Valgus deformity of the foot in children: treatment of pathology in the child


  • 1Valgus foot deformities in children
    • 1.1The causes of valgus foot deformities in children
    • 1.2Diagnosis of valgus deformities in children
    • 1.3Prognosis and prevention of valgus foot deformities in children
  • 2Valgus deformity of the foot in the child
    • 2.1What is it and how to recognize the valgus setting of the feet
    • 2.2Causes of foot curvature
    • 2.3Degrees of foot deformation
    • 2.4How to determine a valgus stop
    • 2.5Treatment for valgus deformities in children
    • 2.6Consequences and prevention
    • 2.7Feedback on treatment
  • 3Treatment of flat-valgus deformation of feet in children
    • 3.1Signs of valgus deformity
    • 3.2Problems and consequences of valgus deformation of the foot
    • 3.3Causes of deformation development
    • 3.4Degrees of disease and their signs
    • 3.5How is this disease treated?
  • 4Valgus deformation of the foot: causes of pathology, possible consequences and treatment
    • 4.1Features of valgus deformation of the foot
    • 4.2Signs of valgus deformation of the foot
    • 4.3Etiology and pathogenesis of development of valgus deformation of foot
    • instagram viewer
    • 4.4Possible consequences of valgus deformities in children
    • 4.5Diagnosis of valgus deformity in children
    • 4.6Treatment of valgus deformity
    • 4.7Therapeutic methods
    • 4.8Operative treatment
    • 4.9Prevention

Valgus foot deformities in children

Valgus foot deformities in children- foot defect, characterized by a decrease in the height of its arches and X-shaped curvature of the axis.

With valgus deformation of the foot, the children notice a turn of the fingers and heels outward, the lowering of the middle part of the foot, awkwardness of the gait, increased fatigue and pain in the legs.

Diagnostics of valgus foot deformities in children is performed by a pediatric orthopedist on the basis of external examination, radiography of the feet in 3 projections, planography, and sub-metering.

Treatment of valgus deformities of the foot in children is performed with the help of exercise therapy, massage, wearing orthopedic footwear, orthopedic tire application; when ineffectiveness - surgical intervention.

By valgus deformation is understood such a deformity of the foot in children, in which, with tight compression and straightening of the knees, the distance between the inner edges of the ankles is more than 4-5 cm.

In this case, the fingers and the heel deviate to the outside, and the inner arches of the feet "fall" inward. This curvature of the legs is called X-shaped, in contrast to the varus (O-shaped) deformation of the feet.

If valgus deformity is accompanied by a decrease in the height of the arches of the foot, they speak of flat-valgus deformation of the foot in children.

It is this form of pathology that most often occurs in pediatric traumatology and orthopedics.

The causes of valgus foot deformities in children

A valgus deformity of the foot in a child may be congenital or acquired.

In the first case, intrauterine disorders of the shape and location of the foot bones are determining, and the deformity of the feet is diagnosed already in the first months of the child's life.

The most serious truly congenital deformations of the foot are "pile-rocking" or "vertical ram".

The acquired valgus deformity of the foot in children is associated with imperfection of the tendon-ligament apparatus and deviations in the development of the musculoskeletal system of the child.


Such deviations are usually detected by 10-12 months, when the child attempts to take the first independent steps. Valgus deformity of the foot is more often formed in weakened children with muscle hypotension.


The causes of the latter can be covered in the prematurity of the child, intrauterine hypotrophy, congenital weakness of connective tissue, frequent diseases of young children of acute respiratory infections, bronchitis, pneumonia.

A special role in the weakening of the musculoskeletal and bone apparatus of the foot belongs to rickets.

Violation of static-dynamic relationships in the lower extremities develops secondary in children against neuromuscular diseases: polyneuropathy, cerebral palsy, myodystrophy, and poliomyelitis. Valgus deformity of the foot in children can be a consequence of obesity and excessive loads on the foot due to excessive body weight.

Sometimes the valgus deformity of the foot in children develops after injuries to ligaments, muscles, bones of the shins and feet, and a prolonged stay of the limb in the plaster.

In more rare cases, valgus deformity of the foot occurs in children with dysplasia and congenital hip dislocation.

The causes of valgus deformities of the foot in children can be the early setting of the child on the legs, improper selection of shoes (too soft and poorly fixing the foot).

With weakness of the muscle tone under the weight of the child, the arch of the foot is flattened, the tibial muscles, and The muscles and ligament of the toes are weakened and stretched and can not hold the foot in the optimal position. With valgus deformation of the foot in children, the ankle joint moves inwards, and the heels and toes are outwardly.

In most cases, the first signs of valgus deformation of the foot in children are noticed by the parents closer to 1 year, soon after the baby took the first steps. In this case, draws attention to that when walking a baby does not come on the entire foot, but on its inner edge.

With the passage of time, the foot acquires an X-shaped shape, the gait becomes awkward, uncertain, shuffling; children quickly get tired when playing with peers, complain of pain in the lower limbs and the spine. In the evening, the baby's foot swells, there may be cramps in the calf muscles. When examining the child's shoes, its uneven wear and tear is noticeable - the shoes stagger along the inside of the sole.

Valgus deformation of the foot in children can lead to the development of flat feet, limb shortening, scoliosis, osteochondrosis, pelvic deformities, knee and ankle joints of the legs, arthrosis.

Diagnosis of valgus deformities in children

Valgus deformation of the foot in a child may be suspected by a pediatrician, but finally to judge the presence pathology and degree of its expression allows only examination of the child by a traumatologist-orthopedist and a special examination. When examining the child draws attention to the deviation of the fingers and heels from the outside, smoothing the arches and moving the inside of the foot - inside.

For the final solution of the problems of diagnosis of valgus deformities of the foot in children, radiography of the feet, computerized planography and submaria are performed.

On the X-ray patterns of the feet executed in 3 projections, it is possible to see the change in the position of the stops relative to each other. Computer planography allows you to calculate the various morphological parameters of the foot.


With the help of sub-metering, the load distribution to different parts of the foot is evaluated. Computer-assisted observation can detect changes when clinical signs of valgus foot deformities in children have not yet emerged.


In some cases, with the clarifying purpose, it may be necessary to perform ultrasound of the joints.

To exclude the pathology of the central and peripheral nervous system, children with valgus deformities of the foot should be examined by a children's neurologist.

The purpose of treating valgus deformities of the foot in children is to restore its normal form and function, strengthen the muscular and ligament apparatus.

In congenital valgus deformities of the foot, children may need to immobilize the limbs with plaster casts. The selection and modeling of the dressing is carried out by a pediatric orthopedist taking into account the type of deformation and the degree of deviation from the norm.

At the next stage (and in case of the acquired valgus deformation of the foot in children - from the very beginning) it is recommended to hold foot baths, massage courses (lumbosacral foot joints, feet), paraffinotherapy, ozocerite and mud applications, electrophoresis, diadynamic therapy, magnetotherapy, electrostimulation of the calf and foot muscles, ИРТ. Useful therapeutic swimming and exercise therapy.

Children with valgus deformity of the foot require the selection of individual functional insoles or special orthopedic shoes with a rigid lateral fixation of the foot and heel, the instep.

To the operative treatment of valgus deformities, the feet are used relatively rarely in children (approximately 7% of cases). The method of correction of valgus deformation of the feet in children is determined individually, taking into account the features and severity of the pathology.

The most common in pediatric traumatology orthopedics were methods of transplanting the tendon of the long fibular muscle to inner edge of foot with elongation of Achilles tendon; arthrodesis of the talon-navicular joint, application of external fixation apparatus and other

Prognosis and prevention of valgus foot deformities in children

Valgus deformation of the foot in children can reach severe degrees, being not only pronounced cosmetic defect, but also causing functional violations of the limb, up to disability in a young able-bodied age. In the case of a low degree of deformation and timely treatment, a complete restoration of the foot function is possible.

To avoid the development of valgus deformities of the foot in children, the load on the lower limbs of a child should be excluded up to 7-8 months.

It is necessary to adhere to a rational regime, including hardening, gymnastics, preventive massage, adequate nutrition, adequate sleep and walks.

Important is the prevention of rickets, the intake of vitamin D and trace elements.


It is mandatory to regularly visit the pediatrician, as well as preventive examinations, carried out by specialists of different profiles (incl. pediatric surgeon and orthopedist).


It is necessary to pay serious attention to the correct selection of shoes for the child: it should be in size (not small and not great); made of high-quality natural materials; have a tight arch support, hard back and side parts.

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Valgus deformity of the foot in the child

Once your child starts walking, you need to pay attention to how he does it.

Particular attention should be paid to the installation of the knee joints of the legs, legs and feet of the baby (whether there are any curvatures, gait abnormalities, etc.).

The fact is that such problems in the near future can lead to serious consequences and various diseases of the musculoskeletal system. Therefore, they need to be identified as early as possible.

If the newborn diagnoses leg distortion is difficult because the child is not walking yet, then the one-year-old baby can see the problem quite easily if you closely follow the child's steps.

One of the most common types of curvature of the lower extremities is the valgus deformity of the foot in children. This problem will be discussed in this article.

What is it and how to recognize the valgus setting of the feet

Valgus deformation - this is a curvature of the feet, in which, with tight compression of the straightened legs in the knees, the distance between the inner edges of the ankles will be 4-5 cm or more. Also, with valgus, the heel and toes are deflected to the outside, and the arches of the foot "fall" inward.

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These legs are called X-shaped, in contrast to the O-shaped, which are formed when the varus type of deformation. If at the same time there is a decrease in the normal height of the arches of the foot, then it is a flat-valgus deformation. It is the latter form of pathology that most often occurs in children.

The photo clearly shows how the feet are deformed with the valgus installation of the legs in the child

At the initial stages of the formation of valgus feet particularly pronounced curvatures are not noticeable, but with time pathology the musculoskeletal system progresses quickly and then the diagnosis can be made based on a simple examination child.

To identify the problem as early as possible, pay attention to the following possible signs of valgus foot in your child:

  • legs take the form of the letter X - they converge in the region of the knee joints and diverge in the region of the inner ankles by more than 4-5 cm;
  • the feet bend inward when the child is standing or walking;
  • the arch of the foot is flattened;
  • shoes are worn out according to the characteristic scheme - first of all, the inner part of the sole sags and is rubbed off;
  • when walking, there is shuffling with your feet;
  • gait insecure;
  • children get tired faster when walking;
  • older children may complain of pain in their legs, back, periodic cramps, some may even notice swelling.

As a rule, the diagnosis of the valgus foot in the child can put the parents themselves at home on based on the symptoms listed above, but in any case you need to visit your own treating pediatrician or child orthopedist. The specialist will appoint a number of additional procedures and tests to clarify the diagnosis, determine the cause curvature and on the basis of the received data will appoint a set of treatment and recovery measures.

Causes of foot curvature

The child's pedus position, depending on the cause, can be congenital or acquired.

Congenital etiology is caused by various developmental defects in the elements of the musculoskeletal system, genetic or chromosomal anomalies in the fetus.


In this case, pathology develops during the period of intrauterine development and manifests itself immediately after birth, and the degree of curvature in the case of congenital valgus deformity is very pronounced.


Edwards syndrome is a chromosomal abnormality, in which there is a severe degree of valgus deformation of the foot of a newborn - a rocking-pile

The acquired form of pathology develops after the birth of the child and can have many causes, among which:

We advise you to read: an assembly with valgus deformation of the foot

  • prematurity or birth of a baby with a small body weight;
  • deficiency of calcium and / or vitamin D;
  • excess weight in the child;
  • syndrome of connective tissue dysplasia;
  • frequent ARI;
  • cerebral palsy;
  • Poliomyelitis and other infections that affect the nervous system;
  • diseases of the muscles, for example, myodystrophy;
  • defeat of peripheral nerves (neuropathy);
  • pathology of the hip joints (dysplasia and congenital dislocation of the hip);
  • getting the child to his feet too early;
  • diseases of the endocrine system (diabetes, hypothyroidism);
  • irrational selection of shoes;
  • excessive stress on the foot not yet formed;
  • trauma (fractures, dislocations, sprains);
  • transferred operations on the feet.

Degrees of foot deformation

Depending on the amount of deviation of the axis of the valgus foot from the norm, 4 degrees of severity of pathology are distinguished:

  • 1 degree - the deflection angle is 10-15º, the deformation is well suited to conservative treatment and it can be completely corrected.
  • 2 degree - the angle of deviation is 15-20 °. Cure the deformation can be completely through a set of conservative techniques.
  • 3 degree - deviation from the normal axis of the foot within 20-30º, you can get rid of pathology with only conservative treatment, but the process of therapy requires a lot of time and effort.
  • 4th degree - angle of deviation more than 30º. This is a severe degree of deformation, which is almost impossible to cure by some conservative procedures, many patients require a special operation.

The value of the angle of curvature of the foot determines the degree of valgus deformation

How to determine a valgus stop

As already mentioned, parents or a pediatrician can suspect the valgus position of the foot, but only the pediatric orthopedist should make the final diagnosis.

Unfortunately, a single visual examination for diagnosis and treatment planning for valgus deformity is not enough. The specialist will assign a number of necessary studies:

  • general clinical tests of blood and urine;
  • radiography of the baby's feet in several positions, if necessary - CT or MRI;
  • Ultrasound articulations if necessary;
  • computer sub-metering;
  • computer planotography.

Based on the findings, the specialist will put out the correct and final diagnosis, make up an individual plan of treatment of the child, will explain to parents what and how to do in order to achieve a good result and get rid of Problems.

Treatment for valgus deformities in children

How to treat this disease, completely depends on its cause and extent.

If the acquired deformation of 1-3 degrees of severity can be corrected by a complex of conservative techniques therapy, then to get rid of the 4 degree of curvature or from congenital valgus of the foot is possible only with the help of operation.

The main components of the curative program for valgus deformities of the foot:

  • physiotherapy;
  • foot massage and the use of special massage mats;
  • wearing orthopedic shoes and insoles;
  • physiotherapeutic procedures;
  • Immobilization of the leg in the correct position with plaster casts;
  • surgical intervention.

Massage of feet with the help of such a rug is not only useful, but also fun

The goal of treating children with valgus stop is to restore the normal shape and function of the foot, strengthen its ligamentous and muscular apparatus. This can be quickly achieved by applying a comprehensive approach to therapy.

In the case of congenital pathology, a small patient may be assigned a prolonged immobilization of the foot in the correct position with the help of plaster bandages or correction of deformity with the help of an operation.

In other cases, treatment begins with an individual selection of orthopedic shoes or insoles, a complex of therapeutic exercises, massage, physiotherapy.

Very good effect have group lessons under the supervision of an instructor with exercise therapy, as well as home exercises and walking on massage mats.

A complex of simple but effective exercises for the treatment of valgus deformity of the feet

Consequences and prevention

If you do not recognize the pathology in time and start treatment, the following complications may occur:

  • fast fatigue and chronic pain in the feet;
  • osteoarthritis of the ankle, knee and hip joint due to incorrect load distribution during walking;
  • diseases of the spine - osteochondrosis, scoliosis, etc .;
  • chronic back pain;
  • flat feet;
  • various violations of posture.

To prevent the formation of valgus of the foot, if the deformation is not caused by innate causes, it is simple.

To do this, follow these rules and recommendations:

  • It is forbidden to put a young child on his feet early and practice walking before;
  • It is important to choose orthopedic specimens as the first shoe of the baby;
  • Regular gymnastic exercises and general developing massage should become a habit with parents and their child;
  • Do not neglect preventive examinations at the doctor, even in the case when the child does not bother;
  • it is important to eat right and lead a healthy lifestyle;
  • in case of presence of such problem, as excess weight, necessarily it is necessary to bring the body mass index back to normal;
  • if there are suspicions of valgus deformation of the foot, you need to contact a specialist as soon as possible.

To select the first child's shoes, parents must take responsibility

Feedback on treatment

Inna, 34 years old
Valgus curvature of the feet of my son was found at the annual preventive examination in the 2nd class.

Until now, I somehow did not pay attention to the baby's feet and did not know about such a disease.

The orthopedic doctor in the children's polyclinic prescribed us calcium preparations, 3 courses of therapeutic massage, electrophoresis, daily exercises for the feet. I hope this helps to get rid of the problem.


Андрей, 36 years old
My wife noticed her daughter's curvature of legs in 1 year right after she started walking. The doctor diagnosed us with a valgus deformity of the feet.


Treatment consisted in wearing special orthopedic children's shoes, therapeutic massage and gymnastics on a special rug. It's been six months after the treatment and the results are very encouraging.

The legs became flat and smooth.

Marina, 23 years old
Valgus deformation of feet was in my childhood. I constantly trampled on the shoes from the inside of the sole, but my parents did not pay much attention to this until I started to have terrible pains in my feet and legs, there were even cramps in my legs.

The doctor diagnosed immediately on the first examination. I did not want to wear orthopedic shoes - it looked ugly, so it was suggested an alternative option for correction of the foot installation - orthopedic insoles made by individual order.

Also, the treatment included a long course of exercise in the clinic under the supervision of a physiotherapist, massage and home gymnastics classes. Six months later the pain in my legs receded, I threw up the gymnastics, but I continued to wear insoles.

The degree of curvature decreased (this is noticeable in the shoes I wear), but the deformation did not completely disappear.

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Treatment of flat-valgus deformation of feet in children

If there is a valgus deformity of the foot in children, treatment should be long and patiently, under the supervision of specialists - orthopedists.

Signs of valgus deformity

The valgus setting of feet in children refers to the most common forms of leg transformation in the foot area. This change differs from the normal setting with an extremely low vault and characteristic curvature of the foot.

This violation leads to the fact that the longitudinal arches of the feet flatten, and the inner edges hang.

A photo. Valgus foot placement in children

Visually from the upper perspective, the valgus foot in children looks like the letter "X" (see Fig. a photo). In this situation, in the position of the compressed knees, the gap between the inner sides of the ankles is about 5 cm.

What is this - the individual characteristics of the feet in a child, congenital or acquired pathology, the consequences of a disease or a wrong lifestyle?


Doctors refer to valgus platypodia in children as a congenital and acquired pathology. Diagnosed this pathology early - sometimes even in the hospital. However, most often it becomes noticeable about the second year of life, when the baby starts walking.


Until the age of 5-6 years, this situation can still be corrected, since the legs (like the entire body of the child) are developing rapidly. If at this age the baby's foot does not straighten, a new and already well-known diagnosis is made-a flat foot.

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Problems and consequences of valgus deformation of the foot

Children's flat-deformed foot deformity is not only a defect of an aesthetic nature. This is a pathology of the condition of the lower extremities, which subsequently will necessarily affect the further development of the entire musculoskeletal system and lower limbs.

At an early stage of the development of the disease, the child, as a rule, does not experience much discomfort, at least before he starts walking.

However, an experienced specialist even in the first months of development is able to distinguish a flat valgus foot in a child from hereditary features of the structure of the lower limbs.

When the baby starts walking, the pathological defect becomes noticeable even to the most inexperienced parents. The child experiences difficulties in movement.

He is not as mobile as his peers, because it hurts him to move around.

He complains of pain in his legs, and parents need to take these complaints seriously.

Particularly noticeable is the deformation of the foot by changing the shape of the shoe. The child very quickly tramples on the shoes where the heel sits inside. Shoes in the first month are bent to such an extent that it can not be worn, as the damage to the baby's foot increases.

If such a transformation of the child's legs is not treated, then there is a possibility of the development of such violations as:

  • constant pain in the lower limbs;
  • pathological circulatory processes;
  • curvature in the spine;
  • development of arthrosis and osteochondrosis.

It is clear that the flat feet of young men are not taken into the army, because a person with such a transformation can not really move in full.

The apparent small transformation in the foot, however, affects the condition of the whole organism. The adult person experiences constant pains in the legs due to uneven load on the feet, which causes the following consequences:

  • gait changes as the patient tries to step so as to reduce the pain effect;
  • increases the load on the spine, which leads to the development of osteochondrosis;
  • can develop scoliosis;
  • with a strong transformation of the foot, there may be displacements in the region of the hip and knee joints;
  • possibly shortening one of the limbs;
  • there is a chance of clubfoot development.

Causes of deformation development

The main reason for this disease is the weakness of the muscles and ligaments of the foot apparatus. Sometimes such deformation is provoked by too early independent walking of the baby.

Parents are always happy when their child overtakes in the development of their peers. Sometimes they artificially stimulate their baby so that he stands on his feet and goes. You can not do this in any case.


Each child has its own developmental features. It is necessary to begin to worry only when the backlog takes on serious proportions.


Even in this case, it is necessary to take any measures only after a visit to the therapist, and better - to a pediatric orthopedist.

If the child stood on the legs by nine months, then this is not an excuse, this is a reason for anxiety and constant observation.

The problem is that the deformation can manifest itself in the first year of independent walking, and can only appear a few years after the first step.

This variation is due to various reasons for the formation of disturbances in the position of the foot.

And the causes of deformations can be:

  • in the form of effects of rickets, diabetes, thyroid pathologies;
  • in the birth trauma of the lower extremities, especially with the displacement of the hip joint;
  • in hereditary predisposition;
  • in too much body weight, which exerts a heightened strain on the feet;
  • in post-traumatic changes in the foot, knee, hip joints and spine.

Of great importance is the children's footwear, wrongly chosen can become a factor that increases the predisposition or already developing deformation. Shoes for children should be comfortable, soft, but with a sole that holds well the shape of the foot.

Especially this requirement applies to girls, whom moms tend to wear too early in the model shoes.

Degrees of disease and their signs

Any disease develops by changing the body. With valgus deformities of the foot these changes are noticeable to the naked eye. The division into degrees occurs according to the following features.

The degree of valgus deformation depends on the angle of deviation of the foot from the norm

  1. The deviation of the feet is in the range of 10 ° to 15 °. This is the very beginning of the development of the disease.

    In this case, with some effort, you can quickly return to the normal setting of the feet.

  2. Deviations from the normal position of the feet by 15-20 °. This degree is already noticeable even to the layman.

    The child begins to experience certain difficulties in movement. However, the treatment of the disease, although difficult, but quite promising.

  3. Deviation from the norm reaches a range of 20 - 30 °.

    This situation is serious, but not hopeless: a cure is possible, although it is difficult.

  4. When the deflection angle reaches more than 30 °, this is considered to be the greatest degree of development of valgus deformation of the foot.

    In this case, treatment is possible, but extremely difficult.

A situation is possible in which therapeutic treatment is ineffective. In this case, surgical removal of the defect is resorted to.

How is this disease treated?

Therapeutic course is prescribed only after the orthopedist diagnosed and determined the degree of the disease.

Small deviations in the form of a foot - this is not a reason to urgently treat. The child is changing, maybe the leg will change too.

Especially since the final stop is formed by years to eleven. However, you need to monitor the situation constantly.

Targeted treatment should begin with the second stage of the disease.

If the valgus deformity of the foot develops in children, Komarovsky recommends that the next cycle of treatment activities be carried out.

  1. It is necessary to wear orthopedic shoes. If this is not done, then all other methods of treatment will be ineffective. The fact is that the leg needs constant installation in the right position. Treatment is a one-off, although probably regular, action, and shoes are a way of constantly acting on the leg.

What kind of shoes to wear, the doctor decides. With a strong transformation of the foot, shoes are usually made to order. If the deformation is light, you can do with orthopedic insoles, which are purchased in special shops.

  1. Therapeutic gymnastics is an indispensable element of the entire course. It is she who puts the child's leg in the right position, without bringing the development of the disease to an extreme degree, when surgical intervention is needed. Gymnastics, therefore, is called curative, that it is prescribed by a doctor specializing in this method of treatment.

The main direction of such exercises is to strengthen the ligaments, because they should keep the foot in the right position. To develop a leg or foot it is necessary in a complex.

In addition to the ligaments, it is necessary to stimulate the development of muscles, which will also influence the formation of bones in the right direction.

For this reason, in the complexes of exercises often include the gripping of the fingers of the feet of various objects, walking on surfaces with various imitations of roughness, walking on different parts of the foot.

  1. Often prescribe physiotherapy procedures. They do not have a direct effect on the shape and condition of the foot, but they help to relieve tension and reduce pain. If such procedures do not relieve pain, then prescription of painkillers is possible.
  2. Changes in the foot using surgical correction for valgus foot changes in children are not often used. Usually this is considered as an extreme measure, if, for example, the therapy has not given any positive effect, or the child has received a serious trauma requiring radical intervention.

The phrase "surgical intervention" sounds scary, especially for parents. Modern methods of conducting such events make it possible to dispense with gypsum and complex metal structures.

The surgeon changes the angle between the bones by changing the position of the ligaments. Such an operation does not require large incisions and opening cavities.

As a result, the child can move independently the next day after the operation - with caution, but without any special supports.

  1. Foot massage. This procedure is prescribed at any stage of the disease. It is aimed at strengthening the muscles, stimulating the development of nerve conduction, improving the blood supply to the legs, raising the general tone of the body.

The massage should cover the area of ​​the waist, since it is from here that the innervation of the entire lower body passes. Then the masseur works first on the hips and lower legs, gradually moving to the feet. The intensity and strength of massage movements depend on the degree of deformation of the feet.

The duration of the massage course usually lasts 10 days. However, it should be repeated every 2-3 weeks for 6 months. More precisely, the course and peculiarity of massage are determined by the orthopedist.

Great importance in the rehabilitation of a child suffering from foot deformity has a healthy lifestyle and especially nutrition. The child should receive vitamins and minerals in accordance with the norms that exist for a given age.

Particular importance is attached to the provision of the body with calcium, vitamins of group B. Very important for such a child is vitamin D. All this group of substances strengthens bones and ligaments, not allowing them to deviate from normal development.


Of great importance is the general strengthening of the baby's body, since a healthy child moves a lot, developing muscles and ligaments of legs.


The most important thing for any disease is prevention. Many diseases can be prevented or detected in the early period. Especially it concerns acquired flat - valgus foot in children. Prevention includes the following rules:

  • Do not force the child's setting on his feet before 8 months;
  • to strengthen the baby's body with outdoor activities;
  • every day doing gymnastics to strengthen the muscles and ligaments in the foot area;
  • periodically conduct a preventive massage throughout the lower body.

Remember that a healthy child is not only a good heredity, but also a right development with a healthy lifestyle.

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Valgus deformation of the foot: causes of pathology, possible consequences and treatment

Valgus (flat-valgus) deformity of the foot in a child is the most common pathology in children's traumatology and orthopedics.

It accounts for various data from 40% to 80% of all disorders of development of the lower extremities.

The greatest number of deviations from the norm is fixed in children of the senior preschool age and schoolchildren of lower grades.

Features of valgus deformation of foot Signs of valgus deformation of foot Etiology and pathogenesis of development of valgus deformation of foot Possible consequences of valgus foot deformities in children Diagnosis of valgus deformity in children Treatment of valgus deformity - Therapeutic methods - Operative treatment 7. Prevention

Features of valgus deformation of the foot

With this deformation, the heels and toes are turned outward, the ankle joint is shifted to the inside, and the middle section is lowered (flattened), i.e.,

The height of the longitudinal arch of both feet decreases and their X-shaped curvature along the axis is noted. The child complains of pain in the legs when walking. His muscles get tired quickly when walking, and the gait itself becomes clunky.

The diagnosis is made by an orthopedic specialist.

To combat pathology, a whole complex of measures is applied: children with valgus deformity require a therapeutic physical education, massage, orthotics (involves wearing orthopedic shoes or using special inserts in shoes).

In some cases, the use of orthopedic tires is necessary, and if the therapeutic measures are ineffective, surgical intervention is performed.

Signs of valgus deformation of the foot

Upon examination, it is established that, with tightly compressed straight knees, there is an interval of more than 5 cm between the inner sides of the ankles. The arches of the feet are shifted to the inside.

The heel and fingers of the patient are inclined to the outside (abduction-prone dystopia).

Often the height of the arch (in this case it is customary to speak of flat-valgus deformation) can be further reduced.

Parents should be alerted and consult with a pediatric orthopedist if the child:

  • comes not on full foot, but only on the inside;
  • scuffs the entrance;
  • comparatively quickly gets tired during mobile games with peers;
  • complains of pain in the legs and back.

An important sign of pathology are uncertain gait, cramps in the calves and swelling of the feet at the end of the day. If you look at the soles of the shoe worn by the baby, you can notice that it wears more from the inner surface.

Etiology and pathogenesis of development of valgus deformation of foot

There are congenital and acquired deformities of the foot.

With "true" congenital deformation, the cause lies in the change in the shape and interposition of the bones of the distal sections of the lower extremities during the period of intrauterine development.

The disease caused by a genetic defect or pathologies of pregnancy, in this case, usually appears in the first months after birth. The most severe are such variants of this pathology as the so-called.

"Vertical ram" and "rocking-stop requiring surgical correction.

The acquired valgus deformity of the foot develops due to imperfections (underdevelopment) of the ligaments and tendons of the legs, as well as low muscle tone (hypotension).


The causes are often some diseases of the musculoskeletal system, and in some cases - the wearing of an uncomfortable or soft and insufficiently fixing foot shoes.


As a rule, deviations in development become noticeable at the age of 10-12 months, i.e., when the child first begins to try to walk on his own.

This orthopedic pathology is more characteristic of children with a weakened organism, which in turn can be due to inadequate nutrients (hypotrophy) during embryogenesis, prematurity and frequent ARVI in early age.

Important:in almost 80% of cases, the cause of the pathology of the development of the feet is dysplasia (disruption of the structure) of the connective tissue! Among the reasons for its appearance are poor ecology and poor-quality food.

Disturbances from the bone tissue, as well as muscles and ligaments, always accompany a disease such as rickets.

Valgus deformity often occurs with excessive load on the ligamentous apparatus of the foot against the background of the excess body weight (obesity) in the child.

Researchers attach great importance to genetic (family) predisposition, endocrine diseases (hypothyroidism, diabetes) and osteogenesis disorders.

The cause of secondary static-dynamic pathological changes in the legs may also be:

  • Cerebral palsy;
  • polio;
  • polyneuropathy;
  • muscular dystrophy.

Valgus deformity in children is possible after prolonged wearing of the plaster bandage, as well as after traumatic sprains of the ligaments. Often, the pathology develops against a background of dysplasia or congenital dislocation of the hip.

Finally, the foot has the property of deforming, if adults try to teach the child to walk too early.

Against the background of insufficient muscle tone (hypotension), the arch is flattened under the weight of the baby. Stretching and loosening of the musculoskeletal apparatus of the lower leg and toes makes it impossible to hold the foot in a normal (physiological) position.

Possible consequences of valgus deformities in children

Deformation can lead to the development of the following pathologies:

  • arthrosis;
  • rachiocampsis;
  • flat feet;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • a violation of the shape of the skin;
  • pathological changes in knee and ankle joints;
  • shortening of extremities.

A severe degree of pathology is one of the causes of disability already in childhood. If the deformation is not very pronounced, and the therapeutic measures are timely and adequate, it is possible to completely restore the normal functionality of the limb.

About orthopedic valgus deformation of the foot:

Diagnosis of valgus deformity in children

The diagnosis of "valgus deformity of the foot" is put by the pediatric orthopedist after the analysis of the external examination data and the radiography in three projections. Additionally, such research methods as computer-aided measurement and planography are used.

The most important signs of flat-valgus deformity of the foot is the X-shaped disruption of the structure and a noticeable "smoothing" of the arch.

Pay attention: it is difficult to determine the presence of a flattening of the longitudinal arch in a scientific way, since up to 3 years of age the middle part of the foot has a "fat pad" on the plantar part. To see the shape of the arch, ask the child to stand on tiptoe.


X-ray images clearly show that the position of the feet with respect to each other has a deviation from the norm.


By means of the planography on the computer, it is possible to calculate the morphological parameters of the distal sections of the lower limbs.

Podometriya allows you to determine how evenly the load is distributed to different parts of the foot. This modern technique makes it possible to identify violations before the development of the first clinical signs.

As an additional apparatus method of research, ultrasound of joints is also used.

To draw up a plan for the most appropriate treatment, it is necessary to accurately establish the etiology, in particular - to exclude the presence of lesions of the central nervous system and peripheral nerves. In this case, an additional consultation with a specialist in the field of pediatric neurology.

Treatment of valgus deformity

With valgus deformation of the foot, the treatment has the following objectives:

  • restoration of the normal function of the stop;
  • correction of the finite;
  • strengthening the ligament and leg musculature.

Therapeutic methods

Treatment of the congenital form of pathology usually involves prolonged immobilization of the legs by imposing gypsum dressings.

The optimal form of the dressing is determined by an orthopedic specialist.

This takes into account the degree (angle) of deviation from the physiological position of the foot and the type of deformation itself.

To fix the achieved positive effect, and with the acquired disease - already at the very initial stage, the following treatment methods are used:

  • massage (joints, feet and lumbosacral region);
  • mud packs;
  • treatment with ozokerite;
  • paraffin applications;
  • legged;
  • Acupuncture acupuncture.

Widely used in the treatment of the following types of physiotherapy procedures:

  • diadynamic therapy;
  • electrostimulation of the musculature of the lower extremities;
  • electrophoresis with medicinal preparations;
  • magnetotherapy.

Children with valgus deformation are shown swimming lessons (year-round in the pool), as well as specially designed complexes for children of therapeutic gymnastics.

Often not without the special orthopedic footwear, which facilitates the treatment of valgus deformation. These special models of shoes have a powerful arch support and provide a rigid retention of the foot in a physiological position.

Important:in some cases it is enough to choose individual orthopedic insole inserts in ordinary shoes. Selection of corrective models is performed by an orthopedic physician, taking into account the individual characteristics of the structure of the child's foot.

Operative treatment

Operations with valgus deformity are performed according to medical statistics on average in 7% of cases. Indications are pronounced functional disorders and ineffectiveness of therapeutic methods.

With surgical intervention, devices with external fastening can be installed. Also, subtaloral arthrodesis is sometimes shown for the purpose of subsequent fusion of the heel and talus bones.

Widely distributed and this type of operation with valgus deformity, like the extension of the Achilles tendon.


To avoid the development of this pathology, it is necessary to completely eliminate the excessive load on the baby's legs, while it will not be 7-8 months since the musculoskeletal system at an earlier age is not sufficiently developed.

For the prevention of valgus deformity, the child needs observance of rest and physical activity, hardening and gymnastics. Of great importance is and preventive massage.

The food should be full, with enough proteins, microelements and vitamin D.


Shoes for the kid should strictly correspond to the necessary size and have a strong arch support. Wearing tight or too loose boots often leads to various pathologies of development of the lower limbs and the musculoskeletal system as a whole.


Pay attention: when buying shoes, pay attention to the strength of the side and back parts, which is important for fixing the baby's foot in a normal position. Try to choose models made from natural materials.

Carefully follow the gait of the baby and listen to his complaints. Early diagnostics of pathologies will allow to take the necessary measures in time and achieve full recovery.

The pediatrician, Dr. Komarovsky, tells how to choose the right footwear for a child:

Olga Chumachenko, pediatrician

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