Adenoids and nocturnal apnea in children: how to treat without surgery

Any child in the nasopharynx has a pharyngeal tonsil that forms part of the lymphoid ring. This lymphoid tissue is very important in the formation of immunity in children. But, with its growth in the nasopharynx in spite of the expected increase in immune forces, the child becomes prone to frequent colds, nasal congestion.

Such children snore at night, like "grown-up men".So the topic of our today's conversation is devoted to the cause of this phenomenon - adenoids in the child and nighttime apnea as a result of a pathological increase in the pharyngeal tonsil.

Let's talk about the degree of adenoid enlargement, their diagnosis, signs and symptoms, as well as how to treat a child( baby) at home without surgery including medical and folk remedies, or how to prepare for surgery if necessary.


Adeno magnification degreesidov

The increase in adenoids has three degrees: at the first degree the child looks healthy, only colds visit it more often than usual. At the second degree the child often catches a cold, in the morning even in a healthy state he is disturbed by a dry cough, at night breathing becomes difficult, snoring, dark circles appear under the eyes, appetite decreases and memory worsens.

The third degree of adenoids is visible to the naked eye: an ever open mouth, a voice with a nasal hue( French Pronon), an unpleasant odor from the mouth, and at night from his crib a "heroic" snoring is heard interrupted by a brief lull. Such a child does not get out of colds, often chronic diseases of other organs( lungs, kidneys, joints) are added. And this is not surprising, because adenoids are a chronic focus of infection in the body, creating favorable conditions for the development of other diseases.

Adenoid vegetations are observed already from 6-7 months of age, reaching the maximum growth to 4-5 years of age, and after 7 years under favorable conditions they undergo reduction and reverse development.

Diagnosis: signs and symptoms

Diagnosis of adenoids is simple: the child has difficulty breathing through the nose, he must constantly remind you of the need to close your mouth and breathe through your nose. He fulfills his mother's request, but after a few minutes he forgets about it and again breathes his mouth. Almost the whole year, except for hot summer months, he walks with a wet nose, blowing out a profuse mucous or mucopurulent discharge. His speech is nasal, there is a decrease in hearing, frequent otitis. If the treatment is not performed in a timely manner, then the deformity of the face( adenoid face) is quickly formed. Children with adenoids often get respiratory infections. They are often disturbed by a dry, painful cough, mainly at night, when the child is in a horizontal position. This is easily explained: edematous adenoids or mucus running down from them irritate the receptors of the posterior pharyngeal wall, which reacts to irritation by a child's coughing. The same cough can occur on the street due to irritation of the mucous throat with cold, not warmed and not moistened in the nasal passages by air.

A serious clinical symptom of adenoids is night snoring, leading to respiratory sleep stops, that is, the development of the syndrome of obstructive sleep apnea.

In addition to respiratory pauses, these children have a restless sleep with frequent changes in body position and erratic movements of the legs( "you've been up all night again"), sleep and nighttime fears, increased sweating and morning lethargy, dry mouth and enuresis. In the daytime there is increased drowsiness or, on the contrary, pronounced excitability.

Consequences and complications of

A child with adenoids differs from peers by a slow reaction, absent-mindedness, inattention in class, unmotivated aggression, as a violation of nasal breathing leads to insufficient intake of oxygen into the brain tissue.

Often, children suffering from OSA are lagging behind in growth from their peers, as the most active production of growth hormone occurs during sleep, the quality of which is dramatically reduced.

The long-term effects of nocturnal apnea include changes in the cardiovascular system that occur during adolescence, namely: arterial hypertension, rhythm and conduction disorders, left ventricular myocardial hypertrophy.

All these serious complications can develop from such a widespread, and therefore overlooked by many parents the condition, like adenoids. Do not machine lightly with your hand: "You think, adenoids. Who does not have them? Grow up - pass. "

Violation of breathing in a dream at any age requires clarification of the cause and immediate action to eliminate it.

How to treat adenoids in a child without surgery

So, you suspected adenoids from your child and turned to the LOP doctor who confirmed your suspicions. What to do next?

With adenoids of the first degree, no one will insist on surgical treatment. Try to cope with them conservatively. For instillation in the nose you will be prescribed a 2% protargol solution, thuja oil of 6-8 drops in each nasal passage every night for 2 weeks, inhalation of a 2% solution of lomuzole at 1 inhalation dose to each nostril 4-6 timesper day for 10 days. A good effect is provided by the sofradex 2-3 drops in each nostril 3 ^ 4 times a day for a week. Do not let the inscription on the bottle confuse you: drops for the eyes and ears. For a long time and very successfully, sfraidex is used for instillation in the nose in adenoids and allergic rhinitis. The same action has a preparation polidex( anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and decongestant).

The child should receive sufficient doses of vitamins, especially C, A and B, as well as trace elements - calcium, potassium, phosphorus.

Teach a child to rinse the nasopharynx before instilling the medication. But only children older than 4-5 years are capable of this, and even then not all. This procedure is carried out in the bathroom.

Put a warm washing solution in the rubber pear and insert it into the nasal passage of the child. At the same time, a child with an open mouth stands with his head tilted over the bathroom or sink.

Begin rinsing by lightly pressing the can to avoid frightening the child,

gradually increasing the pressure. The liquid must pour out of the other nostril.

Then repeat the procedure through the other nasal passage.

For one washing, 200-250 ml of liquid is required. You can use a 2% solution of baking soda, 0.9% sodium chloride solution, chamomile broth, St. John's wort, calendula, sage. A good effect is provided by rinsing the nasopharynx with sea water.

If in the vicinity of your city the sea is not observed, prepare a saline solution: 2 teaspoons of salt in a glass of warm water.

Currently, pharmacies are widely represented various devices and cylinders for washing noses and spouts. The same procedure can be carried out in the office of the otolaryngologist. In the medical language, it is called "nose flushing by the fluid transfer method", and in the people it was dubbed "cuckoo" , because during the procedure it is necessary to pronounce "ku-ku, ku-ku" in order to avoid fluid entering the pharynx.

Toddler rinse the nose out of the pipette: , after a complete pipette of the wash solution, insert into both nostrils, and then set it, as it should blow your nose. After that, you can bury the medicine in your nose. To drop the drops on the adenoids, lay the child on his back with his head thrown back. Now inject the medication and ask the child to stay in this position for 5-7 minutes.

This unpleasant procedure for a baby needs to be done 2-3 times a day for 15-20 days. Only then will the effect.

Some more solutions from folk remedies of natural medicine for washing that you can cook at home:

  1. 1 teaspoon of table salt, 1 teaspoon baking soda, 2 drops of iodine per glass of water;
  2. half a teaspoon of soda and 20 drops of alcohol solution of propolis per glass of water;
  3. 2 teaspoons of oak bark, 1 teaspoon St. John's wort, 1 teaspoon of mint boil with steep boiling water( 1 cup), cool and strain.

In the treatment of adenoids, not only surgery, but physiotherapeutic procedures that help to remove edema( ultrasound, quartz, UHF), as well as a modern laser that works effectively and safely, is an effective method.

Treatment of adenoids by means of operation

If a child still needs an operation, it should be performed in a quiet period when the baby is healthy.

And this with his frequent "colds" is not easy to make. After the illness must pass at least 3 weeks to reduce the risk of complications to zero. Operation in the vast majority of cases goes smoothly. The child does not feel pain, because local anesthesia is used. However, later, when the "freeze" departs, there will be pain, but it will be necessary to suffer.

And to ease the postoperative period, surround the patient with care and attention. Offer him a favorite ice cream, not just kilograms, but with a small spoon and slowly, stretching pleasure. For a few days the child will have a nose in connection with postoperative edema, but in two weeks all the troubles will be left behind. Sometimes, by the ingrained habit, he continues to breathe with his mouth, and you have to be reminded of the need for nasal breathing. But soon you will see that at night he breathes quietly, his sleep became calm, the usual morning cough disappeared, the character changed for the better.

You are happy and happy, and the most happy child: now he does not urinate in bed!

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