Aloe juice with honey from cough

Recipes with Aloe Cough

Almost in every house you can meet such unpretentious plant, as aloe. The flower has more than 360 species. Among the house representatives there are 4 varieties most often: the century-old, the variegated, the awned, the folded. Any of these colors has healing properties. The plant is used in the treatment of various diseases and ailments. Aloe juice helps cough very well.

The leaves of the home doctor can be used to prepare medicinal formulations at any time of the year. However, not all of them are suitable for treating a cough. You need to choose the lowest, thick and fleshy. They should be at least 15 cm in length.

Where can I get aloe juice?

Before preparing various formulations for cough, you need to prepare all the necessary ingredients. The main one is the medicinal juice of the plant. In order to get it you need to perform a number of manipulations:

  • Take a flower, whose age is several years. It is desirable that it does not water for 3-5 days (the concentration of active substances from cough in this case will be higher).
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  • Cut (or rather break off) a few lower fleshy leaves, very carefully wash them. They should be juicy, without damage, a healthy green color.
  • Dry the leaves with a paper towel or towel, put them for several days in a cellophane bag in the refrigerator. Aloe in the dark and cold has the property to accumulate the useful substances contained in it from cough.
  • After the necessary amount of time, the leaves should be removed from the refrigerator, cut into small pieces.
  • Before preparing the compositions, the desired amount of the plant should be put in a cheesecloth or a wide bandage and squeeze the juice into a container.

The leaves of the flower can be stored in the refrigerator for a long time. The main thing is that they are not in the open air.

Recipes with Aloe Cough

The huge therapeutic popularity of the plant is associated with its chemical composition. The flower has a bactericidal and antiseptic effect, it contains a large number of vitamins, phytoncides, resinous substances, enzymes, microelements, and also aloin.

For many centuries people have been using this healing plant. There are a lot of different recipes, here are some of them:

Juice of an age-old and honey put in glass or enameled utensils, pour a small amount of vodka at the rate: 1. The container is tightly closed and shaken for a few seconds to allow the contents to mix well. The composition should be infused for 10 days. Capacity should be placed in a cool place (cellar or refrigerator), make sure that it does not get direct sunlight, debris. After the required time has elapsed, a liquid of dark color is obtained. Use a mixture of vodka, aloe and honey from a cough of 1 tablespoon before each meal (3-4 times a day). Children dose is reduced by half. Such a composition is also excellent for stimulating the functions of various organs and systems, as well as raising immunity in the autumn-spring period.

  • Sufficiently effective is the following recipe with aloe from cough: the juice of the plant is mixed with honey in a proportion: and infused for several days in a cool place. This composition perfectly helps to get rid of reflex spasms of the respiratory tract caused by tracheitis, bronchitis, colds, inflammation of the nasopharynx. Tincture of cough from aloe is used at least 3 times and not more than 6 per day on an empty stomach. Eat and drink after this can be no earlier than half an hour.
  • As another fairly effective composition, the following components are recommended: 100 g honey, 50 g of cocoa, 20 g of goose or duck fat, 15 g of aloe juice, from cough, this helps sumptuously. All the ingredients should be mixed in a saucepan and heated in a water bath. In no case can the composition be brought to a boil. The solution is used as an additive in any tea: herbal, white, black, green, floral, karkade. Drink it 6 times a day, the last reception should be performed before bedtime. A similar agent is used with aloe from cough caused not only by colds and viral diseases, but also by tuberculosis.
  • Another recipe is also used quite often. It is necessary to mix in equal proportions juice of the century, warm honey, melted butter. Take the formula before meals 3 times a day for 1 tablespoon. After a week of taking the medication, take a break for 3 days, and then repeat the course.

Features of application of aloe and honey from a cough

Using the symptomatic treatment of reflex respiratory tract spasms of various compositions on the basis of the age-old, do not forget about precautions and existing contraindications. After all, aloe and honey are though natural, but not safe components, and, therefore, before using them from a cough it is necessary to get a consultation with a doctor.

First, it is necessary to do this in order to learn about the advisability of using this method of treatment. Secondly, it is not so rare, especially in infants, there are various allergic reactions that the doctor will necessarily warn about.

It should also be known that in the treatment of cough with aloe, there are a number of contraindications. It can not be used by people who have:

  • Propensity to bleeding or their presence.
  • Pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Diseases of the liver.
  • Dysfunction of the gallbladder.
  • Cystitis.

If you follow all the recommendations of a specialist and take into account contraindications, aloe will show itself as a wonderful assistant in the treatment of cough in adults and children. It can also be used for the prevention of various diseases that cause an unpleasant symptom.

Aloe for cough - prescription

The medicinal value of a house plant aloe is known to everyone, but not every woman knows how to properly prepare effective means from it. For example, having aloe leaves, you can forget about buying expensive tablets or cough syrups. In the pulp of the plant contain components that promote liquefaction and excretion of mucus that accumulates in the bronchi, as well as B vitamins, ascorbic acid, retinol, vitamin E. You just need to learn how to use aloe from a cough - the recipe for a curative home remedy is surprisingly simple, it takes a minimum of time and effort to make it.

How to get aloe juice for use from a cough?

Before starting the preparation of drugs, you need to make sure that several conditions are met:

  1. The plant should be 3 years old or more.
  2. Leaves must be torn from below, most fleshy, but fresh.
  3. Do not store raw materials, useful properties of aloe are quickly lost when in contact with air.

If the listed items are met, it is easy to get the juice - just thoroughly wash the leaves, grind them (any way), and squeeze the liquid through the cheesecloth.

How to make cough medicine from aloe?

The simplest means is a mixture of plant juice with honey.

The recipe for the mixture


  • freshly squeezed aloe juice, art. spoons;
  • liquid honey, art. spoons.

Preparation and use

Mix the ingredients. Drink to, h. spoonful 3 times a day. Store the mixture for no more than 12 hours.

Another cough medicine with aloe helps even from serious respiratory tract diseases (tuberculosis, pneumonia).

Prescription means


  • butter - 100 g;
  • honey - 100 g;
  • cocoa powder - 15 g;
  • goose fat - 20 g;
  • the juice of aloe - 15 ml.

Preparation and use

Heat oil and fat on a weak water bath, melt them. Mix the ingredients with cocoa, honey and aloe. Eat for 1 tbsp. spoon of the product 2 times a day during tea drinking, you can also drink the medicine with warm milk.

Treatment of aloe from cough: how to apply

Everyone has heard of a plant such as aloe. His leaves are filled with juice. The taste of aloe is a bitterish liquid with a strong odor. Aloe juice contains many useful substances and medicinal properties: vitamin C, mineral salts, macro and microelements, carbohydrates, organic acids, tannins and many others. other In traditional medicine, the treatment of scarlet from cough is well established. How to apply it - read below.

Treatment of aloe: a little history

More than three thousand years ago, the healing properties of aloe were discovered. In Europe, it was brought by Arab merchants along with their goods.

In Russia, aloe tree was traditionally referred to as a century-old and an aloe doctor, plants, healers, able to provide emergency medical care in the treatment of a variety of diseases.

Aloe treatment of various diseases

The great popularity of aloe is explained by the chemical composition of the plant. It contains vitamins, phytoncides, resinous substances, enzymes, a complex of macro- and microelements, as well as a unique substance - aloin.

Aloe vera juice also has antiseptic and bactericidal effects. When the wound is treated with aloe juice, it quickly heals. Means based on aloe juice are widely used in the treatment of all kinds of wounds and burns, trophic ulcers, abscesses, purulent skin diseases.

Aloe is the real "home doctor". Excellent juice aloe in the treatment of stomatitis, gingivitis. It is also used as a preventive treatment:

1. inflammation of the mouth as a rinse;

2. with chronic tonsillitis also in the form of rinsing;

Treatment of aloe is used, from cough and cold management to treatment of cutaneous tuberculosis and dermatitis. Aloe preparations have cholagogue and laxative effect, improve appetite and digestion, increase secretion of digestive glands. Any wound, cut, burn, herpes will heal faster if you attach to the affected area the inside of the aloe leaf.

Academician V. P. Filatov established that the treatment of aloe is a wonderful biogenic stimulant that can enhance immunity, heal colds, inflammatory diseases of the mouth, throat, eye diseases and peptic ulcer disease stomach.

How to apply aloe: recipes

1. To prepare drops for the treatment of a cold, you will need: 4 - 5 drops of aloe juice. Apply by digesting into the nostrils every 3 to 4 hours.

2. To make an effective tool for the treatment of gastritis, it takes: 1-2 h. l. juice of aloe. Application. Take 2 - 3 times a day for 30 minutes before meals. The course of treatment is 2 months.

In aloe leaflets, if they are broken and kept in the dark for twelve days at an air temperature of 4 ° to -8, then they form so-called biogenic stimulators. Aloe is successfully used in traditional and in folk medicine for bronchial asthma, anemia, with stomach ulcer, duodenal ulcer, chronic gastritis. And also with many other diseases, because it is able to strengthen the body's resistance.

Treatment of aloe from cough: how to apply

Quite widely, aloe juice is used as a fortifying agent with the addition of bee honey. Such a combination of components like honey, fat and aloe - from cough is the most wonderful remedy.

To prepare such a mixture on the basis of aloe from cough, you need 250 grams of aloe, 250 grams of butter, 200 grams of pork fat, 250 grams of honey and a tablespoon of cocoa. Oil and fat are melted on low heat, aloe is ground (blender, meat grinder). Then add honey, aloe vera, cocoa and mix. The mixture is put in a 1 liter jar, covered with a lid and stored in a cool place. When coughing and bronchitis apply to 1 tbsp. spoon before meals 3 times a day.

Aloe with honey: a recipe for cooking

Aloe vera in the official medicine is a biogenic stimulant, it is a very strong medicine in itself. Folk recipes for aloe with honey enhance this action. Hence, uncontrolled reception of this remedy in huge quantities can only harm the health.

Healing properties

The plant contains allantoin. It is a substance that moisturizes and nourishes the skin. Because of this, healing and renewal of the skin occurs. In addition, aloe helps healing various cracks and wounds on the skin, speeds up the renewal process. Also this plant has an excellent antibacterial effect.

The plant renews, nourishes and moisturizes our skin. It contains potassium, fluorine, phosphorus, sodium, manganese, copper.

In folk medicine, the plant is widely used to treat various diseases, there are many recipes. But, before using it, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with all contraindications.

In addition to traditional medicine, the plant is also used in cosmetology. Its juice can be frozen and such ice cubes used for the face. You can also add it to the shampoo that you plan on washing your head, in addition, to a portion of your face cream.

Let's consider in detail how aloe and honey are used in traditional medicine.


Aloe juice with honey is a recipe for healing has not one. The plant activates the growth and renewal of cells, and also has excellent wound healing properties. Together with honey, this medicine becomes even more effective.

Cough remedy

It is worth noting that with a dry cough, the following recipe for making aloe with honey will help you. Mix in equal proportions the ingredients, take one spoonful of this medicine. Store this mixture in a glass container with a closed lid in the refrigerator.

In various recipes, in addition, the wine "Cahors" is used. This we will talk about in the article below.

Aloe with "Cahors" and honey

So, we need 500 ml of wine and honey, as well as 300 ml of the juice of the plant. This all must be thoroughly mixed. This tincture must be stored in a glass container with a closing lid. It should be stored in a refrigerator where aloe and honey are not lost. This recipe is an excellent general restorative, it is used to treat bronchitis, with stomach diseases. Use a tablespoon before eating.

The recipe for tincture of aloe with honey

Of all the recipes the deserved success is enjoyed by the following tincture. It's easy to prepare, in addition to the already known ingredients, we will also need an alcohol-containing component. Basically it's vodka or red wine. We have already told about the last recipe, but we will talk about the tincture with vodka further. For yourself, you can choose and various other recipes that alcohol does not contain.

Aloe with vodka and honey

This "strong" prescription is used to treat digestive diseases.

To do this, mix, l quality vodka with 700 g of honey. Grind carefully, kg of plant leaves. We connect the necessary ingredients, mixing them thoroughly. Tincture is placed in a glass dark dish and leave for two months in a dark place. When the product is completely ready, it should be taken three times a day before meals. Initially, drink one spoonful of tincture, then eat a small piece of butter, after which only an hour to start breakfast.

And the second version of this alcohol tincture.

We also mix vodka and sliced ​​leaves in the same volumes. The mixture is placed in a glass bowl, then left for 20 days in a dark place. Then filter the infusion mixture and only now we add honey to it. This tincture of aloe with honey is considered an excellent tool for the prevention of various lung diseases, in addition, for the treatment of bronchial asthma, sinusitis and gout.

Cold remedy

There is another of the aloe with honey recipe. Cut, kg of leaves, add 3/4 cups of liquid honey to them, insist for a couple of days in a dark place, then add 750 ml of "Cahors" and another couple of days, insist.

This mixture is stored in a jar of glass in a cool place, apply on a tablespoon. This drug is used in ARI and colds.

Means for tracheitis and laryngitis

To prepare this medicine, you need to take 1 part honey and 5 parts of the plant. Carefully stirred up the drug take a teaspoon.

Aloe with honey: a recipe for cleansing the body

The following means is used to purify the human body of toxins. It is necessary to take 500 g of each ingredient - natural honey, butter, plant leaves, which must be thoroughly washed and gently crushed. Stir with oil, then about 15 minutes warm up in a water bath. Allow the mixture to cool, then add honey to it. Take before meals on a teaspoon until the product is finished.

Aloe with honey and lemon

This remedy improves metabolic processes in the body, strengthens immunity, and also improves digestion. It's easy to cook.

Aloe and lemon are taken in the same proportions, this all needs to be twisted through a meat grinder, with the lemon necessary to take the whole, together with the zest. The resulting mixture is poured with honey, stored in a refrigerator in a glass jar. Take several times a day on a dessert spoon.


Aloe with honey (the prescription of the ingredients from these ingredients is given in this article) is used in the treatment of gastritis. Liquid honey and aloe leaves are taken in the proportion:. In this case, the leaves must be crushed, then combined with the prepared honey. Use before eating on a tablespoon, while this tool should be washed down with a glass of boiled warm water. In general, the course of such treatment lasts no more than two weeks.

Wound healing agent

As is known, aloe is very widely used in wound healing, as the plant has regenerating and anti-inflammatory properties. Honey and aloe juice are mixed in the same proportions, the finished mixture is applied to the wound and then bandaged. The dressing should be changed several times a day. Store the mixture in the refrigerator.

Remedy for angina pectoris

A prepared mixture of 300 g of honey, 500 g of walnuts, 100 g of aloe, as well as 1-2 lemons juice is used half an hour before meals on a tablespoon. With angina, the treatment course will be one month.

Bronchitis, tuberculosis

With tuberculosis and bronchitis applied from aloe vera with honey the recipe is as follows. Fresh juice of the plant must be kept warm, then mixed with goose fat and honey. Fat, butter, cocoa, honey, you need to take 100 grams, in addition, 15 grams of aloe. Mix the ingredients gently and preheat, while not boiling until boiling. A tablespoon of the finished mixture should be diluted in a glass of tea or hot milk and drink in the evening and in the morning.

Means for tuberculosis

A prepared mixture of 350 ml of "Cahors 152 g of aloe and 52 g of honey should be insisted for a week in a warm place. Apply on a tablespoon.

This is a very strong ancient means of taking patients with heart diseases.

You will need kg of liquid honey, a glass of chopped aloe, 100 g of vegetable oil, 150 g of birch buds, lime blossom (50 g), two glasses of water.

It is necessary to melt the honey in a small saucepan, add to it aloe and carefully boil it. Brew in two glasses of water birch buds and linden color, boil for a couple of minutes, squeeze the juice and pour into a saucepan. Pour the mixture into 2 containers, each adding 50 g of vegetable oil. Apply on a tablespoon, shaking each time before taking.

Remedy for chronic tonsillitis

In chronic tonsillitis children are usually fasted on an empty stomach daily palatine tonsils with the following remedy. How to make aloe with honey for these purposes? Everything is very simple. A mixture of natural honey and aloe juice for 2 weeks lubricate the tonsils, in the next 2 weeks, this procedure is performed after a day.

Remedy for constipation

Aloe vera juice is used as a laxative, which enhances intestinal peristalsis. To do this, chop 150 grams of leaves of the plant, pour them 300 g of warm honey, then insist for a day. Further warm up and take 5-10 g an hour before meals.

In small amounts, aloe juice helps digestion, as well as stimulation of appetite.

Remedy for chronic constipation and gastritis

Stir in the same proportions honey with aloe juice. Use the remedy before meals on a teaspoon for three weeks.

A way of preparation of juice from an aloe

It should be understood that a flower that is at least 3 years old, preferably a 5-year-old plant, is suitable for treatment. If you are thinking about how to make aloe with honey, then you need to consider that the plant does not need to be watered for about two weeks.

Lower thick leaves are cut for treatment. They must be thoroughly washed, then finely chopped. Put in gauze, then squeeze the juice. It is prepared right before use, for the time being it is not harvested.


Despite a huge number of recipes, honey and aloe have a lot of contraindications:

  • can not be used during pregnancy;
  • it is contraindicated to use the remedy for allergies to aloe or honey;
  • such drugs are contraindicated for people with fibrous formations and benign tumors;
  • during exacerbation of liver, kidney, urinary and gallbladder diseases;
  • with various bleedings: uterine, gastric, hemorrhoidal.

The remedy is in fact an excellent remedy for various diseases, although before use any traditional remedy based on honey and aloe, be sure to consult with specialist. Remember that these medicines contain very active substances, and take them with extreme caution.

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