Stomach biopsy

Contents of
  • What is the procedure for
  • How is
  • performed? How is the
  • procedure performed? What should I do after the
  • test? When it is not possible to do a biopsy?
  • ? Possible complications of
  • ? What does the
  • analysis show? Video on

When a patient complains of stomach pain, a doctor to exclude the development of cancer education andestablishing the causes of pathology appoints an endoscopic study. Often, simultaneously with the examination of the gastric mucosa, a biopsy is taken for histology.

Why is

biopsy? A study of mucosal tissue is required when other hardware or laboratory studies do not provide the necessary data. When carrying out a gastroscopy or radiography, it is impossible to get an exhaustive picture of the disease and to establish the type of neoplasm.

In case of peptic ulcer, a stomach biopsy is always recommended to the patient, as the ulcer is capable of causing mutations in cells and provoking a tumor. If the stomach ulcer develops long enough, its clinic is similar to the manifestations characteristic of a malignant tumor, and the procedure helps the doctor to know how much the disease has progressed and whether it has been transformed into cancer.

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Biopsy is performed with gastritis. This allows you to accurately determine the stage of the disease, whether it triggers the formation of ulcers, how badly damaged organ tissues. A biopsy shows the cause of the inflammation of the stomach, namely, it is possible to detect the bacterium Helicobacter pylori( hp).

Gastric biopsy can also be performed in the case of mechanical damage to the inner layer of the organ.

The study also helps to determine how the restoration of the gastric mucosa proceeds after removal of the tumor or serious surgical intervention. Inspection is necessary to establish the pace of regeneration and to detect possible postoperative complications in time.

Often the procedure is performed to find out whether the formation is malignant or it is a polyp that does not threaten the life of the patient

Thus, during the endoscopy of the stomach the doctor can detect the following pathologies:

  • gastritis, erosion;
  • perforation of the mucosa;
  • presence of a pathogenic bacterium;
  • neoplasm in the stomach or on the esophagus mucosa;
  • trauma of chemical or mechanical origin;
  • complication after surgery.

If, as a result of the examination during a biopsy of the stomach, a polyp is found, it will be removed.

How the

procedure is performed For the study, abnormal cells from the stomach can be taken in two ways: in band surgery or in endoscopy. So, if during the planned or emergency surgery the doctor sees a tumor, then the material for histology is sampled. Otherwise, a procedure is appointed to take the material and examine the mucosa.

Fibrogastroduodenoscopy( FGDS) is a method for studying the digestive tract with a flexible apparatus equipped with optics. During the diagnostic FGS it is possible to take tissue for histological examination, make a smear for the cytological test, check the acidity of the gastric juice.

Gastroscopy of the stomach is performed in a medical institution and requires some preliminary preparation. It is important that the stomach of the patient is empty, so you should refrain from eating at least 10-15 hours before the procedure, otherwise the results may be unreliable due to the large number of vomit and the inability to examine the mucosa.

The patient is also asked not to brush his teeth, chew gum or drink water on the day of examination.

X-ray of the stomach

is assigned to the endoscopy. The mucosa is inspected with a flexible gastroscope tube. At the end of the device is a video camera, the image from it is immediately transferred to the screen. This allows the doctor to examine the organ from the inside, and make a diagnosis.

The examinee is laid on the left side with a straight back. If required, then give sedatives. The throat is treated with an anesthetic( lidocaine), then the device is injected through the esophagus. That the examinee does not have a snack, a mouthpiece is inserted into his mouth. When the endoscope is inserted, the patient should take deep breaths, this will help to reduce uncomfortable sensations.

A visual examination of the entire body is performed prior to collection. After it is done, a piece of tissue is removed for examination. According to the patients' feedback, the process of taking the material does not cause pain, and the place where the material is taken is not painful in the future.

If necessary, the material from different places is taken. This allows you to exclude the error when making a diagnosis. If, in addition to examining the mucosa, you need to remove the polyp during the procedure, then it can be done right away.

There are two ways of sampling tissue for histological and microbiological research: the

  • search engine or it is also called blind. The procedure is done by a special search probe, but there is no visual control;
  • aiming method. The procedure is carried out with the help of a gastroscopy, at the end of which the camera and the instrument for the collection of cells( knife, forceps, loops).The sample is taken from specific suspicious areas.

The duration of the study depends on the disease and the size of the lesion, but as a rule, endoscopy lasts no more than 15 minutes. Even before the study, the doctor can know where the neoplasm is located, and the specialist needs to take a sample of cells located on the border of healthy and diseased tissue.

In this case, the procedure will be performed faster. If the specialist still has to find polyps, ulcers or densities, the study will last longer.

What to do after the

survey Once the material is taken and the procedure is completed, the patient is recommended to lie down for a while. Do not eat for 2 hours after the test. Then during the day, eat only fresh, slightly warm food, this will help reduce irritation of the gastric mucosa and esophagus.

After a short time after the examination, the patient regains the sensitivity of the tongue and normalizes the swallowing reflex, since the local anesthetic used is used in a small dosage.

After the procedure, the examinee is observed for two hours to exclude complications that may occur after anesthesia. Doctors do not recommend driving for 12 hours after taking sedatives, as it may reduce reaction and attention.

While the painkiller does not work, it is not allowed to drink and there is

For 2-3 days it is recommended to adhere to a diet that excludes food irritating the gastric mucosa and stimulates increased secretion of hydrochloric acid.

Smoked, salted, sharp, hot or cold dishes should be excluded, and it is also not necessary to eat nuts, chips, as they can injure the mucous membrane. It is strictly forbidden to drink alcohol. If you neglect this advice, then the wound from the biopsy will heal for a long time.

After excision of the polyp, bleeding occurs to prevent the doctor from prescribing drugs that accelerate blood coagulation. After the operation, bed rest is recommended, and also adhere to the diet for 2-3 days.

When biopsy can not be performed

Biopsy, like any surgical intervention, has absolute and relative contraindications. The procedure is not prescribed for people with mental illness or cardiovascular system if the stomach mucosa has received a chemical burn, as well as inflammation of the upper or lower airways.

A biopsy is not performed if the patient has a narrowing of the esophagus, a perforation of the intestinal mucosa of various origins or an acute infection is taking place at the moment.

Possible complications of

Most often after collection of material no traces remain. Rarely, there is a slight bleeding, but it passes on its own and does not require additional medical care.

Complications after a stomach biopsy occur in less than 1% of

patients. If, after a biopsy, the subject felt unwell, nausea or vomiting with blood appeared, then you need to go to the hospital. Although the probability is extremely low, the following complications are possible:

Diseases of the stomach
  • damage to the stomach or esophagus( due to the motor activity of the subject during the procedure);
  • development of septic shock;
  • bleeding caused by rupture of the vessel during biopsy sampling;
  • development of aspiration pneumonia. It develops if vomitic masses get into the airways, which causes infection. This is why the patient must breathe deeply and follow the instructions of a specialist.

In case of infection, the patient develops fever and pain. Inflammation is accompanied by exudation. As a result of poor-quality manipulations on the mucosa there are abrasions, swelling.

What does the

analysis show? The transcription of the results of a biopsy of the stomach should be performed by a physician. The study will show the type of neoplasm, its size and shape, location, and structure. The main goal of the study is to determine whether the tumor is malignant or not, and whether there are mutating cages in ulcerous lesions.

Biopsy results show the physician the following information:

  • the relief of cells and walls;
  • height of the villi;
  • depth of crypt.

If the presence of malignant cells is confirmed, it is concluded that the disease progressed so much. According to the material taken, it is possible to judge the causes of cancer development.

After studying the obtained biopsy, the laboratory specialist issues an opinion on the degree of organ damage, and the attending physician decides on the expediency of performing surgical treatment.

Analysis determines the type of tumor, its size, location and area of ​​spread

The study can disprove the presence of cancer education, in this case a kind of benign tumor is marked. The timing of the biopsy is dependent on the workload of the laboratory staff. As a rule, it takes three days to study the material.

In conclusion about the study of the biopsy, the following terms can be seen:

  • hp( denotes the presence of a bacterium that causes inflammation of the stomach, "0" a bacterium is not detected, "X" is present);
  • adenoma carcinoma is the medical name for stomach cancer;
  • adenoma is a benign formation;
  • activity - reflects the degree of inflammation of the mucosa( determined by the number of leukocytes, neutrophils, severity of atrophy);
  • atrophy - thinning of the walls of the stomach( "0" atrophy absent, "xxx" complete thinning);
  • polyp - benign growth;
  • malingering - in a benign formation there are cancer cells.

Accurate results of the study are only possible with full compliance with all the specialist's instructions during the biopsy. This procedure is not painful, but unpleasant( with the contact of the endoscope with the root of the tongue there is a natural vomiting reflex), so it will not be very good if you have to re-conduct the study because of its uninformativity or if the material was not taken enough. The further tactics of therapy depend on the results of the study. A biopsy will show the type of education and its structure. These data are considered final, and they are based on the doctor in the preparation of a treatment regimen. If required, a deletion operation is assigned.

The procedure allows you to understand at what stage the disease and how the organ has suffered at the time of the examination, so you do not need to abandon the stomach biopsy and look for alternative methods. A biopsy of the stomach gives 100% correct data, so it is worthwhile to suffer temporary discomfort in exchange for timely and adequate treatment.

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