Eye drops from allergies

Eyes are among the most vulnerable organs of the human body and are often influenced by external stimuli. For a person prone to allergic reactions, the first signs of lesion are: itching, rash on the skin and irritation of the eyes. Externally - this is a strong redness, swelling and excessive lacrimation. Special drops from allergies can help to get rid of such a problem. To date, such drugs are sold quite a lot and it is therefore very important to understand the formulations and varieties of eye drops, because in case of failure to allergic manifestations can be added and other, unpleasant effects.


  • 1Varieties of allergic diseases and their main symptoms
    • 1.1Dermatitis
    • 1.2Conjunctivitis
    • 1.3Qatar
    • 1.4Edema of eyelids
  • 2Advantages of using drugs
  • 3Varieties of eye drops against allergies
  • 4Application rules
  • 5Video
  • 6conclusions

Varieties of allergic diseases and their main symptoms

The human eye is covered with a mucosa, the only defense of which is the eyelid.It is for this reason that the most diverse types of allergens can enter the eye, from pollen plants, animal wool and ending with dust in apartments, cosmetics and even volatile chemicals substances.

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As a result of ingestion of an allergen into the human body, a classic picture of an allergic reaction begins to develop. In general, the patient can observe such manifestations as a slight inflammation of the skin near the eyes and tearfulness, as well as damage to the optic nerve, up to the deformation of the retina.

All varieties of allergic eye diseases can be conditionally divided into groups:

  • allergic dermatitis;
  • allergic conjunctivitis;
  • spring catarrh;
  • angioedema of the eyelids.

Each type of allergy has its own characteristics and symptoms. Let's consider each allergic type more in detail.


Allergic dermatitis, first of all, affects the skin of the eyelids. This leads to the appearance of severe edema, redness, and the appearance of blister-type eruptions. Most often, the cause of dermatitis is the use of low-quality cosmetics, as well as people working in harmful conditions for eyes on chemical or processing industries.


Allergic conjunctivitis can take an acute and chronic form.As a rule, accompanied by abundant lacrimation and strong reddening of the eyes. When acute form of the disease is characterized by pronounced edema of the mucosa. Quite often there are full-blown conjunctivitis, which occur during the seasonal exacerbation. In this case, the patient as an additional symptom of a runny nose, skin rashes and heavy breathing.

Read also how dangerous is viral conjunctivitis.


Spring catarrh or keratoconjunctivitis manifests itself in the form of papillary growths on the conjunctiva of the eyelids.Typically, this kind of allergy appears as a seasonal disease, and suffer from it, most often boys.The main signs are: severe itching, fear of light, abundant lacrimation.

What does lacrimation say in the elderly.

Edema of eyelids

Angioedema of the eyelids refers to diseases of the allergic type, during which the intraocular pressure on the rapid spread of symptoms to all parts of the eyeball increases.In this type of allergy, the main cause is separate food groups, medicines, and the use of contact lenses.

Inflammation of the eyelid - features of the disease and recommendations for treatment


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Multifocal lenses - what is this you will learn by clicking on this link.

Colored green contact lenses http://eyesdocs.ru/linzy/s-dioptriyami/cvetnye-zelenye-kontaktnye.html


Advantages of using drugs

Virtually all eye drops have antihistamines of substances in their composition. It is these components that can reduce allergic symptoms, and even completely get rid of them.The main advantage of using eye drops is that they quickly enough eliminate the main signs of allergies and practically do not cause side effects.

Do not self-medicate and use the first eye drops. Preliminary it is necessary to visit a qualified allergist, who will prescribe a suitable drug after diagnosing the allergy.

Varieties of eye drops against allergies

To stop the development of allergies and protect the eyes from unpleasant symptoms, ophthalmologists recommend using special eye drops. The main task of such formulations is the elimination of symptoms of an allergic disease, namely: edema, burning, redness and itching, increased tear and pain.

All types of eye drops, depending on the composition and mode of action on the body can be divided into groups:

  • vasoconstrictive- can remove redness, significantly reduce swelling and are the drugs of the "first aid". Such compounds are allowed to use only 2-3 days. As an example, you can bring drops: Vizin, Okumil, Oktylya;

If you use drops for longer than the specified time, this can cause all the symptoms of the allergy to return after the drug is used.

  • antihistamines- this type of droplets can block the development of histamine in the patient's body, thereby stabilizing the patient's condition and removing all symptoms of the disease. Most often, drops are used for therapeutic purposes in the first place. An example of such drops are: Allergodil, Opatanol, Lecrolin, Spersallerg;
  • anti-inflammatory- drugs of this group in turn are divided into corticosteroid (hormonal) and nonsteroidal. The first type of drops is prescribed much less often, because it has various side effects. Such compositions include Dexamethasone, Prenatsid, and Maxidex;
  • stabilizers of mast cells -These solutions provoke changes in mast cells, from which histamine is released and limit its appearance. The drugs are designed for long-term use and work on the principle of accumulation. To such compositions it is possible to carry Кромгексал, Лекролин, Аломид;
  • artificial tear -analogues of tear fluid, which are used to moisturize the eyes in case of allergies.Such products should be stored in the refrigerator and used as needed.Preparations of this group are Vidisik, Natural tear, Systemin.

Virtually all of the listed formulations have side effects. Before you start using drops, you should consult a specialist, as well as study the list of contraindications and possible complications.

Application rules

There are a number of rules that should be observed when using eye drops. To make the drops give the desired effect, one should act according to the following algorithm:

  1. Before digestion, wash hands with soap and water.
  2. Check the tip of the dispenser for cracks, chips and other damage, without touching it with your hands.
  3. The head should be thrown back, pull the lower eyelid and, holding the second hand with the vial, bring it to the eyes.It is strictly forbidden to touch the mucosa with the nose of the dispenser.
  4. To direct the eye upwards, and then to drip drops in the formed pocket of the lower eyelid.
  5. Close the lid tightly.
  6. Rinse the remnants of the drug off your fingers.

Instructions for the use of hydrocortisone ointment for the eyes

Methods of examining the eye - a vismeter - what is this described in this article.

Symptoms of spasm of accommodation http://eyesdocs.ru/zabolevaniya/miopiya/spazm-akkomodacii-prichiny-simptomy-lechenie-kod-po-mkb-10.html




Allergic diseases can deliver a lot of unpleasant minutes to a person. Especially often allergies affect the eyeballs, causing tearfulness, dermatitis, itching and swelling. To relieve yourself of unpleasant symptoms, you need to take timely measures and begin treatment. Eye drops are an effective means to reduce the above symptoms, however, before you start using a particular drug should be visited by an experienced allergist.

Read also - conjunctivitis is contagious or not and how to wear soft contact lenses.