Asphyxiating cough in a child what to do

Asphyxiating cough

Choking Cough Causes

A suffocating cough, as a rule, greatly disturbs people, in whom it manifests itself. And not for nothing, this kind of cough speaks about serious diseases, or about the transition of the disease to a more difficult stage.

The main causes of suffocating cough are pertussis, pneumonia, bronchial asthma, chronic bronchitis, occupational diseases, coughing of an inveterate smoker, heart failure, oncology, tuberculosis, severe allergic reaction.

A suffocating cough, what to do?

Often a suffocating cough occurs after the cause of its appearance has been eliminated.

During the attacks of suffocation when you cough, you can put your hands in hot water, while the bronchi reflexively expand, and it becomes easier to breathe.

Self-medication is excluded. In extreme cases, take antitussive drugs, make inhalation on herbs and specialized drugs.

Dry suffocating cough

The appearance of dry suffocating cough can be associated with a variety of diseases.

Muscoviscidosis, in this case suffocating dry cough, alternates with expectoration of expectoration.

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With bronchial asthma, the dry suffocating cough ends with shortness of breath. There may be a separation of sticky sputum and chest pains appear.

The presence of a foreign body in the larynx also causes suffocation and a dry, not passing cough.

Oncological diseases lead to dry rending cough.

A child suffocating cough

The cause of a suffocating cough in a child often becomes an allergy, especially if there are problems with the lungs, there were obstructions. Any viral diseases can also be accompanied by suffocation on coughing. The most common of these are whooping cough and tuberculosis. Treatment is always carried out only by a doctor, since the presence of such a problem in itself indicates exacerbations and complications.

Asphyxiating cough in an adult

Most adults smoke actively or passively. And it is this harmful habit that often leads to diseases with a suffocating cough. The adult organism is more resistant to manifestations of allergies, it is vaccinated against whooping cough and tuberculosis, so cough is rarely associated with these diseases.

A suffocating cough of adults is most often associated with asthma, pneumonia, bronchitis, smoking and occupational diseases.

Asphyxiating cough at night

A night suffocating cough often manifests itself in bronchial asthma. In 10% of asthma, the only sign of the disease is a severe cough with suffocation. At asthma attacks, the lumen of the bronchi narrows, and breathing becomes more difficult with exhalation, which leads to coughing, wheezing, and suffocation.

Also, with whooping cough, emphysema, and other lung diseases, an asphyxiate cough occurs at night.

In some cases, the cause of such a cough becomes too dry, dusty air in the room, a long period of smoking.

A healthy lifestyle and control of their health will ensure the prevention of any cough and most types of diseases.

Cough suffocating: causes and treatment

Cough can be a symptom of many diseases, and it has various forms. The most unpleasant and debilitating is a suffocating cough that gives a person painful sensations. This sign indicates a respiratory disease or indicates that the disease passes to a more severe stage of development.

Causes of a suffocating cough

The appearance of a suffocating dry cough can be caused by many factors, often such a sign arises when a foreign body enters the respiratory tract, irritation with mucous allergens. However, most often this process indicates the development in the body of serious diseases that are dangerous to human health.

Among them, it is worth highlighting such pathologies as:

  • whooping cough;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • bronchitis;
  • tuberculosis;
  • laryngototracheitis;
  • pharyngitotracheitis;
  • heart failure;
  • oncological diseases.
Exhausting suffocating cough often disturbs heavy smokers, because nicotine gums exert irritating effect on the mucous membranes of the throat. With chronic bronchitis, the patient's cough is mostly worried in the morning, the inflammatory process characterized by the duration of the current, it does not pass by itself, it is probable that development secondary tuberculosis.

A severe, tiring, dry cough with a low amount of sputum is accompanied by laryngitis. When a person has a disease, a high fever persists until the patient takes antipyretic and anti-inflammatory drugs. For bronchial asthma, cough seizures with severe dyspnea become characteristic. The patient is disturbed during this period by severe pain in the chest, sputum is very rare and in a small amount. If there is a stifling cough at night, it is in most cases a sign of bronchial asthma.

If the cough caused a foreign object to enter the larynx, the use of medications will not bring a positive result, the patient's condition will not improve. The symptom will pass only after the foreign body is removed.

With oncological formations, cough becomes especially intense, rending and painful. As a rule, he signals about the development of lung cancer.If there is such a symptom, you can not ignore it, you should undergo a comprehensive medical examination with subsequent treatment. Quite often suffocating cough becomes the consequence of taking some medicines.

What is the dry cough?

Cough that is not accompanied by sputum is called unproductive. Such a process can be of two types:

  • physiological - resulting from chemical or mechanical irritation of the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract;
  • pathological - associated with the development of any pathology of the respiratory system.

Depending on the duration and nature of the cough, there is still such a classification:

  • acute - is observed for several hours against the background of a respiratory viral infection or catarrhal diseases, as a rule, is accompanied by an increase in body temperature, a runny nose, a general weakness organism;
  • lingering - bothers the patient for more than two weeks, does not pass by himself;
  • relapsing - when the cough is repeated for every 4-5 weeks, it usually has a paroxysmal character and is a sign of bronchial asthma or bronchitis;
  • chronic - treatment can not bring a positive result until the cause of its occurrence is completely eliminated. .

Chronic cough is usually observed in heavy smokers and people whose professional activities involve contact with chemical irritants.

How is the treatment?

To get rid of a dry suffocating cough it is possible only under condition of observance of all principles of treatment of such process:
  1. Conducting an accurate diagnosis of the underlying disease and choosing the right treatment methods.
  2. The implementation of actions aimed at softening the mucous membranes and eliminating irritants.
  3. Use of anti-inflammatory, enveloping, antiseptic drugs of local action.
  4. Creation of conditions favorable for the restoration of the mucous membrane and the transition of an unproductive cough into its productive form.
To ease the patient's condition, you can take pastilles or candies that soften the mucous membrane. Also, inhalation, gargling with alkaline or saline solutions, herbal infusions and medicines will help. Such methods do not have a long curative effect, but they help at times to eliminate coughing attacks.

Complex efficacy in the fight against dry cough envelops the mucous membrane, larynx, bronchus, relieve inflammation, have a powerful antibacterial act. Specialists prescribe such medicines:

  • Herbion;
  • Bronchicum;
  • Kodelak;
  • Lazolvan;
  • Doctor Mom.

People who prefer folk medicine can use medicinal herbs in the process of cough treatment. They are used for gargling, inhalation, ingestion in the form of tea. Knowing what to do with a stifling cough, you can not only alleviate the condition of the patient, but also prevent the development of serious consequences.Permanent airing of the roomI, maintenance of a normal level of humidity, strengthening of immunity will help to avoid development of catarrhal diseases during their epidemic.

Cough until vomiting in the baby

  • Reasons for concern
  • Folk remedies

Children cough and are healthy, and sick, this physiological process is natural, but still worries parents, so most often they turn to pediatricians precisely because of the appearance of a cough The child has.

But when a cough accompanied by vomiting, parents are frightened and often begin to panic because they can not help their child.

According to Dr. Komarovsky, coughing is not a disease, but a symptom of the disease, therefore, in the first place, you need to determine the cause of the cough.

But it is not necessary to calm down, because coughing with vomiting can be a symptom of the disease, the sooner the cause of this cough is established, the faster it will be to help the child. With a dry cough, vomiting in a child arises from overexertion and spasm at the time of inspiration, such cough exhausts the baby and it weakens. Cough may accompany pertussis, and a dry cough with vomiting is a characteristic sign of whooping cough, so, first of all, you need to make sure that the child does not have this disease.


Coughing up before the baby's vomiting, it's not uncommon, the main reason is that the cough and vomiting centers are very close, and the children do not know how to control them.

In whooping cough, the baby coughs to such an extent that his face turns red from tension, his tongue protrudes from his mouth, and tears flow from his eyes. Such attacks will not help any antitussive drugs, nor do they help conventional antibiotics. At night, the symptoms of the disease are intensified and accompanied by a cough before vomiting in the child, and so can last up to 6 weeks, whooping cough requires systemic treatment.

Pertussis usually manifests after SARS after two weeks, coughing gradually increases and becomes suffocating.To say definitely that the child fell ill with whooping cough, only a doctor can after the blood tests and sowing mucus. If you have any suspicions, ask your pediatrician to give directions for the survey.


To treat whooping cough is necessary immediately, as it gives a complication to the heart and nervous system, because at the moment of attacks the child experiences oxygen starvation.

If the diagnosis of pertussis is not confirmed, you need to continue to look for the cause. The cause of the disease causing coughing, can be infectious (viral or bacterial) or allergic diseases due to poor air condition in rooms where it is hot or dusty.

Dry cough before vomiting in the child may occur:

  1. With bronchitis, laryngitis, tracheitis, pharyngitis, rhinitis, asthma. Each of these diseases is treated depending on the condition of the child and different medications. Someone needs an expectorant, and someone needs to suppress a cough, so you can not tell your child "anything from a cough". This approach can lead to complications, for example, pneumonia. Both bronchitis and pneumonia are not simple and serious diseases, only an experienced doctor can recognize them.
  2. When there is a foreign body in the respiratory tract (food crumbs, small items, for example, toys), medical attention is required immediately.

The cause of a wet cough before vomiting in a child may be that children do not get rid of excess mucus during a cough or a cold, and swallow it. To understand this, parents should listen to the child's actions and try not to allow this behavior, because as a result, mucus accumulates and during the coughing causes vomiting reflex. Vomiting with a damp cough occurs between attacks due to mucus that has accumulated in the airways and in the stomach.

The child coughs to vomiting: when to be afraid

If the child coughs before vomiting is not due to illness, you can not delay. A small child (up to a year) needs to turn upside down and knock on the back, it is possible that the foreign body will pop up at the moment of coughing. You can take advantage of Heimlich's method (a sharp push under the diaphragm).

But this method is suitable only in the case when the child can not even breathe, and therefore there is a threat to life, but we must remember that the reception is dangerous in inexperienced hands.

In the process of coughing, the human body uses muscles that are much weaker in children than in adults, so it is more difficult to cough up phlegm. If, in such a situation, a child is treated incorrectly with a cough prior to vomiting or without it, the disease will only progress and pneumonia may develop.

Cough often occurs as a result of excessive amounts of mucus in the lungs, and the body is so gets rid of it, accordingly it is necessary to find the reason, because of which it is produced in the lungs excess mucus.


It is dangerous to treat cough in children without the pediatrician, but parents can alleviate the condition of the child.

Inhalations and other means in the fight against cough

The first and very important means in the fight against coughing is moist air. In our apartments poor air circulation and very low humidity due to modern heating systems. Increase the humidity in the room can be using containers with water, which are installed under the radiators or hung on them, to air the rooms need 1-2 times a day. At night, you can put a container with water next to the baby's bed, and before going to bed it is desirable to do a wet cleaning of the room.

However, it is impossible to significantly increase the humidity in such ways, therefore it is necessary to use special electric air humidifiers in winter.

In order for the child to be able to sleep, it should be laid half-sitting and during the night to periodically change the position of the body, before going to bed it is necessary to give a warm drink.

If the child does not have fever, you need to walk outdoors more often and conduct water procedures with eucalyptus oil, fir, but only in the absence of allergies. This significantly improves the condition during illness, and the child coughs up vomiting less often. To significantly improve the condition of the child help inhalation with the help of a nebulizer. This is one of the most effective methods for fighting cough with inflammation of the upper respiratory tract.

The advantage of inhalation with a nebulizer is that local effects occur and almost instantaneously, unlike potions and tablets.When using a nebulizer, medications, saline, infusions of herbs (mother-and-stepmother, mint, sage, chamomile, St. John's wort) or mineral water turns into steam, in this condition they reach easier and faster goals. Most often in pharmacies are sold nebulizers ultrasonic and compressor.

Compressor is preferable, because in ultrasonic some drugs are destroyed and become ineffective. You can use inhalations with a nebulizer in children from birth. As has been repeatedly stated, medications for cough, especially in children, can not to select independently, because the cough is different, and, accordingly, the universal medicine from it is not exist. With a dry cough, depending on its nature, the drug is selected.

Dry cough can be:

  • deaf;
  • barking;
  • disruptive.

To cure a dry cough, you need to eliminate its cause, and you can alleviate the condition with drugs for the formation of additional mucus and thereby make it productive, that is, state. In this case, such drugs as Sinekod, Pertusin, Herbion with plantain, Libexin, Stopptussin and others can be prescribed.

However, preparations containing the infusions of herbs can cause allergic reactions, so you need to be more careful with them. In the treatment of wet cough, it is important to achieve an improvement in sputum discharge. To this end, mucolytics are prescribed for liquefaction of mucus: Lazolvan, Ambrobene, Herbion with primrose, Herbion with ivy, Bromhexin and others.


Most drugs for cough are sold in pharmacies without a doctor's prescription. Such accessibility should not be an occasion to engage in self-treatment, especially children.

To urgently help the child during coughing and to remove an acute attack in a child when coughing up before vomiting, parents should:

  1. Arrange the therma in the bathroom. To do this, you must put hot water into the tub and sit with the child in the room for 15 minutes.
  2. If the attack does not happen for the first time, then at the ready should be a decoction of herbs, which should be given a warm drink to the child. But even if there was not a decoction of herbs, it is enough to give a warm compote, tea or milk.
  3. Laspolvan (children from 6 years old), Ambroxol (children over 5 years old) or simple mineral water will help to remove an attack. If the child does not have allergies, you can drop a drop of fir or eucalyptus oil into the solution. But with oils you need to be careful!

Cough with vomiting: how to help a child with folk remedies

During illness and coughing with vomiting, sweating and diarrhea often occur. All this dehydrates the body, so it is important to constantly give the child a warm tea, broths of herbs, fruit drinks, compotes and plain water in small portions.

Good help with coughing with vomiting is ginger tea, a decoction of licorice, dog rose, plantain, tea with fennel seeds.

Drinking should be the same temperature as the baby's blood, only in this case the liquid is quickly absorbed by the intestine. If the child does not drink, thickening of blood and mucus occurs in the nose and in the lungs, thus sputum is formed, which interferes with breathing, leads to inflammation and the appearance of coughing with vomiting.

It is important in the period of illness accompanied by a cough, to ensure in the room where the child is, coolness and normal air humidity (not less than 55%). Determine the humidity can be using a hygrometer, which is built into the household weather station. Despite the achievements of modern pharmaceuticals, do not forget the generations-proven folk remedies for cough.

Here are just a few tools:

  1. Dry cough is well treatable with pine buds. They are brewed in hot milk (1 tbsp. a spoonful of raw materials per half liter of milk), insist 1 hour and give a drink of 50 grams every 2 hours in a warm form. Cough quickly softens within a day. If the child is allergic to cow's milk protein, then you can replace it with goat or plain water, you can replace the kidneys with spruce shoots.
  2. Another folk remedy for coughing is badger fat for rubbing the chest, stop and back. After grinding the child you need to wrap it up. Older children can be given badger fat by 1/2 tsp. 3 times a day before meals. This is an excellent tool for chronic bronchitis. By the way, badger fat strengthens the immune system. Drinking badger fat is better by dissolving in milk or with honey.
  3. Radish, perhaps, is the most popular cough remedy, especially in combination with honey (:) it turns out an excellent sweet syrup. To drink this medicine children need every 2 hours for 1 tsp.

Coughing with vomiting during illness helps to alleviate the condition of the child and soften the attack, so you should not panic or panic. The main thing is to find out the cause of the cough in time to cope with the disease.


He suffocates coughing. What to do???



I would not say that it looks like pneumonia. It looks like an obstructive bronchitis. Once strangling, it can be bronchospasm. Try Ascoril to have a drink. There is a composition of salbutamol-bronchodilator.
Another 5 days can be treated with antihistamine-klaritin. The apartment is ventilated, if the feather pillow is changed to a holofiber.


put a pillow higher... maybe this night will have to sleep sitting ...
if it is worse... call an ambulance... avoobsche.. for a doctor!


terpin code. Kodelak. Only observe the dosage, the side effect is the drowsiness of the decay


Radish with honey! 100% result.


Borey tea with milk, and the children's balance formula for [link is blocked by the decision of the project administration]


Milk boiled with garlic


Buy Flemoxin - the second name - Amoxicillin - will help (but it is advisable to consult a knowledgeable specialist beforehand - is there a lot of coughing?! If the cold is Flemoxi, if it's allergic, you need to look for another remedy.) A new generation medicine. Also let him drink warm milk with small sips and without any oil - at best - with honey! Get right!

Svetlanka and Antoshka

Breast gathering, it is better to consult a doctor. Cough is a dangerous thing.

Tova Petrova

Be sure to immediately make an X-ray film, it's hot on pneumonia. But such seizures can be removed by filling the bathroom with hot steam and bringing the child there for 5-7 minutes. The bowl, wrap it around your head and do not let it cool. Health to your child!

but Pasaran

call the doctor and if there is let bromhexine il over the cooked potatoes let them breathe


A bit of the doctor momom breast and anointed, the heat will help a little.. It is more to drink warm. Tea is better.
Pillow higher. Let him sit sleeping. If the ambulance gets really bad. And so tomorrow you must see a doctor.


Dr. Mom in medicine (or cough medicine - that's what is called, is sold in powder with one-time sachets or bromhexine or broncholitin, but with a doctor it is very advisable to consult), dry heat, warm milk with butter and honey (on a teaspoonful and other), you can still pour sugar in a spoon and hold it over the candle until it darkens, then cool it and give your daughter a lick - sweet and coughing effectively. about a high pillow - a very practical advice.

Mishanya Popov

From wet to dry, this is normal. At me too the daughter, simply the throat is torn up and it becomes on a habit it is necessary to give an anti-angina sucking candy that saliva was allocated! Hold on... it's easier to be sick than your children.

Jonny Shaman

1. Milk with honey (preferably linden)
2. It depends on how old my daughter is. Trituration. There is such a liquid MENOVAZIN. Need a little. Pour into the palm and rub into the back to dry. 2-3 times is enough. It is done for the night. But it's a bit smelly. It is worth a penny and it helps well. By myself I know. If she does not suffer the smell, you can rub your feet. Too well helps
3. Well, the drops that drive out the rubbish out of the lungs.


Thank you for the question, the same trouble, but unfortunately we have not helped... (((((((

Ekaterina Isayeva

We have the same problem. A week before our sick girl (she was 2 years old), went to hospitals, as she coughed up to vomiting. Drank antibiotics and Lazolva, also homeopathic remedies (Tartuffudrel and Bronhalis-hel). Like everything helped.
And I advise you to see a doctor. Sometimes, except for medicines, nothing helps, drinking on a boom is somehow unreasonable.
I wish you get better soon!!!

radishkin's hope

Her daughter just pulled it out on herbs.


Brew the lime tea. Lipa pharmacy 1 pack for 200 grams of boiling water, insist and give in a warm form

Attacks of dry cough in adults

Against the background of various diseases of the respiratory tract develops a dry cough. You can treat it with folk medicine or with what the pharmaceutical industry offers. Everyone chooses what is best for him. When irritating certain receptors, which are located in the airways, there is a dry cough.

Severe dry coughing attacks

Infections of fungal, bacterial and viral origin can cause a strong cough. In order to know how to treat, it is necessary to give phlegm for analysis.

With pharyngitis, cough is dry, burning and scratching are felt in the throat. Usually this disease has a fungal origin. A dry dry barking cough is with laryngitis. If you do not give the person timely help, the larynx may swell, which will lead to suffocation. Scratching pains behind the sternum, and dry cough are with pneumonia and bronchitis. Lung cancer causes severe dry coughing attacks. Many diseases can have similar symptoms, so self-medication is best not to deal with, but well monitored and treated.

Causes of bouts of dry cough

When coughing, the respiratory system gets rid of phlegm, so coughing is not terrible in itself. With inflammation the mucous membrane swells and thickens, the cilia of the epithelium begin to work poorly, as a result of which the sputum stagnates, and the microorganisms actively multiply.

Causes of dry cough: smoking, work in harmful production, laryngitis, asthma, tracheitis, bronchitis, pleurisy, whooping cough, swelling, or foreign body entry into the respiratory tract.

In order to soften the cough, you need to drink syrups. During an attack, you need to relax and try not to be nervous. Well soften mucous throat candy. You can also drink warm tea or milk with honey. If the cough is especially bad at night and does not allow you to sleep, you can lift the pillow and sleep reclining. With a cold and cough, and also high temperature, it is necessary to drink plenty of warm liquid.

Cough is dry and wet. A wet cough saves a person from pathogens. If the problem is in the throat, the cough will be dry. With pharyngitis, the back wall of the larynx inflames. With laryngitis, the inflammatory process is localized throughout the larynx.

In order to cure a throat, you need to suck lollipops, rinse your throat with salt and soda solutions, and drink plenty of warm liquid. Rinse can also be a decoction of sage, chamomile or marigold.

Attacks of dry cough at night

Quite often cough deprives sleep, does not allow to study and work normally, exhausts the body. Attacks of dry cough at night can appear due to catarrhal diseases, asthma, gastrointestinal reflux, allergies or helminths.

At night the cough intensifies, because in the horizontal position blood supply in the whole body is slowed down.

Dry cough with suffocation

A dry cough prevents not only the sick person, but also his environment. It is impossible to get rid of a cough quickly, if a virus or bacterium has got into the respiratory tract, it will take a long way. With any cough you need to drink a lot of warm liquid, and it does not matter what it will be. You can drink milk, tea, compote, mors, water or a decoction of medicinal herbs. Dry cough with attacks of suffocation is dangerous because a person can stop breathing. If the cough does not stop and the person starts to suffocate, you need to call an ambulance, and before it bring the patient to fresh air or bring them to the bathroom and turn on the hot water through the shower.

Attacks of acute dry cough

If a cough is caused by an allergy, you should take an antihistamine. Even from allergies get rid by drinking abundantly. A large amount of fluid together with antihistamine drugs removes toxins and allergens.

Attacks of acute dry cough often appear at night, after awakening and physical activity. If a person does not feel well, it is better to keep bed rest. Sometimes it's enough to lie down for a couple of days and everything will go away by itself. If the disease does not let go, you need to go to the doctor and undergo a checkup.

A fit of dry cough, what should I do?

If the cough started suddenly, you need to try to calm down and drink some water. After that, you can soften the throat with a spray or candy. When a cough comes from the common cold or sore throat, you need to do inhalations with mineral water or gargle, and also do not damage the rinsing of the nasal cavity. If the cough is due to inflammation, which is located in the lungs or bronchi, you need to start inhalation with "Berodual" or "Lazolvanom." Also, syrups that help to bring out phlegm faster do not interfere.

A fit of dry cough, what if there was nothing on hand? First, you need to calm down and try to breathe evenly. Secondly, take the vertical position, the body is better to tilt slightly forward and try to clear the throat.

How to remove a fit of dry cough?

In order to get rid of cough, you need to seek help from folk medicine. Well relieves a fit of coughing nettle. To make it, you need a handful of dry nettles and a glass of vodka or a vodka. Nettle sticks for ten days. How to remove an attack of dry cough with nettle tincture? You just need to drink a tablespoon of tincture.

Few people have heard of the miraculous properties of sugar candy. To prepare the medicine, you must melt in a mug a tablespoon of granulated sugar, do this over low heat, and pour it with half a glass of water. If there is no allergy, you can add a little aloe juice.

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