Mitral insufficiency is a type of valvular heart disease. Pathogenesis is caused by incomplete closure of the mitral orifice, which is preceded by structural disorders of the valves, tissues under the valves.
Pathology is characterized by regurgitation of blood into the left atrium from the left ventricle. Let us consider in detail what it is, the nature of development and the clinical picture of the course of mitral valve insufficiency at levels 1, 2 and 3, the methods of its treatment and the prognosis of a return to normal life.
Contents of
- 1 Description of the disease
- 1 Description of the disease
- 2 Causes and risk factors
- 3 Types, forms, stages
- 4 Dangers and complications
- 5 Symptoms and signs
- 6 When to see a doctor and to which
- 7 Diagnosis
- 8 Methods of therapy
- 9 What to expect and preventive measures
Description of the disease
NMCmitral valve) is the most popular cardiac abnormality. Of all
cases, 70% suffer from an isolated form of the .Usually rheumatic endocarditis is the main cause of the development of the disease. Often a year after the first attack, the condition of the heart leads to chronic insufficiency, the cure of which is rather difficult.The greatest risk group includes people who contract valvulitis .This disease damages the valve flaps, so that they undergo the processes of wrinkling, destruction, gradually becoming shorter than the original length. If valvulitis is at a late stage, calcification develops.
Septic endocarditis leads to the destruction of many cardiac structures, so NMC has the strongest manifestations. Valve flaps are not closely connected to each other. With their incomplete closure through the valve, the has an excessively high yield of blood , which provokes its reloading and the formation of stagnant processes, an increase in pressure. All signs lead to increasing failure of MC.
Causes and risk factors
NIC sufferers suffering from one or more of the following pathologies:
- Congenital predisposition.
- Syndrome of connective tissue dysplasia.
- Mitral valve prolapse , characterized by regurgitation of 2 and 3 degrees.
- Destruction and breakage of chords, rupture of MK leaflets due to injuries in the chest area.
- The rupture of valves and chords in the development of endocarditis is infectious in nature.
- Destruction of the device, uniting the valves, with endocarditis, which occurred as a result of connective tissue diseases.
- Partial mitral valve infarction followed by scar formation in the subvalvular region.
- Changes in the shape of valves and tissues under the valves, with rheumatism .
- Increased mitral ring in the dilated cardiomyopathy .
- Insufficiency of valve function in the development of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy.
- Insufficiency of MK due to operation.
Mitral failure is often accompanied by another defect - stenosis of the mitral valve.
Species, forms, stages
The total shock volume of the left ventricular blood is evaluated with the NDM .Depending on its amount, the disease is divided into 4 severity levels( in percent the part of blood that is redistributed incorrectly is indicated):
- I( the most mild) - up to 20%.
- II( moderate) - 20-40%.
- III( medium form) - 40-60%.
- IV( the heaviest) - over 60%.
According to the forms of the disease, the disease can be divided into acute and chronic:
When determining the features of the movement of the mitral valves, the is distinguished by 3 types of classification of the pathology:
- 1 is the standard level of the leaflet mobility( with painful manifestations in fibrous ring dilatation, perforation of the valves).
- 2 - destruction of the leaflets( the greatest damage is taken by the chords, as they stretch or break, and the integrity of the papillary muscles also appears.)
- 3 - reduced mobility of the valves( forced commissure, shortening of the chords, and their splicing)
complications of
With gradual progression of NIC, such abnormalities are manifested:
- Development of thromboembolism due to persistent stagnation of a large part of the blood
- Valve thrombosis
- Stroke High significance in factors p(
- ) Symptoms of chronic heart failure
- Mitral regurgitation( partial rejection of mitral valve function)
Symptoms and signs of
The severity and severity of MCT depends on the degree of its development in the body:
- 1 stage disease has no specific symptoms.
- Stage 2 of the does not allow patients to exercise in an accelerated mode, as shortness of breath, tachycardia, chest pain, knocking down the rhythm of the heart, unpleasant sensations immediately manifests itself. Auscultation with mitral insufficiency determines the increased intensity of the tone, the presence of a noise background.
- Stage 3 of is characterized by a deficiency of the left ventricle, pathologies of hemodynamics. Patients suffer constant shortness of breath, orthopnea, acceleration of the heart rhythm, feel discomfort in the chest, their skin is paler than in a healthy state.
Learn more about mitral insufficiency and hemodynamics with it from a video clip:
When to call a doctor and to which
When identifying symptoms characteristic of MKT, should immediately contact a cardiologist, , to stop the disease in its early stages. In this case, you can avoid the need for consultation with other doctors.
Sometimes there are suspicions of a rheumatoid etiology of the onset of the disease. Then you should visit a rheumatologist to diagnose and prescribe the proper treatment. If there is a need for surgery, cardiac surgeon will perform the treatment and the subsequent .
Common detection methods for NMC:
- Physical. The speed and uniformity of the pulse, the changes in blood pressure, the severity of noise in the lungs of a systolic nature are assessed.
Doctors on examination pay attention to the nature of the patient's breathing. When the disease dyspnea does not stop even when the patient moves to a horizontal position, manifested when excluding distractions, physical and mental stimuli. On examination, a pasty appearance of the feet and lower legs is noted, a decrease in diuresis.
- Electrocardiography. Determines the intensity of the bioelectric potentials of the heart during its functioning. If the pathology passes to the terminal stage, a pronounced arrhythmia is noted.
- Phonocardiography. Allows you to visualize the noise when the heart is working, as well as changing its tones. Auscultation shows:
- Apekskardiografiya. Allows you to see the fluctuations of the upper chest, occurring at a low frequency.
- Echocardiography. Ultrasound diagnosis, which reveals all the features of the work and movements of the heart. Requires care and skills from a specialist who conducts it.
- X-ray. The picture shows a picture of lesions of the heart muscles, valves and connective tissue. It is possible not only to identify the diseased areas, but also to determine absolutely healthy areas. This method is used only with the 2nd stage of pathology development.
Learn more about the symptoms and diagnosis from the video:
It is necessary to distinguish NMC from other cardiac pathologies :
- Myocarditis in severe form.
- Congenital and acquired heart defects of adjacent etiology.
- Cardiomyopathy.
- Prolapse MK.

You can read about the symptoms of aortic valve insufficiency and the differences of this heart defect described in this article in another material.
Also see the information on how the Behcet's disease appears and how dangerous it is, with the methods of treating this complex vascular pathology.
Methods of therapy
With severe symptoms of NIC, the patient is shown to have surgery. Immediate surgery is performed for the following reasons:
- In the second and later stages, while the volume of the discharge of blood is from 40% of its total amount.
- In the absence of the effect of antibiotic therapy and exacerbation of endocarditis of an infectious nature.
- Reinforced deformations, sclerosis of valves and tissues located in the subvalvular space.
- In the presence of signs of progressive left ventricular dysfunction in conjunction with general heart failure, flowing to 3-4 degrees.
- Heart failure in the early stages may also be the cause of the operation, however, in order to produce indications, thromboembolism of large vessels located in the large circle of the blood circulation should be revealed.
Such operations are practiced:
- Valve-preserving reconstructive operations are necessary for the correction of NMC in childhood.
- Komissuroplasty and decalcification of the valves are shown with severe MK insufficiency.
- Chondoplasty is designed to normalize the mobility of the valves.
- The translocation of the cord is shown when they fall off.
- Fixation of parts of the papillary muscle is carried out using pads of Teflon. This is necessary when dividing the head of the muscle with the rest of the components.
- Prosthetics of chords are necessary at their full destruction.
- Valvuloplasty avoids the rigidity of the valves.
- Anuloplasty is designed to rid the patient of regurgitation.
- Valve replacement is carried out with its severe deformation or development of irreparable and interfering normal life activity of fibrosclerosis. Mechanical and biological prostheses are used.
Learn about minimally invasive operations in this disease from a video clip:
What to expect and preventive measures
When the NMK develops, the prognosis determines the severity of the course of the disease, that is, the level of regurgitation, the appearance of complications and irreversible changes in cardiac structures. Survival for 10 years after diagnosis is higher than with similar severe pathologies .
If the valve failure is moderate or moderate, women have the able to bear and give birth to children. When the disease becomes chronic, all patients should have an ultrasound scan every year and visit a cardiologist. If impairments occur, visit the hospital more often.
Prevention of NIC is performed by in the prevention or prompt treatment of -causing diseases. All diseases or manifestations of mitral valve insufficiency due to its incorrect or reduced valve should be quickly diagnosed and treated promptly.
NMC is a dangerous pathology leading to severe destructive processes in the heart tissue, therefore it needs proper treatment. Patients who follow the recommendations of a physician may, some time after the start of treatment, return to normal life and cure the disorder.