Eye drops Xalatan: area and method of application

Eye drops Xalatan is one of the best means for lowering pressure inside the eyes and increasing the outflow of intraocular fluid. In this form, the drug is popular among Russians and is often prescribed by ophthalmologists as a very effective medicine. It is used both in combination with other drugs for the treatment of certain forms of glaucoma, and separately for the regulation of intraocular pressure.


  • 1Description of the preparation
  • 2Pharmacological action and group
  • 3Indications and contraindications in use
    • 3.1In pregnancy
    • 3.2To small children
  • 4Possible complications caused by the drug
  • 5Video
  • 6conclusions

Description of the preparation

Xalatan is a clear and colorless solution and the concentration of the basic substance (latanoprost), 05%.The drug is released through the pharmacy network in a cardboard box in a plastic bottle with a volume of two and a half milliliters.

The shelf life of eye drops is three years, the period of storage of the opened package should not exceed four weeks at a temperature of no higher than twenty-five degrees of heat.

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It is recommended to protect from children.It is only released on prescription.

Xalthal lowers intraocular pressure

Pharmacological action and group

The solution does not reduce the production of aqueous humor.Active components of the drug ensure its outflow by additional routes. This is due to the fact that latanoprost selectively causes the activation of specific receptors in the eye. It is due to this that the regulation of the increased pressure inside the eyeball occurs.

The components are absorbed through the corneal tissue, where a biologically active acid is formed.

Xaltan is used in the treatment of glaucoma

As a rule, the effect comes in eight to twelve hours after instillation and persists for a day.

Xalatan is a fairly strong remedy and is highly discouraged for self-use without the advice of a doctor.

Indications and contraindications in use

The drug is used in the complex treatment of open-angle and other types of glaucoma.

Mode of application: one drop of solution in each eye once a day. It is advisable to keep the formulation at room temperature beforehand - this will ensure comfort. The course of treatment is appointed by an ophthalmologist on an individual basis. Passage of instillation is not desirable. However, if it was still allowed, it is not necessary to increase the dosage next day. It is recommended to wash hands and eyes before the instillation procedure.

In order to achieve the best effect, the drug is best used in the evening.

The most important contraindication to the use of Xalatan is an increased sensitivity to the main and auxiliary components of the drug.In addition, it must be used with caution when:

  • Glaucoma accompanied by inflammatory processes;
  • Kerateitah;
  • Afakia and pseudo-aphakia;
  • Blepharitis;
  • Bronchial asthma;
  • During the preparation for the operation to remove cataracts.

We also recommend that you read the instructions of eye drops Taufon.

In pregnancy

Currently, data on the effect of the drug on the development and life of the fetus inside the womb is not enough, since no relevant studies have been conducted. Xalatan is administered with caution and is used with the obligatory control of the attending physician.

During the period of breastfeeding, the prescription of the drug is undesirable, since its components can enter the breast milk.

To small children

The solution is used in pediatrics, but is currently contraindicated in patients younger than one year.

Read also the instructions of eye drops of Azarg.

Possible complications caused by the drug

Since the drug is quite strong, it has a number of side effects:

  1. The organs of sight: pain, burning and burning, itching, sensation of foreign body, erosion and deformation of the corneal epithelium, edema, lacrimation, uveitis, dry mucosa, thickening of the cornea, inflammatory processes, blepharitis, keratitis.
  2. Leather: toxic necrolysis, dermatitis, rash.
  3. Muscles and skeleton: periodic pain.
  4. Nervous system: systematic headaches, dizziness.
  5. Breathing system: shortness of breath, bronchial spasms, chest pain.

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What provokes pain in the eyes and head is described here.


The likelihood of complications may increase if you allow too much incorrect dosage of the drug.

Side effects can be exacerbated if the patient suffers from ailments, in which the drops are recommended for use with caution. In case of appearance of severe allergic reactions, as well as impossibility of combining side effects with a full-fledged life, it is important to stop taking and consult a doctor.



Xalatan is one of the most powerful and effective tools used to combat various types of glaucoma and in particular the most common - open-angle. Eye drops easily regulate increased intraocular pressure, but have many contraindications and side effects, so its annotation is important to carefully study and take into account the medical history patient. In addition, the drug can not be used without the appointment of a doctor, appoint pregnant and lactating women, as well as young children under one year.

Also read about such drugs as Arutimol and Trusopt.

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