Okapin (eye drops) - instructions and key features of the application

The market has a large number of different types of eye drops, which are very easy to get confused. It is not clear which of them are effective and which are not, and it is also unclear what is best to apply in what specific situations. Take at least a drop of Okapin. They are on hearing, but it is not very clear how to apply them and what should be remembered. Below, instructions will be given to these drops, as well as important nuances that must be remembered for their effective application.


  • 1Description of the preparation
  • 2Pharmacological action and group
  • 3Indications and contraindications in use
    • 3.1In pregnancy
    • 3.2To small children
  • 4Possible complications caused by the drug
  • 5Video
  • 6conclusions

Description of the preparation

Okapin is a solution of eye drops, which is inherently a vitamin topical (BAD).It can be used to prevent eye diseases and to maintain their overall health.

Contrary to common stereotypes, the drug is not a medicinal product and does not have a therapeutic effect. Therefore, the drug can not be prescribed for therapeutic purposes - and it is unlikely that it will be advised doctor, if you have real problems with the eyes that require therapy and prompt elimination.

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The drug is completely transparent.It is sold in special bottles-droppers of 10 ml, and it includes natural honey, aloe extract, lycopene, vitamins B2 and B6, as well as benzalkonium chloride.

The use of these drops may differ depending on the specific situation, but it is usually recommended use 2-3 drops in each eye conjunctival daily during the minimum course of treatment in two of the week.

If the vial of this solution was opened, but was not used up to the end, it should be placed in the refrigerator, where it should be stored without freezing. The maximum shelf-life of the drug, if all storage conditions specified in its instructions are observed, is no more than 6 months.

Pharmacological action and group

Since the drug is a dietary supplement, its beneficial properties are determined by the properties of those constituent elements that are included in its composition. Let's consider separately:

  • Natural honey.Famous for the presence of antioxidants and angioprotective properties. It helps to feed the tissues and cells of the eye, improving their general condition. As a result, there is an increase in visual acuity. Honey has antiviral, antifungal and antibacterial properties. It also has many different active ingredients, including amino acids, trace elements and vitamins, which have a positive effect on tissues. Of the minuses, it can be noted that he is a strong allergen, so you need to be more careful with him.
  • Lycopene.It is an antioxidant that helps protect tissues from ionizing effects, that is, from the excessive influence of sunlight and radiation from various devices. As a result, the aging of cells slows down, and energy processes noticeably improve.
  • Aloe extract.It has antiviral, anti-inflammatory and bactericidal properties. Helps to seriously increase the resistance of cells to the effects of various agents that cause them damage.
  • B vitamins.This, again, possesses antioxidant properties of substances that help form visual impulses, strengthen nerve cells, fibers, normalize vascular permeability. Especially important is vitamin B2, the so-called riboflavin, which protects the retina from the effects of ultraviolet rays.
  • Chloride of benzalkonium.This antiseptic and preservative, which has antiprotozoal, antiviral and antifungal action.

Although it seems that the set of substances in these drops is so wide that it makes them curative, in fact it is worth noting that all these substances have more protective, preventive and restorative properties, without full-fledged treatment can not do.

Indications and contraindications in use

Okapin is recommended for a wide range of ophthalmic problems, among which are the following:

  • deterioration of vision (absolutely of any category, both in the direction of myopia, and farsightedness);
  • inadequate moisturizing of the eyes of different etiologies;
  • severe impairment of vision in the dark - night blindness;
  • various types of vitreous disease;
  • inflammatory processes in the eye area, including conjunctivitis, keratitis, barley and others;
  • age-related degenerative diseases of the cornea and retina;
  • cataract;
  • glaucoma in the early stages;
  • traumatic and radiation injuries of the eyes(used as part of complex restorative therapy, but not separately);
  • corneal dystrophy.

Absolute contraindication for the use of Okapine is the intolerance of any of the components of this product.

We also recommend that you read the instructions for the use of eye drops Emoxipine.

Also, during the introduction of drops into the eyes and 20-30 minutes after that, contact lenses can not be used, since the drug can be adsorbed with them. The reason for this is the presence of benzalkonium chloride.

In pregnancy

Although Okapin does not have components that are potentially harmful to the mother and child, specialized studies on the evaluation of the effect of the drug on pregnant and lactating women, fetuses and infants were conducted.Therefore, with a child or a woman engaged in HS, be sure to consult an ophthalmologist who will assess whether it is necessary to use Okapina.

To small children

As for children, it should be remembered that the honey that is part of Okapin is a strong allergen. Therefore, if the baby has his intolerance or he is inclined to allergic reactions in principle, then there can be no question of any use of this remedy.In other cases, the use of the drug is permissible, but preliminary consultation with pediatrician and ophthalmologist who can advise more suitable for a sensitive child's body treatment.

Possible complications caused by the drug

There is no information about serious side effects or overdose of Okapin.Everything, than in rare cases can be fraught with reception of this preparation - an allergic reaction.In this case, a burning sensation and itching appear in the eyes, there is increased tearing, redness can appear on the eyelids. When these symptoms appear, the use of the product is immediately stopped, the eyes are abundantly washed with clean water and, at the first opportunity, they turn to the ophthalmologist.


All about corrective night lenses

Treatment of pinguecula with drops is described in this article.

Color lenses for vision http://eyesdocs.ru/linzy/s-dioptriyami/cvetnye-dlya-zreniya-variacii-i-uxod.html




It is important to remember that Okapin, in its essence, is not a medicinal product in the traditional sense of the word. Yes, it can be effective in a number of situations, but still you should not rely only on it when there is a real serious illness.In such a case, it is important to consult with the attending physician and come to a decision as to what the most effective treatment can be achieved.But Okapin can still be used as a supportive or prophylactic remedy if, of course, there are no specific contraindications to it. If they are available, then it is recommended that Okapin be avoided, replacing it with more neutral alternatives.

Also read about such drugs as "Oko-plus" and "Nefapenak."

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