Useful properties of eye drops Taurine

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The normal functioning of the eyes depends on many different factors. This and the corresponding nutrition, and regulation of stress, and the absence of infectious agents. However, perhaps the most important component is to provide various eye structures with the necessary for work by substances that can be consumed in a strengthened mode with inflammation or overload eye. It is in these cases that drugs are used that, in the most gentle manner, normalize all the processes necessary to stabilize the functioning of the eyes. One of these drugs are the eye drops Taurine.


  • 1Description of the preparation
  • 2Pharmacological action and group
  • 3Indications and contraindications
    • 3.1Contraindications
    • 3.2In pregnancy
    • 3.3To small children
  • 4Possible complications caused by the drug
  • 5Video
  • 6conclusions

Description of the preparation

Eye drops Taurine is a 4% solution of the amino acid taurine in distilled water. Produced in polyethylene bottles with a built-in dropper volume of 5 or 10 ml, packed in a cardboard box and provided with a complete instruction on the use.

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It is also possible to release in vials with a separately supplied pipette. This form of the drug has the same volumes and packaging.

Storage of the drug is carried out, according to the instructions, at t not higher than +15 ° C in a place protected from direct sunlight (best of all - in the refrigerator). An important compulsory detail is also inaccessibility for children. The preparation retains its properties in a sealed form for 3 years, after opening - no more than 1 month.

Pharmacological action and group

Taurine (one of the essential acids) was isolated in 1827. German scientists from bovine bile, the Latin name of which received its name. The value of taurine for the human body as a whole is enormous:

  • Decrease in glucose level in diabetes mellitus;
  • Elimination of stagnant phenomena in the large and small circle of blood circulation;
  • Increased myocardial contractility.

However, the most important beneficial effect of the substance has on the metabolic processes in various organs, including the retina of the eye. Taurine can stimulate the normalization of the functions of cell membranes, as well as improve the conditions for carrying out a nerve impulse.

An irreplaceable acid is produced in the human body from another important component - the amino acid cysteine. However, with age, gradually this process loses its intensity, and the body begins to observe a deficiency of taurine.

Indications and contraindications

Eye drops with taurine can be used as a prophylactic for increased eye work and increased stress on their structures: on the computer, drivers, teachers, etc.As a means of regeneration and repair, Taurine can be used as part of a complex therapy or mono-drug in the following diseases:

  • Corneal Dystrophy- a hereditary disease, leading to a clouding of the cornea;
  • Retinal dystrophy- disturbances in the vascular system of the eye, may be peripheral or central, congenital or acquired;
  • Cataractany etiology - clouding of the lens;
  • Keratite- Inflammation of the cornea of ​​the eye, traumatic or infectious;
  • Glaucoma(as an auxiliary) - a disruption in the functioning of the optic nerve due to increased intraocular pressure;
  • Post-traumatic recovery- treatment or prevention of possible inflammation;
  • Ophthalmoherpes- lesions of the eyes with the herpes virus with the corresponding clinical picture;
  • Erosion of the cornea of ​​the eye- damage to the upper layer of the cornea, epithelium.

In the treatment of glaucoma, Taurine is used in conjunction with the drops of Timolol, making a break between preparations for at least 30-40 minutes. Some patients noted a significant decrease in intraocular pressure due to a decrease in lacrimal fluid production, which is an effect of Taurine application.

It is the main component of the Taufon drop.

The main active substance has an antioxidant effect, which, in the long run, with its constant application, leads to a rejuvenation of the overall vision system. In addition, taurine is one of the important regulatory substances that have a beneficial effect on the metabolism of carbohydrates, proteins, hormones.


Since the substance has almost natural origin, the contraindications to its use are minimal:

  • Hypersensitivityto the components of the preparation and, in particular, to the active substance - taurine. Special care should be taken by persons with a tendency to allergic reactions;
  • Children and adolescence.The medicine is allowed to apply only after reaching the age of 18;
  • Gestation period(the time from the fertilization of the egg to the birth of the child), since there are no reliable data on the effect on the fetus.

In pregnancy

The period of bearing the child in many instructions is not indicated as prohibited. In this case, a reservation is made that the application is possible only on urgent need and under the constant supervision of the attending physician.

Such a contradiction is explained very prosaically - the lack of results on the use of the drug during pregnancy. Like most medications, even if it's eye drops, Taurine can in certain circumstances to be that most missing drop, which will negatively affect fetal development.Therefore, it is better not to take risks, but if you decide to use the drug, then consult with your doctor.

To small children

Treatment of children by Taurin is forbidden by instruction, and this prohibition has the same nature as during pregnancy. That is, the lack of reliable data.

However, children's doctors often prescribe an analogue of the drug - a drop of Taufon, which has the same concentration of taurine as the same drops. At the same time, the age of children is far from being close to a teenage one.This is explained by the fact that the drug has a minimum of side effects.

Possible complications caused by the drug

The most frequent possible undesirable phenomena in the treatment of Taurin are allergic manifestations: redness, burning, itching, lachrymation. However, no one is immune to such reactions when using any medication.Especially cautious should be people with a tendency to allergies.


Selection of eyeglass lenses

Symptoms of cataracts in the early stages are described in this article.

Causes of falling eyesight


If such consequences arise, stop taking the medication and consult a doctor for advice. Perhaps, it would be more expedient to choose a drug similar in effect.

Among the special properties of Taurin are the following:

  • Can be used with other medicines after consultation with the doctor;
  • There were no cases of overdose.

If you use contact lenses, you should remove them before instillation, and wear not earlier than 20 minutes. At the same time, it is necessary for people involved in the activity requiring high concentration of attention to take into account that vision may be clouded for a certain period.



Eye drops Taurine is a remedy on a natural basis, capable of efficiently and quickly recovering the main metabolic processes of the main structures of the eye. A huge advantage of the drug is the possibility of using both for therapeutic and preventive purposes. In addition to Taurine, additional treatment with vitaminized eye drops is possible, as in the case of Okovita.

However, our eyes - a very thin and fragile structure, disrupt the normal functioning of which is quite easy. Therefore, any impact, even the most at first glance, innocent, must necessarily be justified by a correct diagnosis and coordinated with an ophthalmologist.

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