Characteristics and treatment of the disease "night blindness"

Diseases of the eyes and diseases associated with vision can comprehend a person at any time throughout life from birth. Some ailments are acquired under certain conditions, others - are inherited. And in all situations it is necessary to know about the possibilities of treatment, prevention and the consequences of inaction, especially if it concerns such common deviations as night blindness.


  • 1Definition of disease
  • 2Causes
  • 3Symptoms
  • 4Possible complications
  • 5Treatment
    • 5.1Medication
    • 5.2People's means
  • 6Prevention
  • 7Video
  • 8conclusions

Definition of disease

Chicken blindness (hemeralopia) is a disorder of the visual apparatus due to which the patient can see (or not see at all) in the dark.This phenomenon is observed when the sensitivity of the retina is weakened at different levels of light brightness, which is more pronounced especially in the first minutes after the light attenuation is weakened.

A healthy retina of the eye consists of two types of cells: those responsible for black-and-white vision (sticks) and those responsible for vision in color (cones). Hemeralopia can develop in the case of disruption of the work of these cells. In chickens, the retina of the eye excludes the presence of chopsticks, so they are practically deprived of the ability to see in the dark. That's why the disease is often called night blindness.

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The disorder can be hereditary, or acquired.In the second case, the patient does not observe any changes in the eye tissues.


At present, there are three forms of hemorrhagia and each of them has its own reasons for forming:

  • Congenital(hereditary). It is caused by abnormalities in the development of the retina. Possible with Asher's syndrome retinitis. Symptoms of the disease, as a rule, begin to be observed from early childhood.
  • Essential. Chicken blindness is caused by a lack of zinc, PP and A vitamins. prerequisites can serve kidney disease, abnormalities of the urinary system, stomach, liver, diabetes.
  • Symptomatic. It can occur against the background of glaucoma, myopia, cataract development, various diseases of the retina, nerve damage.

The development of hemorrhagia may be associated with menopause, poor nutrition and some infections.


The most pronounced symptom of the appearance of night blindness is the deviation of vision with a decrease in the quality of illumination. Especially it is felt at its sharp change. There are also uncomfortable sensations, dryness, and stitching. In some cases, against this background, the fear of darkness develops in patients.

Older patients have spots on a conjunctiva of gray color. And if the disease is a consequence of a lack of vitamins and trace elements, various defects of the retina can occur. Often in this case, the hemorrhagia proceeds along with the diseases of the skin tissues and gums.

Possible complications

The course and treatment of a disease depends not only on the level of its severity, but also on its shape.With timely access to the ophthalmologist and the implementation of the prescription and recommendations, vision can be fully restored.Serious problems with the retina and conjunctiva can cause essential night blindness, if not to fill the shortcomings of nutrition in time.

Very often, night blindness can occur simultaneously with other problems with human health, Therefore, in some cases serious consequences can be expected even if they are not correct treatment.


Before the appointment of treatment, it is necessary to conduct a diagnosis and correctly establish the form of hemorrhagia. Hereditary night blindness practically does not give in to treatment, but her symptoms can be alleviated by vitamin therapy. Obviously, it will be required for the treatment of essential illness.In addition, the patient must restore the quality of nutrition and include a variety of vegetables and fruits in the diet.

In the case when night blindness is a symptom of more complex diseases, its elimination and complex treatment is necessary.

If night blindness appeared against the background of cataract, glaucoma, pigmentary dystrophy or myopia, surgery may be required up to corneal transplantation and lens replacement.

Why cataract and glaucoma are related diseases - answer here.


On the prescription of the doctor, patients are required to take vitamins A and PP, as well as elements of group B. Dosage is usually prescribed by a doctor.In some cases, it is possible to prescribe riboflavin - eye vitamin drops twice a day, one drop in each eye.Self-medication in the prevention and treatment of abnormalities to deal with is not recommended.

People's means

When treating any diseases (including eye diseases) do not lose their popularity and folk methods. However, before using them, one should consult with doctors, especially if they are complementary to the main ones, since it is important and faultless compatibility of various drugs and preparations.

In addition to enriching the diet with vitaminized foods, you can drink one grain of mustard per day, gradually increasing the dosage to twenty pieces.It will also be useful to take fish oil according to the instructions suggested by the manufacturer of the drug.

Complex treatment can be supplemented by regular intake of infusions and herbal decoctions:

  • From the cornflower.10 grams of grass should be poured a glass of hot water for 15 minutes and take a tablespoon three to four times a day before eating.
  • Medicinal collection.In equal proportions (one teaspoon), blend herb of cowberry, viburnum, primrose, blackberry, melissa, raspberry and the root of a green mountaineer and insist in a third of a liter of boiling water for 1 hour. Take half a glass three times a day.


If the deterioration of vision in the dark is not caused by congenital pathologies, prophylaxis can be carried out. First of all, you need to monitor your diet and, if possible, check the level of vitamins in your body.It is recommended to wear quality sunglasses and to refuse frequent use of solarium services.It is important to visit the ophthalmologist systematically, especially if there is a risk of hemorrhagic disease. If a person has cataract, glaucoma and other eye diseases, it is necessary to start their treatment on time to prevent the development of a complication in the form of night blindness.

To reduce the risks of any eye diseases and vision disorders, it is required to limit the use of electronic gadgets and do not spend much time in front of the computer screen, especially in the evening days.

With hereditary chicken blindness, systematic observation by the ophthalmologist from birth itself is necessary.Prevention in this case is not possible, but the symptoms of the disease are amenable to the observation of all the recommendations of health professionals.


What is the normal eye pressure for glaucoma

Eye drops against allergies are described here.

Drops from conjunctivitis for children




Hemerallopia or night blindness is a visual quality disorder that can cause a lot of trouble for the patient right up to mental disorders. But with the proper appointment and treatment, any discomfort associated with this deviation can be reduced, even if it is congenital. And prevention and taking care of one's own health can save a person from the possibility of acquiring ailment.

Also read what is blepharitis and the destruction of the vitreous.

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