The first symptoms of maxillary sinusitis in adults

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Recognize the signs and symptoms of sinusitis in the home

Free breathing is one of the main signs of our health. Full penetration of air provides ventilation of the lungs and bronchi, saturates the blood with the right amount of oxygen. But often, especially in the off-season, our breathing begins to suffer. The reason for this can be multiple diseases:

  • sinusitis;
  • sinusitis;
  • allergy;
  • complications after the transferred infections;
  • disturbances in the structure of the nose congenital or acquired.

How is treatment of sinusitis with Azithromycin, you can find out by reading the article.

More often than not, a person has to face the most formidable enemy of the nose: the genyantritis.

What is sinusitis and its features

Sinusitis - an inflammatory-infectious process that occurs in the maxillary sinus

Before giving a definition of the disease, it is necessary to say a little about the anatomical features of the structure of the nose itself. It has several kinds of sinuses:

  1. subordinate;
  2. maxillary;
  3. wedge shaped;
  4. Frontal sinuses.
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From this article you can learn how to treat maxillary sinusitis without a puncture.

The accessory sinuses represent a porous mucosal surface that connects to our nose and larynx. They are closest to them, so most often the development of sinusitis begins with the infection of these sinuses. As the bacteria multiply through the air into the nose, they penetrate further: into the maxillary (maxillary) sinus. Remoteness from the withdrawing sastia allows the virus to settle there for a long time, to clog the mucus outlets and turn it into pus.That is, genyantritis is an inflammatory-infectious process occurring in the maxillary sinus.Sinusitis can affect only one sinus and is diagnosed as right-sided or left-sided, can flow from acute to chronic form.

From this article, you can understand what antibiotics to drink with genyantritis and sinusitis.

Predisposition and causes of sinusitis

Most often, the genyantritis is affected by people who have problems with a runny nose in chronic form. It can be as frequent colds, and periodic relapses of allergies. If you can not get rid of clear discharge from the nose for a long time, you have an incomprehensible stuffiness, then you automatically find yourself in a high-risk group. In some people, a tendency to runny nose is congenital, but it can be acquired.Therefore, it is important to discuss in detail with the doctor the situation and determine exactly the cause of frequent sinusitis.

Do not underestimate the sinusitis, believing it is aggravated by a more restful sinusitis. The mortality from sinusitis is almost as high as from diseases associated with the heart. In fact, the diagnosis itself already indicates that urgent help is needed. Many people ask: What is the risk of sinusitis? First of all, it is dangerous for its location.

With a negative development of the clinical picture and lack of treatment, pus easily penetrates into the cerebral cortex. In such a situation, it is difficult to save a person, but even if it succeeds, serious consequences remain. We must not forget: sinusitis is deadly at any stage.

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Since the nose is one of the three ENT organs, it almost always provokes complications. So, a person with a sinusitis can simultaneously become ill with laryngitis, tonsillitis, and otitis media.More often a genyantritis happens in a sheaf with an otitis.It's not for nothing that when treating a patient with otitis, doctors first look at the condition of the sinuses. Even a slight suspicion is enough to prescribe an emergency surgeon intervention.

Predisposition can suffer people with an irregular nose shape, a curved septum. But in addition to these primary reasons, there are other risk factors:
  1. wrong way of life;
  2. harmful work;
  3. smoking, drugs;
  4. propensity to frequent viruses;
  5. decreased immunity;
  6. autoimmune processes;
  7. rotten teeth (upper).

Therefore, it is important to determine the source of problems with the nose in time. Even if you have not yet met with the genyantitis itself, you need to exclude yourself from the risk group.

How to treat bilateral sinusitis in a child, you can learn from the article.

Primary signs of genyantritis

The disease comes most often unnoticed, as if unwillingly.At first, a person feels a slight malaise of a general form: weakness, an incomprehensible buzz in the head, there is a "cat's" sneezing.Sometimes there is layering of signs, for example, the flu came along with the genyantritis or provoked its aggravation. This takes a little time: the flu "passes" the bastions of immunity for several days. But also the flu is different, for example, some forms immediately cause exacerbation of respiratory diseases, beat on weak organs.

Headache with genyantritis can not be confused with any other.

Pretty soon the person feels a headache, and quite characteristic. Carrying it once, it is difficult to confuse it with any other headache later on. It brings a feeling of blunting perception, surrounding objects lose their clarity, noise in the head increases. Depending on the degree of disease and form, toothache shooting in the ear can be added. Eyeballs can hurt, eyelids grow heavy, sometimes they turn red.

How correctly to take antibiotics at a genyantritis Sumamed, it is possible to learn or find out having read through clause or article.

A bright indicator of sinusitis become discharge from the nose. When the disease mucus becomes less mobile, viscous, pushing it out of the nose is more difficult. As it progresses, it changes, turning into purulent discharge. At this phase, the patient's temperature rises, often quite high. The discharge may be a saturated yellow or green, in which case the color indicates an extreme degree.

With thick green snot, tight nasal congestion, severe headaches and temperature, you should immediately call "ambulance"!

Since all the ENT organs are connected, a person can feel a sore throat, dryness in the nose, discomfort in the ear. These primary signs can not be ignored.

After reading the article it will be clear if the maxillary sinusitis is contagious or not.

Diagnosis of the disease

It is impossible to diagnose the stage of maxillary sinusitis alone.The patient can determine the very presence of the disease, but only the ENT doctor can determine the severity level. Usually a person with suspected maxillary sinusitis is immediately sent to the x-ray of the maxillary sinus. This becomes a starting point and serves as a direct indication for emergency treatment. The picture allows to determine the degree of sinus involvement, to determine the complexity of the course of the disease.

Secondary examination is aimed at visual inspection of the patient and identification of possible causes of sinusitis. During the examination, the doctor examines the entire mucosa, determines its puffiness.

The article details how dangerous sinusitis is and how to treat it.

Methods and methods of treatment

It is necessary to understand: it is impossible to cure the formed maxillary sinusitis. And what's more, it's deadly dangerous to try to do this because the important time is lost. To date, the only way to completely cure sinusitis is to combine active therapy and puncture of the nasal sinuses.

Puncture rather simple procedure, completely painless due to local anesthesia. The patient is inserted a thin needle with anesthesia in the part of the nose where the sinusitis is localized. After full freezing, the surgeon makes a puncture in the wall of the sinus itself. Everything happens quickly, the patient feels only considerable physical pressure on the nose itself. Using a large syringe, the sinus is cleaned of pus, washed. Sometimes an antibiotic is introduced and this ends the operation.

What dosage of Amoxicillin at a genyantritis, it is possible to learn or find out having read through the given article.

If the procedure is carried out by a good and experienced specialist, then everything will go smoothly even in the case of the kids. Usually, after that, a special catheter is inserted into the nose for further lavage of the sinus. The patient remains in the norm in the clinic under supervision for no more than five days.

We are treated at home

Saline lavage - the first recommendation of a doctor for sinusitis.

How to treat genyantritis at home? At home, you need to do everything to prevent relapses of sinusitis and reduce the risk of its development. For this, a salt shower is the ideal solution to stop the disease at the very beginning. You can prepare yourself a saline solution and wash your nose. You can buy a special solution in any pharmacy and wash your nose with a regular syringe (without a needle).Washing with salt is the first thing that is recommended for sinusitis and sinusitis.

Of the drops, a local antiseptic is usually prescribed, for example, Miramistin nasal spray, Polydex, Isofra or other modern antibiotics for sinusitis. In their composition, antibacterial components, so they are particularly effective in the treatment of sinusitis. Drops with dioxin are also good help, but are only used for appointments.

Dioxin well penetrates into and kills bacteria, while hydrocortisone in its composition quickly removes the swelling of the mucous membranes and allows you to quickly restore the habitual breathing.

But in any case, therapy in the treatment of sinusitis is possible only in two cases:

  • at prevention of an active phase of a genyantritis;
  • after puncturing and cleansing the maxillary sinus from the contents.

What kind of drops in the nose with genyantritis children best to apply, you can learn from this article.


Watch the video master-class about the signs, flow and competent treatment of genyantritis:

Modern medicine has learned to quickly and effectively cope with sinusitis of any complexity. The actions of doctors are already debugged to automatism and therefore do not be afraid of puncturing. With sinusitis, only one thing is dangerous: the lack of proper and timely treatment.

Symptoms and signs of maxillary sinusitis in adults

The slowness of the voice, headaches, a feeling of heaviness in the forehead, a protracted cough, lacrimation and an unpleasant odor of nasal discharge are all far away not a complete list of symptoms that arise in most patients with such an unpleasant disease as the inflammation of the maxillary sinuses, with sinusitis.

Symptoms of sinusitis in adults are diverse and not always accurately diagnosed by a patient or even a doctor. The patient may suffer within a few weeks from nasal congestion, headaches, drink syrups from a cough and continue to work, without even knowing about the seriousness of their condition, and in fact the treatment of this disease requires not only a timely start, but also fundamentally different from the therapy of an ordinary cold or simple rhinitis.

Genyantritis develops when the pathogens get into the nasal sinuses located in the upper jaw. They are closely communicated with the bones of the orbit, the oral cavity and large vessels connect them with the central nervous system, so inflammation can easily go to the eyeball or even affect the outer membranes of the head the brain. There are two forms of the disease: acute and chronic. Acute antritis most often develops as a complication of rhinitis, acute respiratory infections or colds, and chronic is characteristic for people with weakened immunity, curvature of the nasal septum or frequent colds diseases.

Acute antritis

The first symptoms of maxillary sinusitis in adults practically do not differ from signs of acute respiratory viral infection, it is hyperthermia up to 37-38 degrees, weakness and numbness in the body, loss of appetite, worsening of nasal breathing and coughing. A few days later, more typical symptoms develop:

  • headache and heaviness, localized in the forehead or behind the eye sockets, with sudden movements, especially when the head is tilted to the right or left, the symptoms of the disease increase dramatically;
  • soreness at certain points - if the patient presses his fingers on the points on the upper jaw on the side of the nose wings, he will feel a strong pain;
  • because of the accumulation of purulent discharge in the sinuses, in the nasal passages of the patient you can even see with an unaided eye not pus leaving;
  • characteristic unilateral symptoms - depending on the severity of inflammation in the right and left maxillary sinus, the patient may complain of pain and nasal congestion or note the intensification of purulent discharge with only one parties;
  • redness of the eyes and development of conjunctivitis;
  • There may be unpleasant or painful sensations in the area of ​​the upper jaw, reminiscent of toothache or complaints of pain in the face, as if the "skin hurts
  • signs of maxillary sinus in adults decrease in the morning hours or after active bluffing, this is due to emptying of maxillary sinuses and their release from accumulated pus and mucus.

Given the early diagnosis of the disease and rational therapy, the symptoms of acute sinusitis gradually disappear, and, within 2 weeks, the patient completely gets rid of all signs of the disease. In the absence of treatment or its insufficiency, the acute form of the disease can go on into a chronic one or be complicated by the development of inflammation of other organs.

Chronic sinusitis

Chronic sinusitis can be present for years in the human body, which does not pay attention to frequent episodes with nasal congestion, persistent cough or intermittent headaches, but do not notice the signs of sinusitis in adults and do not treat the chronic form of the disease it is impossible. The constant focus of inflammation in the facial skull not only weakens the patient's body in general and serves as a source of internal infection, but can also cause otitis, conjunctivitis and other diseases.

Chronic inflammation gives few symptoms, they occur during hypothermia, decreased immunity, viral infections, the patient is observed persistent nasal congestion and a prolonged cough that can not last for several weeks after curing of the underlying disease.

It is worthwhile to think about visiting an ENT doctor and treating if the patient has the following signs of illness:

  • prolonged disruption of nasal breathing and decreased sense of smell;
  • a persistent cough that intensifies in the morning and almost does not disturb the day;
  • regular headaches and a feeling of heaviness in the head;
  • unpleasant smell and purulent discharge from the nasal passages.

Appearance of any of the above signs of sinusitis, this is an occasion to undergo examination with a specialist, only ENT - a doctor, using special equipment, can with 100% guarantee to deliver or deny this diagnosis and appoint the appropriate treatment.

Signs of sinusitis in adults

We often with frivolity concern a long rhinitis - a pier, no trouble, banal cold, itself will pass or take place. This neglect leads to the fact that many patients miss the signs of genyantritis in adults - a serious and dangerous with their complications of the disease. Let's understand what is genyantritis and its symptoms, how to recognize and cure this disease, without allowing complications. Armed with knowledge about prevention methods and be healthy!

Causes of sinusitis

Inflammation of the mucous membrane of the maxillary (maxillary) sinus is called a sinusitis. This disease occurs as a result:

  • disruption of normal nasal drainage due to congenital or acquired features of the anatomical structure of the nasal cavity;
  • infection with pathogenic viruses, bacteria;
  • an allergic rhinitis;
  • untreated dental diseases;
  • complications resulting from improper, incomplete treatment of rhinitis, ARVI, influenza;
  • regular hypothermia of the body;
  • decrease immunity.

What is the mechanism of the disease? Infection is introduced into the maxillary sinuses through the nasal mucosa, through the blood or in diseases of the roots of the upper teeth. The dimensions of these sinuses are much larger than the size of the strokes with which they are cleaned through the nose. The disease causes duct swelling and mucus is clogged up in the cavity. Such stagnation is an excellent medium for the development and spread of infection further into the tissues of the body under the mucous membrane, which without proper treatment threatens for the patient with serious complications.

The first symptoms in adults

If the nose refuses correctly, breathe freely, it is better to be safe and check whether you have symptoms of maxillary sinusitis in adults. At the beginning of the disease, you feel a general malaise, lethargy. The first signs of sinusitis - when there are unpleasant sensations of fullness, heaviness in the nose, in the nose or above the eyes. These areas become painful when pressed, the pain shoots when the head is tilted down.

Gradually the whole head begins to hurt, clear localization is lost. The nose is laid, in connection with which breathing is difficult, the patient is nasal, speaks in the nose. Allocations in the common cold are mucous membranes or purulent, but the disease sometimes passes without this symptom, if the outflow from the sinuses is difficult. In the acute phase of maxillary sinusitis, patients have a high body temperature - rising to 38 degrees and above.

Varieties of sinusitis and their signs

Classification of this disease is diverse for reasons of origin, area of ​​injury, severity of leakage. So, one-sided inflammatory process is distinguished (localized on one side of the face), but more often there is bilateral sinusitis. With it, both the left and right paranasal sinuses are infected, and the symptoms are equally pronounced on both sides of the face.

Inflammation of the maxillary sinuses for reasons of origin is classified into:

  • infectious - caused by viruses, bacteria, fungi;
  • allergic - a chronic disease, is characterized by periodic exacerbation as a reaction to the pathogen;
  • atrophic - causes a slowdown in the functioning of the mucous membrane of the sinuses;
  • vasomotor - develops when the work of vasomotors is disrupted, proceeds chronically;
  • exudative - purulent form of the disease;
  • necrotic - during the course of time, tissue necrosis in the sinuses occurs.

What are the signs of maxillary sinus after the inflammation? The stages of the disease are similar, so it is often difficult to diagnose a particular form. Today, doctors distinguish acute and chronic sinusitis, but in the medical literature, other types of this disease are identified. It is important to know the differences in the signs of genyantritis in adults with different forms of the disease.


Signs of genyantritis in adults at acute stage are pronounced. The pain in the region of the maxillary sinuses becomes constant, the eyes water, there is photophobia. Body temperature rises above 38-39 degrees. Consistency and color of discharge from the nose consistently changes: first they are transparent mucous - this is catarrhal sinusitis, then they become greenish, which indicates an inflammatory stage, and with the continuation of the disease, when the sinusitis becomes purulent, yellow purulent color tone. The stage of acute sinusitis lasts 2-4 weeks.


If you ignore, do not treat the first symptoms of the disease, the inflammatory process develops and passes into a subacute form - a transitional between the acute and chronic process. This stage lasts from 3-4 weeks to 12, with the symptoms of sinusitis smoothed and similar to colds, exacerbations are rare, which greatly complicates the correct diagnosis.


Talk about chronic sinusitis is when the disease lasts more than 12 weeks. During this period, the symptoms of the disease are more flattened, but they are periodically exacerbated. The headache almost does not appear in the morning, but by the evening it grows and swelling becomes visible under the eyes. There is an unpleasant smell from the nose and a feeling of bursting of the face. The main sign of maxillary sinus in adults at this stage is a dry night cough caused by the flow of purulent masses released from the affected sinus, along the back wall of the nasopharynx.


The diagnosis of "recurrent sinusitis" is put in case of a periodic transition of the chronic form to acute more than 4 times a year. It is distinguished either by sharply and sharply resuming normal symptoms, or by a new symptomatology. To prevent the disease from returning again and again, after the treatment is done, take a control image of the maxillary sinuses. It is checked that there is no accumulation of pus in them. Doctors by experience and by photo know what a "clean" X-ray should look like.

How is diagnostics performed?

Having identified the symptoms that are suitable for signs of sinusitis, for a specific diagnosis, contact a specialized medical institution. Establishing an accurate diagnosis begins with a survey. First, a superficial examination is performed, in which the specialist reveals swelling within the nose and reflex dilatation of the vessels.

To confirm the diagnosis, hardware methods are used: x-ray of the sinuses of the nose or their computed tomography, in exceptional cases - diaphanoscopy (examination using a light beam). When the diagnostic methods do not fully confirm the diagnosis, they make a puncture (puncture) of the maxillary sinus. A sample of mucus is taken for laboratory analysis, performing a seeding on the sensitivity to antibiotics.

How to treat sinusitis in adults

In order to overcome the disease in short lines and avoid relapses, they treat complex treatment of sinusitis. The doctors influence the causes of the disease and the symptoms. Antibiotics for sinusitis in adults - the main component of treatment. They act on the foci of infection, help stop its spread. The doctor determines the type of pathogen and, depending on this, selects the drugs. If mucus does not go away, mucoleptics are prescribed as ancillary medicines for sinusitis in adults. They help to dilute the contents of the sinuses, improve the outflow.

In medical institutions for the cleaning of the cavities of the maxillary sinuses make the procedure "cuckoo which is carried out as follows. The patient lies on his back, through one nostril a special solution is poured into him, and the accumulated mucus is sucked from the other. In order not to choke, it is necessary continuously to repeat "ku-ku-ku therefore such an unusual name of medical manipulation. A good folk remedy to remove stagnant purulent discharge in the home is to wash the sinuses of the nose with such solutions:

  1. 1/2 teaspoon of the kitchen salt add to 1 cup of warm boiled water.
  2. 1 teaspoon of sea salt and 1/2 teaspoon of soda mix well in a glass of warm water.

For better patency of the solution before washing the nasal cavity, it is recommended to use vasoconstrictive sprays, for example, "Tizin "Naphtizin". Nasal drops are used to relieve the symptoms of congestion. Common restorative effect on the nasopharynx organs is provided by aromatherapy - inhalations with medicinal herbs: mint, eucalyptus, sage, lavender.

In extreme cases, if the therapeutic effect is not achieved, surgery is performed by puncturing the maxillary sinus. It is made for pumping pus and administering drugs. The procedure is performed under local anesthesia. Sometimes, before the patient is fully recovered, catheters are inserted into the puncture sites to allow rapid medical manipulation.

Possible complications and consequences of sinusitis

Inflammation of the mucous membrane of the maxillary sinuses is an insidious disease, dangerous due to its complications. If you let the course of the disease on its own, the purulent discharge spreads to the surrounding tissues, to the nearby nerves, to the teeth, the orbit. In especially severe cases, the membranes of the brain are affected. Chronic sinusitis is often the cause of angina, laryngitis, tonsillitis, osteomyelitis of the upper jaw. In the acute phase, the disease causes neuritis of the trigeminal nerve. With the professional treatment of the inflammatory process, the risk of such consequences is small.

Video: how to treat genyantritis at home

With the timely detection of signs of maxillary sinusitis in adults and the appointment of appropriate drugs by a competent specialist, treatment of this disease can take place in an outpatient setting. Learn from our video useful advice of an otolaryngologist about the rules for identifying and diagnosing ailment, how to treat it, and prevent the health of nasopharyngeal organs:

Chronic sinusitis in children and adults

Chronic sinusitis, the symptoms and treatment of which are discussed in this article, belongs to the group diseases of the paranasal sinuses (sinusitis) and, in particular, is an inflammation of the maxillary sinus.

In its prevalence, this form of pathology occupies one of the first places among ENT diseases.

Causes of purulent, hyperplastic and other chronic sinusitis

The most widely known is catarrhal, chronic purulent maxillary sinusitis, and also a mixed form of the disease. In addition, the classification of the disease can be identified chronic hyperplastic maxillary sinusitis, polyposis and atrophic variants of the disease.

The immediate cause of the development in the sinuses of the pathological process, which later turns into a chronic form, most often become streptococci, less often viruses, anaerobic microbes and fungi.

However, the causes of chronic maxillary sinusitis can be seen from the other side: not from the position of the causative agent of the infectious process, but from the point of chronicization of the formed inflammation.

First of all, the transition to a chronic form is promoted by illiterate therapy of acute sinusitis.The non-observance of the therapeutic scheme is important:a violation of the dosage and timing of taking medications and other inconsistencies to the prescribed measures.

The chronicity of the described disease is also caused by the constant presence of foci of chronic infection in the nasopharynx: rhinitis, tonsillitis, etc.

Chronic sinusitis can form and against the background of the curvature of the septum of the nose, and with such formations as polyps and cysts, which naturally disrupt the normal movement of air in the sinuses, while stimulating the stagnation of mucus and breaking it Departure.

The development of the disease is influenced by the environment:the more gassed and dusty the higher the risk of getting sick.

Their role in the development of the described ailment is also played by bad habits, allergy and immunity.

Symptoms of chronic sinusitis in children and adults

SymptomsChronic sinusitis in adults and children are often erased or mild. This fact causes difficulties in the diagnosis and treatment of the described ailment.

The main manifestation of the disease is a chronic runny nose, not amenable to traditional therapy. Runny nose is accompanied by nasal congestion (more often one-sided) and other characteristic symptoms.

Often patients have complaints of pain localized in the head and depth of the orbit, passing in the prone position and intensifying with blinking. Dull pain can occur in the infraorbital area.

SymptomsChronic sinusitis include the morning swelling of the eyelids and chronic inflammation of the conjunctiva of the eyes. This characterizes the spread of the process from the maxillary sinus to the orbital walls.

A significant manifestation of the described disease is also considered to be a symptom such as a chronic dry cough. Moreover, this cough does not respond to therapy with the use of antitussive and expectorant drugs. The appearance of a cough for a given disease can be explained by an irritating effect on the pharyngeal region, which pus flows from its affected sinus.

Characteristic for the diagnosis of chronic sinusitis symptoms also include dulling of the olfactory function of the nose.

And the course and prognosis for this disease depend on the quality of the treatment used, as well as on the presence of structural changes in the sinus.

Exacerbations and complications of chronic sinusitis

Exacerbation of the chronic form of sinusitis, as a rule, happens after an infectious disease, for example, scarlet fever, measles, influenza, etc.

If the body is weakened by a factor that provokes an exacerbation, even the slightest hypothermia can occur.

In patients with a diagnosis of chronic sinusitis, exacerbation may be accompanied by the appearance of a rather intense pain in the area of ​​the affected sinus. When you click on this area, the pain intensifies. Such a painful sensation is often accompanied by bursting when tilted or abruptly moving the head, which can be, for example, by sneezing or coughing.

Often, the ill begin to tear from the bright light of the eye, due to which there is some photophobia.

The main danger of the described illness comes from the structure and location of the maxillary sinus. Thin walls of this anatomical formation participate in the formation, as well as contact with the membranes of the brain. Given this fact, patients with this disease always have the risk of spreading infection into the cranial cavity with the development of meningitis.

However, with the diagnosis of chronic sinusitis complications of this nature are extremely rare. Bole is likely to transfer infection from the affected maxillary sinus to the orbit, the fiber that fills the orbit, and also to the eye membranes.

This swelling of the process is evidenced by puffiness of the eyelids and a certain bulge of the eye on the background of severe pain.

In addition, chronic sinusitis in adults and children plays the role of a source of infection. Because of this, the described disease becomes the cause of frequent recurrences of angina, pharyngitis, and also can lead to the occurrence of diseases of the teeth or maxillary osteomyelitis.

With genyantritis, neuritis of the trigeminal nerve can form, which will be indicated by strong attacks of pain in the face area. Chronic rhinitis, which has appeared as a result of inflammation of the maxillary sinus, can cause atrophy of the mucous membrane and loss of smell. The disease can be complicated by the formation of an abscess.

Patients with chronic sinusitis, as a rule, are treated long and unsuccessfully for chronic bronchitis and other possible causes of chronic cough.

Treatment of chronic sinusitis at home with drugs

Chronic sinusitis in children and adults requires compulsory treatment, while it is very important that the appointment of therapy carried out by an experienced specialist.

Treatment of this disease should be complex. As a rule, physicians prescribe local or common glucocorticoids, antibiotics and saline solutions for rinsing.

Of all these groups of drugs, antibiotics are considered to be the most important, although the role of bacteria in the development of this ailment remains controversial.

Treatment in a hospital is shown primarily to patients with developed orbital and intracranial complications. In addition, patients with immunodeficiency and children need hospital treatment.

In deciding the question of how to treat chronic sinusitis, one should be guided by drugs that affect the various links of the pathological process. One of these means are decongestants. They cause narrowing of the vessels of the mucous membrane and thereby contribute to the elimination of edema, the reduction of local inflammation and the normalization of outflow from the sinuses.

The most popular drugs in this group are drugs that include oxymetazoline (for example, Nasivin or Nasol), phenylephrine (in particular, Vibrocil), naphazoline (all known as Naphthysin), xylometazoline (these are familiar to many Otrivin and Galazolin).

Care should be taken when using drugs of this group in patients diagnosed with chronic sinusitis. You can not tolerate treatment with these drugs for more than 5-7 days, otherwise there is a risk of addiction and drug rhinitis.

After the doctor has determined the symptoms of chronic maxillary sinusitis and treatment in adults, and the children are selected appropriate. And it is quite possible that to obtain the best result the patient will need to prescribe corticosteroids.

Such means for direct introduction into the nose (sprays, drops) are especially effective in the combination of sinusitis with polyps, a medicamentous variant of rhinitis and an allergic rhinitis.

Along with antibiotics, these drugs are key components of the therapy of this ailment.

The most well-known of this group of drugs are fluticasone-based drugs (eg, Fliksonase), beclomethasone (Aldecin) and mometasone (Nazonex).

In the question of how to cure chronic sinusitis, not the last role of the physician is assigned to the lavage of the nose. Used for this, saline solutions, moisturizing the mucous membrane, reducing edema and mucus viscosity.

Solutions may include a solution of sodium chloride or sea water. Most often in pharmacies there are Aqua Maris, Dolphin and Marimer.

The pharmaceutical industry also produces combined preparations, which, in addition to sea water, also contain vasoconstrictor substances. An example of such drugs is Snoop, which is a combination of sea water with xylometazoline.

How to treat chronic sinusitis with antibiotics?

Antibiotics for chronic sinusitis can be used only when there are signs of bacterial infection in the clinical picture of the disease. If this ailment has developed for some other reason, then the use of antibacterial medicines will not yield any results.

As a rule, such drugs as Doxycycline and Amoxicillin are used as antibacterial therapy for patients with sinusitis. Trimethoprim or Sulfamethoxazole is also used. If such treatment of chronic sinusitis does not have an effect, then the drugs should be replaced by others.

In the treatment of antimicrobial medicines, it is extremely important to follow the prescribed course of treatment. In most cases this is 10-14 days, but a longer period of therapy may well be required. It all depends on how soon the patient's condition will improve.

If you stop taking medication after a few days, then the manifestations of the illness come back and quickly enough.

How to cure chronic sinusitis at home using folk methods?

Helps with the diagnosis of chronic sinusitis and treatment at home using folk methods.

It should be remembered that a good help in the fight against the disease rest. And to dilute the secretions and improve the patency of the nasal passages, you need to drink plenty of fluids. It is better to avoid drinks with caffeine and alcohol, tk. they lead to dehydration, and alcohol also worsens the swelling of the mucous sinuses.

Sleep with this disease is recommended in a position with a slightly raised head. Due to this, it is possible to reduce congestion in the sinuses of the nose.

In patients with a diagnosis of sinusitis, chronic home treatment should include moistening of the sinuses. To do this, you can inhale the steam from the hot water tank while holding the towel over your head and trying not to direct the steam into your face. In addition, you can inhale warm moist air by taking a hot shower. Such procedures facilitate pain and help in the mucus.

Pain can also be reduced with a warm compress:for example, put a warm towel on the cheek area of ​​the nose.

Solving the question of how to cure chronic sinusitis at home, do not forget about washing.

Usually, for this disease, special devices are used to rinse the nasal passages:in particular, a syringe with a flexible tube or syringing. Used for washing, usually salt water. You can also rinse your nose with propolis.

Surgical treatment of chronic sinusitis

If even after adequate, properly prescribed therapy the disease continues to develop, then the treatment of chronic sinusitis in adults and children should be performed surgically.

Nowadays there is endoscopic surgery. Doctors using an endoscope first examine the paranasal sinuses, and then remove polyps and tissues that cause nasal congestion with a special tool.

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