How to make a banana mask for a face from wrinkles?

The popularity of home care products is gaining momentum, although the cosmetic market pleases with diversity. Face masks from natural components are a chest filled with vitamins, and banana masks are no exception.

Article Content:
  • Why are banana masks so relevant?
  • What will be the result?
  • How is it done?
  • Reviews about

The main role of banana masks is the intensive rejuvenation of skin layers. In addition to this action, they have many useful properties.

Why banana masks are so relevant?

The reason for popularity is simple - the banana is saturated with vitamins. Here's what's in it:

  • Vitamin A. Perhaps the best moisturizing ingredient. He not only moisturizes, but also nourishes superbly.
  • Vitamin E. It is a component in most vitamin complexes created to maintain beauty. Vitamin E and prevents aging, and nourishes, and protects from sunlight, and strengthens.
  • Vitamin C. It tones well the skin and does not allow it to be over-dried or oily. Another positive property - vitamin C exhilarates and literally erases fatigue from the face.
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What will be the result?

The consequence of applying a banana mask will be noticeable such improvements in the skin:

  • a clear face oval;
  • no signs of dryness;
  • elimination of signs of fatigue;
  • wrinkle smoothing;
  • restoration of water balance;
  • resistance to environmental factors( cold, ultraviolet rays, wind);
  • smoothness;
  • elasticity.

A banana mask is just a tool that acts instantly. Banana has a special structure that allows useful substances to instantly fill cells.

Another advantage of such tools is a cumulative effect. Frequent use of banana masks guarantees continuous improvement of the skin.

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How is it done?

There are several rules for the application, manufacture and selection of banana masks:

  • Use only fruit pulp. It is the most valuable and suitable for use.
  • Use your skin type when choosing other ingredients. Banana has the property of moisturizing, so its combination with bold textures can have a bad effect on the skin with a predisposition to greasiness. Use only masks that match the type of skin.
  • Cleanse the skin before applying a banana mask. It acts particularly gently, so it is better to lie down and soak up under a clean surface.
  • The frequency of the mask application determines the skin type. With extremely dry and noticeably fading epidermis, a banana mask can be applied daily. It is desirable to feed excessively oily skin with this agent no more than once in seven days.

Perhaps is the most actual variation of the banana mask - with olive and almond oil .It is she who is a strong opponent of withering. Take a full spoonful of each of the oils and combine them with the same amount of banana puree. The minimum aging time is ten minutes.

Another variation of the rejuvenating and skin-dampening mask is with fatty sour cream and banana .Connect both components in a 2: 1 ratio, apply for at least five minutes and wash.

If, in addition to nutrition, you want to gently remove dirt, combine banana with honey. It is desirable that the honey be liquid, and the proportions are the same. The exposure time is unlimited.

Combined withering skin requires special care, and for this case there is an mask on kefir yogurt from a banana with oils. Take three teaspoons of yogurt and banana puree, add three drops of grape seed oil and tea tree and apply for twelve minutes.

Toning mask-scrub - a worthy solution with a fading skin that requires cleansing. Combine three teaspoons of tomato gruel with the same amount of banana puree and add a large spoonful of salt. Massage the face while applying, and then leave the mask layer for fifteen minutes.

To solve the problem of combined skin, you can a banana-cucumber mixture with soda. Cucumbers cucumber, soda and banana pulp are combined in equal proportions and are applied for fourteen minutes.

Apart from wrinkles, pigmentation is troubling? To cope with it will help kefir-banana mask with lemon juice. Take a tablespoon of kefir and mashed potatoes, and then pour half a teaspoon of lemon juice. The aging time is seven minutes.

Make the complexion as alive as possible banana-apple mask .Put on the face a mixture of mashed potatoes from fruit for twenty minutes.

Rejuvenating and invigorating action is different banana-grape mask. The recipe is very similar to the previous one - combine the puree in equal proportions.

Reviews about

Svetlana, 47 years old

The sharp deterioration of the skin took me by surprise. Wrinkles suddenly became more visible, and clear until recently the outlines of the face lost their youth. The first measure, which I decided to take - a trip to the popular beauty shop. The same day I learned about the banana mask and decided to compare the effectiveness of home and purchase funds. The result was unexpected - the mask of oil and banana eclipsed the serum of the famous brand! Now I trust the person only with banana elixir and I am very happy about it. To return former beauty it was possible for a week!

Valeria, 23 years old

When I hear the phrase "I do not want the enemy", I immediately remember my own skin. It is a fat, but at the same time, scaly canvas. It is difficult to imagine how much money was spent on "magic" bottles. The waste stopped when I found out about the banana mask-scrub with soda on the cucumber water. I do twice in ten days and forget about the problem.

Alina, 44 years old

I have no problems with the skin, but I never forget about the prevention of aging and the required nutrition. In order to maintain beauty, I use a honey-banana mask. By the way, I often make corrections to it in the form of fragrant oils. The result is an effective SPA-procedure at home. At a mask only one minus - an overmoistness of a skin if to go too far with oil.

Evgenia, 40 years old

Wrinkles overcame me back in twenty years. Then I did not attach any importance to this, but when they began to deepen, I realized that I had to take care of myself urgently. A lot of money was tried, but the best was a banana-sour cream mask. Now the person will not be able to complain, because it does not correspond to the age. A small piece of advice for those who want to eliminate wrinkles in this way - put on the night when running!

Irina, 32 years old

Skin with wrinkles and black dots is my case. Eliminated both problems with a banana-tomato mask-scrub. I use it only a couple of times a week and get what I want, that is, a clean and young face. I advise everyone!

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