Convulsions in children, adults: treatment, first aid, what to do

Convulsions are involuntary, uncontrolled muscle contractions that occur suddenly in children and adults and occur as seizures of varying duration. Causes of seizures in the child and adult:

  1. encephalitis,
  2. spasmophilia,
  3. meningitis,
  4. head and spinal cord tumors,
  5. syphilis,
  6. trauma,
  7. various poisoning and intoxication,
  8. overheating,
  9. epilepsy,
  10. other causes.

Seizures may occur in people with increased excitability, with neuroses and hysteria. Today we will talk about the treatment of seizures, first aid, what to do at home in attacks of convulsive muscle contractions.


Seizures: clonic, tonic

There are convulsions of clonic and tonic.

Clonic convulsions. Characterized by rapid contractions, following one another in a short, but not always even, time. If the clonic movements of the limb or the entire body of the muscles are intense, sweeping, then such convulsions are called convulsions.

Clonic diaphragm cramps cause:

  1. hiccup,
  2. laryngospasm( muscle contraction of the larynx),
  3. pilorospasm( muscle contraction of the esophagus).

Tonic convulsions. Develop slowly and last for a long time. They can be not only primary, but also behind the phase of clonic convulsions, as observed in epilepsy. An example of tonic convulsions can serve as tetany, as well as seizures of an individual brush or foot: "hand of an obstetrician", "horse foot".

Sometimes, people engaged in monotonous work, there may be so-called "professional convulsions" of the muscles involved in performing work movements( for example, "writing spasm").

The most famous disease in which a patient has seizures - epilepsy.

Epileptic seizure: symptoms, treatment, what to do

Begins suddenly, without precursors. Sometimes it is preceded by a so-called "epileptic aura"( hallucination, which is always repeated before the onset of an attack).The patient falls to the floor, often face down or on the side and loses consciousness. Then convulsions begin( including the respiratory muscles), which can lead to the stopping of breathing.

The patient's face first pale, then it becomes cyanotic. There is an alternating convulsive contraction of the muscles of the eyeballs, the tongue. If the tongue is bitten by teeth, an impurity of blood appears in the saliva and foam that appears.

Usually, the patient's head is beat strongly during an attack, hands and feet jerkily jerk, sometimes spontaneous excretion of urine and feces is observed. The attack lasts about two minutes, after which often comes a coma, turning into a dream. Waking up, the patient almost does not remember what happened to him.

First aid for in case of convulsive seizure( epilepsy) is to prevent the patient from injuring himself in the fall, hit his head on solid objects( table angle, beds, fireplace, etc.).The patient should be laid on the floor, on a mattress or blanket and kept, not allowing to jump and make sudden movements.

On the face and chest of the patient should be sprinkled with water. As soon as the seizure is over, the patient is put in bed and given a drink that is soothing:

  1. Valerian tincture,
  2. Corvalol,
  3. Motherwort,
  4. drops Zelenin.

In the interictal period, the patients are useful:

  1. sedatives,
  2. warm baths,
  3. physiotherapy,
  4. water procedures.

It's very good to walk barefoot on dew and do wet wraps with sheets soaked in dew.

Seizures in children: symptoms, how to treat

In general, convulsions appear in the case when individual groups of brain cells begin to show increased electrical activity. Usually this happens with strong overloads of the nervous system.

The causes of seizures in children are most often

  1. epilepsy,
  2. meningitis,
  3. skull injuries,
  4. hyperthermia( overheating).

Seizure attacks: large and small

There are "large" and "small" convulsive seizures.

When has large seizures of , the child usually does not feel the approach of seizures, although sometimes it notes unusual taste in the mouth or a specific odor. The attack begins suddenly. The body suddenly strains and the child( often with a cry) falls to the floor and starts to beat in cramps. His face turns blue( due to lack of oxygen), foam appears on his lips, and involuntary discharge of urine and feces is often observed. The attack lasts from a few seconds to several minutes. After the end of the attack, the baby falls asleep.

It is very important to let him sleep for as long as he wants, otherwise the attack can happen again.

Small seizures of in a child manifest differently. With them, the patient does not fall to the ground. He just does not see you and blindly looks ahead of himself. His body can slightly twitch, his eyes usually blink. The attack lasts only a few seconds. If parents are unobservant, they simply will not pay attention to the child's strange behavior.

During a "small" attack, a child usually does not lose control of his limbs( a small period of time) and he does not have involuntary urination and defecation.

Often the state of a "small" attack is not noticed by either the teacher or parents. This is dangerous only if the child is riding a bicycle and suddenly falls or crosses the road and loses control. The diagnosis of the disease is usually determined by the doctors with the words of the parents.

First aid for "big" convulsions

  1. If you see that a child has fallen to the ground, try to remove and move away from him all the heavy objects that he can hit during an attack.
  2. Do not try to fix it completely so that it does not move, just try to restrict the movements of the child for his own protection.
  3. Cover his head with his hands to avoid injury to the head.
  4. Do not try to move a child during an attack on the bed or sofa - let it stay where it caught the attack( if this, of course, is not dangerous).

After the attack, do not focus the child's attention on this event, try to be gentle with him and assure that everything is in order and nothing terrible has happened.

If the baby is small, pet him and let him sleep with your favorite toy under the soothing sounds of your voice.

An ambulance should be called if:

  1. seizure spasm lasts more than three to five minutes or more than before;
  2. if it is the first attack in a child;
  3. if immediately after the end of the first attack the second and third begins;
  4. if the child sustains an injury during fall.

First aid for "small" convulsions

  1. First of all you need to calm the child and remove all heavy objects that a child can get injured in case of falling to the ground;
  2. should take the child away from places where he could be at risk( road, fireplace, fire, pond, well, etc.). The
  3. child feels much better if the attack takes place in a familiar setting, among "his" people.

All children suffering from epileptic seizures should carry with them some document or so-called "identification card", where the patient's diagnosis is written, what to do in case of an attack, the address is indicated.

It is not necessary after each attack to send the child to the hospital.

The hospital environment is always bad for sick children and aggravates their condition. If the child refuses categorically from inpatient treatment, he should never be put there in addition to his will.

Only children in need of inpatient treatment who have:

  1. seizures began to recur much more often than they were before;
  2. one attack goes to another.

Parents' behavior at the onset of seizures

Parents should be aware that the main symptoms of the onset of an attack are:

  1. , the baby rolls his eyes;
  2. muscles of the arms, legs and face begin to contract and twitch;
  3. may occur short-term respiratory arrest;
  4. appears foam on the lips.

When these signs appear, you must :

  1. be near the child;
  2. remove all heavy things from the child, if possible, move it to a safe place( if the attack has not started);
  3. to unbutton the child's clothes, if you have time - remove it. Give air to get through to the airways of the child;
  4. wipe gauze with a gauze cloth or kerchief from the mouth of foam;
  5. if the attack began in the pool, river, bathroom, immediately remove the child from the water.

After the end of the attack

  1. Open the window or window - give the child fresh air;
  2. remove excess clothes from the child and put it on easily;
  3. give him the opportunity to fall asleep and provide complete peace;
  4. never leave your baby alone during an attack!

Treatment of convulsions at home

Of course, the treatment of seizures should be carried out according to the purpose and under the supervision of a psychiatrist, neurologist, pediatrician. The following methods of folk treatment can be applied on the recommendation of a specialist as an addition to the official methods of drug treatment. See the page for epilepsy .

There are many folk ways of cramping cramps. Consider some of them, most of them are aimed at simple cases, for example, when it reduces a leg or arm with a spasm to calm the nervous system and improve blood circulation.

First of all, I want to draw your attention to the treatment of seizures with the help of aromatherapy. In order to ensure normal blood circulation in the right muscles, needs to massage the into areas that are susceptible to convulsions. All massage movements should be gliding and stroking and directed towards the heart. In order for the massage to be effective, it must be done with the help of diluted essential oils. This can be juniper, lavender, marjoram, rosemary oil or black pepper oil. The use of these oils promotes reddening of the skin, and therefore, the expansion of blood vessels and increased blood flow in places prone to convulsions.

Folk remedies

In the treatment of seizures, celandine grass, goose paw grass, guinea fowl, ginger and so on are used.

Let us dwell in more detail on the often used bark of the viburnum ordinary .From it, you need to make tincture, which is considered a powerful tool in the fight against cramps. Tincture of the bark of the viburnum can be used either inside or outside. It is best to make warm compresses from it and apply them to the area of ​​the muscles that are prone to convulsions. If you still decide to take the tincture inside, then you can drink it one teaspoon in the morning and in the evening. Before consumption, dilute this tincture with a small amount of boiled water. It should be noted that, in spite of its unpleasant taste, the tincture of viburnum ordinary has a wide range of medicinal properties.

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Febrile convulsions: symptoms, treatment, first aid, what to do

Febrile convulsions are convulsions that occur when the body temperature rises. It is noted in 5% of children, often one of the parents in childhood also had seizures. Develop usually from 6 months to 5 years( usually in the 2nd year).

More common in children who have had perinatal brain damage, intrauterine infection, birth trauma, or in families of such children, someone from relatives has epilepsy, vascular disorders, convulsions against the background of high fever.

As a rule, seizures develop against the background of a viral infection( usually influenza, vapor influenza, herpes of type 6).Not every fever can cause seizures, even if they were earlier( the probability depends on the pathogen).

Seizures can be accompanied by eye rolls, loss of consciousness, moaning, and breathing disorders. In most children, convulsions stop on their own by 5-6 years, only 10% of children may experience epilepsy.

Usually, febrile convulsions occur at a temperature of more than 38.5 ° C, but the rate of increase in temperature is of primary importance. Seizures develop usually with a sudden temperature jump;sometimes even they are the first symptom of high body temperature.

Febrile convulsions do not increase the risk of epilepsy, but may be the first manifestation( "debut") of epilepsy( idiopathic epilepsy, "febrile seizures-plus").Prognostic Dangerous Sign:

  1. asymmetry of seizures( as in a toddler on video),
  2. duration of more than 15 minutes,
  3. repeatability during the day,
  4. localized convulsions.

Prognostic favorable symptom:

  1. symmetry and generalized seizures( whole-body involvement),
  2. duration not more than 5 minutes,
  3. single-shot.

First, a single seizure of febrile seizures is an occasion for examining a neurologist. The need for an EEG after febrile seizures is decided by the neurologist after the examination.

Secondly, a two-fold attack - it is necessary to seem to the neurologist and make electroencephalography( EEG).When the neurologist and / or the EEG confirm the febrile seizures, antiepileptic drugs are not prescribed for either an attack or an outbreak.

Video author: Ph. D. and Mom, pediatrician and neonatologist, Anna Levadnaya.

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Cramps: Causes and Treatment of

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Seizures: simple tricks that help - Dr. Komarovsky

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Three ways to relieve the spasm

Cramps in the legs: the causes and treatment of

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what to do with cramps in the legs, the reasons are Galina Grossmann

This question raises the majority of those who lose weight, especially those who get heavy weight pretty quickly. The fact is that when you burn fat, it's as if you received a lot of physical exertion and products of burning fat, the same acids make you this cramp! By and large it's not scary.

What should I do if my leg cramps? If there was a night of cramps in your legs, do not stretch that leg, if you pull the leg, the crystals will be stronger than the crystals. So relax, calm down, stroke your foot. Do a move to the body, to slightly stretch, pull this liquid with acid.

There are enough cobalt, molybdenum, microelements in your food. In our time there is no shortage of substance in the body, we have excess. You must know! Not vitamins, nothing you do not have flaws, a person does not need so much. So do not panic, cramps in the legs are normal. You just imagine that you've been doing sports all day. .. please be glad that this happened. You will see how much your legs have lost weight. ..

How to cure night leg cramps

On the video channel "Useful advice about everything".

Cramps in the legs: reduces legs, how to treat, causes, ways of treating

On the video channel of Dr. Evdokimenko.

Legs most people often reduces at night. Causes of leg cramps:

  1. lack of magnesium in the body,
  2. lack of calcium,
  3. lack of B group vitamins,
  4. side effects of certain medications.

Other causes of leg cramps:

  1. pregnancy,
  2. vegetarianism,
  3. smoking,
  4. alcohol,
  5. frequent consumption of green tea,
  6. spasms of blood vessels,
  7. muscle fatigue.

Treating leg cramps .First of all check the instructions of those drugs that you take daily, for several months or years. Remember that many drugs( from cholesterol, pressure, diuretics, hormones) give a side effect in the form of cramps in the legs. If you have legs from drugs, it is desirable to replace the drug.

If it's not about the side effects of drugs, we start a phased treatment:

1st stage of treatment:

Magnelis B6, or Magne B6, or Magnesium plus B6, in tablets.

Buy from these drugs the one that will be cheaper. Adults take either of these drugs - 2 tablets 3 times a day, while eating, drinking a glass of water - for 1 month.

IMPORTANT!The intake of these drugs should be withdrawn immediately if symptoms of excess magnesium in the blood appear, such as:

  1. a strong slowing of the pulse( less than 60 per minute),
  2. double vision,
  3. sudden rush of blood to the skin of the face,
  4. headache,
  5. severe pressure decrease,
  6. nausea,
  7. dyspnea,
  8. blurred speech,
  9. vomiting,
  10. weakness,
  11. severe dizziness.

All this happens with the intake of magnesium infrequently, nevertheless, this must be remembered.

2nd stage of treatment:

If after the course of treatment with magnesium preparations the leg cramps did not stop, we pass to injections with vitamins of group B.

Milgamma or Kombilipen( which will be cheaper) - buy 10 ampoules, administer 1 ampoule to adults by intramuscular injection( 2ml), every other day, that is, 10 injections.

But if from 5-6 injections of milgamma or kombilipen to the legs did not become easier, then we stop stabbing the injections, and then we proceed to the third stage.

3rd stage of treatment:

Calcium preparations, better in the form of carbonate( it is believed that it is better absorbed).

For example, Complicant calcium D3.Or Calcium D3 - Nycomed. We buy from them the one that will be cheaper.

Adults take:

Complicant calcium D3 - 1 tablet 2 times a day, preferably with meals. Tablets are chewed or swallowed whole.

Or use Calcium D3 - Nycomed: take daily 1 tablet of calcium D3 - Nycomed - forte or 2 tablets of regular calcium D3 - Nycomed.

The course of treatment with calcium preparations - no longer than 1 month. Check the contraindications!

4th stage of treatment:

Venotonics: Detralex, Fleobody, Diosmin, Troxevasin in capsules, Troxerutin.

Source: YNGorgov. Official and traditional medicine. The most detailed encyclopedia.- Moscow: Izd-vo Eksmo, 2012.

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