Begins to hurt or be ill; be sick with a throat what to do

The throat starts to hurt - what should I do? There are no tablets ...


D. C.

When there is perspiration and pain in the throat, proceed as soon as possible to rinse with broths of herbs, first of all sage and chamomile. These herbs are practically indispensable for their anti-inflammatory and softening mucous nasopharyngeal effect. A similar effect is possessed by a three-colored violet. Herbal decoctions for rinsing the throat are prepared from the calculation of 1 tbsp. Spoon the herbs for 1 glass of water. The grass is brewed with steep boiling water, it takes 15-20 minutes, and the throat solution is ready. During the day, you must rinse the throat no less than 4-5 times.
You can dilute in a glass of water at room temperature for 3 hours. spoon of apple cider vinegar and 2 h. spoons of honey. Rinse the throat with this solution 3 times a day. Before each rinse, prepare a fresh solution.
Well, the throat of the black radish juice "rips". A glass of juice should be diluted with half a glass of water and gargle as often as possible. With a strong cough, it is recommended to take freshly squeezed black radish juice inside. This is an excellent anti-inflammatory and expectorant. To make it, you need to mix 1 part of black radish juice with 2 parts of honey and take 1 tbsp. spoon 3-4 times a day. You can do without honey. 6-8 tubers of black radish cut into thin slices, thickly sprinkling each slice with sugar, and leave in a saucepan, closing it with a lid. After 10-12 hours, a sweet juice is formed. Take it for 1 tbsp. spoon every hour.

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A very simple recipe is to drink warm beer at night. He heals the throat, softens the cough, removes perspiration and restores the hoarse voice.
With a starting sore throat, slow chewing of raw lemon, especially zest, or rinsing of the throat with lemon juice helps a lot. After that, it is desirable not to eat anything for an hour. Repeat the procedure every 3 hours.
Folk remedies for gargling
1. Rinse throat with beet juice. Grate the beetroot on a small grater and squeeze the juice. To a glass of juice add 1 tbsp. spoonful of table vinegar (not essences!). Gargle 5-6 times a day.
2. Rinse the throat with a decoction of onion peel. Three teaspoons of peel pour, l of water, boil, insist 4 hours, drain.
3. Rinse throat with infusion of garlic Take 100 g of peeled and chopped garlic, pour 100 ml of boiled water at room temperature, close the vessel and leave for 5-6 hours, drain.
4. Rinse with water and honey.
5. Rinse with juice or decoction of plantain On a glass of boiling water put 4 crushed dry or fresh leaves of plantain, insist half an hour. Gargle every hour.
6. Rinse throat with Kalanchoe juice (live tree). Juice the Kalanchoe mixed in half with water and gargle several times a day.
7. Rinse throat with a decoction of blueberries. 100 g of dried fruits pour, l of water, boil until the water decreases to 1/3 l, drain.
8. Rinse throat with infusion of medicinal sage. Brew for 4 hours. spoons of crushed leaves 2 cups of boiling water, insist 30 minutes, strain.
9. Rinse the throat with a tincture of Rhodiola rosea (golden root) Take 50 g of dry root per liter of vodka, cover 7 days in a dark place, drain, 1 hour. Spoon a tincture pour in half a glass of hot water, rinse your throat. After a while, repeat.
10. Inflorescences of calendula, leaves of plantain, grass of wormwood - all equally. One st. Spoon mixture pour 1 cup boiling water, boil on low heat for 10-15 minutes, drain. Gargle with warm solution every 2 hours
11. Inflorescences of chamomile - 2 parts, sage leaves - 4 parts, eucalyptus leaves 3 parts, mint grass 2 parts, thyme grass 2 parts, pine buds 3 parts, roots of elecampane 4 parts. 3 tbsp. Spoon mixture pour, l boiling water, boil for 3-4 minutes, gargle. This composition can be used for inhalation.
12. Gargle with a solution consisting of half a lemon and half a glass of hot water. It is also taken inside - it will help to restore the violation of the exchange of societies.
13. It is necessary to brew 10 pieces of a food carnation on 1 glass of water. Insist until brown. With this infusion, gargle.

Alla Sarycheva

tea with honey


water + soda
can be on kraynyak water + toothpaste

Born blond

Rinse alternately - Soda and a solution of vinegar (better - apple), from the environment, microbes perish. Not very hot solutions, just like drinking tea.


Brew marigold flowers, iodine + water. Hot, by no means!!! Only a warm drink!


now in the evening warm milk + 1 tbsp. spoon of butter + 1 tbsp. a spoonful of heron and drink small sips.


Unconventional and folk methods of treatment:
1) Carrot juice mixed with honey in the ratio:. Take 1 tablespoon 4-5 times a day. Grated carrots, cooked in milk, take on, -1 glass 3 times a day.
2) In hoarseness, it is recommended to eat as much as possible cooked garlic for a couple.
3) Pour 5-6 crushed cloves of garlic 1 cup of milk, boil, cool and strain. Take 1 tablespoon several times a day.
4) Take 3 teaspoons of chopped onion peel, pour, l. water, allow to boil and insist for 4 hours, then drain and use to rinse the throat.
5) Medium-sized bulb to peel, cut, add 2 teaspoons of sugar and pour, 5 glasses of water. Boil the mixture until tender. The mixture should thicken at the same time. Mix this mixture with honey in the ratio:. Take 1 tablespoon 3-4 times a day for 30 minutes before eating.
6) Good results are obtained by rinsing the throat with fresh potato juice, which is carried out regularly 3-4 times a day.
7) Grate the beetroot on a small grater and squeeze out a glass of juice. In it, pour 1 tablespoon of vinegar. Gargle 3-4 times a day, while drinking 1 sip of this remedy.
8) Grind 2 egg yolks of a raw egg with white sugar, add butter and take between meals. Helps with hoarseness.
9) Boil 2 tablespoons of dried white grapes in 1 glass of water. Add 1 tablespoon of onion juice. Take a glass, 3 times a day, in a warm form, you can with honey. Helps with hoarseness.
10) Infusion of the leaves of plantain large mixed with an equal volume of honey and cook for 20 minutes. Take 1 tablespoon 2-3 times a day.
11) Take 10gr. bark of the viburnum and oak bark. Collect 1 pint of cold water and boil for 20 minutes. Insist 1 hour. Do inhalation and gargle.
12) Inhalation with essential oils of mint, thyme, eucalyptus.

Tatyana Volkova

less floury more than night... and no diseases can be seen!

Natalia Mikhailovna

Cognac and lemon for the night. It always helps me. 4-5 glasses, every one toast 1-2 slices. Tomorrow wake up to a healthy person :)

Natalia Razumova

If there are no tablets, the large salt (it is possible iodirovannuju) helps or assists. Finger slightly moistened with water and dip in salt, this salt put into the throat, in the place where it hurts. Do not eat or drink, although it is unpleasant. We must wait.
Often ill with angina, after this treatment I forgot for a long time.

Vasilchenko Julia

Nabodyazhit very salt solution of water and salt. And this rinsing solution is often. The folk remedy, all the germ-microbes will breathe.


if there is a lemon, then it can be sucked. or a solution of salt with iodine rinse your throat.

Natalia N

Never drink tablets, especially at the beginning of the disease!
Hot tub; Hot tea with honey, lemon; onion, garlic - eat or sniff or drip. I explain how to drip: in a syringe (without needles, of course), we collect warm boiled water, 2-3 drops of juice of onions or garlic, 2-3 drops of any drops in the nose (you can and without them); Bury in both nostrils for 4-5 drops (a lot, but, well, it helps!); You'll sleep all night, spout breathes!
And to drink a lot of tea, water with lemon, suck honey, in general, constantly something to be treated! 2-3 days, and you will be like a cucumber !!


It all depends on your condition, if you have a sore throat (which does not happen by the way, then some folk methods will aggravate your situation, in particular the use of acid-containing substances.
With herbs you can rinse the calendula, sage, this is the best.
Do not forget that many such infections give serious complications, it is not necessary to engage in self-treatment consult a doctor.

All OK !

warm milk! -to drink or
boiled water (1/2 st) with 1/2 hours. l. soda - rinse 3-4 p \ or just to get your feet up-ideally with the powder of the hills, but it's possible and simple!


Rinse with lemon juice!

Marina Volnova

Warm, not hot, tea with honey. Rinse with water and soda. And get a rule, keep something in the medicine cabinet for such cases. At me, for example, from a first-aid kit Influcid never disappears.

What to do starts to hurt or be ill; be sick sore !?



brew sage and rinse. You can also use sage pills for resorption


drink tea.. eat honey, doctor mom candy

Olga @

inhalation, inhalation only

UmK @

Urgently a lot, a lot of HOT tea (and not messy! not warm, but hot!! )

Try to rinse your throat with soda and iodine. should help.
so that one day has passed, rinses every half hour.
still inhalation with fir oil. 2-3 drops per liter of water, no more

good luck =))) get well;)

Gennady Dedik

You need to buy furatselin in tablets. So, as it is very poorly soluble, it has become in recent years to produce it in powders. It is necessary only in a tablet. You can find. No in shops in different first aid kits home and machine roll. He broke off a piece of a match head and how to sleep in his mouth and swallow only saliva. It is possible under the tongue. It's bitter. but nothing. And fall asleep. In the morning, there is no angina and there is no trace. As a last resort during the day, as much as once a tablet sucked and swallowed saliva and vse.I for the night. This is the most radical remedy. In fact, furacelin is not allowed inside, but if the heart is strong, then it's okay. I thus treated and treated all daughters, grandchildren and prvnukov.
How not to rinse your throat with any means, the same furacelin at the bottom is never rinsing and bacilli multiply overnight multiply by millions. And swallowing furatselinovuyu saliva, she wets all the polls and therefore the bacillus perish in millions and by the morning they all die. I was taught by doctors at the traumatology institute. On Wednesday, I should be operated on. and I caught a cold over the weekend and the doctor who found out on Monday gave me such a recipe. Already on Tuesday, angina was not in sight. I had an excavator at work. We worked all week at the construction site. At lunch, they played card-kings and after working out on Friday left for Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk. Arriving on Monday in the city of Kholmsk we see that there is no excavator. Soon we are informed that he died on Sunday from angina and did not have time to save. We did not go to the hospital, thought there would be a cold and missed the time. A young man under thirty. Sorry at that time, I did not know this recipe.


Gargle with iodinol every half hour and then lie down and do not swallow


Rinse every hour a glass of water + a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar. Or half a glass of warm water 15 drops propolis alcohol (sold at the pharmacy) But you must rinse every hour. Or chlorophyllite oil 2% to process. You can not handle (gag reflex), then inject a syringe (without needles, of course) over a little bit


Buy in the pharmacy candy "Strepsils" Take the instructions, well removes and drink tea with milk, only not hot, but just warm, with honey carefully, with a loose throat honey will only hurt!


Begin rinsing with a solution of furacilin or calendula. This is a safe and effective medicine. But before this procedure it is better to rinse the throat with a solution of baking soda to remove excess mucus, then the effect of furacilin will intensify. To get even more effect, you can add a few drops of calendula tincture to the solution. Do not forget that the rinse solution should be warm and rinse your throat at least 4-5 times a day for 2-3 minutes. Thanks to this treatment, the pain in your throat will pass very quickly.

Onions with apples and honey: grate an equal amount of onions and apples on a fine grater, mix with the same amount of honey. Take this medicine for 2-3 hours. spoons 2-3 times a day - and the pain in the throat will pass.

Sore throat than cure? How to quickly cure a throat folk remedies

With the onset of autumn, we are increasingly beginning to get sick with colds. We are tormented by migraines, runny nose, sore throat. Than to treat such unpleasant symptoms, which remedy is the most effective? In fact, everything is not as simple as it might seem at first glance. There are a lot of nuances that need to be considered, whether it be possible contraindications or certain features of your condition. What are they?

Varieties of throat diseases and their main symptoms

So, if you have a sore throat, than treat it - a secondary issue. First you need to determine the cause of discomfort. Such a discomfort can be caused by bacteria, fungi and viruses. In addition, this reaction can be based on allergy, irritation, dry air, bad habits, hypothermia, weakening of immunity. However, such reasons are still secondary. Depending on the type of pathogen and the area to which it affects, distinguish and the main types of diseases:

  • Laryngitis. It can occur both on a viral basis and with an overstrain of the ligaments of the throat, the complication extends to the laryngeal mucosa. The most characteristic sign is a change in the voice, the appearance of wheezing, in especially severe cases, the patient can not speak at all.
  • Pharyngitis. Such a disease in the people is also called inflammation of the pharynx, it is easy to recognize by the following symptoms: the pain appears after a cold, the change of voice is almost completely absent.
  • Angina. The official name is acute tonsillitis / tonsillitis. A similar phenomenon is accompanied by acute pain, alteration of the tonsils (increase in size, discoloration, appearance of plaque), fever, general weakness, rapid fatigue. The causative agent of angina is considered to be both bacteria and viruses.
  • Tracheitis. The problem area can be defined already by the name of the disease itself, a group of different viruses cause an inflammatory process in the trachea. To characterize the condition with such a problem may slightly elevated temperature (37-3,), frequent dry cough, sensation of edema and discomfort in the throat. In people this condition is often characterized as a lump in the throat.

Professionally diagnose a disease can only be an expert. Therefore, if you feel unwell, consult a doctor, and do not self-medicate. Remember, such actions will help you protect yourself from possible complications and solve the health problem in the shortest possible time.

How to start treatment

If for some reason you can not visit a polyclinic, then treatment should begin at home with improvised means. For starters, create the most comfortable conditions that will not contribute to the development of complications and pain. Refuse cold food, and even more drinks. Take care of the comfortable temperature of the food you eat. In order not to give yourself extra uncomfortable sensations, you can subject the products to additional processing, changing them to the state of mashed potatoes with a blender or meat grinder. Soft food does not hurt the sore throat, in addition, it is much easier to use.

Treatment available to pregnant women and children: rinse and inhalation

After that, you can go to the main question. Do you have a sore throat than treat it? In some cases, you can do without special medications and a doctor's examination. People's recipes will come to your aid, which can also be distinguished by good results. Their additional advantages include accessibility, budget and ease of use.

The simplest method is a different rinse. Perform this procedure should be at least 6 times a day, only in this case you can reduce discomfort and achieve the desired effect. To prepare a medicinal solution, you can use components such as:

  • soda;
  • pills furatsilina;
  • medicinal herbs (for example, calendula, chamomile and others);
  • hydrogen peroxide;
  • potassium permanganate and much more.

After rinsing, it is recommended that some time be refrained from eating food or liquids. This is necessary to ensure that the useful components of the solution have time to assimilate and have a beneficial effect on the throat.

The most appropriate method will be in such a state as pregnancy. "It hurts my throat, than to treat it? Girls in gynecology are often asked by gynecologists. It should be noted right away that there are few options. In addition to rinses, a lot of warm liquid is recommended. This will help speed up the process of removing the infection from the body and accelerate its recovery. In addition, inhalations based on sea water will also be superfluous. All these drugs are permissible even in such a state as pregnancy. Sore throat, than to treat it, if such events do not help? Then you have to go to the doctor, be sure, you should not run your health in any condition. By the way, such treatment is acceptable and safe for young children. However, if your baby is less than three years old, starting self-treatment is strongly discouraged. Coordinate your actions with a pediatrician.

When to visit a doctor

In which cases is the visit to the doctor mandatory? You can determine this need by focusing on the following symptoms:

  • Painful sensations persist for more than two days, despite the measures taken.
  • Painful sensations are extremely inconvenient, you can not eat, yawn, it's hard for you to talk.
  • There is a high body temperature, fever, chills.
  • Skin rashes appear.
  • General malaise.

In all these cases, it is best to ask the doctor: "Does it hurt the throat than to treat?" Medications are the answer you get. The easiest way to buy lollipop tablets. They are affordable, sold in any pharmacy and are as simple as possible when used. Typically, these products have a pleasant taste. The most well-known are such tools as "Septotelet" or "Tharyngept". Remember that, in addition to the appointment, the doctor must put you an accurate diagnosis, give advice, provide for possible complications. In addition, the pharmacy sells a variety of sprays for treating the throat and ready-to-use rinse solutions.

What are the cures for sore throats?

It is necessary to understand medicine well if you have a sore throat. Than to treat it or him and how tablets differ among themselves? Accepted to allocate the following groups of funds:

  • Antiseptics. Provide a quick, but usually superficial effect. Their main property is the temporary softening of the throat. They can not completely eliminate the virus, but they are perfectly spread out with possible bacteria.
  • Aesthetic. Also has a superficial effect, reduces pain, relieves irritation, helps with severe perspiration.
  • A combination medicine based on the properties of an antiseptic is most preferable.
  • Immunostimulant. It is aimed at increasing immunity, due to the increase in the body's strength, the patient can cope with the disease that has arisen.

The last item can be especially important if you have a sore throat. Than to treat it or him? The answer is simple: take care of your immunity. In this case, you will rarely get sick and recover much faster.

Folk recipes: original syrup

It happens that pills and proven drugs do not help. What to do in this situation, because it hurts the throat, than to treat? Medicines can offer you not only traditional, but folk medicine, sometimes they are even more effective and effective. To get rid of any pain in the throat will help the original syrup based on garlic and natural honey. Grind the first component, fill it with half a glass and lightly pour honey. The ingredients are heated on low heat for 15-20 minutes, and then cooled to re-manipulate. The received structure should be accepted on one spoon every hour.

Wonderful properties of medicinal herbs

Popular for combating diseases of the throat are all kinds of medicinal herbs. On their basis rinses, inhalations and various broths for reception inside are done. Many representatives of the world of flora have an excellent anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effect. These include eucalyptus, sage, oregano, coniferous trees, raspberry, horsetail, mint and all kinds of citrus. You can make up their own funds on their basis, or you can use the already prepared recipe. So, prepare berries of dogrose, motherwort, plantain, marigold and clover. Grind all ingredients and mix. Two tablespoons of this raw material should be poured into two glasses of boiling water. During the day, the agent will be infused at room temperature in a dark place. Then it can be used instead of tea and used to rinse your throat.

Basic rules of an integrated approach

What to do if you have a sore throat, pershit, than to treat it? Try an integrated approach: broth, inhalation and rinsing. Let's start with the last point of the treatment plan. Rub one small beet and add to it a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar. Such a saturated mass is recommended to gargle. After a while, the positive effect can be fixed by inhalation on herbs. For its preparation you will need an equal amount of chamomile, elderberry and linden flowers. Components should be mixed, chopped and pour a glass of boiling water. For 200 milliliters of water, you need only 20 grams of raw materials. The final step is to prepare a healing infusion. His recipe includes such original ingredients as thyme, chicory, walnut leaves and currants. All these herbal ingredients are boiled and insisted for several hours. After filtration, the drink is consumed in a dosage of 100 ml per day.

Classical recommendations for colds and sore throats

What actions should be taken if you have a common cold, sore throat. Than to treat it if temperature is not present, but unpleasant sensations are present. A powerful remedy is rinse based on a teaspoonful of sea salt and a couple drops of ordinary iodine. Perform the procedure every two hours - and very soon you will be able to note the positive effect. In addition, it is superfluous to add onion and garlic. These vegetables are powerful natural antiseptics, because quickly and reliably rid of bacteria inside the body. Use them as an additive to the main food, adding to soups, salads, second courses.

If your throat is red, it hurts, than to treat it? Try a delicious and healthy recipe based on natural honey. In a glass of warm, but not hot milk, add one tablespoon of this sweet remedy. You can use honey and without any additives, but remember, it should not be washed down with water. By the way, this remedy is effective not only for the treatment of the throat, but also for the general maintenance of the body during illness.

The condition of the cold is really very unpleasant, it hurts the throat, the rhinitis. Than to treat an illness? Try to improve your health with tea or a decoction, it will not only have an anti-inflammatory effect on the throat, but it also helps to minimize the signs of starting ARVI. It is recommended several times a day to use such drinks as green tea, broth of wild rose, black warm tea with honey or raspberries, water with lemon.

What if you have symptoms such as sore throat, cough? Than to treat this trouble? Be sure to try such a folk remedy, like butter. Cut a small piece of the product and slowly dissolve it. After drinking, do not drink for at least 30 minutes. Such a measure will reduce the perspiration in the throat, soften the mucous membrane.

We treat sore throat at home

If you have a sore throat, than treat it, because, most likely, begins angina. Begin the process of fighting the disease with classic rinsing solutions of herbs on alcohol, soda, salt. Perform such manipulations should be as often as possible, on average with interruptions of one hour. Classic tablets such as "Lizobakt" Stopangin "Pharyngosept" can help. But the most effective pharmaceutical means is "Lugol". To date, it is available as a spray or a solution for the treatment of glands. Such a tool is very affordable and allowed for use by children, as well as pregnant women. Before using the medication, it is recommended that you read the attached instructions. To treat a sick throat at an angina it is possible and by means of an ordinary zelenok.

In what cases are antibiotics prescribed?

However, it should be remembered that these measures are effective in the early stages of the development of angina, in the advanced stage without the use of special antibiotics can not do. What to do if time is lost, you have a sore throat, sore throat? Than to treat a similar status, the doctor will prompt only, he can define or determine a necessary dosage and a medicine. Most often the patient is prescribed such a remedy as "Amoxicillin". Do not self-cancel the appointment at the first sign of improvement, remember that antibiotics are used only by the course (for example, 5 or 7 days). Be sure to clarify the doctor about the need to use ancillary to normalize the microflora of the stomach, because specific drugs can have a negative impact on it.

Summing up: how to properly treat the throat

Let's summarize, if you have a fever, sore throat, what to treat it, what actions to take? Observe the following recommendations:

  • Reduce the load (do not talk, do not eat rough or cold food).
  • Give up smoking (at least for the period of illness).
  • Use a large amount of warm liquid (for example, teas, decoctions, fruit juice, compotes, it is best if the components of the drink are included with vitamin C).
  • Do not forget about regular gargling with special solutions.
  • Soften the throat with special pills, lozenges and lozenges.
  • With severe pain, do not forget to take a remedy that minimizes such feelings.
  • Visit a doctor.
  • Strengthen immunity (proper nutrition, abundance of vitamins).
  • Provide a rest for recovery.

If all the recommendations are followed, the unpleasant feelings will recede on the third or fourth day. If you have a very sore throat, than to treat? Antibiotics help cure the neglected form of the disease. Do not delay the trip to the doctor, take care of your health, otherwise you have a chance to earn various complications.

Prevention as the main cure for sore throat

Now you know what to do when you have a sore throat, what to treat it in an emergency situation, how to eliminate the symptoms accompanying the disease. It is time to talk about preventive measures, because it is much easier to prevent the problem, than to look for ways to solve it in the future. First of all, you should take care of the issue of air humidity in the room where you are most often (living room, office). Excessive dryness contributes to the development of various diseases, so you should buy and regularly use a special device - a moisturizer. In addition, it is recommended and periodically gargle with a solution of sea salt. Such an event is especially important during the cold, because it will help you to eliminate the inflammatory process at the very beginning. It would be superfluous to engage in special exercises, a set of procedures could be suggested by a therapist, but the most basic exercise is as follows:

  • Take a deep breath through your nose.
  • Slowly exhale through the mouth.
  • Repeat these manipulations for a couple of minutes.

If you have a sore throat, than treat it with folk remedies or tablets, in fact it is not so important, the main thing is to take adequate measures in time and not to let the disease progress. Observe the basic rules of prevention, follow the rules of comprehensive treatment and do not forget about the need for professional help. Be healthy!

Often the throat hurts! Advise what to do?



Problematic Vishudha.
Vishudha - corresponds to the 1st thoracic and 7th cervical vertebrae.
It is located in the throat region (its localization on the physical plane is the neck area under the pharynx, the thyroid gland) and corresponds to the anatomical location of the pharyngeal plexus.
At the hormonal level, the Vishuddha Chakra is bound by unbreakable bonds with the nadchitovidnoy and thyroid glands. At the physical level, it "answers" for the nerve nodes of the pharynx, for the ENT organs (ear, throat, nose), as well as for the state of the dentition and gums, for the muscles of the neck.

The "lump" in the throat (causing a desire to clear throat) is a characteristic sign of the pathology of the GOLD Bubble.
Energy redundancy in 11-y MERIDIAN of the GOLD BUBBLE in the VISHUDHI zone, not realized to the feet. -F, 1
Massage - ф 2 and
ф3 - стопы.: The ratio of the zones of the head is 1 - the brain; 2 - larynx; 3 - spinal cord; 4 - segments of thoracic vertebrae; 5 - esophagus, trachea; 6 - upper lymphatic ways; 7 - bones of the skull, scalp, hair, inner shell of the skull; 8 - eye (nerves); 9 - ear (nerves); 10 - the language; 11 - oral cavity, pharynx; 12 - Shoulder joint.

Massage point 7 KS-indications kom "in the throat of MERIDIAN PERICARDA.
The recommended time from 19-21 is the period of meridian activity. -F, 1.

Massage SU-JOK correspondences-bronchi, lungs -F, 2.


- It is recommended to talk as little as possible.
- Stop smoking if you smoke.
- Drink more warm liquid, preferably from 8 to 10 glasses (water, juice, tea). A warm drink softens the back of the throat.
- Rinse your throat with special solutions or warm, salted water.
- Suck antibacterial candies and cough lozenges to soften the throat.
- Take an anesthetic.
- If possible, rest during illness. This will help your body to gain strength and cope with the infection.

Masha the Beetle

you need to know what your throat diagnosis is (hr tonzilit and / or hr pharyngitis) and whether you were made in the throat of kaike or operatsii (removal of glands for example)
To me 42 years too a throat almost all time hurts from early detsva - earlier was hr tonilitis with frequent anginas - in 10 years to me have removed tonsils (for me it there was a very painful operatsiya) so polse opionatsii anginas did not become at all but the throat as it hurt almost all the time and continues to hurt and dry and more on the posterior wall of the pharynx got out nasty watery shishaki - repeatedly appealed to different ENT doctors and to the doctor who made me operatsiyu - so they all amicably put hr pharyngitis and vyglich it that you it has arisen as pobochka after operatsii and now all life a hollow of a throat, splash aerosols and sosi pills. since adolescence, I have to treat my throat in this way, and I once again turned to a homeopath - he gave me grains - they helped me a little. And I'll advise you here - clarify the diagnosis why you have a sore throat all the time and look for interpretive lora, an immunologist and a homeopath - ktto will be able to deal with your problem with the throat

Zanfira Yagudina

My childhood is remembered to me: always with a bandaged throat! In the 55-60 years, they were treated with half-alcohol compresses, changing them every 6 hours! But growing up I learned that I have Angina and I need to treat it differently! And that in the future it did not hurt, I had to give up ice cream, which I loved very much, from cold drinks! You just need to know what you can and can not! We must protect our feet from dampness, etc. Warm drink with honey, St. John's Wort! This is useful! Faryngosept-helps perfectly, then they were not! Carrot juice, tea with cream, raspberries, honey, lime tea (or rinse with lime-colored solution). Be well! All this will pass! I think it was not, I have one that does not hurt my throat, and now sometimes, after the marozhenka it hurts!

Sore throat in summer - what to do?

The throat can hurt not only in winter, but also in summer (and, of course, in other seasons also). But, nevertheless, if we experience unpleasant sensations in the summer period of time, then this for us is some strange phenomenon. After all, it is not cold in summer, there is no frost, there is a risk of overcooling and catching cold, too. What is the cause of sore throat in the summer and what should I do in this case?

Causes of pain

As a rule, we associate the summer with the warm season, heat, sea beach and rest. But it was not there. It is in summer that our ENT organs are most prone to sudden temperature changes.

We can spend half the day at work under the air conditioners, enjoying the cool, and then, going out for lunch, the sun does not spare us and properly covers with ultraviolet. After such overheating, we again return to the cold office and by the evening we feel an unpleasant sensation and even a sore throat.

So,the main cause of sore throat in the summer is a sharp temperature drop in the street (where it is usually very hot) and indoors (where air conditioners are installed).

In addition, in the summer we enter weakened after the winter and spring, in our body there are very few vitamins, supporting the work of internal organs, and we are a little - immediately fall ill (mostly, we catch a cold).

Immunity weakens constant stresses, chronic lack of sleep, depression. And if the immune envelope is weak, then bacteria, viruses, infections, which are more than enough in our unfavorable environment, are easily penetrated through it.

Exacerbation of chronic diseases of the upper respiratory tract in the form of pharyngitis, sinusitis, tonsillitis and laryngitis can also occur in the summer. After all, a chronic illness is one that constantly lives in the human body, but only here it wakes up under conditions that provoke it.

Keep in mind!

Inflammatory and even infectious processes of the upper respiratory tract are treated quite quickly and very effectively through drops, antibiotics and other medications. But, it is important to observe one condition - the timeliness of such treatment (otherwise, the disease can go into a chronic form).


At the first signs of perspiration and sore throat, it is recommended to resort to an old, proven tool - to rinse the saline solution with the addition of a small amount of soda. Also, anti-inflammatory effect is possessed by camomile, lime, sage, marigold, mint and eucalyptus leaves.

That the pain in a throat has passed or has taken place, to rinse or gargle it or him it is necessary often - from 4 to 6 times a day through equal time intervals (for example, through every 2 hours).

If the throat begins to "wheeze then try using inhalation with the addition of soda or Borjomi mineral water. Inhalation can be carried out with the help of improvised means, and using a nebulizer. In day it is desirable to do 2-3 inhalations and then the pain in the throat will pass in a couple of days.

Mild sore throat

If the pain in the throat is weak, tolerable, then the treatment can consist in the use of all known pastilles, sugar candies and sprays from the pain in the throat (we list them).

Lozenges and pills for sore throat:

  • Grammidine tablets are pleasant to taste, have an antibacterial effect, relieve inflammation, are a good antiseptic. It can be given to children with pain in the throat from 6 years. Tablets do not have contraindications for use during pregnancy. It is not recommended to use during breastfeeding.
  • Strepsils is a very famous and actively used drug for sore throat. Plates Strepsils need to dissolve and after a while you will feel how the pain in the throat passes. In addition, candies contain natural ingredients that destroy bacteria in the throat, ease the first symptoms of a cold.
  • Lizobakt - tablets for resorption with the active substance - lysozyme. The drug has a pronounced antiviral, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effect. It is allowed to apply from 3 years.
  • Pharyngocept is an analgesic and antibacterial tablet that needs to be absorbed to provide the desired effect. It is not recommended for pregnant women and children. To dissolve the pill is immediately after a meal and take a break for 3 hours (do not eat or drink).

When the pain does not pass ...

If you are treated with rinses, candies and tablets for 1-2 days and the pain does not go away, you should urgently consult a doctor. why? Because the cause of inflammation can be bacteria in the form of streptococci, which can not affect only the upper respiratory tract, but also other internal organs, in particular, cardiovascular system.

Negligent attitude of patients to their health leads to the fact that the usual pain in the throat turns into a serious inflammatory purulent process, the treatment of which is possible only surgical method.

What to drink and eat with pain

As a rule, in a hot time, we constantly want to drink and remove thirst with cold drinks. With a sore throat, you can not do this. Even cool water is forbidden. However disgusting, it is necessary during this period to switch to warm green teas with the addition of lemon, mint, honey.

If you really want to drink a chilled drink, then in this case as an alternative use rest in the shade, in the cool (but, by no means under the air conditioning).

So, with sore throat you need to drink a lot - a warm liquid with lemon, honey. Chamomile tea is also an excellent anti-inflammatory and analgesic for sore throat. It can be purchased already in ready-made bags in a pharmacy or brew 1 tsp. dry chamomile herbs in 200 ml of boiling water. With this tea, you can rinse your throat and drink it as a medicine.

Another version of a healthy drink - in warm water, dilute 1 tsp. honey and squeeze the juice of half a lemon into it. This drink should be drunk warm - 200-300 ml at a time.

You should know!

With sore throat, you need to drink plenty of warm liquid. It is desirable as much as you can. Thus, you can achieve moisturizing the tissues of the upper respiratory tract, and quickly eliminate pain. Under warm drinks, coffee is not meant.

Throat warmth

A severe sore throat should make you wrap your throat and begin to warm it up. For this purpose both warm compresses on a throat, and a woolen scarf will approach. Compress can be done this way: brew 1 tbsp. Chamomile in boiling water and abundantly moisten a piece of cloth in the broth. Then, squeeze it and attach it to the sore throat. Compress change as it cools.

Vitamin C

In order to quickly get rid of the pain in the throat and also increase the immunity, you must start taking vitamin C (ascorbic acid). It is known that vitamin C promotes the strengthening of soft tissues, increases the resistance of immunity to bacteria, viruses, and infections. In a day you need to take twice the recommended dose of vitamin C - 120 mg.

We change toothbrushes

Did you know that your toothbrush can cause sore throat. If a person does not change the brush for more than 2-3 months, then bacteria quickly begin to accumulate on it, which when cleaning teeth penetrate the oral cavity and from there - into the upper respiratory tract and provoke the inflammatory process.

Doctors-stomatologists with the purpose of preventive maintenance of diseases of an oral cavity recommend to change a tooth-brush every month.

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