Analogues of midalbum in tablets and other forms, cheaper and more effective


  • 1Midokalm - analogues cheaper, the price of Russian and imported substitutes
    • 1.1Form of release of the medicine
    • 1.2When the agent is shown
    • 1.3Can I apply the drug to pregnant women?
    • 1.4Side effects during therapy
    • 1.5Instructions for use
    • 1.6How much does Midokalm cost? Price in pharmacies
    • 1.7List of inexpensive and similar substitutes
    • 1.8Baklosan - (Poland)
    • 1.9Sirdalud - (Switzerland)
    • 1.10Tolperizon-OBL - (Russian inexpensive analog)
    • 1.11Conclusions on inexpensive and similar means
  • 2Cheap analogs of Midokalma
    • 2.1About the preparation
    • 2.2Analogues
    • 2.3Tolmoreyson
    • 2.4Baklosan
    • 2.5Baclofen
    • 2.6Sirdalud
    • 2.7Myolgin
    • 2.8Conclusion
  • 3Description of the available analogues of the drug Midokalm
    • 3.1Medicament Tolizor
    • 3.2Means Tolperizon
    • 3.3Miolgin
    • 3.4Medication Sirdalud
    • 3.5Baclofen Tablets
  • 4Midokalm: application, reviews and cheap analogues
    • 4.1Pharmacological action of Midokalma
    • 4.2Indications for use
    • 4.3Contraindications
    • 4.4Side effects
    • 4.5Interaction with other drugs
    • 4.6Price
    • 4.7Analogs are cheaper
    • 4.8Reviews
  • instagram viewer
  • 5The best analogues of Midokalm: an analysis of the instructions for use, reviews and prices
    • 5.1About the preparation and its purpose
    • 5.2Advantages and disadvantages
    • 5.3Sirdalud Vs Midokalm
    • 5.4What can I buy in ampoules?
    • 5.5Point of view
    • 5.6TOP-10 cheaper analogues

Midokalm - analogues cheaper, the price of Russian and imported substitutes

What effective and cheap means can be replaced by Midokalm? Cost of substitutes in pharmacy chains

Midokalm is an effective and effective medicine, which is prescribed in order to weaken the arisen muscle spasm.

The drug from the Hungarian manufacturer, provides an analgesic effect, and also improves blood circulation. The drug Midokalm has cheap, but no less effective analogues.

Let's consider in more detail: what helps the medicine and how it can be replaced.

Form of release of the medicine

The medication is produced in tablet form and in ampoules.

Tablets have a round shape. Contain 50 or 150 mg of the main component - tolperisone hydrochloride. One medicine package contains 30 tablets.

Ampoules are designed to inject the solution with injections. The ampoule has a volume of 1 ml, which contains 100 mg of active ingredient, and also, an mg of anesthetic called lidocaine. In one package - 5 ampoules.

When the agent is shown

  • Hypertension of muscles, which was caused by a neurological disease;
  • Dysfunction of cerebral circulation, in particular sclerosis;
  • Children's cerebral palsy - Little syndrome;
  • Any arthrosis;
  • Restoration of the body after surgical interventions (area of ​​traumatology or orthopedics);
  • Post-thrombotic condition.

Can I apply the drug to pregnant women?

Therapeutic treatment in the period of expectation of the child - is highly discouraged, especially being on the first stages of pregnancy. Only the attending physician should determine whether it is possible to prescribe this medicine. This also applies to mothers who are in the period of breastfeeding.

Side effects during therapy

The drug is tolerated well enough and almost never causes bad concomitant reactions of the body. But very rarely, there are possible such cases:

  • Desires for vomiting;
  • Stomach ache;
  • Low blood pressure;
  • Headache;
  • General feeling of weakness;
  • Allergy - manifested on the skin of the skin in the form of itching and rash.

Instructions for use

The standard, recommended dose for adults per day is 150 mg of the drug. It will be enough to take 3 tablets per day for 1 tablet. In the event of more severe spasms, the attending physician will most likely significantly increase the dose.

As for children, they should drink no more than 1 tablet a day, which should be divided into several parts. It is also allowed to grind the tablet to a powdery state. The maximum duration of therapy with this drug is no more than 10 days.

The agent in the form of injections is injected intramuscularly (100 mg, 2 times a day) either slowly and intravenously (100 mg, once a day).

The undoubted advantage of this medication is its compatibility and the possibility of using it with other medications. In addition, alcoholic beverages do not affect the action of the drug, respectively, their use - not contraindicated during treatment.

How much does Midokalm cost? Price in pharmacies

Means in a tablet form, will cost the patient in the amount of 350 to 480 rubles. The average price for ampoules for injections is 580 rubles.The cost directly depends on the content of the active ingredient and the region where the medicine is sold.

List of inexpensive and similar substitutes

The remedy has several similar medicines much cheaper. In the course of the analysis of the most well-known online pharmacies, analog preparations and the price for them were determined.

Analogues of the drug Midokalm cheaper price in rubles. price in rubles.
Moscow St. Petersburg Moscow St. Petersburg
Baclosan (Table) 10 mg. 50 pieces 265 285 286 242
Sirdalud (table) 2 mg. 30 pieces 219 232 223 202
Tolperisone-OBL (Table) 50 mg. 30 pieces 219 209 209 175

Baklosan - (Poland)

The Polish pharmaceutical company offers the drug to people who suffer from multiple sclerosis, diseases of the spinal cord, which has an infectious, traumatic or degenerative origin. In addition, the list of indications includes infantile cerebral palsy, meningitis, as well as traumatic brain injury.

Do not use these pills hypersensitive, prone to allergies to medicines, patients with epilepsy, as well as those who have severe kidney disease. In addition, tablets are forbidden for pregnant and lactating women. Baclosan is not recommended for patients aged or under 12 years of age.

Negative effects during treatment may include vomitive reflexes, craving for sleep, fast fatigue, difficulties in defecation and urination, diarrhea, and lowering blood pressure.

Sirdalud - (Switzerland)

The Swiss analog offers an opportunity to relieve spasm of muscles in pathologies of the spine, in particular, osteochondrosis. In addition, the evidence includes sclerosis, myelopathy, manifested chronically, circulatory disorders of the brain, stroke, as well as paralysis.

Do not take Sirdalud with those who are prone to allergic reactions to substances and patients with dysfunction and liver disease.

Therapy can cause some side effects. Usually, this is a rare heartbeat, low blood pressure, dry mouth, weakness in the muscles, and rapid fatigue.

Tolperizon-OBL - (Russian inexpensive analog)

Domestic producer, produces the most affordable analogue of Midokalma, which contributes to the treatment spinal and cerebral palsy, as well as diseases associated with atherosclerosis of vessels and spasms muscles. In addition, Tolperisone-OBL may be prescribed for post-thrombotic disorders of venous blood flow. Unlike the previous medication in question, epilepsy is included in the list of indications.

It is not prescribed for children under 1 year, with myasthenia gravis, women in the position, and in the period of breastfeeding women, as well as patients intolerant to this or that component of the medicine.

In the form of phenomena that occur side by side, there may be a headache, vomiting, a decrease in blood pressure. Most often in patients, there is an allergy - hives, itching and rash.

Conclusions on inexpensive and similar means

Medicinal preparation Midokalm has a lot of advantages. However, there is only one drawback, negating all the advantages - a fairly high price (although not critical).

Despite this, a sufficient number of manufacturers of pharmaceutical products, offer their cheap, no less effective substitutes. All the analogs considered have a tablet form, one of them is completely identical in composition.

Do not forget that independent treatment does not lead to anything good, which is why you need to contact a doctor who will prescribe the necessary remedy.

A source:

Cheap analogs of Midokalma

Muscle tone, which occurs when a variety of diseases develop, causes considerable discomfort and causes painful sensations.

To eliminate these unpleasant symptoms, experts recommend the use of muscle relaxants, which have a relaxing effect on muscle tissue.

The most effective, according to most doctors, is Midokalm, but its analogs can also be used.

About the preparation

Drug medication Midokalm is intended to eliminate neurological symptoms expressed in the form of muscle spasms and metabolic disorders in tissues.

The drug is produced in the form of tablets with a dosage of 50/150 mg. You can also buy Midokalm Richter in ampoules.

The medicine of domestic production is developed on the basis of the active ingredient - tolperisone hydrochloride.

Instructions for use include:

  • pathology of bone and muscle systems, manifested in the form of spasmodic seizures;
  • cerebral palsy for children (spastic);
  • different forms of encephalopathy accompanied by dystonia of the muscles;
  • multiple sclerosis or stroke;
  • encephalomyelitis or myelopathy;
  • in the postoperative period (with surgical intervention on muscle tissue);
  • atherosclerosis (obliterans);
  • intermittent dysbasia;
  • Raynaud's disease;

Also, Midokalm is recommended for angiopathy (diabetic), thrombangiitis and acrocyanosis.


  • age up to 12 months;
  • myasthenia gravis;
  • sensitivity to drug components.

Midokalm in ampoules is not prescribed for an allergic reaction to the drug - lidocaine.

Side effect is expressed in the form of lowering blood pressure, nausea, vomiting, as well as an allergic reaction.

The price of the medicine is from 340 rubles for 30 tablets (50 mg) and from 550 rubles for packing ampoules of 5 pcs.


The drug refers to the central muscle relaxants, so if necessary, replace Midokalm, the analogues are selected from the drugs of the same group. All Russian and foreign medicines are prescription.

Good analogs are:

  • Tolperisone;
  • Baclosan;
  • Baclofen;
  • Sirdalud;
  • Miolgin.

The high cost of Medocalm, is often the reason why patients ask the attending physician to find a cheaper analogue of Midokalm.

Despite the fact that many analogues of Midokalma are cheaper than the original, the effect of therapy is the same.

The composition of the preparations may contain a different active substance, which is the main difference between the medicines.


Miorelaxant Tolperisone has a central action aimed at restoring the state of nerve fibers and eliminating muscle spasms. The drug has the same substance.

Tolperisone and Midokalm are synonyms with similar pharmacological properties. Unlike the original, the substitute is not produced in ampoules, but has only a tablet form.


  • Parkinsonism;
  • spinal or cerebral palsy;
  • muscular hypertonia;
  • acrocyanosis;
  • angioedema dysbasia;
  • muscle spasms of different origin;
  • arterial obliterans diseases;
  • children's paralysis of a spastic form;
  • cardiovascular encephalopathy of genesis;
  • epileptic pathology.
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It is not recommended to use the substitute Midokalma for patients:

  • up to 18 years;
  • with intolerance of any constituent components;
  • with the development of myasthenia gravis;
  • women during lactation.

If side effects occur, the patient develops a strong migraine, weakness, blood pressure decreases, an allergic reaction is possible.

The cost of the pill is 150 mg. - from 260 rubles, 50 mg. - from 170 rubles.


The drug Baclosan has a muscle relaxant effect in muscle spasms, inflammation and tension of nerve fibers.

The main component is baclofen, which is contained in tablets (dosage form) in a dose of 10/25 mg.

Indications for use Baclosan:

  • cerebrovascular disease;
  • trauma to the skull and brain;
  • multiple sclerosis;
  • meningitis;
  • cerebral palsy;
  • diseases of the musculoskeletal system associated with inflammation of the spinal cord.

Contraindications to taking medication:

  • epilepsy;
  • ulcerative gastrointestinal lesion;
  • Parkinson's disease;
  • psychoses;
  • the bearing of a woman by a fetus;
  • breastfeeding;
  • allergy to medicinal composition.

Side effects may affect different body systems. Possible disruption of the brain, GIT, urinary tract, blood pressure, as well as the emergence of weakness in the muscles.

Analog Meadokalma - Baklosan has a cost of 250 rubles for 50 tablets.


You can replace the original product with Baclofen. The drug has spasmodic and adrenoblocking effect.

The difference between Midokalm and the analog is composition. The composition of Becklofen contains the main substance, which has a similar name. The medication is available in the form of conventional tablets with a dosage of 10 or 25 mg.

Baclofen tablets are recommended for treatment:

  • paralytic type syndromes;
  • damage to the brain;
  • diseases of the spinal cord;
  • heart attack, or stroke;
  • spasms or cramps.

Baclofen has contraindications in the form of:

  • intolerance of the constituents of the drug;
  • ulcer of the intestine or stomach.

Reviews of the drug indicate that side effects are rare, however, their symptoms can be intense.

The signs of a negative reaction include deterioration of the general condition of the patient, a violation of the mental and emotional state, the work of the heart and the circulatory system, the appearance of an allergic reaction.

Considering analogs cheaper than Midokalma, you can pay attention to this drug. Its cost is from 250 rubles (50 tab).


Another inexpensive analogue of the popular muscle relaxant is Sirdalud. Turkish medicines effectively affect the muscles and nerve fibers of a person, helping to relieve tension and prevent the inflammatory process in them.

The composition of Sirdaluda includes tizanidine, which has a directional effect on the spinal cord, which controls the functionality of the entire system of the musculoskeletal system.

As well as other analogues of the preparation, containing tizanidine, the agent is prescribed for indications:

  • spasmodic condition of the muscles, accompanied by painful sensations;
  • pathology of the lumbar or cervical spine with impaired functionality;
  • postoperative period with diseases of the musculoskeletal system;
  • neurological pathologies with inflammation of muscle tissue.

Sirdalud is not prescribed for patients with impaired liver function, under the age of 18 and at the risk of an allergic reaction to the drug composition.

Adverse reaction can cause serious complications on the part of many organs and systems of the body. In most, reviews of the drug are reported on the occurrence of problems with the gastrointestinal tract, headaches and severe weakness.

The cost for 30 tablets Sirdaluda - from 200 rubles.


If you want to find cheap analogues of Midokalm, then do not forget about the jenirik. One of the best muscle relaxants of overseas production is Miolgin (Egypt).

Milongin is produced in tablets containing chlorosoxazone in combination with paracetamol.

Recommended drug for therapy:

  • muscle spasms;
  • consequences of injuries to the muscles and joints;
  • myositis;
  • headaches;
  • arthritis (rheumatoid);
  • osteoarthritis;
  • torticollis spastic;
  • pathologies of the spinal type;
  • different forms of cerebral palsy.

Substitute Midokalm 150 mg. should not be taken with blood diseases, liver problems, women with breastfeeding and during pregnancy, as well as children under twelve.

Side effects include: allergy, thrombocytopenia, anemia, dizziness and weakness.

The price for Miolgin is from 230 rubles.


It is difficult to determine what is better from the medicines listed above, since each drug has an individual effect on the body.

However, it should be clarified that the analogs of Miodocalm in ampoules are not available. As you know, injections have a stronger effect, and the effect from them comes faster.

Perhaps for this reason, many experts believe that Midokalm is better than its substitutes.

A source:

Description of the available analogues of the drug Midokalm

If the drug Midokalm is considered, analogues are often offered cheaper, but are characterized by a similar effect.

To replace this drug with another brand, you need to know what type of active ingredient is included in the composition and determine if the dosage is appropriate.

Mydocalm is offered in various forms, such as tablets and ampoules. Both options are interchangeable.

However, the difficulty lies in the fact that the amount of active substance in ampoules and tablets varies. Search for analogues of the drug Midokalm should be conducted among muscle relaxants with analgesic effect.

Medicament Tolizor

Contains the active ingredient - tolperisone hydrochloride. This substance is characterized by a muscle relaxant effect. The medicine is offered in capsules.

Tolizor is a cheap analogue of Midokalm. The minimum cost of the drug is 212 rubles.

(150 mg), the maximum can be 2-3 times more, it all depends on the number of capsules in the package and the dosage of the active ingredient.

For comparison, Midokalm is offered at an average price of 330 rubles. The upper limit of the cost of this facility is 820 rubles.

, so you can talk about saving when using the analogue of Tolizor. Midokalm is produced in Hungary (Gedeon Richter), you can choose injections or pills.

Tolizor is a domestic substitute for this drug.

The principle of the drug is not fully understood: the active compound accumulates in the central nervous system, the brain stem and the spinal cord.

The substance of tolperisone inhibits the spinal reflex arcs, along with it blocks the process of excitation.

In many ways, the drug resembles the action of lidocaine: when it is applied, a decrease in motor neuron activity is observed. As a result, spinal cord reflexes are suppressed.

The main effect of the drug is anesthesia. Auxiliary properties: antispasmodic and vasoconstrictive.

The drug is indicated in the following pathological conditions:

  • paralysis cerebral, spinal;
  • muscular spasm;
  • diseases of blood vessels, arteries;
  • epilepsy;
  • violations of venous circulation, lymph circulation;
  • hypertonus.


  • hypersensitivity to the active component of the drug;
  • age younger than 18 years;
  • the period of gestation and breastfeeding;
  • myasthenia gravis.

The drug Tolizor can cause nausea, vomiting, headache. Take it with caution, since among the side effects noted allergic reactions, which may manifest hives, bronchospasm and even anaphylactic shock.

Means Tolperizon

If Medocalm 150 is considered, analogues are usually cheaper. Often used medicines produced in Russia. Tolperizon is offered on average at a price of 250 rubles.

/ packing (30 pieces). The agent contains the active substance tolperisone hydrochloride. The principle of its operation was considered above.

So, Tolperizon, Tolizor, and also Midokalm are equally effective.

The drug in question is given in tablets. According to the testimony, Tolperisone is analogous to Tolizor. Both drugs are used for the same diseases. It is noted that Tolperisone is contraindicated for children up to a year.

Most analogues are recommended to be taken at an older age (from 18 years). During the administration of Tolperisone, the pressure may decrease, which is usually manifested by nausea, vomiting.

Allergic reaction, gastralgia, myasthenia gravis are other side effects of this remedy.


In contrast to the previously considered medications, Myolgin is an analogue of Meudokalm not based on the active substance, but on the principle of the action that it exerts on the body. The composition includes two components: paracetamol and chlorosoxazone.

Myologin is positioned as a muscle relaxant drug with analgesic properties.

Chloroxaxone relieves spasms, and paracetamol helps to remove pain syndrome, promotes normal body temperature, is characterized by a weak anti-inflammatory effect.

Indications for use of Meolgin:

  • spastic states of the muscles that develop in certain pathologies;
  • torticollis, spine disease, trauma;
  • cervical radicular syndrome;
  • lumbago;
  • headache.

Dosage of active ingredients in 1 tablet: 300 mg of paracetamol, 250 mg of chlorosoxazone. It is not recommended to take during pregnancy, lactation, liver failure.

Contraindications include age to 12 years, diseases of the circulatory system, deficiency of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase. Like any drug, Miolgin should be used with caution, observing the individual reaction of the body.

At the time of taking this medication, a number of side effects may occur:

  • sleep disturbance;
  • dizziness;
  • headache;
  • change of color of urine (becomes dark);
  • allergic manifestations (rash on the skin);
  • failure in the digestive system (nausea, heartburn);
  • bleeding;
  • nephrotoxicity.

Medication Sirdalud

Produced in Switzerland (Novartis). Release forms - tablets. The cost varies from 185 to 600 rubles. The price depends on the dosage of the active substance.

This drug is an analogue of the drug Midokalm, but not the main component, and the principle of action on the body. The active compound is tizanidine.

Its dosage is 1 tablet: 2-6 mg.

The drug Sirdalud has a significant advantage over analogues. It consists in the fact that the active substance is released in a special way - in equal quantities throughout the day.


This drug represents a group of muscle relaxants. The final result of its effect on the body is suppression of the processes of excitation transfer. As a result, there is a decrease in muscle tone.


In addition, Sirdalud is an analgesic of moderate action.

Provides the result of the drug quickly, because for 1 hour there is a complete absorption of the active substance. The active ingredient is output in 2-4 hours. Sirdalud is indicated in a number of pathological conditions:

  1. Diseases of the spine, accompanied by muscle spasms and pain syndrome: osteochondrosis, spondylosis, syringomyelia, etc.
  2. Changes in the structure of hard and soft joint tissues, for example, in osteoarthritis of the thigh.
  3. Postoperative period, when manipulations were made to restore the functionality of the spinal column.
  4. Neuralgia in cases when the spastic condition of muscles is manifested. This can occur with such diseases: spinal cord pathology, multiple sclerosis, skull injuries, stroke, cerebral palsy, seizures of any origin.

Contraindications for the drug Sirdalud also have. These include liver dysfunction, hypersensitivity to the active component. In addition, it is prohibited to use this medication along with CYP1A2 inhibitors, as well as with Fluvoxamine and Ciprofloxacin.

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During lactation, Sirdalud is not used, since the active ingredient in a small amount penetrates into the mother's milk.

The effect of the drug on the fetus has not been studied, therefore it is possible to apply it when bearing a child only if the benefit exceeds the possible harm.

Side effects of the drug Sirdalud more than the analogs:

  • hypotension, bradycardia;
  • disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, nausea, a feeling of dryness in the oral cavity;
  • changes in liver function (increased activity of transaminases);
  • feeling tired, weak.

Sirdalud can have an effect on mindfulness and concentration. There is an overdose, with a decrease in blood pressure, weakness, nausea, dizziness, drowsiness, sometimes breathing is broken, the patient falls into a coma.

Baclofen Tablets

This remedy is less often chosen to replace Midokalma than the analogs examined. Baclofen is offered in the form of tablets.

The agent contains the same active substance, its chemical name is beta-4-chlorobenzenepropanoic acid.

It represents myorelaxing drugs, has an effect on neuromuscular transmission.

The main reason for the rare use is a significant number of contraindications:

  • disorders of the nervous system, psychoses, epilepsy, Parkinson's disease;
  • period of pregnancy and lactation;
  • kidney dysfunction.

If such pathologies as cerebrovascular insufficiency, atherosclerosis of the vessels, ulcerous diseases of the stomach and intestine are diagnosed, the use of the drug Baclofen should be used with extreme caution. Restriction on the use of this tool is children's (up to 12 years) and advanced age. Mark a large number of side effects:

  • disorders of the nervous system: dizziness, confusion, drowsiness, euphoria or the opposite state (depression), tremors, convulsions;
  • problems in the digestive tract: nausea, vomiting, stool disorders;
  • enuresis;
  • liver dysfunction;
  • hypotension;
  • disturbances of respiratory function.

The scheme of taking the drug varies depending on the age of the patient.

A source:

Midokalm: application, reviews and cheap analogues

Midokalm is a drug from the group of central muscle relaxants, which is used for complex treatment diseases of the nervous and musculoskeletal systems accompanied by pathological muscle tone or spasticity striated muscles.

The drug is available in the form of tablets and a solution for injection. The appointment of a doctor and familiarity with the instruction before use is mandatory. If necessary, you can pick up cheaper Meadolm analogues, which have similar pharmacological effects, but may differ in composition and cost.

Medokalm is produced at two plants.

  1. The medicine of Russian manufacture is issued in the form of tablets, covered with a film membrane.
  2. Injection form - ampoules with solution for intramuscular and intravenous injections of Miodocalm, - is produced in Hungary by the pharmaceutical company Gedeon-Richter and has the trade name "Midokalm-Richter".

In one package of the drug there are 30 tablets containing 50 or 150 mg of active substance, or 5 ampoules of 1 ml.

Shelf life of the drug is 3 years. Ampoules are stored at a temperature of 8 ° to 15 °, for tablets, the temperature regime ranges from 15 ° to 30 °.

Pharmacological action of Midokalma

Pharmacological properties of the drug are determined by the properties of tolperisone, an active substance that affects neuromuscular transmission (included in the list of essential drugs).

Midokalm has a weak spasmolytic effect. By blocking the carrying out of certain types of impulses in the central nervous system, the active component reduces its reflex activity.

The drug also increases blood flow in the peripheral arteries and vessels, inhibits the release of ions Calcium at the contact sites between the two neurons (synapses) and reduces the activity of the mediators of pain and inflammation.

In severe pain syndrome, Midokalm is prescribed in the form of injections, since this dosage form contains a local anesthetic drug lidocaine hydrochloride.

Lidocaine has a 100% absorption and reaches a maximum concentration within 30-40 minutes after drug administration.

With plasma proteins, lidocaine metabolites are bound to 60-80%.

Bioavailability tablets Midokalm is no more than 20%. To achieve a pronounced therapeutic effect, it takes about 1 hour from the time of admission.

Indications for use

The main indications for the appointment of Miodocalm is the pathological muscle tone, muscle spasms and contractures caused by diseases of the central nervous system or pathologies of the musculoskeletal apparatus.

In the composition of combined treatment regimens Midokalm can be included in diseases of the vessels that arise against the background of their obliteration (constriction), leading to spasms and violation of patency. If necessary, the drug can also be administered to patients with diseases of the vascular system, which have been found to have impaired connections with the cells of the central nervous system.

The list of indications for the appointment of Midokalma includes the following diseases:

  • Destructive-dystrophic diseases of large joints;
  • chronic deformity of the vertebrae of the cervical, thoracic and lumbar spine, resulting from the proliferation of bone tissue and the formation of bone protrusions on the surfaces of the vertebral bodies (spondylosis)
  • limitation of mobility of the spine, caused by destruction and inflammation of the intervertebral joints (spondylarthrosis);
  • painful syndromes in the lumbar region (lumbago) and neck (cervical facet syndrome);
  • acute circulatory disturbance in the vessels of the brain (stroke of the brain);
  • defeat of the myelin sheath covering the nerve fibers of the bone and brain (multiple sclerosis);
  • dystrophy of the spinal cord, not associated with the inflammatory process;
  • diffuse change in connective tissue, manifested by solidification, densification of the skin and scar formation (diffuse scleroderma).

Midokalm can be used during rehabilitation and recovery after trauma and orthopedic treatment using surgical methods.

Widely used means in the treatment of infantile cerebral palsy, organic non-inflammatory lesions of the brain and other conditions accompanied by muscular dystonia.

Tablets Midokalm allowed for use, starting with three years of age. In childhood, the daily dosage of the drug is:

  • up to 6 years - 5 mg / kg;
  • from 7 to 14 years - 2-4 mg / kg.

Adolescents older than 14 years and adults need to start treatment with a minimum therapeutic dose of 50 mg.

Take the pill 2-3 times a day after eating.

After 1-2 weeks of therapy, the daily dosage should be increased to 450 mg (3 tablets of 150 mg).

Solution for injections must be injected deep into the muscle 2 times a day for 1 ampoule. If the drug is administered intravenously, one application per day is sufficient.

The duration of therapy depends on the dynamics of treatment, the general condition of the patient and is calculated individually.


Treatment with Medocamm is contraindicated in patients with severe myasthenia gravis (asthenic bulbar paralysis) - neuromuscular disease, manifested by pathologically fast fatigue of the transversely striated muscle fibers.

Pregnant women and adolescents are also not recommended because of the lack of sufficient data on the safety of the constituent components.

Mydocalm in the form of tablets is contraindicated in children under 3 years of age.

Lidocaine, which is part of the solution for parenteral administration, often causes allergic reactions, so when the emergence of allergy symptoms or reported cases of allergy to lidocaine in a history of drug treatment is necessary to cease.

Side effects

The most common side effects when taking Meadolm tablets are disorders of the digestive tract. The patient may feel nausea, heaviness in the abdomen, swelling and discomfort. If the dosing regime is not respected, one-time vomiting is possible.

Long-term use of the drug in large doses can also provoke headache, lowering blood pressure.

In patients with myasthenia gravis, severe muscle weakness (up to complete immobility) can be observed.

From allergic reactions in patients, skin manifestations (rash, itching, hives, erythema) were recorded. In isolated cases, patients developed angioedema and anaphylactic reactions, most of which were provoked by an allergy to lidocaine.

Data on cases of overdose are absent. At an occasional excess of the daily dose, gastric lavage is recommended with the help of a gastric tube, the intake of sorbents and saline solutions. The specific antidote for the drug Midokalm is absent.

Interaction with other drugs

Tolperisone, which is part of the drug Midokalm, can increase the concentration of niflumic acid in blood, so if you need to simultaneously take these drugs, you need a correction scheme reception.

There are also medicines that can enhance the action of Mydocalm. These include:

  • means for local anesthesia (Ultrakain, Novokain);
  • Clonidine (antihypertensive drug);
  • psychotropic drugs;
  • muscle relaxants of peripheral action.

Mydocalm does not have a sedative effect and can be used in combination with sleeping pills and sedatives. With the simultaneous administration of tolperisone with ethanol, a change in the effectiveness of treatment has not been documented.


Midokalm refers to the average price category. The cost of medicine in Russian pharmacies is:

  • packing of 30 tablets 150 mg - 334 rubles;
  • packing of 30 tablets 50 mg - 291 rubles;
  • packing of 5 ampoules per 1 ml - 473 rubles.

On the territory of Ukraine, the drug can be bought at a price of 166 hryvnia.

Analogs are cheaper

Mydocalm is an expensive drug, so if necessary, it can be replaced by one of the following analog medicines.

  • Tolperisone-OBL. A preparation in the form of tablets coated with a film membrane. The cost of one package is 169 rubles.
  • Tolizor. A preparation from the group of muscle relaxants in the form of capsules for oral administration. The cost is 278 rubles.
  • Kalmireks. The combined drug contains tolperisone and lidocaine. It can be used as a substitute for the injections of Midokalm. The average cost of one package of 5 ampoules is 347 rubles, a package of 10 ampoules will cost from 585 rubles.


The patients' comments on the injections and tablets of Midokalm make it possible to conclude that the drug is quite effective. The product helps to quickly remove pain syndrome, relieves painful tone of the dorsal muscles, helps to cope with osteochondrosis.

Good reviews can be found about the use of Midokalma in pediatric practice, but experts note that it is possible to achieve stable positive dynamics only on condition of complex treatment.

Side effects during treatment are described infrequently, so we can conclude that the drug is well tolerated.

The average evaluation of the drug, according to patients, is, from 5 points.

Mydocalm is an effective drug with a small list of contraindications and a small incidence of side effects. The agent is most often used in a complex manner.


It is not necessary to prescribe tablets or nyxes of Miodocalm on your own, since if the dosing regimen is violated and absence of serious indications, the use of muscle relaxants can lead to serious complications, for example, myasthenia gravis.


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The best analogues of Midokalm: an analysis of the instructions for use, reviews and prices

Midokalm is a medicinal product that is used to eliminate various neuromuscular diseases.

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The main components of the drug quickly remove muscle spasm, spasticity, hypertonic muscle and facilitate the course of the disease. In addition, the medicine removes inflammation and accelerates the healing process.

Due to the fact that Miodocalm is a very popular drug and it can not always be found in a pharmacy, you need to know what kind of analog preparations it can replace if necessary.

About the preparation and its purpose

Midokalm is included in the group of muscle relaxants. The use of this agent helps to relieve tension in the area of ​​muscle tissue, which arises from various diseases of the musculoskeletal system and the central nervous system.

The drug is used in the following cases:

  • for vasodilation;
  • the agent provides a reduction in tension in the muscle fibers;
  • has a beneficial effect on the blood flow of lymph;
  • when treating Raynaud's disease;
  • eliminates trophic ulcers;
  • to reduce muscle tone;
  • Used in medical therapy for dystonia of muscle tissue;
  • facilitates the condition of the patient whose spastic paralysis is diagnosed.

At what indications do not use this medicine:

  • with muscular hypotension;
  • during the development of myasthenic syndrome;
  • with myasthenia gravis;
  • Do not use the medicine in case of allergy and individual intolerance of the components;
  • Tablets are not recommended for children under 1 year, ampoules are allowed to children from three months;
  • pregnant women in the second and third trimester.

Advantages and disadvantages

The positive properties of the medicine include the following properties:

  • rapid action, after taking the drug, the pain is reduced after 15-20 minutes;
  • strengthens blood circulation;
  • removes the inflammatory process;
  • practically does not cause side effects;
  • has a wide range of effects.

But, despite the presence of positive qualities, Midokalm also has shortcomings:

  • does not always help;
  • absence in pharmacies;
  • there may be an allergic reaction to the constituent components;
  • high price.

It is the price of Midokalma (about 250-450 rubles on average) that causes many (especially poor people) to look for analogues of the drug that are cheaper, but the effect is no worse.

Analogues of Miodocalma in tablets include the following drugs:

  1. Toperizon. They are used to relieve muscle tension during the therapy of hernias, radiculitis, various traumatic injuries of the back, spine, and other disorders of the musculoskeletal system. It is used for various neuralgic diseases - multiple sclerosis, myelopathy in chronic form, diseases of the spinal cord of degenerative type, disorders of cerebral circulation. The cost of packing is 140 to 210 rubles.
  2. Sirdalud. It is used to relieve muscle spasms associated with abnormalities of the spine of a static and functional nature, namely, cervical and lumbar syndromes. Reduces spasticity in various neuralgic diseases - multiple sclerosis, chronic myelopathy, degenerative disorders of the spinal cord, cerebral circulatory disorders and cerebral palsy paralysis. The cost of packaging this medicine is 250 rubles.
  3. Myolgin. It is used to relieve muscle strains with various neurological disorders, as well as to relieve spasms during stretching, trauma and musculoskeletal disorders. The cost of packing starts from 190 rubles.
  4. Baclofen. It is used to reduce muscle tension in multiple sclerosis, stroke, craniocerebral trauma, infantile cerebral palsy. The cost of packing this medicine is 270-350 rubles.
  5. Tizalud. It is used to eliminate muscle tension, spasms in arthritis, radiculitis, arthrosis, injuries of the musculoskeletal system. Reduces spasticity of skeletal muscles during neuralgic diseases - multiple sclerosis, myelopathy in chronic form, cerebral circulatory disorders, cerebral palsy, spinal cord degenerative diseases character. The cost of packing is from 130 to 180 rubles.
  6. Baklosan. It is used to relieve muscle tension and spasticity of skeletal muscles during therapy of neuralgic and other disorders - when stroke, muscle hypertension in multiple sclerosis, meningitis, cerebral palsy, with various craniocerebral injuries. The cost of packing is about 280 rubles.
  7. Tizanidine. It is used to reduce stress and spasticity of skeletal muscles in the treatment of neuralgic disorders - with stroke, with various degenerative disorders of the spinal cord, disorders of cerebral circulation, multiple sclerosis, myelopathy in chronic form. The cost of the drug is 110-170 rubles.
  8. Tolperisone-OBL. Rapidly reduces spasms and spasticity of skeletal muscles in stroke, Raynaud's disease, cerebral palsy, disorders of cerebral circulation, various disorders of the musculoskeletal system. The cost of packing is 140-170 rubles.
  9. The Texman. Used to relieve spasms, spasticity of skeletal muscles in stroke, circulatory disorders, cerebral palsy, multiple sclerosis, degenerative disorders of the spinal cord. The cost of packing is from 220 rubles to 370 rubles.
  10. Tol'person. On sale it is possible to find this agent in the form of tablets. Has antispasmodic and anti-inflammatory effect. Reduces the spasticity of skeletal muscles for neurological disorders - with stroke, multiple sclerosis, degenerative spinal cord disorders, circulatory disorders, cerebral paralysis. Reduces muscle hypertonia, spasms in diseases of the musculoskeletal system - spondylosis, spondyloarthrosis, cervical and lumbar syndromes, arthrosis of large joints. The cost of packing is from 140 to 170 rubles.

Sirdalud Vs Midokalm

If you compare Midakalm and Sirdalud, then the effectiveness is better than the second.

This drug is able to function all day, but Midakalm has to be taken several times a day. Both drugs have the same indications for use.

But Midakalm has more extensive side effects and Sirdalud is considered an improved analogue of the first.

What can I buy in ampoules?

In ampoules Midokalm can be replaced by the following analogues:

  1. Ambien. Reduces spasticity of skeletal muscles and hypertonia in various disorders of the musculoskeletal system and the central nervous system. Reduces spasms and muscle tension in multiple sclerosis, damage to pyramidal pathways in newborns, stroke, myelopathy and others. The cost of packing is 600-800 rubles.
  2. Movalis. It is used to eliminate hypertonia and spasticity of the muscles of the skeleton. It is prescribed for spasms and muscle strains with various disorders of the central nervous system - strokes, cerebral palsy, multiple sclerosis, encephalomyelitis, myelopathy. The cost of packing is from 500 to 650 rubles.
  3. Amelotex. It is used to eliminate spasms in rheumatoid arthritis, ostearthrosis, ankylosing spondylitis, various degenerative and inflammatory joint disorders. Reduces spasticity of skeletal muscles in multiple sclerosis, myelopathy, circulatory disorders and other organic disorders of the central nervous system. The cost of packing the money is 290-350 rubles.
  4. Arthrosan. It is used to relieve muscle tension with ostearthrosis, osteochondrosis, radiculitis, rheumatoid arthritis, spondylitis. Removes spasticity of skeletal muscles in disorders of the nervous system - strokes, multiple sclerosis, disorders of blood circulation in the brain, degenerative disorders of the spinal cord, damage to pyramidal ways. The cost of packing is 220 rubles.
  5. Mesipol. It is used for spasms during Bechterew's disease, ostearthrosis, rheumatoid arthritis, various degenerative inflammatory joint diseases. Removes spasticity of the skeletal muscles in disorders of the central nervous system. The price of one package is about 300 rubles for 3 ampoules, 450 for 5 ampoules.
  6. Xsefokam. It is used to eliminate muscle spasms during rheumatoid diseases. It removes the spasticity of skeletal muscles associated with a nervous system disorder - multiple sclerosis, Cerebral palsy, damage to the pyramidal tract, degenerative spinal cord disorders and so Further. The cost is 160 rubles per ampoule.
  7. Dexamethasone. This drug is prescribed to reduce spasticity of muscles and tension with various rheumatic and neurological diseases, and is also used for kidney disorders, autoimmune disorders, blood diseases. The cost is 40-70 rubles.
  8. Neurobion. It is used during the treatment of various spasmodic disorders of the muscles of the skeleton, radiculitis, radicular syndrome and other disorders of the musculoskeletal system. It is also used to relieve muscle spasms in neurological pathologies. The cost of packing is 250-300 rubles.
  9. Milgamma. This vitamin preparation, which is used to reduce muscle tension, as well as to remove the inflammatory process. This remedy is used for neuralgia of various genesis, diseases of the spine. It removes the spasticity of skeletal muscles in multiple sclerosis, cerebral palsy, circulatory disorders in the brain, degenerative spinal cord injuries and other disorders. The price is from 270 rubles.
  10. Neuromidine. It is used to relieve muscle tension in diseases of the central nervous system, as well as in violation of motor activity after injuries and organic lesions of the brain. The cost is from 650 to 1050 rubles.

Point of view

Feedback from those who in practice compared what is better Midokalm or its analogues.

I am often concerned about sciatica, which is accompanied by strong muscle tension, which results in severe pain. The doctor recommended me to take Medocalm for their decrease. Usually, with pain, I take 1 tablet a day for 10 days.

But one month ago pains again appeared, and I urgently went to the pharmacy, but there was no such remedy. The pharmacist recommended Tolperisone, they say, the same properties and action.

But after reception at me strong side effects appeared. After taking the first pill, I did not take any more risks. Immediately I went to the doctor, Miolgin was discharged there. This tool suited me perfectly, even there were no side effects.

Елена, 45 years old

After a back injury, there is a period of severe muscle tension and spasticity. At first, on the recommendation of a doctor, I applied the drug Baclofen. But he did not fit me.

Even after 3 applications, I was not disturbed by side effects, after that the doctor prescribed me Miodocalm. This is the tool that completely suits me and cures spasms, and it does not cause side effects!

Anna, 38 years old

TOP-10 cheaper analogues

The price of Midokalma ranges from 250 to 550 rubles, the cheaper analogues of the medicine include the following drugs:

  • Tolperisone - from 140 to 200 rubles;
  • Myolgin - from 200 to 230 rubles;
  • Sirdalud - from 220 rubles to 360 rubles;
  • Baclofen - from 280 to 380 rubles;
  • Tolperil - from 140 to 200 rubles;
  • Tizanidine - from 110 to 160 rubles;
  • Tolperisone-OBL - from 140 to 190 rubles;
  • Amelotex - from 120 to 330 rubles;
  • Arthrosan - from 150 to 350 rubles;
  • Dexamethasone - from 50 to 100 rubles.

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