for 15 minutes. Before going to bed, you can do and warming your feet, adding water or sea salt, or mustard. In the bed under the waist, place the electric hot water bottle and lie on it for about an hour. Warming up should be done until complete recovery. After completing the entire course, you need to take all the tests again to make sure that you have cured chapped kidneys. Symptoms can disappear, and the inflammation will remain, passing into a chronic form, so a second check is extremely necessary. Be healthy!

What to do if I have a cold in the kidney and it hurts now



Pyelonephritis - is an inflammation of one or both kidneys as a result of getting into the kidneys of microorganisms. Usually it is a so-called ascending infection that spreads through the ureters from the bladder. Sometimes microorganisms enter the kidneys together with the filtrate from the blood. Microorganisms falling into the kidneys cause the development of inflammation and swelling. As these processes spread, the damaged kidney tissue is replaced by scarring. The formation of scar tissue after repeated exacerbations causes a violation of the functional abilities of the kidneys. After a while, complete renal failure may develop.
Symptoms: The disease occurs suddenly., There are fever, chills, pain in the affected kidney (kidney) and a feeling of discomfort in the abdomen.
Traditional methods of treatment: Antibiotics are prescribed. Of great importance is the daily intake of a sufficient amount of liquid. This contributes to a better washing of the urinary tract. If there is no effect, surgical removal of a dysfunctional kidney may be required.
Unconventional and folk methods of treatment:
1) Dissolve 1gr. mummy in 1 liter. boiled water. Take pyelonephritis for a glass, 2 times a day for 30 minutes before meals.
2) Pour 3 tablespoons of carrot seeds 1L. boil, persist overnight, strain and drink warmly over, a glass 4-5 times a day on an empty stomach.
3) To rinse the kidneys as a diuretic drink the juice of raw potatoes - po, a glass in the morning on an empty stomach.
4) For the treatment of pyelonephritis and to strengthen the kidneys use a mixture of potato and rowan juices, infused for 1 hour.
5) Grate the carrots and pour 3 tablespoons in the evening with 3 cups of boiling water. Infusion of hot drink 1 glass 3 times a day.
6) Pumpkin is one of the best diuretic plants. It is successfully used for pyelonephritis. There is a crude pulp of pumpkin for 500 gr. 2 times a day.
7) Pour 2 tablespoons of hop cones, l. boiling water, boil for 2-3 minutes, insist 1 hour and strain. Drink a glass every 2 hours for 2 days.
8) Pour 1 teaspoon of flax seeds 1 cup of boiling water, boil for 5 minutes and infuse for 2 hours. Drink a glass 3 times a day.
9) Sea-buckthorn berries are one of the best vitamin carriers, it perfectly helps with all kidney diseases.
10) Fruits of figs cook in milk for 15-20 minutes, strain and take milk very hot for 2-3 glasses a day.
11) Pour 1 tablespoon of elderberry 1 eggs with a glass of boiling water, leave for 10 minutes and strain. Take 3-4 glasses a day 15 minutes before meals.
12) Pour 2 teaspoons of chopped herb horsetail (sold in the pharmacy) 1 cup boiling water, insist 1 hour and strain. Drink sips throughout the day. .
13) Pour 5-6 table spoons of crushed black currant leaf 1 cup of boiling water and insist in the heat for at least an hour. Take 1 glass 5-6 times a day, to improve the taste, you can add honey.


go to the doctor.


Well, future dress for the weather, but now it's better to go to the urologist


To the doctor, and meanwhile wear warm socks, or better woolen, a good sweater and drink that thread hot.

astro men

... do not self-medicate. The reasons can be different... and stones too..., so run to the doctor.


Cyston 2 tab. 2 times a day, But the spa, Baralgin and hot bath.
If very badly, only the ambulance.

Evgenia Kovalenko

analyzes, uzi


Ciprinol. Antibiotic of a new generation, sparing influence on the liver. Tried on myself. Advised a specialist-urologist. Really helps!


If there are pains then the matter is serious.
If the pain is strong, call an ambulance!! !
As already reported the reason can be different and the cold is just a little push!
So in any case, a visit to the doctor can not be avoided.
If you do not go now, then in a year you can give complications.


Kanefron drink, and on herbs, and it helps. Somewhere for 260 rubles. I was buying)))

Nadezhda Petrovna

Calendula (flowers) - 20 g, nettle (grass) - 10 g, field harness (roots) - 15 g, yarrow (grass) - 20 g, fennel (fruits) - 10 g, horsetail field (grass) - 10 grams, birch (leaf) - 15 g. Take 1/4 cup infusion 3 times a day as a diuretic and anti-inflammatory agent. But I advise you to consult a doctor. Contact the website Call back and consult for free!


nitroxoline or five-legged

matvey isak

to the doctor


Paul Paul sex is called, very quickly helps.

About a cold on the kidneys: the question inside



Feel free to drink nitroxolin. I had kidney inflammation, the doctor prescribed such pills after discharge. now I also drink them. three times a day for 1 tablet after a meal. legs chilled.. also a suspicion of the kidneys.

they are also suitable for prevention.
Nitroxoline * (Nitroxoline *)
Infectious-inflammatory diseases of the urinary tract caused by sensitive microorganisms (incl. pyelonephritis, cystitis, urethritis), epididymitis; infected adenoma or carcinoma of the prostate, etc.); prevention infectious complications in diagnostic and therapeutic interventions (catheterization, cystoscopy, after kidney operations and urinary tract).

Lose yourself Beautifully

there is no such diagnosis of a cold kidney

Sergey Sirman

Do not rush to swallow pills.. Yes, why do you have suspicions of a cold kidney? Do they bother you, bad tests?

ༀ ☺

Analyzes are done in 1 day. Without doctors, you can not take a pill. Maybe you just have a backache?

Lika ***

is it exactly that the kidneys got cold? in such a short time... can spin?

Fedot Netot

During the day, make the slopes back and forth, starting at 10 slopes, by the evening increase to 20. In the following days during the day, do three approaches, increasing their number every day by 5. In a week, everything will pass.


I Monural at a cystitis (an initial stage) drank one tablet, but then all the same I was cured... It is better to immediately take, or better still go to the doctor, and then later there will be wild pains in the abdomen. If you pull, you can earn a pyelonephritis and go to the hospital.


If it hurts, drink No-shpu. in the hospital you need, in whatever district you are!!! pain is the body's signal for help!!! you must know in the end: from what tablets to drink?? or do you have another body in stock? this is not a pity?? I would give a lot of advice, but you need to know exactly what hurts something ??

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