Is it possible to treat eczema on the hands of folk remedies?

The appearance of eczema on the hands - an alarm bell about the state of health of the body. This unpleasant disease prevents you from performing the usual actions, whether washing dishes, typing on the keyboard, driving.

Each touch to the diseased area of ​​the skin causes unpleasant sensations. Hands acquire an unpresentable appearance, which hinders representatives of public professions: salespeople, managers, managers and others.

Ignoring the appearance of bubbles, cracks and rashes, a person risks to get serious problems. Eczema in neglected affects the middle layer of the skin, because of which other infections easily enter the body, pustules appear on the hands. The disease itself is inflammatory, and often becomes chronic.

Depending on the causes of eczema, several types are distinguished:

  • nursery;
  • professional;
  • microbial;
  • true;
  • seborrheic.
Article content:
  • Possible causes of
  • Symptoms of
  • Folk ways of treating eczema
  • What is not recommended?
  • Preventative measures
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Possible causes of

What causes eczema on the hands? According to doctors, eczema, mainly develops on the nerves of .A person, being in a psychologically depressed state, is vulnerable to many diseases, and therefore this is not the only reason.

So, eczema arises with prolonged contact with "hard" water - one that flows from the tap in any apartment. Heavy components, which are part of the liquid, negatively affect the delicate skin of the hands.

The next reason is the regular use of chemicals for washing and dishwashing .Powders, dishwashing gels - all this causes a strong irritation on the skin. Eczema may also appear in people who wipe their hands with a towel made from coarse linen cloth.

In rare cases, the disease manifests itself after an insect bite, an allergic reaction to products or plants. In combination with nerve tension, these causes affect the appearance of eczema. Dryness and increased skin moisture are another factor leading to the appearance of eczema. Again, if a person experiences stress, the likelihood of a disease is high.

Problems in the internal organs of also lead to eczema, the same applies to endocrine glands. Do not deny the harmful effect of physical exertion, after which the body for a long time can not recover, and therefore, to function in full force.

Autumn and spring, people suffering from eczema, lacks vitamins , which causes rashes. In such patients, doctors recommend to buy vitamin complexes in the form of pills or tablets. And finally, eczema can occur in women during pregnancy.

Characteristic symptoms of

The symptoms by which eczema can be recognized are divided into several stages:

  • , the skin first becomes inflamed, the patient feels an itching sensation, observes the redness of the affected areas;
  • then sore spots begin to swell;
  • after there are purulent vesicles, with a diameter of not more than one or two millimeters, if they are opened, a yellowish or transparent liquid will flow. Over time, the vesicles burst, ulcers form in their place;
  • until the sores heal, the skin becomes wet, then there is peeling, hypersensitivity and pain even from a light touch. Often, ulcers are like small scratches that bleed if you hold a sick place on any surface.

Having discovered these symptoms, be sure that your skin is affected by eczema. If you do not treat, through wounds in the body will get an infection. The above are only general symptoms, but we will analyze them and depending on the type of eczema:

  • children's eczema is characterized by the above described signs, with the only difference is that the disease then manifests, then fades;
  • with idiopathic eczema intensifies skin itching. Affected open areas of the body, including hands. First appear small bubbles, after a while they burst, in their place spot wounds are formed;
  • during atopic eczema the skin turns red and swells, bubbles. If you open the bubble, the damaged area begins to get wet. In continuation of the disease, the skin is dried and flaky. Atopic eczema is accompanied by severe itching during the period of exacerbation( autumn and spring season);
  • occupational eczema is caused by irritation of the skin area, which regularly comes into contact with the irritant, the symptoms are similar to idiopathic eczema;
  • microbial eczema occurs next to wounds or ulcers, affecting the horny part of the skin. Itching is almost not felt, the bubbles are festering, and then dry up, turning into crusts.

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How to treat at home?

In addition to using medicines, eczema can be cured at home. Here are a few simple recipes.

Recipe 1. For 250 ml of water, add 20 g of Leonurus. Drink infusion three times a day on a dessert spoon. You can replace the motherwort with Valerian roots, but in this case only 10 gr will be needed.

Recipe 2. To get rid of itching and inflammation with eczema, you can use the baths. Add to the water a decoction of oak bark, stems of mugs, a plantain leaf, a string and field horsetail. Lower your hands into the solution or apply a damp cloth to the sore spots until the unpleasant sensations recede.

Recipe 3. Well helps with eczema freshly squeezed parsley juice. Equally mix it with lemon juice, and rub into wounds. Also, the decoction of parsley root is added to the milk, and the resulting drink is drunk instead of tea.

Recipe 4. At home, you can make an ointment against eczema.200 g of sunflower oil is poured into a saucepan and placed on a small fire. Then add 50 g of rosin, a little laundry soap, beeswax and aloe plant juice. Wait until all components melt, and cool the mixture. Then lubricate the diseased skin.

Recipe 5. Tear off the branches of the young birch, soak them in water and boil, waiting until the water reaches the boil. Decoct the broth to a temperature at which you can not burn yourself, and put your hands in the liquid. Symptoms of eczema will go to decline after several such trays.

Recipe 6. Did eczema appear after contact with detergent? Preheat the olive oil by adding baking soda. For fifteen minutes, put your hands in the solution - the allergic reaction will disappear.

Recipe 7. For pure gauze or bandage, squeeze the Kalanchoe juice, then apply to the sore spots. After the first procedure, the symptoms of the disease will be significantly reduced. Especially effective in the fight against wet eczema.

What is not recommended?

Doctors prescribe compliance with certain recommendations for people with eczema. The patient should not overwork at work. It is necessary to observe the regime, to rest at a certain time. In the spring, try not to walk in places where there are plants with pollen - an allergic reaction will not take long to wait.

Systematically do a wet cleaning indoors, removing dust. It's better to get rid of carpets that are huge storage of dirt. Do not sleep on feather and feather pillows. From pets, too, have to give up - wool is an active allergen.

Do not allow detergents, dishwashing detergents, mirrors, glues, dyes, lacquers and other household chemicals to fall into the skin. .When working with such substances, wear rubber gloves and a medical dressing on your face. Make sure that there are no dyes in the shampoo that you use.

Wool and synthetic clothing should never be worn on bare skin - wear a cotton cloth underneath. Prohibit relatives to smoke in the apartment, if you smoke yourself - tie with a bad habit. From work on chemical production, too, if possible, refuse.

Extremely it is important to avoid stresses. is a condition in which eczema manifests itself immediately. Baths can be taken no more than twice a week, and not longer than twenty minutes.

It is necessary to revise the food. Patients with eczema can not eat oranges, lemons and tangerines, most berries, drink coffee and cocoa, eat chocolate and sweets, dairy and smoked products, a lot of spices, products from dough and alcohol. Contraindicated and sunbathing - the beach and solarium will have to forget.

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Preventive measures

One of the main rules for a person fighting eczema is compliance with preventive measures. Pay special attention to personal hygiene, keep the skin on your hands clean.

Instead of washing your hands often, clean your skin with gauze soaked in water with zinc, make cool baths with herbal decoctions. Noticing the inflammation of the hair roots, lubricate them with a 2% solution of salicylic alcohol.

In the case of seboric eczema, the use of antimycotic drugs is prescribed - they kill the fungus that causes the disease. To prevent the occurrence of childhood eczema, the mother and child must sit on a hypoallergenic diet.

Patients prone to varicose eczema need to use compression linen. It does not hurt to make an appointment for a therapeutic massage to exclude the appearance of diseases of blood vessels. Light athletes are also recommended.

Once a year it is useful to go to a health resort. A good state of the organism excludes the possibility of eczema, and mineral waters normalize the metabolic processes of the skin. In addition, ultraviolet rays in moderate doses produce vitamin D, which is also useful for skin. Therapeutic mud also helps the skin.

Workers at enterprises associated with chemical production, like housewives, should work to protect open skin areas. Thick rubber gloves will be enough.

Think about the psychological state. Try not to focus on negative aspects, breathe more fresh air. If there is no time for walks, ventilate the apartment several times a day.

Briefly summarize the above. So, there are several types of eczema. In most cases, the disease manifests itself against the background of stress, a weakened state of the body, in contact with irritants, in the role of which are chemical preparations, dust, other allergens.

People who have encountered eczema, for the further prevention of the disease should observe the diet, more rest and not overwork, both mentally and physically. Do not forget about personal hygiene, but take a bath is not more than two times in seven days.

The hand skin should be protected with gloves when working with household chemicals and hard water. In the treatment of eczema can help decoctions of birch, aloe, bath and the application of ointments from natural components.

See video on the treatment of eczema:

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