Lachrymation on the street: the causes and ways of treatment

The human eye is a very sensitive organ and reacts to any changes in the external environment. Sometimes a person is confronted with the fact that on the street he begins to watery eyes, especially in windy weather. In some cases it is a natural defensive reaction of the body, but a sudden or persistent lacrimation is an obvious reason to call an ophthalmologist.When it is necessary to sound an alarm during lacrimation?


  • 1Definition of disease
  • 2Causes
  • 3Symptoms
  • 4Possible complications
  • 5Treatment
    • 5.1Medication
    • 5.2Surgical methods
    • 5.3People's means
  • 6Prevention
  • 7Video
  • 8conclusions

Definition of disease

Lachrymation - the discharge of tear fluid from the eye. Usually, this phenomenon serves as a reaction to a strong emotional experience or the effect of various stimuli.However, in some cases, lacrimation may be a symptom of various diseases.

Tear fluid is produced by large tear glands located in the upper outer corners of the orbit, as well as by several small glands located in the arch of the mucous membrane of the eyes.

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Tears are physiological and fulfill their direct purpose, as well as emotional, arising under the influence of joy, laughter, pain or grief.

Lachrymation can be of two types:

  1. Retentional: occurs as a result of disruption of the work of the tear ducts;
  2. Hyper-secretory: characterized by an excessive function of the lacrimal glands.


The main causes of hypersecretory lacrimation:

  • Allergy;
  • Conjunctivitis, keratitis;
  • Chemical, mechanical or light irritation of the conjunctiva or cornea;
  • Colds.

To eliminate hypersecretory lacrimation, it is necessary to start treatment of the disease that caused this symptom as soon as possible.

Possible causes of eye retention lacrimation:

  • Dacryocystitis(inflammation of the lacrimal sac);
  • Constriction or infection of the lachrymal canal;
  • Pathology of the nasal mucosa(polyps, sinusitis, edema of the nasal mucosa, rhinitis);
  • The turn of the century.

Eyes are watering not only allergies. People with heightened sensitivity of the body often experience such discomfort in the street. Absolutely healthy people also suffer from lachrymation. In winter, the cause may be frost and a strong north wind; in the spring - the flowering of certain plants, in the summer - bright sun, dust, pollen, and in the autumn - beriberi, adverse weather conditions.

Additional factors of lacrimation:

  • Propensity to allergy;
  • Bruises and eye trauma;
  • Incorrectly selected glasses;
  • Hereditary factor;
  • Fungal lesions (demodicosis and others).

When the eyes are watery, the eye narrows in the body, as a result of which the outflow of tears to the nasopharynx is broken with further excretion through the eyelids. If this condition repeats, it is recommended to immediately consult an ophthalmologist who, after detailed diagnosis, will determine the main reason why the eye is wet. It is possible that the pathology is congenital, and getting rid of it will be much more difficult than curing the acquired eye disease.


If lacrimation accompanies any pathology, then there are additionally present such alarming symptoms as:

  • Pain syndrome in the eyes;
  • Feeling of rezi and burning;
  • Purulent discharge from the eyes;
  • Change in the color of proteins (redness, etc.);
  • Photophobia.

In this clinical picture, it is important to see a specialist; It is not excluded the use of antibacterial therapy for the destruction of the main causative agent of the disease. If lacrimation is the only symptom, then it is possible to eliminate it at home using eye drops or recipes of traditional medicine.

Possible complications

With constant lacrimation, in addition to discomfort and a decrease in the quality of life, maceration is observed, that is, skin damage, accompanied by reddening, crusting. Through an injured surface of the skin, an infection can enter the eye, especially if the person does not observe the rules of personal hygiene, use non-sterile handkerchiefs, napkins.


Treatment of lacrimation arising on the street is due to its causes.In accordance with the identified cause, therapy is also prescribed.


If the lachrymation is uneventful and stops after the eyes have adapted to the changed weather conditions, then treatment is not required. This is a natural defensive reaction of the body. In other cases, the following methods of therapy are possible:

  • When the dry eye syndrome is detected, the normal moisture level of the conjunctiva and the cornea should be restored.To create tear film it is recommended to use eye drops (for example, Lacrisin, Vizin, Gipromellosis, Vidisik) or gels (Korenrgel, Oftagel, Vidisik). Immunotropic, anti-inflammatory or antihistamines may also be indicated.
  • If the eyes on the street are tearing from overwork, then during work they need to give rest and perform special gymnastics.It is necessary to create the correct lighting in the workplace, and if you feel burning and sand in your eyes, it is recommended to use drops of artificial tears.
  • If the problem of lacrimation on the street is covered in the incorrectly chosen glasses for correction of vision, then it is necessary to contact an ophthalmologist who will choose a remedy for vision correction.Points should not cause feelings of discomfort, and to see through them a person should ideally, without distorting the picture.
  • If lacrimation on the street is caused by wearing lenses, it is better to refuse them altogether and go to glasses.Persistent wearing of contact lenses and disregarding the feeling of discomfort can lead to the fact that vision deteriorates.
  • Lachrymation can occur due to the foreign body entering the eye.In this case, rinse it with warm boiled water or running water. If discomfort does not go away, you should consult your doctor. Do not rub eyes with your hands, as this can result in injury to the inner layers of the eye and loss of vision.
  • To treat allergies, you must use 3 types of eye drops:antihistamines (Opantol, Lecrolin, Ketotifen, Azilastin), anti-inflammatory (Akular, Lotoprednol), vasoconstrictive (Vizin, Octilia, Okumil).
  • Conjunctivitis with the manifestation of lacrimation is treated depending on what they were caused. For the bacterial form of the disease, such agents as Vitabac, Sulfacil sodium, Fucitalmic, Tetracycline or Erythromycin Ointment, Gentamicin, Floxal, Lecrolin, Torbex, Okacin are indicated. In viral conjunctivitis, drops are used based on interferon (Lokferon, Ophthalmoferon), in addition, Zovirax, Okaccine, Allergoftal can be prescribed.
  • With tearing caused by rhinitis, acute respiratory viral infection, influenza, or other virus, the underlying disease is treated, along with which this symptom passes.
  • If the cause of lacrimation is a spasm of tear ducts, then you need to see a doctor.Most often in this case, a sensing operation is appointed, which allows to increase the clearance and relieve a person of discomfort and possible complications.
  • In case the cause of lacrimation is allergy to cold, it is recommended to avoid long-term outdoor stays.Before going out on frost, the face should be greased with a thick cream and wrap it tightly with a scarf. It is worth wearing clothes with a hood that closes your eyes from the wind. With the problem will help to cope and antihistamine drops - Azelastin, Lecrolin, etc. They can reduce the severity of allergy symptoms, including tearing, itching, redness. It is also recommended to deal with hardening, which will strengthen the walls of the vessels and increase their resistance to cold.

In addition, you need to adjust your diet, including foods rich in protein, vitamins A, B, C, potassium. This will allow the eyes to function better and adapt to environmental conditions.

Surgical methods

Surgical treatment of lacrimation is used in narrowing or complete obstruction of the tear ducts, as well as in the case of a pivot, ptosis, or twisting of the lower eyelid.With obstruction or narrowing of tear points, tubules and nasolacrimal canal, surgical intervention is aimed at restoring the patency of the tear ducts.Pathologies of the lower eyelid (ptosis, eversion, curvature) are corrected by an operation called blepharoplasty.

People's means

Traditional healers recommend every morning to wash eyes with tea leaves or make lotions from tampons soaked in tea. Many of these procedures allow you to permanently get rid of the problem of lacrimation without harm to health.

Other recipes from lacrimation:

  • Wheat broth.Dip in boiling water (1 l) 2 tbsp. spoon millet and boil for 10 minutes on moderate heat. Cool, use a decoction for hypersensitive eyes. This recipe allows you to get rid of increased lachrymation in the cold.
  • Decoction of chamomile.Soak in a glass of boiling water 1 tbsp. spoon dried leaves, let it brew, strain and use as a toning lotion on the eyes. Similar effect has a decoction of marigold, dog rose, thyme, cornflowers, plantain. The effect does not take long to wait, and the problem of lacrimation on the street will be finally solved.
  • Healing drops of aloe or calanchoe for supersensitive eyes.Squeeze the juice of one of the plants, dilute the concentrate with boiled water in the ratio:. Anti-inflammatory compress for a quarter of an hour apply to sick eyes.
  • Mint oil.It can be prepared or bought at a pharmacy. Enough 2 drops of concentrate, so that after a few days, increased lacrimation remains in the distant past.

These simple recipes will quickly get rid of increased lacrimation, and without harm to vision and health. However, before using folk recipes, it is recommended to consult a doctor and determine the feasibility of such treatment.


Preventative measures to prevent lachrymation consist in the following:

  • Protect eyes from foreign bodies and sudden temperature changes.
  • Correctly use contact lenses.
  • Eat more fruits and vegetables(especially with vitamin A), drink green and herbal teas that will improve vision.
  • In time, treat infectious and viral diseases.
  • Check your eye regularly with an ophthalmologist.

Eye drops Ciprolet

Eye drops for children are described in this article.

Hernia under the eyes: causes and treatment




As you can see, the causes of lacrimation are numerous. To understand them, you still need to contact the ophthalmologist, especially if this symptom does not pass within 2-3 days. The doctor will determine the cause of this manifestation and prescribe the appropriate treatment. Remember that tears can cause a serious illness, which at home can not be eliminated. And eye diseases must be treated in a timely manner so as not to disturb visual functions.

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