Conjunctivitis in a child: types, forms, methods of treatment

Conjunctivitis in children is quite common. This disease occupies one of the leading positions in ophthalmology.At the same time, the fact that this disease is widespread leads to confusion among parents who think that it is quite easy to cure it.Many of them even try to treat the baby on their own, trusting the choice of drugs to pharmacists or based on information obtained from the Internet.But the etiology and causes of the disease can be different, respectively, and the treatment of children's conjunctivitis will require an individual. And to point a finger at the sky is to expose the child to serious danger. In the best case, this is a long-term treatment, at worst - complications and vision problems in the future.So how do you cure conjunctivitis in the shortest possible time?


  • 1What it is?
  • 2Causes of children's conjunctivitis
  • 3Symptoms
  • 4Diagnostics
  • 5Treatment
  • 6Prevention
  • 7Recommendations for parents of a child with conjunctivitis
  • 8Video
  • 9conclusions

What it is?

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Conjunctivitis - inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eye (conjunctiva). The disease can be allergic, viral or bacterial in nature, occurring in acute or chronic form. Conjunctivitis sick and adults, but more often inflammation occurs in children.

It is known that the disease was brought to Europe and Russia from Africa in the VI century.If it can not be cured and launched on time, then this is fraught with serious consequences, up to a significant deterioration in vision.In children, conjunctivitis of infectious origin is most common. The disease is transmitted by airborne or exogenous way, often occurs as epidemics in an isolated environment (for example, in a kindergarten group or in a school classroom).

Causes of children's conjunctivitis

Conjunctivitis can occur in a child as a result of a number of reasons.The most common cause is bacterial inflammation.As a rule, the infection is caught in the eyes with dirty children's handles. In summer it is very easy to get infected by swimming in a pond with dirty water.

Viral or bacterial infection can get into the child's eye when in contact with a sick person, as well as with blood flow in other diseases (for example, measles or ARVI).

Allergic conjunctivitis is caused by exposure to the eye mucosa of the irritant-allergen, for example, pollen.

Manifestation of conjunctivitis in a child up to a year

The causes of conjunctivitis can also be:

  • aggressive exposure to sunlight, dust, smoke or chemicals;
  • lack of vitamins;
  • bacterial infection;
  • venereal diseases in the mother during pregnancy and childbirth;
  • increased pathogenicity of the eye's own microflora;
  • purulent diseases(tonsillitis, pyoderma, otitis media);
  • decreased immunity;
  • trauma and eye damage;
  • viral infections(rubella, enterovirus infection, measles, chicken pox);
  • wearing lenses;
  • foreign body in the eye;
  • chronic diseases of the nose.


An acute form of conjunctivitis is characterized by a sharp onset.Mom notices that the child is dilated and burst small vessels of the eyes, and the eyeball becomes red and edematous. Slime or pus may be released from the eyes. The kid feels discomfort, cries and complains that the eyes are sore and itch.The older children feel a burning sensation, as if the sand hit the eyes. Children become very sensitive to light; eyes are watered, and by morning they are covered with dry crusts.

With a pronounced course of inflammation, the general well-being suffers: the baby's body temperature rises, weakness and headache appear.

There are some differences in symptoms, which manifest themselves in different ways depending on the pathogen.With bacterial conjunctivitis, both eyes suffer, out of them oozes mucus, and in a day or two - pus. When a virus infection, as a rule, one eye is inflamed and rare mucous discharge can be noted.Both viral and bacterial conjunctivitis are contagious, so they are easily transmitted by contact from a sick child to a healthy child.

For allergic conjunctivitis are characterized by such symptoms as:

  • redness of the eyelids;
  • burning;
  • itching;
  • a small amount of mucus to be separated.

Allergic conjunctivitis affects not only the eyes, but also the nose: the baby has transparent snot and frequent sneezing.


To understand the cause of conjunctivitis only by symptoms is rather difficult: most often the signs are similar.Of great importance are the circumstances that preceded the development of inflammation in the eyes. It can be a new product, which was introduced into the lure, as a result of which tears began to water.Most likely, this is the onset of allergic conjunctivitis. The same conclusion can be drawn if the child played with a new plush toy or with a neighbor's dog, a cat.

And if, for example, the whole group in the kindergarten has undergone ARVI, and the child has an eye on this background, then this conjunctivitis has a viral nature.

For an accurate definition of the form and form of conjunctivitis, it is necessary to have an examination with an ophthalmologist and submit the analysis.A visit to a doctor is compulsory if:

  • the child is less than 1 year old;
  • the situation does not improve 2 days after the onset of inflammation;
  • the child demonstrates photophobia;
  • complains of sharp pain in the eyes;
  • claims to have become worse;
  • On the skin of the upper eyelid, small bubbles appeared.


The treatment plan for conjunctivitis depends on what causes the development of the disease.

Viral conjunctivitis, as a rule, is not actively treated.After 5-7 days, the children's organism itself develops immune defense against viruses. Eyes self-cleaning, inflammation disappears.The exception is only two especially dangerous viruses, with the defeat of which the treatment of conjunctivitis is carried out strictly under the supervision of a doctor.

The first of them - the herpes virus, which without timely treatment often gives serious and irreversible complications on the eyes.Its symptoms are as follows:

  • the appearance of vesicles on the skin of the upper eyelid;
  • photophobia;
  • a sharp pain in the eyes usually.

In a complex, these manifestations signal the appearance of herpetic conjunctivitis. And in this case, the doctor must run at full speed. The fact that the herpes virus is a serious danger to the organs of vision in children.

The second insidious virus for the eyes is an adenovirus.For this infection three symptoms are characteristic, which also manifest themselves in a complex way:

  • temperature increase;
  • redness of the throat;
  • actually conjunctivitis.

Adenoviral conjunctivitis is extremely contagious and capable of causing severe complications in the eyes.

With bacterial conjunctivitis, children are usually prescribed a course of local antibiotics (drops or ointment for the eyes).To be frightened of their application it is not necessary, because with this form of use they are not absorbed anywhere and have no side effects.These antibiotics work locally: only in the area of ​​inflammation on the mucous membrane of the eye. The undisputed plus of this treatment is the rapid suppression of inflammation in the eye.

With allergic conjunctivitis, the most long-term solution is required.It is important to determine the allergen (which is not always possible to do quickly) and, if possible, protect the child from contact with him in the future.If you can not determine the allergen, then the treatment will consist in taking antihistamines inside and outside.

In most cases, conjunctivitis proceeds fairly easily and does not leave consequences. And yet, to assert that this disease can not do much harm to visual acuity, it is impossible.

There are some severe forms of conjunctivitis in children who, in the absence of proper treatment, may be aggravated by irreversible problems with the organs of vision.That is why with any manifestation of conjunctivitis, the child should immediately consult a doctor.

Famous children's eye surgeon, Doctor of Medicine I. E. Aznavaryan notes that "the reason for the reduction in vision with conjunctivitis is not the infection itself, but the inflammatory process to the cornea which causes a disease like keratitis.

It can be superficial and easy to treat, and can affect deeper structures.In this case, a scar will remain on the cornea, which will significantly reduce vision if it is located in the central (optical) zone. " Such subtleties will not be noticed by the therapist or pediatrician.That is why serious forms of conjunctivitis in children require mandatory examination from an ophthalmologist.

Sometimes there are cases when the infants have typical symptoms of the disease, but any treatment of conjunctivitis in newborns is ineffective.This means that another conjugate is mistaken for conjunctivitis: congenital dacryocystitis (inflammation of the lacrimal sac).The disease occurs in about 5% of newborns.

Characteristic signs of dacryocystitis:

  • occurs only in newborn babies;
  • usually only one eye is inflamed;
  • there is neither fever nor dehydration;
  • There is no result in standard methods of treating conjunctivitis.


The basis of preventive measures directed against infectious forms is compliance with simple hygienic rules.The child should be taught from an early age to the rules of personal hygiene:

  • do not touch your eyes with your hands;
  • always use a tissue or a napkin;
  • wash hands with soap, especially after coming from the street;
  • Use only personal hygiene items.

For the prevention of allergic conjunctivitis, contact with allergens should be avoided, and in case of seasonal allergies, it is less likely to go out, especially during the flowering period.In addition, it is important to teach the child to have an active pastime in the open air, sports games, and also to eat healthy food from childhood.

Self-diagnosis and treatment are fraught with negative consequences.

Recommendations for parents of a child with conjunctivitis

With conjunctivitis it is important to carry out the treatment prescribed by the doctor. However, it is worth considering some of the recommendations that will facilitate the fastest recovery of your beloved child. Tips and rules are very simple:

  1. In order not to infect a healthy eye, treatment should be carried out on the side where the inflamed eye is located.
  2. When burying the eyes, each time using a new pipette.
  3. Flushing of the eye should be done by first scalding the saucer with boiling water and putting a few cotton swabs there(for each eye a separate tampon).
  4. The eyelid is spread out with fingers, the drug is digested, squeezing the cotton wool.
  5. Viral conjunctivitis is treated not only through the use of antiviral agents, but also with the help of vitaminization of the child's body.
  6. The patient's condition is facilitated by compresses made of tea, decoction of chamomile, dill or rose hips.

Conjunctivitis occurs not only in children. Treatment of purulent conjunctivitis in adults has its own specifics.

The causes of strabismus in adults and treatment methods read here.

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As you can see, conjunctivitis can be dangerous for a child, especially if it manifests itself strongly enough, and parents do not show responsibility and will not turn to a doctor for help.Remember: if the symptoms do not go away within 1-2 days, you need to urgently run to the doctor.And it's better not to wait and turn to the doctor at the first symptoms of conjunctivitis, which will prescribe the correct treatment for your child.