Whether it is possible to do or make MASSAGE at a cough to the child

Massage with cough

Massage with coughA competent influence on certain points in the human body can cure a large number of diseases. A good massage can not do every person. The art of pinpointing the body is subject to units. If such a person is not around, you can learn some simple techniques and do the massage yourself.

How to do a massage with a cough?

When you cough, massage is just necessary. After all, it improves blood circulation and relaxes the body. If you do a massage before going to sleep, a person will quickly fall asleep and almost no night cough will make him sick.

How to do a massage with a cough? First of all it is necessary to put on hands an essential oil or medical ointment. The session lasts about thirty minutes. Begin massage from the neck, you need to gradually move to the waist, massaging the entire back. Especially carefully, the chest and shoulder area should be massaged.

Massage should be done until complete recovery. The chest and throat area before the massage can be warmed by compress. If a person is not sick at all, he can still take a course of massage. Do it with cocoa butter, because it improves the well-being and circulation.

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It should be remembered that at a temperature, massage should not be done in any case. In order for massage to help get rid of cough, before the procedure you need to drink an expectorant decoction or vegetable syrup.

The patient needs to be put on the stomach and smeared his back with cream or oil. The massage begins with the warming of the back. It is necessary to rub the back from the shoulder to the waist and back. Then every half of the back is stretched, including the sides. Tingling and clapping are done from the top down and back. Then the patient is turned over on a back and massaged area of ​​a breast. If a person does not have allergies to honey, then massage can be done with honey.

Massage for a child when coughing

An effective auxiliary technique, which is used in conjunction with medicamental treatment, is massage. A good massage strengthens the circulation in the lungs, helps to clear your throat and get out phlegm.

Massage is a universally accepted medical technique, however, it should be prescribed by a pediatrician.

By the time of birth, the child has completely formed bronchi, but the muscle and elastic fibers are poorly developed. Because the respiratory muscles are poorly developed, mucus often stagnates in the bronchi and the children begin to cough. Complete differentiation of the pulmonary system occurs only to seven years.

Vibration massage with a child's cough involves rhythmic tapping on the back. It helps to get phlegm. This kind of massage is prescribed even for the smallest patients, because it is done gently and gently. When a mother or a massage therapist taps on her back, he must remember that in no case should the area of ​​the spine be touched. It is advisable to put your palm on the child's back to knock on it.

It also helps to drain the phlegm from the drainage massage. The child is put on the cushion with his belly down. The head should be lower than the legs. The masseur studies intercostal spaces with light massaging movements, this is done from the bottom up. After that, the diaphragm contracts from the sides. At the end of the child, you need to plant and allow him to clear his throat. If the baby does not begin to cough, you need to gently push him on the root of the tongue with a warm tea spoon or finger (the main thing is not to overdo it and provoke a vomitive reflex).

Previously, a can of massage was practiced. In the place where banks were put, a vacuum formed, which promoted the improvement of blood circulation and lymph circulation, that, in turn, nourished tissues, improved respiratory function and strengthened immunity.

Acupressure is the most difficult form of massage, since it is difficult to remember where these or those points are. When coughing, you need to massage certain points on the neck, shoulder blades, nape, on the hands and legs, and behind the ears.

With a chronic cough and a prolonged course of the disease, you can hold a honey massage. In honey, there are many microelements, vitamins and nutrients. Honey removes toxins and toxins from the body. Do this massage if the patient does not have temperature and allergies to honey. Before a massage, you should take a warm relaxing bath and do not eat before the procedure.

Drainage massage with cough

Why do children get sick much more often than adults? It is not difficult to answer this question. The thing is that the child's respiratory system is finally formed only by the age of twelve. Immunity in children is much weaker, infections and viruses rarely fly by.

Cough is a constant companion of colds. He protects the body by removing the mucus from the lungs, which is formed in them because of illness. In order to help the body to recover faster, you need to do massage and give expectorants.

Drainage massage for coughing is carried out on the fourth day of the illness, when the child starts coughing up sputum independently. When you hold it, you need to hold the baby under a slight slope, namely, head down. To do this, you can use a pillow, which must be put under the belly of the patient. In order for sputum in the lungs not to stagnate, when a child sleeps you need to turn it over often.

Massage with a cough begins with rubbing with the tips of your fingers back, you need to make the skin a little red. Then you should massage your back from the spine in the direction of the intercostal spaces. The procedure lasts from fifteen minutes to half an hour. After the massage you need to wrap your baby for half an hour, preferably in something woolly.

In order to improve blood circulation in the chest and help to withdraw phlegm, you can conduct a game exercise, which is called "Wheelbarrow". The adult takes the child by the feet, and the kid touches his hands on the floor. So you can go along the corridor or the whole apartment. This exercise is suitable for grown up children, who, at least, can walk.

Chest massage with cough

Everyone knows that when you cough you can do a massage. But very few people know exactly how to conduct it. The simplest thing is to "drive the wave". The baby is laid on the stomach and shoved under the neck roller, then lightly stroke the back and help the crumb relax. Then they make tiny movements from the middle of the back to the shoulders, to the sides and to the armpits, imitating the wave. You can do massage with the edge of the palm, movements are made obliquely from the shoulder blades to the shoulders.

Massage of the chest with a cough ends with wrapping. It is necessary to wrap the child in a wool blanket or shawl, some make a compress. For the compress will need a tablespoon of honey, vodka and sunflower oil. All components are heated with a water bath. Then, a linen cloth is taken, it is wetted and applied to the interscapular zone and the neck area. Then you need to put cotton and cellophane, tie with a handkerchief and roll up a shawl or a wide scarf. It is advisable to persuade the child to sleep in such ammunition. It is important that the nodules of the strings were on the side, and the room was well ventilated and cool. Linen rag should be thrown away or washed, otherwise there may appear diaper rash or an allergic rash. Make compresses every other day.

Massage from the cough

Acupressure with cough

A person who is far from medicine is unlikely to be able to independently carry out acupressure with a cough. After all, not only need to know exactly where the points are located that are responsible for certain functions in the body, it is necessary to take into account the force of pressure. If the pressure is too weak - there may not be an effect, too much pressure will lead to serious consequences.

The point "Feng-moon" is located in the middle between the ankle joint and the knee edge. It is massaged with headache and liver disease. When coughing, you need to massage the "Feng-men" point, which is located between the second and third thoracic vertebra.

Honey massage with cough

Everyone knows about the magic power of honey. With the help of this curative natural substance you can do massage.

Honey massage when coughing mobilizes the body's strength, and the person begins to quickly recover. Honey heats not only the skin, but also the subcutaneous veins.

How is massage done? First you need to apply warm honey on the upper back and collar zone. The hand should move from left to right and from top to bottom. The palm should be kept and then severed sharply. At first it is easy, but gradually the hand sticks harder and the blood circulation in the place where it is done, the massage intensifies. This kind of massage can cause painful sensations, if the patient can not tolerate, especially when it comes to the child, you need to stop the procedure. In the end, the body is wiped with a towel soaked in hot water. The patient is covered with a blanket and asked to lie down for half an hour. It is advisable to do such a massage at night, so that the patient can immediately go to bed.

Honey massage improves blood circulation, warms tissues, speeds up metabolism, strengthens immunity and removes toxins. It can not be done if a person is allergic to honey, blood clotting is impaired, there is a high temperature or pressure.

Massage from the cough

Avicenna and Galen in ancient Rome used cans for the treatment of various diseases. To date, treatment by banks has become a thing of the past and very few people use this procedure.

A can of massage from the cough improves the circulation of the lymph. Vacuum, formed under the can, affects the skin receptors, removes the swelling of muscles and removes excess fluid.

Banks are used for radiculitis, osteochondrosis, bronchitis, pneumonia, bronchial asthma, pleurisy and cellulite. In no case can they be used during a period of exacerbation of a chronic illness, epilepsy, mental illness and cancer.

Non-specialist banks should not be put, because only a person with medical education knows exactly the structure of muscles, the location of lymphatic and blood vessels.

For carrying out of massage rubber or glass jars will be necessary. A can of massage is much more effective than any other, but it is necessary that its specialist conduct it, otherwise, except for complications, a person will not get anything.

Massage with cough video

Massage for a child coughing video

Drainage massage with cough video


Rubbing on a child's cough

Is it possible to rub the child with a cough?

Rubbing on a child's coughThe most difficult experience for parents is their baby's illness. Children often get colds. Self-medication should not be dealt with, but it is perfectly permissible to use proven recipes. To such methods is rubbing. It can be used when the child is six months old, but, like in any treatment, you must follow certain rules:
  • Trituration of the baby can be done only after consultation with the pediatrician;
  • children can not be rubbed with camphor oil until the year;
  • it is better to perform the procedure before bedtime;
  • You can not rub the ointment in the heart and papilla;
  • It is necessary to do circular movements clockwise;
  • can not be ground at elevated temperature;
  • after the completion of the procedure you need to wrap your child and put on warm socks.

How to squander a child when coughing?

Razirat child with cough can be with the use of pharmacy. Use and recipes of traditional medicine with the use of liquid honey, melted butter. Since ancient times, our grandmothers have used interior, badger and goat fat, as well as propolis, as warming rubbing. Suitable for the procedure and seed oil cumin. To alleviate and soften the cough helps rubbing vodka with a moderate pat.

Bear oil increases immunity and prevents the development of complications after illness. External it is applied with intensive movements, covered with a napkin or gauze bandage.

Sheep fat has a warming effect. It can be used to treat children after a year. With a dry, prolonged cough, it should be melt and applied to the back and chest. Place the film on top and roll the baby.

Goose fat is a good expectorant. With a strong cough, mix fifty grams of goose fat and two tablespoons of vodka and rub your neck and chest.

With prolonged cough, rub the back, chest and legs dry with internal pork fat.

Non-nutrient fat has medicinal properties that are not found in other fats. It must be melt in the oven or on a water bath, until the mass becomes homogeneous. You can store it in the refrigerator with the lid closed tightly.

Trituration with honey on coughing

If the honey cooked for grinding is sugared, then melt it in a water bath. Prepare a t-shirt and socks, that they would be warm. Rub honey back and chest and dress the baby. You can smear honey and attach a cabbage leaf. Then rub the heels and soles and put on warm socks. Put the baby in bed and cover with a warm towel.

By morning, honey completely absorbed.

Rubbing fat with cough

To mulberry, melt half a kilogram of any fat. To do this, put it in a pot of hot water. Add twenty milliliters of propolis tincture. Put the pan on a small fire. Stir until all the alcohol has evaporated. Then remove from the plate and store in the refrigerator. For grinding, you need to take a small amount of fat obtained.

Goat fat with cough rubbing

Goat fat is a drowned interior fat. Some goat's fat is considered to be butter derived from goat's milk. Both products have health-giving properties, although many do not like their smell and taste. They contain vitamins of group A, B, C, D, E, coenzymes, microelements and polyunsaturated fatty acids. For use in grinding, fat should be heated and rubbed into the back, chest and feet. After you need to warmly dress and go to bed. Goat fat can be kept in the freezer. There it will not deteriorate for many years.

Badger fat rubbing on coughing

In the composition of badger fat, there are many vitamins and polyunsaturated acids. It is obtained from the subcutaneous fat layer of the animal. Rubbing gives a good warming effect, activates blood flow in the affected area and metabolic processes. This is an effective way to treat cough for children with weakened immunity. It is very helpful in the treatment of a protracted cough, if certain rules are followed:

  1. The procedure should not be performed in the acute stage of the disease, since rubbing increases the body temperature.
  2. Apply badger fat to a small area of ​​the body, and make sure that the baby does not have an allergic reaction.
  3. The procedure should be carried out at the stage of recovery, when there are no inflammatory processes.

Rubbing with vodka on coughing

Vodka has a disinfectant and warming property, so it is used to treat many diseases. Based on it, elixirs, tinctures and compresses are made. The most commonly used fire water for grinding. When coughing rub the back of the child, use patting movements. This needs to be done several times. Use this procedure if the baby does not have a fever. After that, heat the baby and put it on the bed.

Ointment for rubbing with cough for children

Ointment for rubbing with cough for children

Heating rubbing ointments are applied to specific areas of the body. As a rule, they consist of natural components. They include essential oils, turpentine or animal fat. They have a wide spectrum of action. Ointment Doctor Mom contains eucalyptus, turpentine and nutmeg oil, as well as menthol and thymol. The medicine can be used for kids over three years old. The product has anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties. Spread the chest, bypassing the heart area, and rub your feet. There may be allergic reactions, so apply the ointment first not a small area.

Equally effective is an ointment based on turpentine turpentine. It anesthesizes, kills germs and relieves inflammation. When you cough, apply on the chest, back and heels. Use these funds better when the first signs of the disease, then recovery will be rapid. Pulmex Baby's warming ointment contains rosemary oil, eucalyptus, camphor and Peruvian balm. In addition to anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties, it promotes expectoration and sputum production. Ointment is applied to the area of ​​the bronchi and evenly distributed on the back. Follow the indicated dosage to avoid burns. When spreading, do not rub heavily. In ointments "Bear cub" and "Badger" contains badger and bear fat. They are also used in cough treatment. Most ointments can be used to treat babies from three years old.

You can wash your child no more than three times during the day. After each procedure, the baby must lie down, otherwise the procedure will not give a positive effect. Take care that there are no drafts.

Ointments, which contain turpentine, are contraindicated in diseases of the kidneys and liver. Also, their use in skin diseases is not recommended.

Not all doctors welcome the use of ointments to treat cough, as this can cause burns to tender baby skin, so always consult with a specialist before use.


Is it possible to massage a child (4 months) if he coughs?


seven-flower flower

Even necessary! In the drainage position: on the tummy on the pillow, the thorax is above the neck, moving towards the neck. If there is no temperature, of course, above 37.5.

Boris Aizikovich

Children's massage preventive does not exist. To conduct massage or not - the doctor solves after survey, statement of the diagnosis and the purposes put to the masseur. All depends on the diagnosis and indications for conducting well and mastering the techniques of a massage therapist

Brezhnev L. AND.

we did an antitussive massage, putting the baby on his tummy, tapping him from the lower ribs upwards, for a better cough. The doctor prescribed.


Komarovsky described a massage with a cough.


When coughing, the doctors just prescribe a massage, I was told by our massage therapist. you can only do a stroking massage, and let the treatment specialist do it. Or at least let him show how to do it.

Natalia Tolkach

Contra-indication exists only one thing - if the baby cries and shows his discontent. If he likes, then everything is fine.


a cough what and it is possible to do or make if there is no temperature and tussis from what

Rubbing on coughing

cough rubbing

Rubbing with a cough is the oldest and proven method for dealing with this symptom. However, when rubbing should take into account the nature of the occurrence of cough and its features, so it is better to consult a doctor about the use of cough medicines. Rubbing can be carried out for children of any age, but the means for rubbing should be selected, taking into account the age and individual characteristics of the child.

Basic rules and methods of grinding

  • Trituration is best done at night: usually rub your chest or back with intensive massaging movements without pressure;
  • when rubbed with ointments it is important to consider that they can not be rubbed into the heart and near the nipples;
  • After rubbing it is desirable to wrap the baby with a warm scarf or blanket;
  • when you cough, you can also rub your heels, then put on your socks;
  • parents should remember that you can not rub the child if it has a fever.

Than rubbing the child when coughing?

  1. With a cold and SARS as an aid to cough, you can use a rubbing ointment (for example, a doctor).
  2. A popular remedy often used by parents is rubbing the chest and back of the baby with camphor oil. You can also use the following recipe: mix 1 tablespoon of turpentine turpentine and 2 tablespoons of warm camphor oil. The resulting mixture is rubbed into the skin of the baby's breast, and then wrapped up warm.
  3. An effective folk remedy for coughing is considered to be grinding badger fat. To do this, put a spoonful of fat in a container, where it warms up at room temperature. Rub the fat into the skin with light massage movements, and then put on linen, which is not a pity, because the pungent smell of fat is then poorly washed.
  4. Rinsing with goat fat helps well in the treatment of bronchitis. A very effective way is a mixture of fat and propolis. For its preparation, you need to melt half a liter of goat's fat and pour into it 20 ml of propolis tincture. Next, the mixture is prepared in a water bath, stirring constantly, until the alcohol evaporates. After cooling, the resulting mixture is placed in the cold and taken as needed in a small piecerubbing ointment for coldsfor rubbing.
  5. One of the most accessible means for rubbing with a cough is honey. For this, it is necessary to warm up the chest with massage hands, and then grease the cabbage leaf with honey and attach it to the baby's chest. This procedure is good to do before bedtime.
  6. To soften the cough and ease the coughing helps rubbing your back with vodka. Rubbing is accompanied by moderate patting movements.

In conclusion, it can be added that rubbing can not be an independent cough remedy, but only an auxiliary procedure.


Is it possible to rub the baby's breast (2 years) with pneumonia. cough strong. and what can I rub and give when I cough?


@@@ ***** TANNI == ANNA ***** @@@

It is possible, but if there is no temperature, with lard, for example, in the markets it is sold, it is possible and with camphor ointment, you will find it in the pharmacy! ..

irina maratkanov (zhurnova)

pneumonia is treated in the hospital
rub with turpentine ointment
cough I treated tusuprexom

Love Efimov

Try a massage with honey. Take on the palm of liquid honey and you begin actively to "blot" the palm of the chest and the back of the child. The adhesion of honey and the active actions of the palm lead to the infusion of blood, as with massage, at the same time, honey itself is an anti-inflammatory agent. When I cough, I gave (though only on the advice of a doctor), infusion of Ledum (given to the baby for a short time-1-2 times a day for a quarter of a glass, 2-3 days, not longer, since it is even harmful in large doses).


I doubt that you want to harm the child. so no grinding can not be done. This you will carry the infection. Pneumonia is treated exclusively with an antibiotic.

Elen Kuznetsova

Up to three years I would not experiment with rubbing. It is better to go to the hospital and be treated under the supervision of a doctor.

Katya Klimenkova

do not rub anything, all these fats, ointments - a way to get distracted from the illness of the child, and sometimes they can do harm.

Natalia Tolkach

Do not rub anything. Fat clogs the pores of the skin. The patient becomes only worse - the skin stops breathing. And this is when inflammation of the lungs is very important - that the skin was clean and breathing. Pneumonia is one of the few diseases when you can easily kill without antibiotics!

Is it possible to do electrophoresis and massage a child for 1 year with a cold and cough



Consult your pediatrician if you have any doubts, call a doctor from a trusted medical center at the recommendation of a friend.. for example http://www.cemashko.ru/servis.html Good luck

Xina Markesh

nothing harmful is there, but the main thing is not to frighten the little one himself ...


I think you can. Massage helps a lot from cough, and electrophoresis warms the nose. In this there is nothing to worry about.


do not try anything simpler and more reliable give it to immunity will cope most simply help its immune system.


Can! It's not scary! If there is no other solution, apply!

Boris Aizikovich

massage is possible, but electrophoresis - only according to the indications (it is necessary to appoint a doctor)

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