With a dry cough what to take

Antitussive, expectorant for dry cough

Coughing is a protective, reflex reaction of the body, which removes the pathological altered bronchial secretion from the respiratory tract. Sometimes it occurs when there are foreign substances in the trachea or bronchi.

Coughing is not a disease, it is a symptom, therefore it should be treated as a manifestation of the underlying disease. The choice of medications that affect cough, depends on the individual characteristics of the person, the type and clinical manifestations of the disease.

The effectiveness of the basic treatment of any disease accompanied by a cough, significantly increases with the rational use of antitussive, mucolytic and expectorants. We will consider the causes of dry cough and drugs used to soften it and transfer it into productive, into humid.

What is the best medicine for dry cough?

The choice of medication depends primarily on the nature of the cough and must be agreed with the physician:

  • Cough is dry, painful, painful, unproductive, frequent, leading to a loss of appetite and sleep, choice -
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    antitussives or combination drugs.
  • A productive cough, but with a hard to separate, thick, viscous sputum, a choice -mucolytic drugs.
  • The cough is productive, with phlegm, and it is not viscous, and not thick - the choice of expectorating cough medicines.
  • Mucolytic agents can not be used simultaneously with antitussive drugs.

Dry cough - causes:

Most often, dry cough occurs at the onset of a cold, flu, acute bronchitis, pneumonia, as well as inhaling various substances that irritate the mucous membrane. In the case of a severe attack of dry cough, inspiration is accompanied by a wheezing noise between coughing jerks. This is due to the narrowing of the lumen of the bronchi, larynx or trachea and leads to shortness of breath. Before the attack of dry cough can feel pain with a deep breath.

Causes of dry cough:

Read also on the topic:
  • Dry cough without fever in adults-causes
  • Barking cough in a child - treatment
  • Chest Cough - Instruction
  • Treatment of dry cough in children and adults
  • Why dry cough does not go away, causes of dry cough
  • Herbion from dry and wet cough - instruction
  • Sinecode - instructions for use
  • Causes of dry cough without fever
  • Inhalation with bronchitis and laryngitis
  • Allergic cough - symptoms
  • Antibiotics for bronchitis
  • Laryngitis in a child - treatment
  • Viral, infectious diseases - ARVI, influenza, parainfluenza, pneumonia, bronchitis, etc.
  • Allergy-allergic rhinitis, allergy to dust, chemicals, may be the initial sign of asthma.
  • Bronchospasm - spasm in the bronchial tubes
  • Medicines that reduce high blood pressure - enalapril maleate, caproptil, lisinopril.
  • Reflex response to smoke, cold air, sharp odor

Strong dry cough - what to treat?

The better to cure a dry cough? The use of antitussives is considered advisable only at conditions when the cough is strong and often dry (exhausting) and only as prescribed by the doctor.

If the cough is dry, unproductive, it should first be transferred to the moist one, and then use mucolytic or expectorant drugs. And also with an unproductive cough, combined drugs that have both antitussive and expectorant effect are effective:


Sinekod - instructions for use

Dosage Form: Tablets for children in syrup and in drops for oral administration.

Pharmacological action: Sinekod - antitussive drug, has a direct effect on the cough center. Has an expectorant property, has a moderate anti-inflammatory, bronchodilating effect, improves spirometry. It is indicated for acute dry cough of various origin.
Contraindications: Do not use in pregnant and lactating women. Children under 2 months are contraindicated, children under 3 years can not use syrup, only drops, tablets are contraindicated for children under 12 years.
Side effects: Nausea, dizziness, diarrhea, allergic reactions.
Price: syrup 220 rubles, a drop of 320 rubles. AnalogOmnitussyrup 150 rubles, tab. 190 rubles.


Herbion - plantain syrup

Dosage form: syrup

Pharmacological action: Herbion - a combined medicine of plant origin, has antitussive, expectorant, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory effect. In the composition extracts of flowers mallow and grass plantain lanceolate. The drug softens and relieves dry cough.
Contraindications: Hypersensitivity to herbal preparations, intolerance to fructose. Take precautions with diabetes.
Side effects: Allergic reactions.
Price: the average price for pharmacies is 220 rubles.

Kodelak Phyto

Dosage form: elixir, syrup
Pharmacological properties: Kodelak Phyto-combined antitussive. Contains codeine and extracts of thermopsis, thyme and licorice. Has an expectorant effect.
Contraindications: bronchial asthma, children under 2years old, pregnant and lactating women, with respiratory failure and hypersensitivity to plant components preparation.
Side effects: allergic reactions, nausea, vomiting, headache, drowsiness, constipation. With prolonged use, drug dependence develops to codeine.
Price: 130-140 rub.


Dosage form: tablets, drops for internal administration

Pharmacological action: Stopoutsin - combined antitussive and secretolitic action. The composition includes butamirate citrate, which has a local anesthetic, bronchodilator and antitussive action, and Guaifenesin reduces the viscosity of sputum, improving its departure. Effective with dry cough in children and adults.
Contraindications: Children under 1 year of age and pregnancy during 1 trimester should not be used.
Side effects: Allergic reactions, rarely - vomiting, diarrhea, dizziness, headache.
Price: drops 70-80 rubles., Tablets 130-140 rubles.


Dosage form: syrup, elixir, lozenges

Pharmacological action: Combined drug with anti-inflammatory, expectorant, bronchodilator effect. The syrup and tablets contain the extract of thyme herb, and the elixir also contains the root extract of the primrose. Bronchicum is universal, it is an effective expectorant for dry cough and damp. At the stage of the disease, when a dry cough Bronchicum helps to cope with severe attacks, transferring a dry cough to wet. Then, with a damp cough, he facilitates expectoration of the sputum, contributing to its excretion from the lungs.
Contraindications: Syrup is contraindicated for children under 6 months, and children under 6 years of age should not take troches, patients with significant violations of liver and kidney function, with individual intolerance, during pregnancy and feeding the chest.
Side effects: irritation of the gastric mucosa, allergic reactions.
Price: 270 rubles.


Dosage form: syrup

Pharmacological action: Broncholitin is a combined preparation of antitussive, bronchodilating and bronchoseptic action. The composition includes Glaucina hydrobromide, which has a depressing effect on the cough center, a mild anti-inflammatory, analgesic effect. Basil oil has a minor sedative, antimicrobial, antispasmodic property. Ephedrine stimulates breathing, dilates the bronchi, has a vasoconstrictive effect, thereby eliminating the edema of the bronchial mucosa.
Contraindications: heart failure, children under 3 years of age, pregnant and lactating women should not be used.
Side effects: tachycardia, tremor, insomnia, drowsiness, visual impairment, nausea, vomiting, difficulty urinating, rash, increased sweating.

Price: 60 rubles.


Dosage form: tablets

Pharmacological action: Libexin is an antitussive remedy of peripheral action. It has a local anesthetic, bronchodilator effect, its antitussive effect is approximately comparable to codeine. Unlike codeine, Libexin does not cause dependence, does not affect the central nervous system. With chronic bronchitis has an anti-inflammatory effect.
Contraindications: diseases, with the release of abundant bronchial secretion, with caution used in childhood, in pregnancy is not recommended.
Side effects: dry mouth, temporary numbness in the oral mucosa, mild sedative effect, skin rash.
Price: 260-280 rub.


When the cough is not so dry, you can use this herbal preparation.

Dosage form: Brown syrup, the composition includes extracts of 10 medicinal plants - flowers of althaea, onmsma, hyssop, violet, alpinia, fruits of pepper, licorice root, leaves adhatodes and others.
Pharmacological action: Linkas - a combined preparation of plant origin, reduces intensity of cough, increases its productivity, has mucolytic, expectorant, and anti-inflammatory effect.
Contraindications: Children under 6 months of use is not recommended, with hypersensitivity to herbal remedies, use with caution in diabetes mellitus.
Side effects: allergic reactions.
Price: 130-140 rub.

To prescribe and determine the duration of administration of the listed medicinal, expectorant drugs with a dry cough should be the attending physician. There are cases when, with a painful, debilitating, non-productive cough, medications do not help, and simple methods of traditional medicine, such as mustard, cans, steam inhalations, warming ointments and creams bring significant relief and quickly transfer dry cough to wet.


Best medicines for dry coughing adults

Dry cough - this is not a disease, but only a sign of a certain pathological process. It can provoke such ailments as inflammation of the bronchi, lungs, bronchial asthma, tuberculosis. To eliminate it, it is very important to choose an effective remedy that not only relieves this symptom, but also improves the patient's well-being.


For those who trust drugstores, it is worth paying attention to medicines with dry cough, which are produced in the form of a suspension or tablets. Let us dwell in more detail on the most popular and effective. What medicines to take and what to treat ?.

Syrup Herbion

The main advantage of this medicine is its soft effect on the mucous membranes of the throat, bronchi and lungs. After use, the active components of the syrup have an enveloping effect on the affected organs, and eliminate the inflammatory process. Such treatment leads to rapid excretion of sputum. Herbion's composition presupposes the presence of components of plant origin.You can take such a drug not only for adults, but also for children.

How to take Herbion syrup from a dry cough? Here you can find the instruction. If you are tortured by a dry cough, then to eliminate it, the syrup is used in the amount of 305 dessert spoons. Duration of therapy should not be less than 5 minutes. There is a syrup of Herbion and from a wet cough. Here you can read the instructions.

Dr. Mom

Suspension is actively used during the treatment of respiratory diseases, for which a dry cough is characteristic. The composition of the drug involves plant elements, the action of which is aimed at softening the mucosa, spitting out and removing inflammation. Also Dr. Mom is effective in eliminating such causes of coughing as tracheitis (here the symptoms of tracheid cough are described), bronchitis, pharyngitis and laryngitis. You can use not only adults, but also small patients. More Dr. Mohm syrup for children's cough is described by reference.

Use Dr. Mom in the dosage indicated in the instructions given the age of the patient. For adults, a single dose will be 2 dessert spoons. Perform treatment with such a drug is necessary for 2-3 weeks. If necessary, the doctor can extend the treatment.


The effectiveness of this drug is noted in the treatment of colds and infectious pathologies, which are characterized by a dry cough. As a rule, Bronchicum positively affects the elimination of bronchitis and whooping cough. The composition of the medicine presupposes the presence of thyme oil. It is thanks to him that it is possible to exert a bactericidal and expectorant effect. This syrup can be used to treat any kind of cough. It is very safe, as in the composition of only natural components of plant origin.

A single dosage of the suspension for adults is 10 ml 3 times a day. The therapeutic course lasts 4-5 weeks, but it is determined by its attending physician taking into account the age of the patient and the stage of pathology.

Find out what is dangerous for the genyantritis in pregnancy.

List of antibiotics for cough treatment in children: http://prolor.ru/g/detskoe-zdorove-g/antibiotik-dlya-detej-pri-kashle.html.

Here you can find instructions on how to apply Lazolvan solution for inhalation.


This drug is released in the form of tablets. It shows its effectiveness in the treatment of bronchitis, pharyngitis and other ailments for which a dry cough is characteristic. In the role of the active component is prenoksdiazina hydrochloride. Adults apply the drug in an amount of 100-200 mg 3 times a day. Do not apply Libexin to patients who are hypersensitive during pregnancy.


For this antitussive medication, the expectorant and bronchodilator effect is characteristic. Apply it during treatment of bronchitis, influenza, pertussis, pneumonia. In the role of the main component is butamyrate and guaifenesin. The reception of Stoptopsin should occur after eating. But to protect against side effects, it is worth keeping the dosage exactly as specified in the instructions. Do not use the drug during pregnancy, with allergies to a certain component of the drug.

Other effective ways

Dry cough can be treated not only with the help of pharmaceutical preparations, but also with the use of folk recipes. To achieve maximum effect, it is best to use combined treatment.

The video tells about medicines for dry coughing for adults:

The main advantage of alternative medicine is its safe effect, because all drugs used consist of natural components.When dry cough does not signify a serious pathology, treatment with folk remedies is the most suitable option.Here you can use decoctions, compresses and inhalations. During such therapy the patient manages to improve his condition, restore his voice, quickly withdraw phlegm.

Honey mix

To get it you need to take a dessert spoon of a bee product with a semi-liquid consistency. Combine it in the same proportion with cocoa and olive oil. Mix all the ingredients thoroughly, and after the treatment, in dosage 1 dessert spoon 3 times a day. Take a honey mixture after eating.

Decoction of onions

Put a liter of water in a container, and then put two bulbs in it, with which the skin was removed in advance. Cook them over low heat for an hour. Then take them out of the container, and give the decoction time to cool down. Take ½ cup 4 times a day.


Put 1/2 liter of milk in a pot, set it on a stove and wait until it boils. When it cools down, add a yolk, a tablespoon of cream and a dessert spoon of honey of a liquid consistency to it. All carefully mix and take medicine in the amount of glass 5 times a day.

Healing Herbs

Medicinal plants also have a positive effect in the treatment of dry cough. To prepare the product you will need 2 dessert spoons of roots of elecampane and a glass of boiling water. Brew grass better in a thermos. The obtained composition has a powerful expectorant effect on inflammation of the bronchi. The required dosage is 1/3 cup 3 times a day.

Honey with olive oil

To get a medicine based on these products, it is worth connecting them in equal proportions. The reception is conducted in the amount of a dessert spoon 3 times a day.

Radish juice

Remove the rind from the top of the black radish and cut the indentation. As a result, the vegetable must acquire the shape of a cup. After that, put the natural honey in the hole.This product should be in the radish for a day.Obtained juice with bee products in the amount of a tablespoon 3 times a day. Here you will find a recipe for cooking green radish with honey from cough.


  • Екатерина, 19 years old: "I had attacks of dry cough, when I was sick with pharyngitis. To treat this symptom, the doctor left therapy for me, but after 2 weeks of follow-up, I did not succeed in achieving a positive result. But what really helped me was the honey mix. I took it for a week, and all the symptoms of the disease began to leave me. "
  • Stanislav, 35 years old:"During the usual cold I was choking, and especially at night, a strong dry cough. I did not go to the doctor, but helped me to defeat him syrup Doctor Mom. I took it 3 times a day for 3 weeks. As a result of this therapy, I managed to reduce the intensity of cough, I began to sleep at night, and overall well-being improved markedly. "
  • Natalia, 23 years old: "For the treatment of dry cough, I used folk and traditional treatment. As the doctor explained, the maximum effect can be achieved with a comprehensive approach. For the treatment of dry cough, I used Liebesin tablets and onion broth. All the unpleasant cold symptoms I managed to overcome in 3 weeks. "

The treatment of dry cough does not involve the use of any supernatural methods. For this reason, it is quite possible to eliminate it if you immediately consult a doctor and follow all of his prescriptions. If this is not done, then there are all conditions for the cough to grow into a chronic. Perhaps, you will also be useful information about what to do if the child does not get a dry cough.


Effective expectorants and folk remedies for dry cough

Coughing periodically torments almost all people. Therefore, it is very important to learn in time and correctly treat it.Expectorants for dry cough are used primarily for liquefaction and withdrawal of sputum.After using such medications, the cough becomes wet, and this is already halfway to recovery.

There are a lot of such drugs - medical drugs, traditional medicine, ready-made formulations for inhalations. Many effective means are offered to us by nature itself - propolis, honey, onions, milk, herbs and other plants. Of course, from an arid cough to an adult, you need to use one means, and for children - quite different.

Causes of dry cough

Dry cough usually occurs in the first stages of colds, acute respiratory infections, acute respiratory infections, influenza, bronchitis caused by hypothermia, bacteria, viruses, allergies. It is worth noting that all these diseases, as a rule, occur against the background of weakened immunity. Rarely is hereditary predisposition, that is, a tendency to catarrhal diseases at the gene level.

Cough - a way to protect the body from bacteria by producing sputum. So do not try to get rid of it. But to make the damp dry, so that sputum is removed - this is the task of both doctors and patients suffering from cough.

In addition to infections that penetrate the bronchi, dry cough can also be caused by the following reasons:

  • cough can be caused by an allergy, while the muscles surrounding the bronchi are contracted, under the action of serotonin, histamine or bradykinin, that is, substances produced by the body under the influence of an allergen;
  • ailment can cause stagnant phenomena in the lungs, this happens if the heart can not deliver to the lungs the amount of blood necessary for their work;
  • dry cough can cause and blockage of the bronchi, for example, with a tumor;
  • in some cases, medication can also provoke an ailment, for example, certain drugs to reduce pressure.
But coughing is not always a sign of a disease. It often occurs suddenly when a foreign body enters the respiratory tract. Even a simple speck of dust, unsuccessfully flown into your mouth, can provoke a cough, because our body tries to get rid of it. Inhalation of smoke, too, usually causes a cough.

Cough in heavy smokers is also not uncommon. The ailment is often caused by obvious everyday causes. After all, cigarette smoke, like other stimuli, stimulates the release of excess sputum in the bronchi, from which the body gets rid of, coughing it out.

Symptoms and Diagnosis

Dry cough is different, and its manifestations can be used to judge a particular disease. Cough can be rapid and prolonged, with and without seizures, coughing at night or just during the day, barking cough or calm. Factors accompanying the ailment are also taken into account: fever, weakness. For all these indicators, an experienced doctor will immediately diagnose and prescribe the right treatment. The main thing is not to miss the moment for the treatment to be timely. Only in this case it will bring good effect in a short time. Consider these symptoms in more detail.

A long-lasting cough indicates a chronic illness. If the cough passes quickly, then it is most likely an acute illness.

If a dry cough occurs at night, and in order to soothe it, you have to sit for a long time so that the trunk was in the vertical position, it is a pulmonary cough that occurs due to increased pressure in the vessels lungs. To lower the pressure, a person instinctively gets up or sits down, leading the trunk to a vertical position. The cause in this case is the poor work of the heart - it does not pump blood into the lungs. Overcooling or even emotional stress also occur among the causes of dry cough.

Coughing attacks often occur with a diagnosis such as bronchial asthma. Such a cough is accompanied by a whistle or wheeze. Attacks occur at night. Bronchitis in chronic smokers also has similar symptoms.

If the patient's body temperature rises and he feels weak, then this indicates an infectious disease. The feeling of general weakness in this case often indicates blood diseases or even tuberculosis. With tuberculosis, these symptoms are accompanied by sweating and severe thinness. They are considered characteristic signs of the disease.

To identify the causes of dry cough, additional studies are being carried out - radiography, fluorography, bronchoscopy is prescribed for suspected bronchoconstriction.

When suspected of the allergic nature of the disease, blood tests are performed. A general blood test will be useful in all cases of dry cough.

Suspicion of a cardiac cough is confirmed or refuted by analyzing the results of ECG, ultrasound of the heart and small physical exertion. Almost always, a feces analysis is taken to reveal the presence of helminths. After all, they can be the cause of a dry cough.

Review of expectorants with dry cough

The choice of a medicine for dry cough depends primarily on its nature and the symptoms accompanying it, discussed above. In addition, one must take into account the individual preferences of the patient. The best way to choose a drug is to consult a doctor.

For the treatment, both medical pharmaceutical preparations with dry cough and folk remedies are used. Dry cough is also called unproductive, and moist productive. The primary task of treating dry cough is to turn it into a productive wet cough for the production of sputum. For this purpose, expectorants and tablets are used for dry cough. In addition to performing its direct function - diluting viscous sputum - such drugs also expand the bronchi, improve breathing.

Expectorant drugs for dry cough are divided into two groups. The first include the so-called secretotomotor drugs that increase the amount of sputum produced. The essence of their action is to stimulate the expectorant reflex. These drugs include: licorice root, benzonate, hydrogen carbonate and sodium iodide, potassium iodide, thermopsis.

The second group includes the directly diluted sputum preparations, the so-called mucoregulators. These drugs are aimed at reducing the viscosity of sputum, which is achieved by breaking intermolecular bonds. Examples of such agents are ambroxol, bromhexine, trypsin.

Some medicines for dry cough

At home, you can cope with a dry ailment by drinking a large amount of warm liquid, prepared in various ways. For example, even simple warmed alkaline mineral water makes the symptoms of dry cough easy. Borjomi, narzan, essentuki are suitable here.

Inhalations are the most effective remedy for such a disease. This method allows the use of different formulations for inhalations and achieve sustainable results in a short time. In any case, inhalations even with the use of simple soda bring quick relief.

Of course, to date, many devices for inhalation have been invented, among which nebulajzar, perhaps, the best has proved due to ease of use, safety and efficiency impact.

However, if there was not at hand a special device - an inhaler, you can do inhalations over the pan, covering yourself with a towel or blanket. In this case for the inhalation will be suitable just cooked potatoes, broths of chamomile, sage, inflorescences of linden, plantain, St. John's wort and other medicinal herbs.

This inhalation should be carried out for at least 15 minutes while the steam is still hot. But you need to keep in mind that at elevated blood pressure it is better to refuse inhalations, do not do them at elevated body temperature.

Recipes of traditional medicine

The wide experience of using folk remedies with dry cough distinguishes the simple recipes presented below from the whole variety. Onions can be used additionally as an antibacterial agent.

For this recipe you need to prepare a decoction of oats in milk. One glass of peeled oats should be added in two glasses of milk and cooked over low heat until the oats completely boil. This broth should be drunk at least six times a day.

Healing with a dry cough will be and the following composition: a teaspoon of honey, butter and soda melt in a glass of warm milk and drink in small sips to the bottom.

Particularly distinguish the recipe from black radish due to its beneficial effect on cough and the ability to excrete phlegm.

The action of radish is recommended to strengthen with the help of honey.

Black radish on honey. The top of a large radish needs to be cut, so that the lid turns out. Take out the core with a teaspoon. Bee honey is poured into the resulting cavity in a radish to about half. Then you need to close the radish cut at the first stage of the lid and lower the root into the water. After a six-hour exposure, the radish extracts the healing juice. The obtained effective agent has expectorant properties.


It is rare to find a recipe from a banana broth that helps with coughing. It is necessary to knead two bananas and dilute in a glass of water, adding one teaspoon of sugar. Heat to boil and remove from heat. The broth is ready.

Recipe based on baking soda. Suitable for adults and children. After dissolving a teaspoon of soda in a glass of warm milk, take a few small sips inside the reception.

Nature comes to the rescue

We reviewed recipes based on such well-known products as black radish and honey, milk, onions. Against dry cough often used and a variety of herbal preparations. The combination of herbs can be selected, based on the individual preferences of the patient and the characteristics of his body. In addition to herbal decoctions, propolis, vegetable oil, goose fat is often used.

A lot of herbs having an expectorant effect are given by nature. The root of licorice, chamomile, birch, plantain, mother-and-stepmother, oregano, marshmallow - all are herbs and plants that can cure us not only from cough, but from many other ailments. However, broths from such herbs should not be drunk with allergies or asthma.


All these medicinal decoctions are suitable for adults and children alike. It is advisable to take them after consulting a doctor. Medicinal broths, cooked from these herbs, are aimed at softening the sputum and are expectorants with a dry cough.

Many people are used to treatment with medications. But there are a lot of those who can benefit from this kind of treatment with the help of means that nature takes care of us.


Preparation ATSTS: it is possible or not to accept at a dry cough?

ATSTS is a drug that has a mucolytic effect. The role of the main component is acetylcysteine. Today this medicine has gained immense popularity. The reason for this demand is related to the positive effect that ATS has on the patient's body during the cough treatment. Everyone knows that the medicine is coping well with a wet cough, but can it be used when dry? In this we have to understand.

The child has tortured a cough, what to do and how to help him, you can understand reading the article.

Can I use

The composition of the drug was studied by many scientists for a long time. In the course of the study, it was possible to determine that ACC has a mucolytic, antioxidant and expectorant effect.

More recently, another property of this drug has been discovered, which consists in removing toxin from the body. But most often ATSs are involved in the treatment of colds, which are characterized by the formation of a cough. During such therapy, it is possible to thin the sputum, reduce its viscosity and quickly remove it from the bronchi. In addition, with the use of ATSs it is possible to remove inflammation.

What are the coughing attacks at night with an adult, you can understand reading the article.

The positive effect of this drug comes after an hour.The ATSs are sold in various dosage forms. Most often, doctors prescribe to their patients ATSTS in the form of powder for syrup or in the form of tablets. These two tools are the most convenient to use. But prescribe a specific form of the drug should only the doctor, as each of them has its effect.

For example, with the help of syrup it is possible to eliminate unpleasant manifestations of chronic ailments of the lungs, but the solution is very useful for laryngotracheitis.

At the infants barking cough without temperature, what to do with it, will help to understand this article.

As a rule, appoint ATSTS for the following diseases:

  • pneumonia;
  • different types of bronchitis;
  • cystic fibrosis;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • sinusitis;
  • otitis media.

Most often, ATSs are recommended for use in the treatment of wet cough. Nobody forbids it to be used even when dry, but only on condition that medicines for increased sputum liquefaction have already been used. They have already exerted their influence and transferred the cough to a productive form. Only under such condition it is expedient to use ATSTS. Otherwise, it will be impossible to achieve effective elimination of dry cough.

A one-year-old child has a wet cough, what to do about it, helps to understand the article.

If the patient has a dry cough, then they can appoint ACTs Long. Its administration is conducted in conjunction with additional medications that will improve the effect obtained from the ACS.

But not in all cases, you can use a remedy for the treatment of dry cough. The contraindications are as follows:

  • hypersensitivity to the drug and its components;
  • septic ulcer;
  • sputum discharge with blood;
  • pulmonary hemorrhage.

How to cure a cough with the thyroid gland is indicated in the article here.

Even if you do not have any contraindications to admission, do not show self-activity, be sure to consult with a doctor about this.

How to use

Before considering the instruction on reception, it is necessary to understand how to prepare a solution of ATSTS. To do this, take the drug in the form of granules. Depending on the dose set by the doctor, pour a sachet or ½ of it into a glass of water. Thoroughly stir and drink after eating. If you did not get the medicine right away, you can do it within 3 hours. It is no longer possible to hold a remedy, otherwise all its components will no longer have the necessary effect.

How to cure cough in early pregnancy, the contents of the article will tell.

The video tells about the use of ATS with a dry cough:

What is the cure for the cough after eating, you can find out by reading the article.

In addition to water, the powder for the solution can be dissolved in warm juice, tea or compote, the granules for the syrup should be dissolved in a vial of warm water to the designated label.When the patient has taken the necessary dose of the drug, it is worth to drink an additional liquid in large quantities.Then you will be able to get the maximum therapeutic effect.

How to take an adult

For adults, the drug should be used in an amount of 200 mg 2-3 times a day. This is if you use ATSTS in the form of granules to obtain a solution. The same dosage remains for patients older than 14 years.

What to do, when constantly dry cough and pershit in the throat, it is worth reading the article and deal with it.

How to apply to children

Before determining the permitted dose of the drug, it is necessary to understand the age at which ATSs are allowed to be used. Doctors have found that the drug can be used to treat dry cough even to newborn babies. The reason in the natural composition of the drug, which does not have a negative effect on the body of a small patient. The dosage of ACC depends on what form you use it and for what age:

  1. ACTS 100- allowed for children from birth. For babies up to 2 years old it should be taken 3 times a day in the amount of 50 mg. When the baby is more than 5 years, the volume of the drug is increased to 100 mg, and the intake per day is 4. starting from the age of six, the daily dose will be 600 mg, to distribute it costs 3 times.
  2. ATSTS Longit is necessary to give to patients, whose age has reached 14 years. The daily dose of the drug is 600 mg, and you need to drink it at a time. The tablet dissolves in water and is used only after meals. If you forgot to drink immediately remedy, you can do it within 3 hours, but not later. Then you will have to prepare a new medicine.
  3. ATSTS 200It should be used only in the form of a solution. He can prescribe to children, whose age is more than 6 years. The daily dosage is ½ packet 2 times a day. Dissolve its contents in warm water. If adolescents are taking drugs, then they need to take a sachet 3 times a day.

Supplement such treatment can be with the help of drops prepared at home. Traditional medicine will strengthen the positive impact of ATSTS. Therapeutic course lasts no less than 5 days. If the case is started, then the treatment can be delayed for 6 months. This period includes the time of therapy and prevention of infection.

How to treat dry cough folk remedies, you can learn from this article.

How to take pregnant women

For women, it is very common to be ill with colds. But the treatment in this case should be safe, so as not to harm the baby's health. ATSTS at a dry cough is authorized to use not only to babies, but also to pregnant women. Although until today, the finest influence of the components of the drug on the fetus has not been established exactly.

To eliminate dry cough for a woman at the time of bearing a child, it is necessary to use ATSTS 100. It is taken 50 mg 3 times a day. If there are suspicious phenomena, you should immediately inform your doctor about it.

What are the causes of perspiration in the throat and dry cough, you can find out by reading the article.

For cough, it is very important to know its cause and nature. After all, the pharmacy has drugs designed specifically for dry or wet cough. Always there is a question of azts with a dry cough or not. ATSTS can be used for both dry and wet. The only thing, in dry need additional therapy, otherwise get a positive effect will not be easy.


The most effective antibiotics for dry cough

Doctors prescribe antibiotics with a dry cough is not so often. After all, the taking of these serious medicines must be substantially justified. That is why in no case should you take antibiotics at your own discretion. In this case, bacteria that cause a dry cough can develop resistance to active substances and they simply stop acting on them. Pathogenic organisms begin to multiply even faster.

Features of the use of antibiotics for dry cough

In the treatment of unproductive bronchospasm with antibacterial drugs, there are certain rules:

  • They can not be taken without the appointment of a doctor.
  • The antibiotic necessary for a dry cough is selected after giving the sputum, determining the type of pathogen and its sensitivity to a particular substance.
  • Children are subjected to an additional test for an allergic reaction.

Do not use antibacterial medication without thinking and take uncontrollably. Inappropriate use of antibiotics with dry cough can cause the emergence of dysbacteriosis or the habituation of pathogenic microorganisms to the active substance. In this situation, effective drug therapy will be much more difficult.

Treatment for dry cough: what antibiotics can be taken

When it is necessary to use antibacterial drugs, the drugs that belong to the penicillin group are most often prescribed.


Form of issue


Side effects



Tablets, powders for injection, a substance for suspensions.

Antibiotic is prescribed for non-productive sharp spastic exhalations, caused by acute bronchitis, shared bronchopneumonia, lung abscesses.

Digestive tract disorders, jaundice development.

Intolerance of the components of the drug, pregnancy, lactation.


Tablets, powder for the preparation of suspension and for parenteral administration.

It is used for dry cough caused by pneumonia, sinusitis.

Vomiting, nausea, diarrhea, skin rash, dizziness, headache, anemia.

Cholestatic jaundice, hepatitis, hypersensitivity.

Flemoxin Solutab


The medicine is prescribed for unproductive bronchospasm, caused by various diseases of the respiratory system.

Itching in the anus, diarrhea.

Intolerance to the components of the drug.

It should be remembered that the intake of antibiotics for a dry cough is at least 7 days. However, if after the start of taking the drug for 48 hours, there is no improvement in the condition, then it should be replaced.


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