Aksamon refers to the pharmacological group of cholinesterase inhibitors, is intended for the treatment of diseases of the nervous system.
It activates the transmission of neuromuscular impulses, improves the conductivity of excitation through smooth muscle cells and nerves. It also enhances the action of serotonin, histamine, oxytocin, acetylcholine on smooth muscle. The use of Axamon helps to restore the peripheral nervous system, which has been damaged by the use of antibiotics, local antiseptics, toxins, inflammation or trauma.
On this page you will find all information about Axamon: the full instructions for use on this medication, average prices in pharmacies, complete and incomplete analogs of the drug, as well as reviews of people who have already used Aksamon. Want to leave your opinion? Please write in the comments.
Clinical and pharmacological group
Cholinesterase inhibitor. Stimulates neuromuscular transmission and conduction of excitation along the nerves and cells of smooth muscles.
Conditions of leave from pharmacies
Without recipe.
Price list
How much does Axamon cost? The average price in pharmacies is at the level of570 rubles.
Form of release, composition and packaging
Aksamon is produced in tablets and in solution for subcutaneous or intramuscular injection.
The active substance in the composition of all forms of the drug is ipidakrine hydrochloride in the form of monohydrate. 1 tablet contains 15 mg of active substance. Excipients in the tablets are sodium carboxymethyl starch, ludipress and calcium stearate. In solution, 0.1 M hydrochloric acid solution and water for injection.
pharmachologic effect
The reversible inhibitor of cholinesterase directly stimulates the impulse in the neuromuscular synapse and in the central nervous system due to the blockade of the potassium channels of the membrane. Strengthens the effect on the smooth muscles of not only acetylcholine, but also adrenaline, serotonin, histamine and oxytocin. Aksamon® has the following pharmacological effects:
- improves and stimulates impulse in the nervous system and neuromuscular transmission;
- improves memory, inhibits the gradual development of dementia;
- improves conductivity in the peripheral nervous system, impaired due to injuries, inflammation, the effects of local anesthetics, certain antibiotics, potassium chloride, etc .;
- increases the contractility of smooth muscle organs under the influence of agonists acetylcholine, adrenaline, serotonin, histamine and oxytocin receptors, with the exception of potassium chloride.
Does not have teratogenic, embryotoxic, mutagenic, carcinogenic and immunotoxic effects. Does not affect the endocrine system.
What helps Aksamon?
This drug is used for such indications:
- The recovery period after organic lesions of the CNS, in which there is impaired movement, bulbar paresis and paralysis;
- Polyneuropathy, neuritis, myasthenic syndromes, polyneuritis, myasthenia gravis, polyradiculopathy;
- Complex treatment and demyelinating pathologies;
- Encephalopathy of various genesis, senile dementia and Alzheimer's disease.
The medical preparation is categorically forbidden to apply for angina pectoris, epilepsy, bronchial asthma, severe bradycardia, hypersensitivity, vestibular and extrapyramidal disorders, during pregnancy and lactation (lactation).
Aksamon should take under the medical supervision patients with cardiovascular diseases, thyrotoxicosis and ulcerative lesions of the gastrointestinal tract.
During the period of Axamon treatment, it is undesirable to engage in activities that require an increased speed of reaction and attention, and also, you must give up drinking alcohol.
Contraindicated in pregnancy and lactation.
Instructions for use Axamon
The instructions for use indicate that the injection solution of Axamon is administered subcutaneously or intramuscularly. Only the specialist determines the necessary dosages and sets the duration of the course of therapy. Tablets are administered orally. To start therapy in acute conditions should with the injection form of the release of the drug. Then proceed to a tablet form.
Indication | Single dose, mg | Duration of therapy, days | Multiplicity of administration, once / day |
Mononeuropathy, polyradiculopathy, polyneuropathy |
5-15 | 10-30 days | 1-2 |
Parezy, Bulbar Pallas | 5-15 | 10-15 | 1-2 |
Myasthenia gravis | 15-30 | 30-60 (with the possibility of repeating the course after 30-60 days of interruption) | 1-3 |
Atony of the intestine | 10-15 | 7-14 days | 1-2 |
Myasthenic syndrome | 15-30 | 30-60 (with the possibility of repeating the course after 30-60 days of interruption) | 1-3 |
The recovery period after CNS lesions of an organic nature with impaired motor function | 10-15 | 15 days | 1-2 |
Side effects
Taking the drug can lead to the development of negative side reactions from various organs and body systems, they include:
In cases of drug overdose, there may be such manifestations: arrhythmia, lacrimation, vomiting, a sense of anxiety and panic, spontaneous urination and defecation, feeling of fear, lowering of arterial pressure, narrowing of pupils, coma, general weakness, violation of intracardiac conduction, nystagmus.
In case of overdosage, it is recommended to wash the stomach, use m-holinoblokatory (methocinium iodide, atropine, trihexyphenidyl), to carry out symptomatic therapy.
special instructions
When treating Axamon should take into account the possible increase in the tone of the uterus. Studies have shown that side effects occur extremely rarely, in approximately 6.5% of cases. As a rule, they are mildly expressed and do not require withdrawal of the drug. Aksamon should be gently combined with other drugs.
Thus, simultaneous application with cholinergic agents increases the risk of a cholinergic crisis in patients with myasthenia gravis. Aksamon weakens the action of potassium chloride, local antiseptics and antibiotics. When combined with beta-adrenoblokatorami increases the likelihood of bradycardia. Axamon increases the strength of m-cholinomimetics and drugs that depress the central nervous system.
The main indication for Axamon is Alzheimer's disease of an easy and moderate stage. Ipidacrin enters the brain, it mainly accumulates in the cerebral cortex and hippocampus, which are susceptible to injury in this disease. The effect of the drug depends on the dose.
In diseases of the peripheral nervous system, the effect was noted in 82.9% of patients. Successfully used with neuropathy of the facial nerve (in complex therapy), while nerve degeneration with the formation of contractures of facial muscles was not noted. In patients with myasthenia gravis decreased ptosis, fatigue of mimic muscles and weakness.
Reviews of Axamone also concern the administration of this drug for cognitive impairment (memory impairment), encephalopathy, and polyneuropathy. In all these cases, the drug was effective, but the treatment was lengthy.
- "The drug does not help right away. The result was discovered at the end of the course of treatment "
- "... a very worthy replacement for dear Reminel and Exelon"
The drug is characterized by good tolerability - this distinguishes it from other acetylcholinesterase inhibitors. Treatment often was not accompanied by serious complications. The most common side effects were nausea, heartburn, epigastric pain and dizziness. These undesirable effects depend on the dose. After the discontinuation of the drug with a re-appointment, it was tolerated well. There are individual reviews that the drug caused excitement and insomnia.
Structural analogs for the active substance:
- Amiridin 20 mg;
- Amiridine tablets;
- Neuromidine.
Before using analogues, consult your doctor.
Terms and conditions of storage
List A. The drug should be stored in a dry, protected from light and out of reach of children at a temperature of no higher than 25 ° C. Shelf life - 2 years.

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