Heart attack: symptoms, signs in women and men, first aid

Diseases of the cardiovascular system in cardiology are the main cause of death of patients. In order to prevent a fatal outcome, you need to be able to recognize the first symptoms of a heart attack in women and men and correctly provide first aid in case of signs of cardiac dysfunction.

The pathological process in the myocardium is often asymptomatic at first, not manifesting itself at all, and can last from a few days to months. At the first sign of the disease, timely treatment is effective.


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Symptoms of a heart attack

It is not always easy to identify the signs of heart disease, if this is the first attack, they can manifest themselves in different ways. The first alarm is heart pain of varying intensity. In the asymptomatic course of the disease, they are also present, but cause a pressing feeling behind the sternum, a feeling of acute discomfort.

Therefore, you can not waste time, you need the help of a therapist or cardiologist.

Other first symptoms of a progressive heart attack are as follows:

  1. shortness of breath on a background of pulmonary, cardiac failure;
  2. impaired coordination of movements;
  3. dizziness;
  4. increased fatigue;
  5. sharp sweating with pain in the heart;
  6. instability of the emotional sphere;
  7. rapid pulse;
  8. fainting, confusion;
  9. stomach pain.

How and where the heart aches

It is important to accurately identify the attack, determine its cause, consequences. If there is angina of the heart, the painful syndrome is sharp and simultaneously burning, suddenly arises and disappears.

The task of the patient is to immediately call an ambulance, take a horizontal position, do not be nervous, provide unhindered access to oxygen and take a nitroglycerin tablet under the tongue. Before the arrival of physicians it is important to understand independently what is the cause of an acute attack.

Although here, it should be noted that it is not necessary for every heart attack to call an ambulance. Because people with angina pectoris know how to help themselves. The main thing that tablets of nitrates were with them: Nitroglycerin, Nitrosorbite and others.

Heart hurts and gives to the left arm

If the pressing feeling in the sternum extends into the left arm, then unstable angina of the relapse stage manifests itself. The pain attack gradually builds up, followed by sharp and burning sensations, deprives sleep and rest, progresses at night.

This symptom is supplemented by shortness of breath, requires immediate hospitalization. The relief comes only after taking medications, resuscitation measures.

Here it is possible to suspect the development of acute myocardial infarction. With him, taken under the tongue Nitroglycerin does not help.

Stitching pains in the heart area with inspiration

When a patient feels a tingling of the heart muscle during inspiration, such a symptom does not always apply to cardiology. Fractures of the ribs, exacerbation of the neurosis or pneumonia are not excluded.

Myocardial diseases also can not be ruled out, especially if the action of pain medication does not even provide a short-term relief. These diagnoses require medical involvement, home-based self-medication provokes serious complications with health.

Severe pain under the left scapula

If such a symptom arises, the cardiovascular system is not functioning properly. It can be an exacerbation of ischemia of the heart, aortic aneurysm, progressive myocardial infarction or microinfarction.

Nitroglycerin intake does not help, the patient is difficult to breathe and move, oxygen access and the presence of a medical team are needed.

Delay with resuscitative measures causes extensive foci of necrosis of the heart muscle, the patient can suddenly die.

Pain in the heart with a cough

In this clinical picture, there is a sharp deterioration in overall well-being. A chest pain testifies to unstable angina, intercostal neuralgia, hepatic colic and chest injuries.

Symptom has a paroxysmal character, progresses in an active stage and a state of complete rest. It is not necessary to exclude an attack of heart failure, which in a few minutes leads to a lethal outcome of a clinical patient.

Explicit signs of an attack of angina pectoris

This cardiac disease is characterized by a chronic course in the body, and often reminds oneself of painful bouts. Symptoms are as follows:

  1. burning pain in the chest, which spreads into the jaw, scapula, upper limbs;
  2. nausea;
  3. vomiting;
  4. increased sweating;
  5. rapid pulse;
  6. downtime;
  7. symptoms of hypertension.

If the unstable angina worsens, the patient needs urgent hospitalization, where detailed diagnostics will help to identify foci of heart muscle damage.

Signs of angina pectoris are similar, while complementing the pallor of the skin, changes in the heart rate and inadequate behavior of the clinical patient.

Symptoms of myocardial infarction

This is the most dangerous diagnosis of cardiology, which often becomes the main cause of death of patients-cores. To stop an attack it is impossible even after reception of a tablet of nitroglycerin. Poor state of health is very difficult to stabilize at a satisfactory level, resuscitation is required. The sooner, the more chances to save the life of the patient.

The symptomatology of the pathological process is as follows:

  1. cold sweat;
  2. a sharp drop in blood pressure;
  3. impaired heart rate;
  4. is an unconscious condition;
  5. misunderstanding of reality;
  6. pallor of the skin.
  7. acute pain behind the breastbone, giving to the neck, back, shoulder blade, arm.

Cardiovascular diseases are fraught with serious complications for health. If you have one of the diagnoses or if you are predisposed to it, you need to familiarize yourself with the proposed video, which describes the first symptoms of an increasing heart attack. This will allow timely recognition of the disease, ease the general condition and increase the chances of saving lives.

First aid for a heart attack

If the signs of a heart attack are present, a person must be provided with immediate first aid.

First, it is necessary to calm the patient, because he has a panic when feeling pain for the sternum and lack of oxygen. To ensure access to fresh air, you need to release the patient's chest( sick) from the restraining clothes and open the ventilation pans in the room.

The first aid for a heart attack is also the use of drugs such as nitroglycerin, which reduces pain and increases the lumen of the blood vessels( cardiac), and aspirin, which prevents the formation of blood clots. Nitroglycerin is allowed to give a person in the amount of 3 pieces - until the disappearance of pain.

It is necessary to monitor the heart rate - in the case of slowing or stopping the rhythm, an indirect heart massage is indicated. Also it is necessary to limit mobility of the person.

Timely first aid measures can save a person's life in the development of a pathology such as a heart attack, so it is important to pay close attention to the health of your loved ones, and not to ignore the initial stage of such a serious violation.

Treatment of

If men or women develop a heart attack, they need timely treatment. There are medicines for emergency medical care, and pharmaceuticals aimed at preventing the occurrence of its relapse in the future.

Usually patients are prescribed thrombolytics - drugs that prevent the formation of blood clots, as well as aspirin for dilution of blood, pain medications. In many cases, cardiopulmonary resuscitation is shown( when there is a stopping of breathing and cardiac activity).Defibrillation in such a pathology as a heart attack is used to "start" a stopped heart with electrical discharges.

The correct way of life for men and women, sufficient physical activity, as well as compliance with all medical recommendations after a previous pathology, reduces the likelihood of relapse and prolong the life of patients.

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  1. http: //sovets.net/ 5790-pervye-simptomy-serdechnogo-pristupa.html
  2. http: //simptomer.ru/bolezni/ serdtse-i-sosudy / 1719-serdechnyj-pristup-simptomy