Laser retina coagulation

The eye is a unique "device" with a complex structure. The most important element of the eye is the retina. It is located on the inner side of the shell of the eye and converts light into nerve impulses, through which the brain forms a colored and voluminous picture of the real world. The detachment of the retina leads to a sharp deterioration in vision and can result in blindness. Loss of sight deprives a person of about 70% of information, so blindness is considered one of the most serious ailments.


  • 1What is laser coagulation?
  • 2Features of laser coagulation
  • 3Preparation of the patient and the sequence of the operation
  • 4Postoperative period
  • 5Reviews
  • 6Video
  • 7conclusions

What is laser coagulation?

Retinal detachment can occur from the influence of a number of external factors, and most often this process starts from the periphery and gradually affects all larger areas.Modern innovative technologies allow using a laser beam to perform some eye operations.All this procedure is called peripheral preventive laser coagulation. A precisely focused laser beam has a high temperature at the contact point and performs soldering or welding of the problem areas located on the periphery.

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This procedure is, first of all, preventive, because when the retina is detached from a large area, laser coagulation is not applied.

Laser coagulation can be indicated in the following eye pathologies:

  • Disorders of retinal vascular system (retinopathy).
  • Dystrophy of the vessels of the eye.
  • Spreading of the vascular system.
  • Some types of tumors.
  • Peripheral detachment or rupture of the retina.
  • Age-related dystrophy of the retina.

Despite the fact that laser coagulation is a bloodless and sparing operation, it has a number of contraindications:

  • Some pathologies of the brain.
  • Cataract.
  • Hemorrhage in the zone of the fundus.
  • Visual acuity at the level,.

You can independently determine the beginning detachment of the retina according to some symptoms:

  • The appearance in the field of view of color flashes or sparks.
  • Occurrence of floating dark spots.
  • Reducing the field of view.
  • Distortion of straight lines.
  • Violation of the form of familiar objects.

The process of detachment of the retina is rapidly progressing, so when these symptoms appear, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Features of laser coagulation

The use of a laser in ophthalmology allows to strengthen the retina of the eye completely painlessly and bloodlessly.This operation does not imply a long stay of the patient in the hospital, since the entire procedure is performed in a specially equipped office and lasts no more than 30 minutes. In rare cases, the patient will have to spend a little more time in the chair.When laser coagulation is not used general anesthesia, which avoids possible complications. The operation is performed under local anesthesia, so there is no age restriction.

Limited laser coagulation is used as prevention of retinal detachment in patients with nearsightedness. This procedure is also indicated for pregnant women, because during this period, the probability of detachment increases in women.During pregnancy, laser "welding" of the retina is allowed to be carried out for up to 35 weeks.Laser coagulation helps to strengthen the peripheral areas of the retina, improves blood filling of the capillaries and prevents further detachment.

The procedure of "welding" the eye has no age restrictions.

Preparation of the patient and the sequence of the operation

Many patients may experience anxiety and discomfort before this procedure, so the doctor offers tranquilizers and sedatives. The patient sits in a special chair and, inside the eye, a medicine is injected into the eye, causing the pupil to expand. The anesthetic solution is also injected into the drip.

The head of the patient is rigidly fixed to the laser coagulation apparatus.Between the eyelids, the eyes fix a special three-mirror lens lubricated with gel, through which the doctor examines the retina.The device used for laser coagulation includes two quantum generators. A low-power semiconductor red laser is used to aim the welding beam at the desired point. The main laser of high power carries out the moxibustion of the retina.

The doctor, having determined the right place, guides there a low-power laser that highlights a bright red dot. Then, strictly on the aiming point, an instant "shot" is carried out by a powerful laser.As a result, a sharp increase in temperature leads to clumping (coagulation) of the tissues. The patient does not feel any painful manifestations and can only see a flash of the laser beam.As a result of the operation, the retina is "welded" to the choroid of the eye.

Postoperative period

Despite the fact that laser coagulation is carried out bloodlessly and painlessly, after its implementation a rehabilitation period is necessary. On average, it lasts no more than two weeks.2-3 hours after the procedure, the effect of the drug causing the pupil dilating stops and it returns to normal size. All visual functions are restored.After laser coagulation, in some cases, redness and sensation of a foreign body appear in the eye, but all this takes place within a few hours. On the day of the procedure, you can not drive the vehicle, and after laser surgery you should wear dark glasses to avoid injuring the retina with solar radiation.

During the rehabilitation period, restrictions are imposed on the following activities:

  • Heavy physical work, associated with heavy loads.
  • Employment of traumatic sports.
  • Lifting and carrying heavy loads.
  • Visiting a sauna or a sauna.

It is also not recommended to load the eyes with work at the computer, long reading and watching TV from a close distance. It is necessary to completely exclude salty foods that cause severe thirst, since the volume of liquid is also limited.People who underwent laser coagulation do not need any special care, but hypertensive patients need to monitor the pressure, and patients with diabetes need to control the level of sugar.

Before the operation and in the next 2-3 weeks, the use of alcohol is categorically prohibited.


Despite the fact that this procedure is positioned as painless, many patients note unpleasant sensations during the operation. Bright light flashes do not cause no cause for concern.As for the painful sensations, the doctor himself warns about this before laser coagulation.After the end of the procedure, most patients have some visual impairment, which is expressed in the wrong color rendition.Almost all patients note the high cost of surgery and possible risks. In some cases, laser coagulation has to be repeated several times.


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Virtually no one is immune from such pathological abnormalities as detachment of the retina. In the risk group are people engaged in heavy physical work, athletes, as well as those who spend a lot of time at the computer. It must be remembered that a timely visit to the ophthalmologist will help to identify retinal detachment at an early stage. We must strictly observe the regime of work and rest. Vision is a subtle instrument and must be protected.

Also read about what is atrophy of the optic nerve and the destruction of the vitreous.

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