What you need to know about the treatment of hearing loss folk remedies?

Hearing loss is an unexpected deterioration in hearing or a manifestation of pathology for a long time, which is increasingly spreading in recent years.

The rapidity of the disease depends on the cause of the disorder. With untimely assistance, patients may experience complications in the form of complete deafness.

According to statistics in Russia, about 13 million patients with hearing impairment, more than 1% of patients with problems of sound perception - a person under 18 years. For 1000 newborns, congenital deafness is manifested in 1 infant.

Contents of the article:
  • Possible causes
  • Symptoms of the disease
  • Signs of hearing loss in children
  • General recommendations
  • How to treat at home?
  • Onion tincture with sulfur plug
  • Viburnum and honey
  • Garlic drops
  • Bay leaf
  • Boiled beet
  • Row
  • What is not recommended?
  • Prophylaxis

Possible causes

The factors that trigger the development of pathology include:

  1. Age changes, which leads to the depletion of the inner ear's nerve fibers.
  2. instagram viewer
  3. Long exposure to noise. Sounds above 90 dB cause damage to the auditory muscles of the middle ear. The hearing decreases gradually. The first sign becomes noticeable to close people, when the patient can not hear individual words and phrases of others.
  4. The use of antibiotics and chemical poisoning - arsenic, mercury, manganese, lead.
  5. Foreign bodies in the hearing organ, including sulfur plugs. The pathology of the disturbance of the perception of sounds can easily be eliminated.
  6. Head and ear injuries.
  7. The formation of fluid in the middle ear as a consequence of diseases of a viral nature.
  8. Diseases of inner and middle ear of infectious and inflammatory nature.
  9. Otosclerosis.

Symptoms of the disease

Symptoms that can be suspected of hearing loss are:

  • re-interviewing the interlocutor;
  • difficulty in perception of speech;
  • tinnitus;
  • no response to a knock at the door or a phone call;
  • need to make the TV sound louder;
  • dizziness;
  • the appearance of fatigue when trying to concentrate on a certain sound;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • increase the voice volume during a conversation.

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Signs of hearing loss in children

It is important to recognize the pathology of children in time, which can not complain about hearing changes yet.

Symptoms of childish hearing loss include:

  • the baby does not turn his head toward the outgoing sound;
  • the child does not say any words to 1 year, lags behind in speech and mental development;
  • crumb gives out the reaction only to some sounds, ignoring the others;
  • the kid does not respond to his own name;
  • the child notices you only when he sees you.

The causes of hearing loss at an early age are measles, otitis media, influenza, or ARI.

In case of manifestation of the first alarming signs of the disease in children it is necessary to apply to the hearing center.

General recommendations

Therapy is selected only after the diagnosis of hearing loss: examination and questioning of the patient, the performance of special tests and instrumental examinations.

After receiving all the results of the research, the doctor will determine the severity level of the disease and choose the most acceptable way to get rid of the pathology.

If hearing loss is caused by sulfur plugs in the ear, is performed by rinsing the hearing organs of the to improve the patient's condition and eliminate symptoms of decreased sound perception.

In the development of a disorder due to an infectious disease, specialists prescribe antibacterial agents.

Changes in inflammation and fluid concentration in the middle ear require for surgery to remove pus, correct the tympanic membrane, and auditory ossicles .The main surgical procedures include tympanoplasty and miringoplasty, after which the ear can be restored most often.

The sensorineural form of hearing loss is an irreversible form of the disease.

For disorders of mild degree of pathology and average doctors recommend using a hearing aid, physiotherapy and taking medications.

How to treat at home?

At the first and second degree of pathology, it is possible to use folk recipes based on natural ingredients, but only after consulting a specialist. Dill seeds are placed in the center of a fresh bulb. Vegetables should be baked in the oven until soft and brown. The bulb should be wrung out and the infusion obtained bury in the ears for 6-8 drops 3 times during the day.

Viburnum and honey

For preparation it is necessary to squeeze out the juice of 10 berries of viburnum and mix it with honey. Infusion is impregnated with cotton swabs and installed in the ear canals before bed. The course of treatment is about 10 nights.

Garlic drops

It is necessary to wring out the garlic juice and mix it with olive oil in a 1: 3 ratio. Infusion is recommended to drip in both ears 2 drops 2 times a day for 20 days.

Bay leaf

In 2 cups of boiling water, 10 bay leaves are required to be welded. The resulting broth should be dripped 2 times a day for 5 drops in each ear. Term of treatment is 10 days.

Boiled beet

The vegetable should be cooked, without peeling, and squeeze the juice. In the ears you need to drip 4 drops of beet juice 2 times during the day and 1 time before going to bed. The course of treatment is 1 month.

The sequence of

3 spoons of the turn must be brewed in 1 liter of boiled water. The resulting broth is used in the form of tea for 20 days. After this, it is recommended to take a 10-day break and repeat the course of treatment.

What is not recommended?

To avoid deterioration of the patient's condition, the following actions should not be performed:

  1. Treat folk methods with a rupture of the eardrum, the presence of boils, with ear trauma, the presence of a tumor in the ear, polyps, and granulation of the membrane.
  2. You can not stay in very noisy places without ear protection. This can aggravate hearing loss.
  3. Do not allow the formation of sulfur ear plugs.
  4. It is not recommended to listen to loud music in headphones.

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Recipes of traditional medicine for kidney care - http: //netlekarstvam.com/ narodnye-sredstva / mochevaya-sistema / lechenie-pochek.html

Preventive measures

To prevent hearing damage, the following simple recommendations should be observed:

  1. Treatment of diseases of the auditory organs.
  2. Therapy of diseases of a viral nature.
  3. Hygiene of the ears;
  4. Avoidance of the risk of contracting influenza, especially during pregnancy.
  5. Get rid of fluid in the ears after taking water procedures.
  6. Prophylactic examinations for specialists of otolaryngoles in the presence of loud noises at work not less than 1-2 times a year, as well as regular consultations with a doctor for children.
  7. Reducing the impact of loud noise on the hearing system by using special means of protection against acoustic injuries.

In the overwhelming majority of cases, the disease progresses slowly, therefore is important in time to turn to the specialist to provide competent help to get rid of the pathology, which will eliminate the risk of complications and worsening of the patient's condition.

Traditional methods of treatment of deafness help to support and strengthen the effectiveness of traditional medicine only after permission of their use by the attending physician.

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