Cough in a 10 month old child than treated

How to cure a severe cough in a 10 month old child?




1. With a deep cough, you can make mustard wrapping:
1st. spoon of honey, art. spoon of sunflower oil. oil, a mustard spoon,
a spoonful of flour (there can be more spoons to cover
the size). All this to bring to a boil, to smear on a rag
and put on the back and the right side of the chest (not a mixture, but
side of the cloth), top with a towel. You can even
at night do.

2. In a rag pouch (about 12x7 cm) with a rope for
pour hot large salt (heated to
frying pan). To deceive even with some rags and this
flat rectangle I put on my chest diagonally across
from the left shoulder to the right armpit and reel
to the body with something warm and a long type of scarf (like
cartridge belt crosswise). The child can walk like this
an hour or two. Then remove the salt, and leave the scarf for the heat
for some time.

3. Onion juice. chop the onion, put it in a jar, fall asleep
sugar (you can replace sugar with honey, if there is no allergy),
allocated onion juice - it is sweet - to give a baby (according to

instagram viewer

h. spoon). Very good cough.

4. Baby medicine Triaminic - well cleans the nose,
very quickly helps with coughing, the baby sleeps at night very much
well, the tempo is also knocked down.

5. From a cough to brew mother-and-stepmother (in shop nat.
products bought) and drink a little, but often.

6. Drink chamomile tea (will have to sweeten with fructose).

7. Turn on the hot water in the bathroom, close the door.
The bathroom is heated for 15-20 minutes. Type somewhere 10 cm
water in the bathroom. Then take a tincture of eucalyptus and
Spray her shower on the walls. Come into the bathroom with
baby (undressed) and breathe as much as you can. Child
then it must be wiped off, wrapped and warm. When orvi, cough,
runny nose.

8. Inhalations. brew herbs in a pan (such as chamomile,
root of althea, fennel), cover with a veil and sit
as you can.

9. Gedelix - grinding

10. Balm of Dr. Tayse with eucalyptus smear the chest, back,
open leave near the bed to breathe it.

11. Chest and back with Vitaion rub (at worst)
Bronchicum, but that's sticky)

12. Draining massage for better separation of sputum:

- We put the child on the back, from the bottom from the sides (covering the ribs
palms) strokes up-to the center (to the neck). -
We put on the stomach, rubbing the movements from the bottom up (palms
in circular motions move upwards in parallel
spine). You can do when a child is standing or sitting.
It is possible in that position, in which the client succeeds in catching
), more often than not wearing a "pole" in one hand.
Then pat on the back from the bottom up.

- We outweigh the child through the knee (booty up
) and rattling the back from the priests to the head, pretty

- like any massage,
begin and end with easy strokes, the main
the part is quite palpable. But pat on the back of the whole
family all free time.

13. It is also quite obvious that for the liquefaction of macros in
the body should be a liquid - that is,
drink, preferably something warm and sour.

14. If the cough is dry, then you can do it three times a day
inhalation with soda. Gather a hot bath, pour a couple
table spoons of soda, steam in the bathroom itself and sit there
with the child about ten to fifteen minutes. But if wet, then
soda is not worth it.

15. Potion from plantain Dr. Taisa works well.

16. Wrapping. Smear the breast with a thin layer of honey, top
leaf cabbage. You can wrap it, but you can only wear a T-shirt
and pajamas.

17. Lazolvan? cough syrup.


CALL A DOCTOR. he will examine the child and prescribe the necessary medications.


And to the doctor in any way to address ???

Olga Davydova

Call a doctor!

natalia papavidu

zdes' bez vracha ne l'zia, s det'mi ne shutiat


Well, are you all so irresponsibly approaching the issue of the health of your children? Once again I repeat - the types of cough and diseases, caused by a great cough. What does your baby have? Pharyngitis, tracheitis, laryngitis, bronchitis, tonsillitis... or something else? How long has it been coughing? what cough - wet, dry, barking, bouts or persistent? Only a doctor can say this. Well, if you ask such a question, then at least write the exact diagnosis... then knowledgeable people can and will prompt.

Elena Semenova

Do not self-medicate, it's very dangerous!!! I speak like a doctor! If a fit of coughing arose suddenly, the child suffocates, is pale, perhaps it is a false croup. Call an ambulance! Meanwhile, open the hot water in the bathroom, take the baby in his arms in an upright position and let the steam breathe.


the most correct is natural remedies, they are the ones that heal. I use chamomile - to relieve inflammation. and the bark of an oak cough is cured. But here there is one but the bark of an oak knits, i.e. thickens phlegm.
but in general, despite the prescriptions of doctors - look at those who make up several medicines. the price is two times higher, and the composition is the same.
we were helped by bromhexine. and simple mukaltin can help.
find a specialized website.

chinos fender

make an iodine net on your chest and on your back, heart beating, you must call a doctor, then there may be a cold, maybe an allergy


Buy a baby amber. Sodium breast with bear fat or asterisk, Pour the mustard nugget dry into the socks! And in the morning to the doctor for warming up! You can still tincture salodki. and yet in I use HEKSARALO, n truth from the throat, but he at least does not so irritates him when coughing. Mom 2 children.


and only after that questions... he's still quite a kid.. Do not get smart - find out the diagnosis and ask a professional at

Samorodova Zarina

If your child does not have any allergies to honey, then spread the back and chest with a thin layer of honey, lay something waterproof and put on the ryazhonku. You need to do it at night. If it's bronchitis, then in the morning the skin will be dry and not very sticky. Usually 2-3 such procedures take away the cough. Checked on their children.


if there is no allergy to me, o give the juice of black radish. it is necessary to cut off the top of the radish, use a knife or a knife to pick out a small hole and put two h / l of honey there. Putting the night to rest, give the formed juice for 1 h / l several times a day. even with bronchitis recommend. The sama did for her baby-cool helps.


Get medical advice!
As a distraction (if there is no temperature), boil 2-3 potatoes, mash, put in a bag, wrap in a towel and put on the breast. As you cool, unfold the towel. It turns out "good warmth".


Another cough can be caused by a fungus - chlamydia. Do you have a cat in your house? They can be carriers. And if everything in the analyzes is in order and there are no suspicions of a tuberculosis, pneumonia, false cereal, chlamydia. There is a good onion tea. And he treated both husband and child, and niece, a cat. not a cough, but somehow she was crazy. Everyone helps, absolutely harmless and drinks like water. Write to me, I'll take off the recipe.

Mom, how did you treat a cough in a 10 month old child?



The legs can be steamed if there is no temperature. At night, you can put a compress of honey. I make my own warming cake-a spoonful of mustard dry, a spoonful of honey, a spoonful of rast. butter, mix as a dough, if rare, then you can add a little flour. Warm in a cup on the fire, so it was quite warm and spread on gauze and baby on the chest. And reel well. At night, try when it's completely cool, take off. It is good to do massage of the chest and back, light patting movements (but this is already when the cough begins). If there is no allergy to honey, then a teaspoon of onion juice and a teaspoon of honey, mix and give a little 3-4 times a day. Of the drugs good Erespal, he and anti-inflammatory and coughing. Inhalations make min. water in the nebulizer. Candles in the anti-inflammatory vife Viferon, very good help, kill the virus. I wrote so much, because I myself am treating a child for 3 years mainly with these drugs, and I also treated her 4 month old.

Inna Timokhina

sucked off snot

*** Northern ***

rub a breast with bear's fat

Jana Belka

The nebulizer. Cough as a hand removes. The first time the son was treated at the hospital for 6 months, he was also bought such a home.


that way. read carefully.

Lida (*) KALINKA

Gedelix and inhalations


treat children with a homeopath! pediatricians cough will heal to death! We were given asthma at 7 years and prescribed hormonal inhalers... The homoeopath disproved everything and a month later there was not a trace left of the cough, which was treated in hospitals for 8 months. Be carefull!!! it's your children!! I am the mother of three children! they are already 20, 12, 11 years old

Riki Tiki

Well, I remember what kind of cough we had in 10 months at the time, but in the once ambrogen we were treated, once - mother and stepmother, in once-erespalom, when it was a ferry, once a potato, when it was warm drink, once with lard, when it was milk with figs


My one time before the year was cold, 7 months he was then. I rubbed it with interior fat. twice enough to cough and snot have passed. but I know how to do it.. if you have never rubbed - then it's better not to take risks.. burn the child. pay attention to syrup from a cough stol. Read the instructions. its kind of like up to a year you can ..

Daria Novikova

It is better to give a stoat, it is shown with a different cough, up to a year the children are allowed, I gave my son 9 months.


Black radish juice.


if the throat is red-geksoral sprays 3 times a day 5 days
if the cough is wet - an ambroblene 5ml 2 times a day 5 days
if the runny nose is nasivin up to the year which is 3 times a day by drop. Not more than 7 days.
Longer than 5 days ambroene to give no meaning.
5 days he treated, then good.

Get to the doctor, you need to listen easy. If in the lungs wheeze - then eraspal syrup on a teaspoon instead of the ambroben is also 5 days.

What can I give a 10-month-old baby from a cough?



The doctor !!!


gesoral on the nipple after a meal


Ambrobe, But it's better to go to the doctor, or call the ambulance, consult!

Alexander Tkachev

Here you will be advised That such a question is the answer for you
Help me please.
At my 9-month-old daughter 2 weeks ago there was a strong nasal infection, temperature under-39 and cough.
In addition to coughing, she cured everything, although she had cough for a long time.
I was treated to a pediatrician, I was prescribed a Doctor-Mom and a pill, from all this there was a rash on the whole body.
Even I do not know how to cure this cough.
Advise: What can be given an effective medicine for a 9-month-old child from a cough.
Answer: 04/09/06 1: 5
Hello, Xenia! Unfortunately, it is not possible to recommend any treatment in absentia. We recommend that you contact the pediatrician to clarify the diagnosis and adjust the therapy.

Sokolov Sergey

Syringe althea, pertusin, (infusion), for the throat inhalipt (spray), breast anoint with a weak "asterisk" with a kitten on the lid


It is better to ask in emergency.
Or ask at the pharmacy.


Watching what cough: dry or expectorant and, depending on this, it is necessary to select a medicine.


this is not a cure, of course, but my daughter helped warm the milk to add a little butter, and better lamb fat. And on Night rubbed legs warmed slightly sunflower oil wrap a package on top of a warm woolen socks this is called boots. recover it should help you.


Cough is different, but what you thought was just a red neck still does not say anything... it may not be red at all. and maybe vice versa. Types of cough and the causes of their cause - a whole bunch. In some cases, antitussives are prescribed, in others mucolyptics, in the third you can warm the ointment, and several other types of drugs and each has different effects... it can only be told by the doctor after the baby is examined. Therefore, do not listen to what is being said here, but rather call a doctor, a child should be examined. I could write you all the cures for all types of cough, and how much and how is taken at your age and at what disease, but to do or make it silly, on an Internet to define or determine that with redbenkom and to diagnose not perhaps. And giving a wrong medicine can be very bad.


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Personal Cabinet Removed

Namazat sogrevajusej mazju (doktor MOM ili KUK) grudku, kolenack, jatacki, odet na nozki serstjanie nosocki, vse eto nanoc.

Katyushka + 3

Do not listen to anyone, you can give him anything, but someone who will answer for the consequences, better call the doctor.

Your Happiness

Linkas-syrup on the herbs.


Onion tea. Need a prescription - write to me at the address ..

Have a 10 month old baby, cough and rale, than to cure. syrup awning does not help. syrup awning does not help


Inna Timokhina

to be observed at the doctor. and consult with him.

natalia fedotova

10 months is not enough. You need to be careful not to go far away from the doctor.
But there are Pts. good way:
1 tablespoon of sunflower oil poured into a frying pan and heated on fire until the moment of burning.
Turn it off and pour out a spoon (the same) of vodka into the oil.
From this mixture we make a compress.
a rag, a bag, a warm scarf. No more than 1 hour before bedtime.
If you can breathe a nebulizer. In it we fill the mineral water without gas.

Natalia B

Tell the attending physician that in your opinion a feast does not help, let him pick up another medicine.


Try Flavomed (ambroxol), and awning on the herbs. We still prescribed inhalations (nebulizer not steam). Ambrobe 2 ml. + Borjomi and in the inhaler. Still it is necessary to breathe more and more longly the pure, cool air. Keep track of the temperature and humidity in the room (well, for cleanliness).

natalsa veresa

Syrup from licorice root is sold in pharmacies, an old reliable product and natural. Do not give modern, you can get a dysbacteriosis And yet-the cough quickly never passes. Stuffs are put, rubbed with turpentine ointment. This is called distraction. Doctors modern for some reason prescribe the kids fashionable and expensive medicines, although our, proven drugs are many. In my time, children 3o and 35 doctors even used simple antibiotics in the most extreme case.

VICTORIA Rubashkina

It is better to see a doctor. In general, at this age, with medications, it is necessary to be as cautious as possible. How long has the cough lasted, what is it: dry or wet? ?
Read more here

But your goal is HIMERA

To start, call a doctor... let him listen to the child... and no initiative, but now this is advised (((((

Sunny summer

At the same age we had a cough too, the pediatrician appointed a hospital, but he did not help us at all. I told the pediatrician, she advised a cough medicine (sold in the prescription departments of the state. pharmacies). We were very helped and quickly. Better new-fangled syrups.

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