Attack of pancreatitis: symptoms, treatment, what to do and how to take it off at home

Pancreatitis - inflammation of the pancreas, it happens in acute and chronic form. An acute attack of pancreatitis is characterized by a fit of severe pain.

Today we will talk about the symptoms and treatment of acute pancreatitis, as well as whether it is possible to remove the surrounding pain in the area of ​​the pancreas at home, is it safe? And what if the pancreatitis passes into the stage of exacerbation?


Acute attackpancreatitis: symptoms

The pancreas is the most important internal organ that promotes the assimilation of food. It produces many hormones and enzymes necessary for digestion. Inflammation in the pancreas arises due to the clogging of the ducts in the gland itself and the concentrated pancreatic juice, stagnating in it, begins its self-digestion.

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This condition is extremely dangerous, the emerging wild strong pain syndrome without its arrest often leads to shock and death of the patient. Therefore, talking about the treatment of an acute attack of pancreatitis in the home, which is stopped( removed) by a number of special emergency medical anti-shock measures, including the use of narcotic analgesics, to put it mildly, is not reasonable and dangerous.

Calling an ambulance is mandatory!

Nevertheless, we continue to be informed further. ..

There are two forms of the disease:

  1. Acute.
  2. Chronic.

In both cases, the inflammatory process of the pancreas is accompanied by acute pain. If there is no appropriate treatment and the patient breaks the diet, necrotic tissue is damaged, resulting in a person being killed.

In acute pancreatitis, the following symptoms often occur:

  1. pain in the hypochondrium on the right;
  2. tinea in the back;
  3. nausea and vomiting;
  4. bloated;
  5. lacks appetite;
  6. the pressure decreases;
  7. headache;
  8. there are signs of tachycardia.

At what, the pain can be slightly weakened, if the patient is sitting, he will press his knees to him. Even if the attack has gone through it is necessary to seek help from a doctor to avoid serious consequences.

Often, questions arise as to which specialist should be consulted in order to recognize the signs of acute pancreatitis. If these symptoms occur, it is necessary to consult a doctor-therapist who, after studying the patient's condition, will give a referral to the gastroenterologist.

He will conduct a study and prescribe a therapy for taking medications and observing a strict diet. If necessary, a consultation of the surgeon and other specialists will be necessary.

Treatment: First aid for acute pancreatitis

What if there is severe pain in the pancreas? Than to remove an attack of a pancreatitis in house conditions? Any person who has been diagnosed with this should know about this.

It is not recommended to take an attack of pancreatitis independently at home.

If you have severe pain, you should call an ambulance. In the hospital the patient will be under the control of doctors and he will be provided with the necessary assistance. After all, surgical intervention is often required. But there are cases when there are no medical workers nearby, the patient should take off the pancreatitis attack at home.

In such situations it is important to relieve the pain syndrome and find out why the pancreatic juice does not enter the other organs of the digestive system. Why there was a blockage of ducts? After the attack of pancreatitis is removed, the patient should be taken to a medical facility.

How to relieve an attack: First aid for pancreatitis in the home

  1. patient should not make sudden movements;
  2. is prescribed fasting, eating food can adversely affect the condition and enhance pain syndrome;
  3. water should be given every half hour for one-quarter of the glass;
  4. is prohibited from giving drugs containing pancreatic enzymes: Creon, Panzinorm;
  5. patient should be injected No-shpy or Drotaverina hydrochloride by 0.8 mg;
  6. on the area where the pancreas is located and on the stomach apply ice or any object from the freezer;
  7. the patient needs to sit down and tilt the body forward or lie down in the embryo pose.

All of the above is possible only in uncomplicated cases.

If there are bouts of vomiting, then you need to press two fingers on the root of the tongue. You can drink 2-3 tablespoons of salted water, immediately after that there will be a vomiting reflex. Usually, after vomiting, it turns out, relieve the pain for a while with pancreatitis.

Also, it becomes difficult to breathe during attacks, so it is recommended to hold your breath so that the fluctuations of the chest are rare, it helps at least somehow ease the pain.

In case of an attack, enzyme preparations can not be taken, as they can increase the production of pancreatic juice. They are recommended for taking in remission. How to remove the attack of pancreatitis at home, the surest way will be if you take a No-shpa pill or a domestic drug Drotaverina. If there is vomiting and nausea, then it is better to make an intramuscular injection of Papaverine and No-shpa solution.

Often, the cause of acute pancreatitis is dysfunction of the gallbladder, as a result of which the outflow of bile is disturbed. In this case, to relieve the condition it is recommended to drink 2 tablets of Alohol three times a day. However, if there are stones in the kidneys, this drug is contraindicated. The removal of pain in pancreatitis will be effective if you take antispasmodic medications with a cholagogue drug: Noshpa, Drotaverin. What is the dosage of the drug, you need to carefully study the instructions or call an ambulance, where experienced specialists will prompt correct actions.

All the same, when the attack worsens, being at home, how to relieve pain with the help of medications for pancreatitis. After all, the patient can not always guess which illness provoked such a phenomenon. Taking medication yourself without a diagnosis will make it difficult to determine the true cause and complicate the course of the disease.

For acute pain, than to relieve pain in pancreatitis before the arrival of a doctor. If the patient is suffering severe pain, then you can take some drugs that are prescribed for various diseases.

These include:

  1. Paracetamol;
  2. Ibuprofen;
  3. Metamizol sodium( analgin);
  4. Baralgin.

Usually these drugs are prescribed for chronic pancreatitis.

How quickly to remove an attack of pancreatitis while at home, you need to adhere to three basic rules:

  1. Hunger.
  2. Cold.
  3. Peace.

It is necessary to completely limit the use of food, while there is a symptom of acute pancreatitis. The patient should be provided with calm conditions, physical activity is prohibited.

On the left hypochondrium it is necessary to apply a cold warmer. The pancreas can not be warmed, as this will intensify the pain symptoms, and it will be destroyed by its own hormones.

What treatment is required: hospitalization in a hospital

After an attack has failed to eat, it can trigger a relapse. However, in drinking you should not limit yourself. Specialists recommend drinking boiled water or sweetened tea.

Than to remove a sharp pain at a pancreatitis, many patients are interested. After the patient is hospitalized in a hospital, prescribe painkillers.

These include:

  1. Ketanov.
  2. Tramadol.
  3. Promedol.
  4. Fentanyl.

In the hospital, the body will be cleaned, the necessary droppers will be delivered, and preparations will be prescribed that will help restore the pancreas and relieve inflammation.

Along with these drugs are prescribed antidepressants, as against the background of therapy the psychological state of the patient worsens. Also, if necessary, antibiotics are administered, inhibitors of pancreatic enzymes, infusion of protein and saline solutions.

If appropriate treatment is not available, daily seizures can lead to organ damage and death. Therefore, if even managed to remove the pain syndrome, you should immediately contact the medical institution and find out their cause.

What to do: Prevention after an attack

With chronic pancreatitis, seizures may worsen, so it is important to know how to relieve pancreatic inflammation at home. What medications should be taken in certain situations can be chosen by the attending physician, and also prescribes their dosage.

Timely first aid provided for pancreatitis at home will help prevent complications and can save a person's life.

What to do with pancreatitis in the home, if there is a constant exacerbation. It is important to take all the medicines prescribed by your doctor and follow a special diet. In fact pains at a pancreatitis often arise because of infringement of rules of a delivery. Namely, the use of acute, fatty or excessively sweet food. As a result, the outflow of pancreatic juice is disrupted, its composition changes, and the person manifests such symptoms as nausea and vomiting. Compliance with diet will forget about the aggravation of the disease.

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Acute pancreatitis symptoms

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Symptoms of acute pancreatitis

The first symptom of pancreatitis can be a sharp pain in the abdominal area. As a rule, it appears in the middle of the abdomen and gradually spreads throughout its area. Such pains can rarely be confused with something else, since they are characterized by unbearable acuity. In addition, the manifestation of this symptom can be taken by surprise by any person. This, by the way, is one of the distinctive features of acute pancreatitis.

The second symptom is nausea. Unlike the first sign of pancreatitis, it can be an indicator of not only acute inflammation. However, in combination with intolerable pain, a person can immediately understand that it is in pancreatitis. Of course, the extreme manifestation of such a symptom will be vomiting. I must say that as soon as it comes to such problems, the patient should immediately seek qualified medical help.

The third symptom is very common for inflammatory processes. This is an increase in body temperature. Of course, the patient should not panic immediately, as the indicator will jump the mark at 37 degrees. However, if vomiting and sharp pains in the abdomen begin, the fever can only confirm a person's suspicion of having acute pancreatitis.

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After the holidays, doctors in surgical clinics note a significant increase in the number of patients with acute inflammation of the pancreas.

Test: Does acute pancreatitis threaten you?

Do abdominal pains develop in the girdle, accompanied by bloating and rumbling after taking fatty, spicy, fried foods or alcohol?

If after receiving fatty or spicy food, drinking alcohol, you have girdling pain in the abdomen - you are threatened with acute pancreatitis.

Normally, the pancreas is located almost on the back - behind the stomach. It secrete digestive enzymes. The pancreas has two functions: intrasecretory - maintaining blood sugar;and exocrine - the production of enzymes for digestion of food, which are released along its duct into the duodenum.

What happens

Enzymes of the pancreas act only on food and digest it only, because the remaining organs - the stomach, the gland, the gut - are protected by the mucous membrane. In addition, these enzymes are activated only when they enter the lumen of the intestine and mix with food masses.

There are two links in the development of acute pancreatitis. The most frequent situations are that when fatty food, acute, fried, alcohol or nervous stress occurs, spasms of the pancreatic duct system occur and the juice can not enter the duodenum.

Because of the increased pressure in the ducts, the duct system breaks in several places and the pancreatic juice goes outside, around the pancreas, and starts digesting it itself - there is no mucous membrane that would protect it. There is a pancreatic necrosis - necrosis of pancreatic tissue and digestion of all tissues that are near.

Provoke the development of acute pancreatitis any products that stimulate the pancreas: alcohol, fatty meat, in particular, shish kebabs.

These products stimulate the pancreas, and if there is a spasm of the duct system, a catastrophe called acute pancreatitis occurs.

In addition to nutrition, there are several other factors that lead to the development of acute pancreatitis.

Symptoms of pancreatic inflammation

On the video channel "Gastroenterology".What is pancreatitis. How he manifests himself. What can be the symptoms of inflammation of the pancreas.

Publication source: video on the topic, editorial from the website