Cough with deep breath inspiration

Cough with a deep breath, tell me please what can it be?



Anything, up to asthma

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you need to stop smoking constantly ...

*** ~ mysterious stranger ~ ***

It's a trachea. Symptoms of acute tracheitis usually appear after the development of acute inflammation of the overlying parts of the respiratory tract. The most characteristic sign of tracheitis is dry cough at night and especially in the morning, as well as coughing attacks with a deep breath, laughter, crying, with changing air temperature. During and after a fit of cough, there is a sore pain in the throat and behind the breastbone, so that the patients try to limit the respiratory movements. In such cases, especially in children, breathing becomes superficial and rapid. Even a small congestion of sputum in the area of ​​bifurcation of the trachea causes another attack of severe convulsive cough. With concomitant laryngitis, the voice can be hoarse. With percussion and auscultation of lungs, there are usually no abnormalities. The general condition of the patient usually suffers insignificantly, the body temperature is often slightly increased, especially in the evenings; in children it can reach 39 °. Sputum initially viscous, mucous in nature, departs with difficulty in a small amount. Gradually (from day 3-4) it becomes mucopurulent, more abundant, it separates more easily: the pain when coughing becomes less intense.

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Sometimes, simultaneously with the trachea, the inflammatory process captures large bronchi and a clinical picture acquires the character of tracheobronchitis in which the cough is more painful and constant than with tracheitis, the temperature body above.

The most common complication of tracheitis and tracheobronchitis is the spread of the inflammatory process to the mucosa of the underlying airways. Especially dangerous is the development of bronchopneumonia in senile age and bronchiolitis in children.

The main symptom of chronic tracheitis is paroxysmal painful cough, especially at night and in the morning, accompanied by pain in the chest. Sputum in a patient with chronic tracheitis may in some cases be meager and viscous, in others - plentiful and muco-purulent. However, despite its consistency, it is almost always very easily separated. The course of the disease in the majority of patients is prolonged, with exacerbations.

Treatment of acute tracheitis should be directed primarily at eliminating causal factors and contributing to the emergence of tracheitis factors. The patient is prescribed mustard plasters on the chest, with symptoms of intoxication or the spreading of the process to the lower parts of the respiratory tract - sulfonamide preparations and antibiotics, in the form of aerosols, with painful cough - codeine, libexin, with difficulty in sputum - expectorants - the herb of thermopsis, althea root, licorice, etc., alkaline inhalation.

Cough with a deep breath what is it?



Physical manifestations
Coughing is a reflex action, an attempt to clear the respiratory tract from mucus or foreign objects that irritate them. The following description refers to a cough that occurs for no apparent reason, but not to a cough caused by asthma, influenza, laryngitis, etc.
Emotional causes
More or less frequent coughing for no apparent reason can occur in a person who is easily irritated. Such a person has too developed an internal critic. He should be more tolerant, especially towards himself. Even if the cause of irritation is some external situation or another person, the internal critic still falls on him. If sneezing is associated with what is happening in the outer world, then coughing - with what is happening inside a person.
Mental causes
Every time you have a cough for no apparent reason, try to stop and analyze what's going on in your head. Your thoughts change automatically and so quickly that you do not even have time to notice how you criticize yourself every now and then. This criticism prevents you from living a full life, the way you want. YOU ARE NOT SUCH AS YOU DESERVE. YOU ARE MUCH BETTER. Having realized the internal irritation, become more tolerant towards yourself. Treat yourself the way you would like others to be treated.
Spiritual causes and elimination
In order to understand the spiritual causes that interfere with the satisfaction of the important need of your sincere Self, ask yourself the questions contained in the material monadotherapy. Answers to these questions will allow you, not only to more accurately determine the true cause of your physical problem, but also to eliminate it.

Ekaterina Bochagova


Pain in chest with inspiration

Pain in the chest when inhaled can depend on a number of reasons. Sometimes chest pain when inhaled can be a sign of a life-threatening disease. And it happens that a person just pulled a muscle in his chest or sat in a draft. The exact cause of chest pain during inspiration and the symptoms accompanying the pain, as well as the treatment, depend on the particular disease.

Main reasons

Pain in the chest when inhaled or exhaled is one of the manifestations of serious lung, heart or vessel diseases, as well as injuries or diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

According to doctors, chest pains in lung diseases are most often due to disorders in the pleural membrane that surrounds the lungs. Any disease that affects the membrane of the lungs can cause chest pain when breathing. Between the two layers of the membrane there is a small amount of fluid that acts as a lubricant and helps to minimize friction of the lungs when they expand during breathing.

In the chest (its pleural membrane) there are also many sensitive nerve fibers. Any friction or irritation of these nerve fibers can also cause pain in the chest when inhaled and exhaled.

Pain in the chest during inspiration can be caused by gastroesophageal reflux disease. This condition occurs when the "juices" from your stomach go up to your mouth. In addition to chest pain, you may experience pain when you inhale.

Another obvious cause of chest pain is a bruise or fracture of the ribs. Trauma to the chest, injury to the ribs during an accident or falling from a high altitude can lead to fracture of the ribs. Such injuries most often cause pain in the chest during breathing, especially with deep inspiration. In severe cases, surgery is required, the application of heat to the chest or the use of pain killers, steroids and anti-inflammatory drugs.

Often, the causes of chest pain can be heart and vascular disease. Some of the most dangerous symptoms accompanying chest pain during inspiration are those that accompany heart and vascular disease. They can be a manifestation of a heart attack or other cardiovascular diseases. However, chest pain with inhalation and exhalation can be a manifestation of other diseases. Consider the nature of this pain in more detail.

See also: Chest pain with cough

Pain in the chest when inhaled: a clot of blood in the lungs

Pulmonary embolism is a condition in which one or more arteries that supply blood to the lungs are clogged. This is due to the presence of a thrombus in the artery. Pulmonary embolism can occur due to blood clots that are sent to the lungs, mainly from the veins in the legs, and get stuck along the way in the blood vessels of the lungs. They can cause pneumonia, which in turn provokes irritation of the nerves of the pleural membrane. And now, please - a person suffers from pain in the chest with an inspiration.

Pulmonary embolism (a clot of blood in the lungs) is one of the most dangerous causes of chest pain when inhaled or exhaled. True, it is worth noting that not all patients with pulmonary embolism experience chest pain when inhaled. Sometimes this disease passes asymptomatically, but this is no less dangerous.


Symptoms of this disease include sudden chest pain while breathing, shortness of breath, coughing up blood, blue skin, sweating, deep vein thrombosis, etc.

The type and severity of chest pain during inhalation depends on the individual characteristics of the patient. There are no two patients with pulmonary embolism who have the same type of chest pain.

Diagnosis of pulmonary embolism - the complexity of the process

To understand how pulmonary embolism is diagnosed, you should pay attention to the histories of other patients. Patients with pulmonary embolism are often placed in a hospital. Their medical history can provide an opportunity for another patient to understand how pulmonary embolism is manifested. You can find out about this by asking your neighbors in the ward if you are also in the hospital.

Pulmonary embolism is diagnosed with:

  1. Electrocardiography.
  2. Rengtography.
  3. Laboratory tests.
  4. Computer tomography.
  5. Angiography of the vessels of the lungs.


Pulmonary embolism can be life-threatening condition if you do not apply timely anticoagulant treatment or surgical removal of thrombus.

Pain in the chest during inspiration: pneumonia

Pneumonia is a serious diagnosis, which is put to patients with pain in the chest during inspiration and exhalation. Pneumonia is the most common diagnosis of patients entering the treatment department. Some patients with pneumonia also have chest pain while inhaling and exhaling.

Symptoms of pneumonia

  • The temperature can rise abruptly.
  • A person coughs, as a rule, with secretions from the throat.
  • There may be a hard, wheezing breath.
  • May disturb pain in the chest with inhalation and exhalation.
  • The voice can tremble.


  • Radiography.
  • Computed tomography of the thorax.
  • Blood and urine tests.
  • Analysis of sowing taken from sputum.
  • Bronchoscopy and biopsy.


As a rule, with this disease the doctor prescribes antibiotics. They are selected depending on the type of pneumonia and the cause that caused it. Often, inhalers and saline solutions are used to treat pneumonia with chest pains.


Pleurisy is an inflammation of the mucous membrane surrounding the lungs. Viral infection is one of the most common causes of pleurisy, but it can also be caused by rib injuries, the formation of blood clots in the lungs, lung cancer, mesothelioma or autoimmune diseases, such as rheumatoid arthritis or lupus.


The main symptoms of pleurisy are acute pains in the chest during breathing and coughing.

A person suffering from pleurisy, most often experiences pain in the chest with a deep breath, he just suffocates. Other symptoms include shortness of breath, fever, chills, and dry cough. Although a person can experience sharp stabbing pain in the chest, pleurisy can cause dull pain in the chest. They can be accompanied by a burning sensation in the chest.


  • Radiography of the chest.
  • Biochemical study for glucose, amylase, LDH.
  • Pleural biopsy.


As a rule, the treatment of this disease is always complex. The doctor pays attention to the symptoms and, depending on this, prescribes therapy. Treatment for pleurisy can include anti-tuberculosis drugs, immunostimulants, antibacterial drugs and sometimes - chemotherapy.


Pneumothorax is a collapse of the lung. The lungs are lined with a two-layered serous membrane called the pleura. The space between the inner and outer layers is filled with liquid. When air accumulates in this pleural cavity, the lungs are no longer able to expand during inspiration and there is pain in the chest. The pressure exerted by air can lead to collapse of the lungs.

A severe blow to the chest, punctured wounds or lung infections can make the body very susceptible to pneumothorax. Collapse of the lung can lead to the accumulation of fluid in the lungs, thereby causing a decrease in the level of oxygen in the blood.


Pneumothorax can lead to painful symptoms, such as a feeling of pressure in the chest, weakness, shortness of breath or chest pain while inhaling. A person can suffocate, grow blue and even die from lack of oxygen.


  • CT scan
  • Doctor's examination, palpation


Pneumothorax in the early stages can be eliminated on their own, but in severe cases, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Treatment in a hospital can include sucking air from the lungs.

Costal chondritis (Titze syndrome)

The rib chondritis is commonly referred to as pain in the area where the cartilages of the ribs are attached to the sternum. This disease causes inflammation of the costal cartilage at the junction of the ribs and sternum. Trauma of the chest during an accident, a severe blow to the chest or repeated minor injuries in the chest area are common causes of inflammation.

Inflammation of the costal-chest region can also be caused by pathogenic (pathogenic) infections of the respiratory tract.


The main symptom of this disease is dull pain in the chest with inhalation, exhalation and coughing, as well as high fever. The intercostal muscles of the chest help the chest to expand and contract during inspiration and expiration, so the inflammation of the costal cartilage often causes painful breathing. The intensity of pain increases when a person takes deep breaths. Pain in the chest during inspiration can also increase during coughing and sneezing or even just pressing your fingers on the chest.


  • Examination of the doctor by the method of palpation
  • Chest X-ray
  • Computer tomography and MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) are used only in rare cases


Treatment often involves the use of anti-inflammatory drugs and muscle relaxants, as well as physiotherapy.

Angina pectoris

Angina is called angina pectoris. Pain in the chest with this disease can appear from nowhere, it can cause severe stress - physical or psychological, or increased stress.

The list of symptoms includes chest pressure or chest flare and acute pain.

Pain with angina can be given even in the jaw, neck, shoulders and back. Other symptoms with a heart attack caused by angina include difficulty breathing, nausea, vomiting, sweating, etc.

The attack of acute pain in the chest with angina can last up to 15 minutes.


  • Blood test.
  • Biochemical markers for the presence of myocardial damage.
  • Test for glucose tolerance.
  • The study of the level of thyroid hormones.
  • Echocardiography.
  • ECG with physical exertion and at rest.


Having removed an acute attack of pain in the chest with painkillers and blockade, the doctor can prescribe a diet, refusal from smoking and alcohol, as well as β-blockers, acetylsalicylic acid, if not contraindications.


Pericarditis is an inflammation of the pericardium, which is a thin serous membrane surrounding the heart. Trauma to the chest area or systemic inflammatory diseases, such as rheumatoid arthritis or lupus, can be the causes of this condition.


Subfebrile temperature, malaise, severe pain in the left side or in the center of the chest, dyspnea in a prone position and cough are the symptoms by which pericarditis can be determined.


  • Medical examination.
  • ECG screening method.
  • Echocardiography, as well as vascular doplerography.


Treatment usually involves the use of anti-inflammatory drugs, analgesics and corticosteroids.

Test your symptoms

Consult your doctor if you experience these symptoms continuously or periodically. In particular, if you have already been diagnosed with a serious diagnosis of lung, heart or vessel disease. Be ready to answer these questions from your doctor.

  1. Do you think, can your chest pains be related to cardiovascular problems?
  2. Do you think your chest pain can be caused by lung disease?
  3. Can your chest pain be associated with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract?
  4. Have you had chest pains that pass, then come back?
  5. Have you recently had a chest injury?
  6. Do you experience chest pain when you breathe?
  7. Do you experience pain in the pectoral muscle or? Does this pain increase with coughing or deep breathing?
  8. Do you have chest pain and chills?
  9. Do you have chest pains and a rash on your body?
  10. Did you have mild chest pain without symptoms of a heart attack?

By the way you answer these questions, the doctor will be able to determine the disease that causes pain in the chest during inspiration, and also to prescribe the optimal treatment.

It is necessary to visit a doctor if you experience dull or sharp pain in the chest, chest pain with inspiration and exhalation. Severe chest pain, which develops suddenly, can be life-threatening, so when it occurs, seek medical help immediately.

Pain with deep inspiration

Pain with deep breath can indicate a pleural disease, the penetration of viruses into the body or heart as a source of pain. Although in many cases, pain with inspiration does not involve cystic or respiratory problems. Pain with deep inspiration can be strong and sharp or, conversely, pulling and weak. Why do pains occur with deep inspiration and what are the attendant symptoms?

What causes pain with deep inspiration?

The reasons for these can be very diverse, and each of the diseases differs in symptoms. Here are the most common causes of pain with a deep breath.

  • Inflammation of the membrane
  • Disturbances in the development of the costal spine
  • Shortening of the inter pleural ligament
  • Intercostal neuralgia
  • Renal colic
  • Damage to the ribs
  • Osteochondrosis of the thoracic spine

Let's take a closer look at each of these reasons that make us suffer from chest pain when we inhale.

Inflammation of the membrane

The membrane, which lining the chest cavity and covers the lungs, has a tendency to become inflamed. Most often this happens with pneumonia (pneumonia).


The causes of inflammation of the membrane, that is, pleurisy, can be the penetration of infections into the body, as well as trauma to the breast cells, tumors - malignant and benign. Inflammation of the membrane is primary or secondary, depending on the cause of the onset. Secondary pleurisy (inflammation of the membrane) is a process that is the result of chronic inflammation in the lungs.


  1. Pain with such inflammation becomes weaker when a person turns over on his side - the one that hurts.
  2. A person can not breathe normally, because with respiratory activity, pain can intensify
  3. Breathing may be weakened, because a person is afraid of pain and breathes less
  4. When listening you can distinguish between pleural noise
  5. There can be a low-grade fever
  6. Chills, sweat (especially nocturnal), weakness

Restriction of active movements of the chest

All this provokes pain with a deep breath, especially deep, and exhalation. As a rule, breathing is superficial, because a person is afraid of pain and spares his own body, trying not to breathe deeply.


  • Violations of the functions of the skeleton of ribs
  • Disturbances in the development or operation of the thoracic spine
  • Tumors of the pleura
  • Pericarditis, dry or purulent


Pain can intensify with active movements, deep breathing (inspiration and exhalation), a person has shortness of breath, difficulty breathing. The pain can be something sharp. That is not strong - its intensity varies.

Shortening of the inter pleural ligament

With this disease, it not only hurts during inspiration, but cough can also be manifested, and easy, constant.


Inflammation in the body due to invasion of viruses and bacteria, weak immune system may be the cause of shortening of ligaments. At the same time, they can shift and perform poorly their role in the body.


  • Pain with deep inspiration and exhalation
  • Constant coughing
  • Coughing is aggravated by conversation, active physical activity, running
  • Pain can be piercing, harsh

Intercostal neuralgia

This disease doctors define as the most "passive". When a person suffers from severe pain in the chest. They have the property of sharply increasing with a deep breath and exhalation. Symptoms. which are similar to the signs of intercostal neuralgia, can arise due to spasms of the muscles of the back - one muscle or several. Then the pain grows gradually and they arise, if the injured muscle is stretched, for example, with inclinations.


  • Irritation, infringement of nerve roots in the thoracic region of the spine
  • Infringement of nerve endings or their inflammation in the space between the ribs
  • Osteochondrosis
  • Spons
  • Psychological stress
  • Breast Injury
  • Strong physical activity
  • Allergy
  • Aortic aneurysm


  • Pain with deep breath and exhalation, similar to cardiac
  • Pain increases with movement
  • Pain is aggravated by sneezing and coughing
  • Pain increases with any movement of the body
  • Burning pains, in the form of an attack, occur suddenly
  • Pain can occur only on one side in the chest area, it hurts under the shoulder blades and even in the lower back
  • The pain becomes stronger when the palpation of the affected area - its direction can be determined along the nerve

Pain with intercostal neuralgia is not removed by taking nitroglycerin, as is the case with heart pain

Renal colic

Renal colic is a very painful disease. The pains that arise with it are characterized as intolerable, malicious, harsh, strongest. A person with these pains is inclined to experience great suffering. The attack of renal colic often comes unexpectedly, it covers the areas of the waist, abdomen. Before the onset of an attack of renal colic, a person may have pain in the kidney, at first small, then more abrupt.


  • Urolithiasis disease
  • Diseases of blood vessels
  • Inflammation in the body
  • Allergy
  • Kidney and urinary system diseases
  • Injuries
  • Tumor in the bladder and kidneys
  • Increased pressure inside the kidneys


  • Pain grows rapidly
  • Pain can occur suddenly
  • Pain can give from the waist to the thigh, groin, reproductive organs
  • Chills
  • Heat
  • Fever
  • The urge to urinate, which is extremely painful
  • Rapid heart rate
  • A sharp increase in pressure
  • Colic in the lumbar region - short-term or not passing for 2-3 days

Fracture of ribs

When a person receives a strong blow, his chest can be squeezed. Ribs are damaged, their fracture may occur. With such damage or injury, a person can feel severe pain with deep inhalation and exhalation, as well as coughing. Such injuries are quite common - bruises of ribs happen in about 10% of cases of body injuries. Since there are many vital organs in the chest, for example, such as the heart and lungs, respiratory damage can often cause pain and suffering. Chest lesions can be open (well visible0 and closed (when broken ribs or a damaged organ are not visible under the skin).


  • Injuries
  • Blows
  • Contusions
  • Falls


Severe pain with deep inhalation and exhalation, pain during palpation in the damaged area, chest soreness in the direction of depression (inward). Breathing with such pain can be superficial and short, because a person is afraid of pain. When you cough, chest pain can become dramatically worse. If the patient is sitting, the pain may weaken. It increases in standing position.

Osteochondrosis of the thoracic spine

Pain with deep inspiration can be a consequence of osteochondrosis of the thoracic spine. The thoracic spine, as a rule, deviates slightly backward (it is convex). Because of this, the load on the fragile vertebrae is distributed unequally, it is larger in the anterior part and lateral part of the spine. There, with strong physical exertion, osteophytes may begin to grow - small, but sharp bone processes.

In other parts of the spine, they usually hurt nervously the nerve roots, which become inflamed and strongly hurt. But in the anterior and lateral parts of the spine there are no nerve roots, so the chest osteochondrosis proceeds first without any symptoms of pain. But they arise because of violations in the joints, which serve to connect the vertebrae.

Between the vertebrae there are holes. Which can narrow and thus squeeze the nerve fibers. This occurs during vertebral dystrophy processes. Then there is a lot of pain, which increases with a deep breath. And violations in the work of internal organs exacerbate this process.


  • Disturbances in the work of internal organs (lungs, heart)
  • Nerve root compression
  • Wrong posture
  • Frequent colds
  • Dysfunction of intervertebral discs
  • Dystrophy of bone tissue
  • Prolonged wrong posture, sitting in one position


  • Chest pains that increase with deep breathing
  • Pain between the shoulder blades
  • Pain that increases with movement
  • Disorders of the liver
  • Disturbance of mobility of the spine, especially its upper part
  • Pain between the ribs

Where to go if you have pain with deep breath?

Pain with a deep breath, as you have already understood, is the cause of many diseases that can be diagnosed only by contacting a doctor. Therefore, do not delay the visit to the clinic to a traumatologist, neurologist or orthopedist, if the pain with a deep inspiration lasts more than a day and intensifies.

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