Causes and treatment of impotence in men after 50 years

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Erectile dysfunction is expressed in the absence of erection, sexual desire or ejaculation. More often, pathological changes in the sexual sphere occur in adulthood, many believe that it is impossible to restore the former strength. But modern methods of treating impotence in men after 50 allow us to feel like a full-fledged person again.

  • Causes of impotence after 50
  • Symptoms of impotence
  • How to deal with impotence after 50 years
  • Medications
  • Folk remedies against impotence
  • Prevention
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Causes of impotence after 50

Impotence - pathological changes, which violate the natural ability of the male sexual organ to come to a state of erection.

The causes of sexual impotence are different - organic, hormonal, vascular, often the problem is psychosomatic. Impotence can be both an independent disease, and develop against the background of other pathologies.

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The main causes of impotence:

  • stress, constant physical, emotional overstrain;
  • decreased production of sex hormones;
  • overweight or underweight, diabetes mellitus;
  • pathological changes in blood vessels and heart, hypertension;
  • liver failure against a background of severe damage to liver cells;
  • pernicious habits, infatuation with harmful food;
  • trauma and genital diseases.

Often, sexual impotence develops after strokes, injuries or diseases of the central nervous system. With such pathologies, nerve impulses penetrate worse into the tissues of the sexual organ. When the spinal cord is damaged, erectile dysfunction develops almost always.

Important!Doctors do not have a common opinion about the relationship between self-satisfaction and impotence. But most experts consider non-observance of the culture of natural sex to one of the main causes of sexual impotence.

Symptoms of impotence

The organic form of impotence arises against the background of various changes and malfunctions in the body. Characterized by slow development, problems with erection arise periodically, without proper therapy, the situation is aggravated. Sexual desire is preserved, spontaneous erection in the morning and during sleep is completely absent.

Psychogenic form develops against the background of neuroses, depressions. This kind of erectile dysfunction is characterized by a sudden onset, while a spontaneous erection remains, impotence appears sporadically.

Initial signs of erectile dysfunction:

  • absence of an erection while maintaining sexual arousal, or a weak manifestation of it
  • disappearance of morning and evening erections;
  • insufficient elasticity of the sexual organ;
  • a slight orgasm or his absence;
  • premature ejaculation - occurs against a background of venous disorders.

To confirm the diagnosis, the presence of 1-2 symptoms is sufficient, the more signs of impotence are present, the more prolonged and complex the treatment will be.

How to deal with impotence after 50 years

Treatment of impotence requires complex therapy, as the causes of the development of pathology are radically different. The choice of effective and appropriate methods is based on a thorough analysis of the reproductive system as a whole.

The main methods of fighting impotence:

  • psychotherapy;
  • hormonal therapy to increase the number of androgens;
  • vascular impotence requires surgical intervention;
  • mechanical stimulation of the penis with a vacuum - used as part of a comprehensive therapy;
  • injection technique - the introduction of special medications for the expansion of blood vessels in the cavernous body of the penis or the urethra;
  • drug therapy - most drugs for the treatment of sexual impotence have a large number of contraindications and side effects, they can not be taken for long;
  • Acupuncture - stimulation of certain energy points for the normalization of energy flows.

In rare cases with acute manifestations of impotence, the lack of a positive result after using various methods, resort to prosthetics of cavernous bodies - flexible prostheses allow you to fix the penis in a certain position.


Viagra and its analogues (Cialis, Levitra) are popular remedies for impotence. Drugs allow you to significantly improve the potency, but have many contraindications and side effects, are addictive. The medicine begins to function in an hour, the duration of the effect is 4-36 hours.

In the elderly, Viagra and other vasodilator drugs can cause serious cardiovascular pathologies. A safe dose of medicine and a regimen can only be prescribed by a doctor.

Omnadren 250 is a solution for intramuscular injections based on three kinds of testosterone. The drug is used to treat impotence, male menopause and infertility. The drug is contraindicated in cardiac, renal, hepatic insufficiency - so in the elderly it can only be used under the constant supervision of a doctor. The duration of therapy is 14-28 days.

Folk remedies against impotence

Nontraditional methods are often used in the treatment of impotence - medicinal herbs and plants help improve blood circulation and vascular status, normalize blood pressure and cholesterol level, increase libido.


Kalgan - for a long time the plant is used to improve the erection. To prepare alcoholic tincture, it is necessary to mix in a glass container 100 g of dry crushed roots and 500 ml of good vodka. Put the mixture in a dark place for 12-14 days. Take the medicine in a strained form 5 ml twice a day.


Schisandra improves circulation in the genitals, increases the amount of sperm, effectively helps to overcome impotence in adulthood. Mix 50 g of Schisandra with 250 ml of vodka, insist 2 weeks in a dark room. Filter, take at 0, 5 hours. l. three times a day before meals. A positive result will be visible after 10-15 days.


To increase libido, it is necessary to prepare a mixture of the following ingredients:

  • thyme - 50 g;
  • bitter pepper - 20 g;
  • honey liquid - 500 ml.

Thyme and pepper chop, mix with honey, the mixture stored in the refrigerator. Take 15 grams of medication 2 times a day.

At the first signs of impotence it is necessary to prepare a medicine from 6 g of crushed buds of cloves and 250 ml of hot milk - the mixture must be brewed in a thermos. After 2 hours strain, take 120 ml twice a day.


A worthy substitute for Viagra is washing the ginseng infusion. Pour 100 g of roots 500 ml of hot water, insist in a closed container for 2-3 days. Take 60 ml per day, to improve the taste can be mixed with honey, cinnamon.


To improve the body as a whole, you need to mix 150 ml of aloe juice, liquid honey and red wine. Mix the mixture for 5 days in a cool place, take 5 ml three times daily before meals. The duration of therapy is 30 days, if necessary, treatment can be continued in a week.


Even the most effective means of impotence will not work if the man does not change his way of life. It is necessary to intelligently alternate work, rest, exercise, sleep, eat right, less nervous, abandon addictions.

It is necessary to treat neurological, cardiovascular, hepatic and endocrine diseases in a timely manner, diseases of the genital area, avoid penile trauma and hypothermia. Refuse self-satisfaction, casual sex, sexual life should be regular.

Important!Hypodinamia and obesity are frequent companions of impotence.

Diet with sexual impotence is an integral part of effective treatment. In the diet must necessarily be present foods that have a beneficial effect on men's health - dairy products, honey, tomatoes, spicy and spicy vegetables, celery.

To increase the man's strength, it is necessary to mix dates, pistachios, almonds and quince seeds in equal proportions. Eat 100 g of the mixture daily. It helps to eliminate impotence fresh juice from carrots, pomegranate, watermelon, pumpkin, beets.

Sexlessness is a serious psychological trauma for men. But with the observance of preventive measures, timely diagnosis and proper treatment, you can regain your masculine strength, continue to enjoy all the joys of sexual life.