There are many reasons for the appearance of black spots on the face - wrong nutrition, improper skin care, stress, ecology, heredity, etc.
It is necessary to fight these unpleasant manifestations in a complex manner, that is, inside and out at the same time.
- How does it work?
- What results does it give?
- How to do it correctly?
- Recipes of coal-gelatin mask
- Reviews about the
And first of all you need to remove the existing black dots.
To begin with, it should be understood that black dots are not dirt, and they can not get rid of them only by washing. In fact, black dots are open comedones. The pores are clogged with sebum and this plug is stained with the pigment melanin, as a result we see enlarged pores with black dots inside.
One of the most effective means of fighting black dots at home is a mask with activated charcoal and gelatin. This is an alternative to stripes from black dots that are sold in stores, since the mask can be prepared on the basis of the necessary area on its own, and most importantly - it is much cheaper and more efficient.
How does it work?
Coal-gelatin mask "pulls" sebaceous plugs from the skin pores and gives the skin firmness, freshness. Thanks to gelatin the mask creates a film on the face, and under the film coal actively works, sorbing all unnecessary, and the process does not interfere with open air.
Useful properties of activated carbon:
- Coal is a natural absorbent, it draws in itself from the skin fat, dirt, dust, cleansing the skin.
- Narrows pores, slightly tightening the skin. This means that this mask has a prolonged effect.
- Dries and soothes slow inflammation.
- Because of all the above effects, the complexion improves.
Useful properties gelatin:
- Gelatin is collagen, which is necessary for cells to maintain the skin in an elastic tightened state. In a coal-gelatin mask, collagen easily penetrates into skin cells.
- Accelerates metabolic processes in different layers of the skin.
- Nourishes and softens the skin, in combination with charcoal protects the skin from excessive tightening and drying.
- In the form of a film exfoliates dead cells.
What results does it give?
If the mask with charcoal gelatin is done regularly and taking into account the individual characteristics of the skin, the result will please after the second-third application:
- the formation of black dots on the face is coming to naught;
- gradually narrowed the pores;
- produced less sebum;
- leaves a greasy shine;
- is aligned with the relief and color of the skin;
- face acquires a healthier and more even shade.
How to do it correctly?
In order for the mask to give the right effect, namely, relieve the black spots and improve the complexion, you need to consider your skin type, the number of black dots, and also observe the basic rules for using this mask:
- The mask can be prepared only once.
- The face should be clean and steamed, ideally make a coal-gelatin mask after a shower or bath. This is necessary to maximize the pores, then charcoal is better to clean them.
- The mask needs to be applied in a thick layer, so that it takes up the film well and is easy to remove.
- The mask is applied and removed by movements from the bottom up.
- You can not apply a mask to the area around the eyes and mouth, it is too aggressive for the delicate and thin skin in these areas. Lean on the places of accumulation of black dots - nose, forehead, chin, cheeks.
- Mask is done once a week.
- It is desirable to apply the mask with a special brush, so it will be distributed more evenly.
- If you have combined facial skin and black dots are disturbing only on the nose or at the bottom of the forehead, then the mask should only be applied to these areas.
- If there are black dots, but the skin is not fat, you can add milk to the mask. It will soften the effect of activated carbon in terms of shrinkage and drying.
Lifting at home: facial mask with starch with Botox effect.
Is it possible to smooth the wrinkles on the face with peach oil? Read the link.
How to make a mask against black dots with activated charcoal and gelatin?http: //netlekarstvam.com/krasota/ maski-dlya-litsa / s-uglem-i-zhelatinom.html
Recipes for the coal-gelatin mask
Recipe # 1. One teaspoon of gelatin, one tablet of coal, two teaspoons of water.
Rub a coal into a powder with a spoon, mix with gelatin. Pour the mixture with water. Put the mixture on a water bath or in a microwave for 10 seconds. Mix again until smooth. When the mask has cooled to room temperature, it can be applied to the face. While the mask cools, you can have time to prepare the skin - to wash, steam out.
Recipe No. 2. Water replaced with one tablespoon of milk at room temperature. Preparation on the same principle.
Mask made of coal and gelatin is made by courses. The optimal course is 4-6 weeks, then you need to take a break in 3-4 weeks and you can repeat.
Reviews about the
tool Julia: Excellent mask! I was afraid that it would dry too much, my skin is combined, there are points on the nose, and rather big ones on my forehead, closer to the bridge of my nose. And on the cheeks there. Even on the nose the skin seems to be like not that fat. And then I learned that you can make a mask on milk. I kept for 10 minutes not to dry it, it was enough with my head. These nasty dots are directly visible later on the film from the back side. And there is no dryness, on the contrary a more recent look and feel.
Marina: I did not really like the mask, though I did not steam up my face three times, just washed myself with warm water. It was inconvenient to remove the film, it was constantly torn and torn off pieces. But the points like podtraskivalis, pores a little narrowed. I will try again, according to all the rules. I think, maybe because I smeared my fingers. .. I already bought a special brush.
Larissa: Great recipe. My skin is fat all my life. It seems that the normal course has picked up, I will not say that it is directly glittering with a greasy sheen, but I could not get rid of the points. Stripes sometimes bought in the store, but they are not always paid off, expensive, and they are small, purely for the nose, I have these points on the cheeks next to the nose, and there are on the forehead. The mask on effect in general with strips can not be compared. It is enough to see how many bumps remain on the mask after removal, and how little on the strip. I made a mask three times, until I break, then I'll repeat.
Katya: The mask is good, efficient, it removes the point by a factor of two. But the girls! !Apply it only to those places where there are these points! On the whole face it is not needed at all! I first smeared it like an ordinary purchase mask-film, as a result barely tore off with hot water! This mask is only needed where there are enlarged pores and oiliness of the skin.