Treatment of the kyphosis of the thoracic spine

With excessive curvature of the spine, exceeding its standard rate of bending (a slight bend is present in all people), a diagnosis is made-the kyphosis of the thoracic spine. This deformation can occur with congenital abnormalities in the functions of the musculoskeletal system or with acquired, for example, an accident or as a result of birth trauma.

Most often, the curvature of the thoracic region is noted, in other sectors of the spine it occurs only after serious injuries. When the deflection of the spine increases, this means that intervertebral discs begin to be squeezed, and the thorax decreases.

Externally, the defect is expressed in the form of a strong stoop or hunchback, localized in the scapula. The shoulders thus fall down and forward, and the blades are markedly retracted. The abdomen involuntarily protrudes, the back becomes round.

One should be very attentive to the child's posture in the period of 14-16 years, especially in boys, because at this time the incidence rate is the most. In adults, kyphosis manifests itself in 25-30 years due to the specificity of sedentary work, in which a person is often in the wrong posture. Here, by gender, the risk of affecting the thoracic region is greater in older women.

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  • 1Causes
  • 2Degrees of kyphosis and treatment
  • 31 degree
  • 4Treatment of kyphosis 1 degree
  • 52 degree
  • 6Treatment of kyphosis 2 degrees
  • 73 degree
  • 8Treatment of kyphosis 3 degrees
  • 94 degree
  • 10Treatment of kyphosis 4 degrees
  • 11Complications after kyphosis
  • 12Preventive measures


Causes of the disease:

  • operations on the spine in the thoracic region;
  • injuries, vertebral fractures;
  • consequences of a hernia or osteochondrosis;
  • juvenile or senile changes in the intervertebral discs or vertebrae;
  • absence of muscle corset;
  • lack of physical activity, inactive way of life;
  • rickets in infancy;
  • bone tuberculosis.

Degrees of kyphosis and treatment

In medicine, there is4 degrees of kyphosis of the thoracic spine.

1 degree

There is a very small angle (about 30 degrees) of spinal deviation from the norm in the thoracic region. This degree is easier than others to treat, but it usually goes unnoticed at such an early stage.

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Parents notice an easy stoop, but believe that it will pass with the growth of the child. Such a mistake leads to the fact that kyphosis rapidly progresses and reaches severe degrees, especially if the incorrect load on the back increases.

As soon as small deviations in the thoracic spine have been seen, you should immediately go to the doctor.

Treatment of kyphosis 1 degree

Usually, with 1 degree of kyphosis of the thoracic spine, the treatment isspecial gymnastics, which builds muscles to support the back. Sometimes the doctor directs the child to the manual therapist, helping to overcome problems in the locomotor apparatus and posture with the help ofof massageproblem zone, in which its circulation improves.

In the period of rapid growth of the child with the problems with the back that have begun, one should give up some sports and lifting or wearing heavy weights. Parents should review the regime of the child, so that during work and during rest he can be physically active. You should strictly follow the posture and check the mattress and pillow for compliance with orthopedic standards.

2 degree

When a slight chest kyphosis is not treated, a defect of moderate severity is formed. With this violation, the angle of deviation of the spine from the norm reaches 60 degrees. The back at this stage acquires characteristic rounded outlines, the shoulders begin to fall down.

The child has a poor postureespecially clearly visible when sitting at a table- he involuntarily seeks support, as the back quickly gets tired, and its shape in this period becomesC-shaped.

If you put a person in a horizontal position, the back is still round, even if the chest is pressed down from above. The belly protrudes, and the chin extends forward due to the displacement of the neck.

In the absence of treatment, the child will be physically weakly developed, of small stature, since the squeezed narrow chest does not allow one to breathe normally and function to the heart. The nutrition of the internal organs is disturbed.

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Treatment of kyphosis 2 degrees

Treatment of a defect of such severity should be started immediately.Manual therapyshould be combined with stricttherapeutic gymnasticsand feasible physical loads, it is also recommended to record the child in the swimming section.

The bed should have an orthopedic mattress. It is necessary to establish constant control over the posture - only this will help to avoid further progression of the disease.

3 degree

Diseases can be formed if:

  • a mild kyphosis was not cured;
  • in the past there was a birth injury;
  • congenital malformations of the musculoskeletal system are noted;
  • a serious operation or trauma has been postponed;
  • there is childhood leukemia;
  • degenerative defects in the spine due to rickets, a period of rapid growth of the organism, heavy loads, weakening of the organism are noted.

This degree is characterizedthe formation of a hump, the back is bent literally in half. For this reason, the growth decreases, the arms seem unreasonably long, the lower extremities have a weak muscle tone.

A person with a spinal cord injury of this degree can not work for long, he suffers from back pain, intercostal neuralgia. At the slightest stress, shortness of breath and tachycardia begin. It is difficult for a patient to even sit, he must constantly rely on something for both sitting and walking.

All internal organs work with disabilities- Digestion digestion, the number of colds, angina increases, incontinence of urine and feces is noted.

In the absence of adequate and immediate treatment a person can become disabled.

Treatment of kyphosis 3 degrees

Usually patients do not allow the development of such a severe form of the disease, but sometimes with thoracic kyphosis treatment begins already in neglected cases, when extreme degrees of pathology are manifested.

First of all, you should register for a consultation with doctors - a traumatologist and a neurosurgeon. Most often at this level, it is recommendedoperative intervention. Manual therapy at this stage is contraindicated, you can only resort to physiotherapy and feasible gymnastics exercises.

4 degree

It is expressed in catastrophic deformations of the chest, spine and even pelvic bones.The person becomes disabled- his breathing is disturbed, the right ventricle of the heart irreversibly increases.Lifespan decreasesfor many years due to serious defects in the body.

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Treatment of kyphosis 4 degrees

How to correct for this degree of lesion kyphosis of the thoracic spine? Such deformations are treatedonly surgically- the spine is fixed in the required position with metal staples, and the patient after a surgery for several months wears a plaster corset.

The operation can no longer help many internal organs affected by the squeezing of their narrowing thorax, - the volume of the lungs, enlarged ventricles of the heart will remain the same as before the operation.

Complications after kyphosis

Our body is designed so that with physiological (normal) kyphosis of the thoracic spine, the organs function smoothly. When pathological kyphosis is observed, their compression, lag in growth.

The body begins to suffer from a lack of oxygen, from rapid heartbeats. A person becomes less tall, his posture is disturbed, he can not easily perform physical actions. With severe forms of defeat, disability and early death occur.

Preventive measures

From an early age a child should get used to sleep, work at a table, sit and walk with the correct posture.

To avoid complications with the spine, you should:

  1. Since childhood, to force a child to play sports to create a strong muscular corset.
  2. Properly organize his workplace for the preparation of lessons and at the computer desk.
  3. Timely pay attention to the transferred infectious and chronic diseases, in time to treat their consequences.
  4. At the child the bed always should have an orthopedic mattress and a pillow.
  5. Fight weight.
  6. Take care of the back protection at the time of strong physical activity during work or sports.
  7. To learn preventive exercises for correcting posture.
  8. Take in the old age the necessary chondroprotectors, calcium preparations, vitamin and mineral complexes, and exercise physiotherapy.