Than to treat a conjunctivitis at the newborn?

The causes of conjunctivitis in newborns can be very different, but in most cases it is caused by the action of bacteria.Almost every second baby suffers from manifestations of conjunctivitis in different forms. This statistics is not encouraging, because for every young mother it is a rather stressful factor.To save the newborn from the appearance of this disease is not so easy, since it arises quite unexpectedly. And than to treat conjunctivitis for children read on.


  • 1What it is
  • 2Causes
  • 3Symptoms
  • 4Diagnostics
  • 5Treatment
    • 5.1Complications
    • 5.2Prevention
  • 6Video
  • 7conclusions

What it is

Before you understand the causes and methods of treatment, you need to clearly clarify for yourself what is conjunctivitis.Conjunctivitis is called inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eye (conjunctiva), which can be caused by exposure to bacteria and viruses.

With conjunctivitis, the eyes tend to get wet, quickly get tired and react poorly to bright light. The baby cries and does not want to open his eyes, since for him this gesture can be accompanied by pain and itching.

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Conjunctivitis is carried through the air, through dirty hands, as a result of allergic reactions and is the result of the multiplication of harmful bacteria on the mucosa or the entry of pathogenic viruses on them.Usually conjunctivitis occurs quite unexpectedly, it develops rapidly and very rapidly.Protect against it is possible, but strict preventive measures must be followed.


The causes of conjunctivitis in newborns are many. The most common of them are:

  • The adenovirus mucosa or the virus of catarrhal diseases, the carriers of which very often become parents, and since the child does not have strong immunity to overcome such viruses, he can not defend himself against their attacks;
  • Dirty hands, on which a lot of bacteria gathered, and if the child constantly pulls them to the eyes, then the bacterial conjunctivitis is provided;

  • Allergic reactions.If the house has too much dust, flowers that are sources of pollen or scents too concentrated perfumes, it is quite possible and the emergence of conjunctivitis under the influence of allergens;
  • Response to the use of milk formulas or certain medications;
  • Obstruction of the lacrimal canal.

The most dangerous is bacterial conjunctivitis. It is caused by staphylococci, streptococci, fungi and chlamydia. It is extremely difficult to remove such serious bacteria from a child's body.


Diagnosis of the disease occurs quickly enough, despite the fact that the newborn does not know how to talk and can not describe his feelings.An experienced ophthalmologist will easily distinguish conjunctivitis from other diseases.

The main symptoms of conjunctivitis in children are:

  1. Redness of the eye protein throughout its surface, swelling of the upper eyelid.In a few days, the eye and may at all swell as after a sting of a bee.
  2. Excess tearing.Usually this symptom is not immediately noticeable, because a child and so often crying and tearful eyes can be simply ignored. But, if they appear in the baby and in a calm state, you need to sound an alarm.
  3. Aversion of bright artificial and natural light.In the presence of this symptom, the baby frowns, closes, begins to cry and close the eyes. So, usually conjunctivitis begins, so it will be easy to recognize it.
  4. Purulent discharge.This symptom is dangerous, extremely unpleasant, bringing tremendous discomfort to the child and, of course, obvious. It manifests as a clumping of the eyelids, and accumulated pus simply can not let the baby open his eyes independently.
  5. The temperature rises to 37.8 ° C, which began unexpectedly and is not accompanied by the presence of cold symptoms.
  6. The child constantly keeps his eyes closed, and when he opens, he begins to cry.

Having noticed at least some of the above symptoms in the child, you should immediately consult a doctor to avoid the transition to a chronic form.


The statement of such a serious diagnosis should be handled exclusively by a specialized specialist.In this case, an ophthalmologist must necessarily be a childrens direction.First the child undergoes a detailed examination of the doctor, then, if necessary, he is sent for consultation to an allergist and immunologist and only after that they conduct a laboratory examination.

Diagnosis takes several stages, but an experienced doctor already at first glance at the child can determine that he develops conjunctivitis, its shape and stage.

The main stages of diagnosis are:

  • Exterior examination of the eye;
  • Viewing the peephole from different sides with the help of side lighting;
  • Biomicroscopy;
  • Cytological examination of secretions from the eye (smear);
  • Bacteriological and virological examination;
  • Conclusion and diagnosis.

The exact diagnosis by a pediatric ophthalmologist should only take place after a thorough examination of the baby.


Treatment of conjunctivitis can be both long and protracted, and fast enough, it all depends on how severe its shape and how late it was revealed.

The methods of treating conjunctivitis depend on its type: viral, bacterial or allergic. Therefore, the correct diagnosis and clearly distinguished type minimize the risk of complications from improper treatment.

Viral conjunctivitis is usually treated with drops of interferon. Oksolinovaya ointment, zovirax and virolex are often used.Allergic conjunctivitis is best treated with antihistamine drugs, and the eye sockets are regularly rubbed with soothing and soothing solutions.Conjunctivitis of bacterial origin is treated by "killing" harmful bacteria, applying warm compresses to remove swelling and redness.


This unpleasant disease in the baby can lead to extremely undesirable consequences. Especially acute for the emergence of complications are the following factors:

  • Inadequately diagnosed;
  • Later, contact a doctor;
  • Attempts to treat the baby yourself;
  • Violation of the regimen of medicines;
  • Not treated illness.

One of the most acute consequences is the transition to a chronic form.This means that conjunctivitis, transferred at a very young age, will periodically worsen throughout life. Also a complication of this disease can become keratitis, which is accompanied by loss of vision.If the course of the disease was accompanied by ulcers, then a significant deterioration of vision is possible.


Preventive measures of conjunctivitis are quite simple:

  • Compliance with the rules of personal hygiene of parents and children;
  • Ventilating rooms where the newborn sleeps and spends his time;
  • limiting him from contacts with strangers who "came from the street
  • timely detection of the first signs and prompt treatment to the doctor;
  • periodic disinfection of premises;
  • complete elimination of their environment of the child allergens;
  • increase immunity of the child immediately after birth.

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Conjunctivitis in a child is a very dangerous disease, untimely diagnosis of which can cause a number of vision problems.It is extremely important for the parents of the baby in time to notice that something is wrong with their child. Symptoms that are alarm warnings are many and easy to notice.The first thing that parents should do in case of detection of symptoms of conjunctivitis and its treatment, not only in children, but and adults, is to contact a specialized specialist and conduct a thorough examination, read more about him here.Newborn children are particularly sensitive to conjunctivitis crying and fear of light. Although they can not talk, they can not give their parents an understanding that their eyes can not see well, they can do it perfectly.