Purpose and use of Polynadim

Polynadim is a drug used in ophthalmology as a complex active drug against the symptoms of allergies and diseases accompanying them. The drug does not have a lot of contraindications and side effects, which allows using it for the prevention and treatment of diseases of virtually all categories of patients.


  • 1Description of the preparation
  • 2Pharmacological action and group
  • 3Indications and contraindications in use
    • 3.1In pregnancy
    • 3.2To small children
  • 4Possible complications caused by the drug
  • 5Video
  • 6conclusions

Description of the preparation

The main constituents of the drug are naphazoline and diphenhydramine.Thanks to them, Polynadym is prescribed as a medicine against inflammation and symptoms of allergic reactions.

Polinadim Drops have antihistamine and antiallergic effects

The drug is sold in pharmacies in plastic bottles for ten milliliters and is dispensed on prescription.Shelf life of the closed package is two years.

Pharmacological action and group

Intended for topical application in ophthalmology.

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Diphenhydramine has antihistamine and anti-allergic effect, relieves unpleasant sensation, swelling and excessive lacrimation.

Naphazoline, in turn, is known as a vasoconstrictor component.It removes unpleasant sensations, redness and marked puffiness.

Nafazolin belongs to the category of substances that are addictive. Therefore, long-term use of the drug is not recommended.

Indications and contraindications in use

Polynadym is prescribed by the oculist when:

  • Symptoms of acute allergic inflammation of the conjunctiva;
  • Infectious diseases that occur against the background of allergies.

Also, the solution is prescribed as an additional component in combination with the basic means.

Application:one to two drops every three hours until the main symptoms of allergy disappear. Before carrying out the instillation procedure, you should wash your eyes and wash your hands and face. It is also important to adopt a comfortable position and tilt the head, which will contribute to the precise entry of the composition into the conjunctival sac.

If after three days after the start of treatment no results are achieved, it is necessary to suspend the use of Polynadym and contact the attending physician.

Eye drops do not apply when:

  • Hypersensitivity to the composition;
  • Closed-angle glaucoma;
  • Dry conjunctivitis;
  • Atherosclerosis;
  • Hypertension.

The use of drops in diseases of the kidneys, bronchial asthma, cardiovascular diseases, as well as in old age should be done only with the careful supervision of the doctor.

Wearing soft contact lenses is not recommended.. In case of impossibility to refuse them, they should be removed before burying. You can wear it only fifteen minutes after the procedure.

In pregnancy

Taking eye drops during pregnancy should be under close supervision of a doctor. In case of allergic reactions and worsening of health, use should be stopped.

To small children

Polynadym is used in pediatrics. Contraindication in this case is the children's age to two years. Up to eighteen years, the drug is prescribed one to two drops per day.

Possible complications caused by the drug

Overdosage of the drug with proper local application is unlikely.Joint reception with MAO inhibitors can trigger an increase in blood pressure and hypertensive crisis.

Possible side effects include:

  • Manifestations of allergy: pain, itching and burning, redness;
  • Increased intraocular pressure;
  • Impaired vision;
  • Dry eyes;
  • Opacification of the cornea of ​​the eyes.

It is important not to use the drug for more than five days.Otherwise, it can be addictive and its abrupt reversal will cause systematic redness, lacrimation and swelling. The use together with antidepressants can strengthen the initial effect of Polynadym.


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Ointments for the eyes from inflammation and redness http://eyesdocs.ru/medicinaoperacii/lekarstva/effektivnye-mazi-dlya-glaz-ot-vospaleniya-i-pokrasneniya.html




Polynadym is a popular and effective drug, which is available in the form of eye drops and is used as an anti-allergic and anti-inflammatory drug. In this case, the solution has relatively few contraindications and side effects. In addition, an important advantage is low cost. However, among its shortcomings, there is a high probability of addiction. Therefore, it can not be used for a long time.

Also read about such drugs as Blink Intensive and Quinaks.

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