Bilateral pneumonia

Symptoms and treatment of bilateral pneumonia

Pneumonia bilateral is one of the most dangerous lung diseases, which, if not properly treated, can result in the death of the patient.

Causes of bilateral pneumonia

Bilateral pneumonia is often triggered by the influence of harmful microorganisms on lung tissue.Most often, the causative agent of this disease is pneumococcus, less often the disease can be caused by a hemophilic rod, staphylococcus or several pathogens at the same time.

In the body of each person there are certain viruses and microbes, but protective functions have a deterrent effect and do not allow pathogens to develop. Therefore, the causes of bilateral pneumonia are different, one of the main is the weakening of immunity.

Deterioration of the state of the body's defenses can be caused by:

  • disturbances in the rhythm of life;
  • chronic diseases of the lungs and bronchi, provoking deformities of these organs;
  • frequent colds;
  • allergies;
  • strong hypothermia;
  • hypovitaminosis.

During supercooling local blood supply in the respiratory tract decreases, lung cells stop receiving nutrients and oxygen in the required amount. This also provokes the creation of favorable conditions for the development of pathogenic microorganisms.

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Frequent colds have a destructive effect on the bronchial epithelium, and also provoke a decrease in local protection. Disorders of the vital rhythm are represented, first of all, by constant lack of sleep, which leads to a decrease in the reserve capacity of the organism to counteract viruses and bacteria. The normal duration of human sleep should be at least 8 hours.

Allergy also contributes to the weakening of immunity. Specialists noted that bilateral pneumonia is often diagnosed in people suffering from bronchial asthma or hyperplastic rhinitis.

Symptoms of bilateral pneumonia

Signs of bilateral pneumonia are similar to those of other forms of the disease.

Symptoms of bilateral pneumonia are presented:

  • a sharp increase in body temperature, which practically does not decrease under the influence of antipyretic drugs;
  • frequent headaches;
  • the appearance of painful sensations in the chest, the intensity of which increases during deep breaths;
  • weakness and discomfort due to a decrease in pressure;
  • excessive sweating and shortness of breath;
  • chills;
  • muscle pain;
  • deterioration of appetite;
  • heart palpitations;
  • signs of general intoxication of the body;
  • attacks of cough accompanied by secretions of sputum with bloody impurities (sputum production is not noted in all cases of the disease);
  • the appearance of rashes on the face, as well as the acquisition of skin pale or cyanotic shades.

Bilateral pneumonia is a category of acute diseases, so the first symptomatology manifested itself a few hours after the pathogen began to multiply in respiratory ways. But depending on the severity of bilateral pneumonia and the stage of development, the symptoms can manifest with varying intensity.

In its development, the disease goes through two stages. The first stage is characterized by inflammation of the alveolar acini, accompanied by a minor hemorrhage. In the second stage, inflammation of the involved areas occurs and the formation of fibrin on them. These processes provoke the development of respiratory failure.

When identifying the above symptoms it is important to seek help from a doctor in a timely manner, because bilateral pneumonia develops rapidly and within a week can end in a fatal outcome. Children have a more rapid development of the disease, rather than in the adult category of patients. In some cases, the infection of the child from the mother through the milk is diagnosed.

Diagnosis of bilateral pneumonia

Diagnosis of the disease can only be based on the results of radiological examination of the lungs. In the early stages of the disease manifest in the picture focal or segmental eclipses.

In the absence of treatment within a few days, the clinical picture can drastically change, and the picture will clearly show the absolute eclipse of both lungs. In this case, urgent hospitalization of the patient is necessary.

Treatment of bilateral pneumonia

The purpose of treatment of bilateral pneumonia should be preceded by determining the nature of the pathogen, analyzing the state of immunity of the patient and identifying co-morbidities. For this purpose, bacteriological examination of the patient's sputum and a test for sensitivity to antibacterial drugs are carried out.


But quite often the specialists do not have extra time for carrying out all the necessary tests, and the treatment should be started urgently. In such cases, a general scheme of treatment of bilateral pneumonia is used, in which the patient is prescribed strong antibiotics with a wide spectrum of action. The main purpose of their use is to remove inflammation and detoxification of the body. Treatment involves the simultaneous use of several drugs. This prevents the development of serious pathologies.

Mandatory drugs include antihistamine and antipyretics. Further therapy with antibacterial drugs can be corrected after obtaining the results of studies giving a better idea of ​​the pathogen. During treatment of bilateral pneumonia, the patient should be at the hospital and be sure to adhere to the conditions of strict bed rest and high-calorie diet. To improve the protective functions of the body, the patient is prescribed vitamin therapy.

To exclude the development of bilateral pneumonia, it is necessary, above all, not to allow hypothermia. Therefore, the feet should always be kept warm. This applies to a greater extent to young children who are not able to take care of themselves and are quite vulnerable to the effects of harmful microorganisms.

After a slight improvement in the condition, oxygen inhalations and physiotherapy procedures can be prescribed. Categorically it is not recommended to treat bilateral pneumonia at home, because it is impossible to get rid of this disease without using antibacterial therapy.


Complications of bilateral pneumonia

Two-sided pneumonia is a rather insidious disease, requiring an individual approach to the treatment of each patient. The result of illiterate treatment or its complete absence may be the development of complications presented:

  • infection of blood (development of sepsis);
  • infectious-toxic shock;
  • occurrence of abscesses;
  • fatal.

Often the cases of bilateral pneumonia, which were provoked by pneumococcus, are terminated in a lethal outcome. This is due to the excessive toxicity of the pathogen and its ability to rapidly multiply. The category of persons for whom the disease poses the greatest danger includes children in preschool age and elderly patients.

Prevention of disease

Since bilateral pneumonia can develop against the background of frequent colds, it is important to give sufficient attention to improving immunity and not forgetting about responsible and timely treatment of respiratory diseases character.


Particular treatment is required for diseases of the respiratory system, which, if not properly treated, acquire a chronic form that creates favorable soil for the reproduction of bacteria. Of great importance is the system of proper nutrition, presupposing the use of those products that are necessary for the saturation of the body with all the necessary vitamins.

Bilateral pneumonia: symptoms and causes

Inflammation of the lungs by scientific language is called "pneumonia".

Consider this process in more detail: what are the causes of the occurrence, the methods of treatment and, of course, how to avoid this dangerous disease. So, pneumonia can be one-sided and two-sided.

Consider the second option. Let's give a definition. Bilateral pneumonia is a dangerous condition of the lungs, which is characterized by inflammatory processes that occur in the lung tissue.

The cause of the disease is bacterial agents.

  • To date, scientists have concluded that one of the most common causes of bilateral pneumonia is lat. Streptococcus pneumoniae is a special kind of bacteria (aka streptococcus).
  • This bacterium is characterized by high survivability and "tolerates" the action of many antibiotics, this causes a high mortality from the disease - about 15%.

In medicine, there is the concept of "parenchyma translated as "filling mass". So, the defeat of the lung parenchyma of bilateral type is called "croupous inflammation".

It is considered quite dangerous, in most cases it is possible to avoid the spread of the disease to the second lung. The name was invented not without reason, with translucence of the lungs it is evident that changes of the morphological type are represented in the form of capsules or grains.

It is interesting

At the early stage of bilateral inflammation of the lungs there are micro-effusions, often a person begins to cough up blood. This first stage is "red curing the second stage is the clogging of the grains, otherwise - "gray curing". The substance that covers the capsules is called "fibrin it has a grayish reflection. The last, dying stage is "permission".

Develops respiratory failure, that is, inhaled air can not be fully processed by the lungs, that is, the person suffocates. At this stage, saving the patient is incredibly difficult, but there are many cases of complete or partial recovery. The two most important factors in the treatment at this stage are the correct antibacterial therapy and maintenance of the immunity of the patient at the proper level.

Causes of bilateral lung inflammation

Consider the factors that can become a precursor of the disease. It should be understood that most often the body is affected when the human immunity is reduced, and the factors listed below act together.

So, the main provoking factors:

  • frequent colds;
  • supercooling;
  • immune diseases;
  • chronic diseases;
  • acute lack of vitamins;
  • allergic reactions.

Let's consider the most frequent reason - hypothermia.What happens and why do the bacteria "wake up" at this particular moment? In fact, the cause has already been established more than 200 years ago. The fact is that with a sharp drop in body temperature, the local blood supply to the respiratory tract decreases.

As a result, less oxygen enters the lungs, a deficiency of nutrients is formed in the bronchi. As a result, the "supply" of vital substances is broken to the lung cells, they are called immunoglobulins. In this case, the cells that protect the respiratory tract are in a depressed state and do not react to pathogens.

As a result, pathogenic bacteria can "give themselves free rein" and multiply. It is interesting that they do not fear a sharp drop in temperature.


Frequent diseases, reduced immunity, lack of vitamins and minerals can also cause pneumonia. In some cases, destruction of the epithelium, which is in the bronchial ways, is observed. Do not get too sleep, since a healthy sleep strengthens the immune system.

Congenital (or chronic) lung diseases also have a negative effect.Especially dangerous is the deformation of the bronchi, since special regions can be formed where an environment will arise for the favorable reproduction of pathogenic bacteria.

Surfactant damage

In medicine, there is the term "surfactant" that is a constituent part of the alveoli. It performs an important function - it provides nutrition to red blood cells. Sometimes a person is born with a surfactant defect or acquires it in an injury, in which case the probability of pneumonia is doubled.

Also, allergic bilaterial pneumonia is dangerous, since in this case the risk of the disease also increases. It should be added that all diseases of the respiratory tract, even the common cold (scientific rhinitis), can be the forerunner of such a dangerous disease as pneumonia.

The most important thing is to find the disease in time and take prompt action.

We list the main symptoms:

  • cough;
  • heat;
  • chest pain;
  • weakness.

This is not all symptoms, but it is necessary to identify the most important signs. It is necessary to immediately consult a doctor and insist on an early radiographic examination of the chest. With x-rays, blackouts can be detected - these are focal points. It is necessary to proceed immediately to treatment.

In some cases, the patient is put in intensive care.In the blood immediately injected adrenaline and camphor to saturate the blood with oxygen, while increasing blood pressure, which is good with the above symptoms.

In modern conditions, bilateral pneumonia is treated in 90% of cases, especially if the measures were taken at the earliest stage of the disease. The main thing - lead a healthy lifestyle and maintain your immunity in tone.


Bilateral pneumonia: symptoms and danger

So often, after the transferred bronchitis, the lung X-ray shows complications. Two-sided pneumonia, the symptoms and the danger of which we now consider earlier, when both lungs are affected, one-sided - when one is light).

Bilateral pneumonia: a characteristic of the disease

According to statistics, pneumonia or pneumonia, a large number of people are ill a year (more than a million people). Despite the fact that science (medical) has reached the highest level in the treatment of pneumonia, this disease remains very dangerous and difficult. Since, the death rate of people who contract pneumonia is still a large percentage. Infect pneumonia can be airborne (a person who suffers pneumonia - sneezes). The second factor in the development of bilateral pneumonia symptoms. Increases the activity of infectious bacteria in the throat and in the nasal cavity of a person. If a person's immunity is weakened, he may get pneumonia. Infectious bacteria, getting through the respiratory system into the lungs, cause inflammatory changes (processes). An important role in the development of symptoms of bilateral pneumonia is, elementary, hypothermia of the body.

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Bilateral pneumonia: symptoms and danger of disease

The most dangerous (and bilateral pneumonia, and one-sided) pneumonia, which occurs almost without symptoms:

1. It is dangerous if there is no coughing with bilateral pneumonia;

2. there is no high body temperature;

3. sputum is not separated.

Such a pneumonia is difficult to recognize. And it is fraught with serious complications. In general, pneumonia is recognized by the following symptoms:

1. the body's temperature rises to almost 39 degrees.

2. there is shortness of breath.

3. there is a strong chill as a symptom of bilateral pneumonia.

4. there is a cough with phlegm.

5. blood veins may appear (in the sputum).

6. and, the main symptom of bilateral pneumonia, is chest pain (a locus of inflammation).

Bilateral pneumonia: diagnosis of the disease

Cough is not the main symptom of bilateral pneumonia. Since, the infection itself may not be in the respiratory system. Some people with bilateral pneumonia can change skin color. In this case, cyanosis develops. At a pneumonia the person can test both a headache, and even to lose consciousness.

To determine a person's pneumonia, it is necessary to do an x-ray of the lungs. This method will give you a reliable result. It is on X-rays that one can see a specialist whether a person has pneumonia:

1. one-sided (inflammation of one lobe of the lung);

2. bilateral (inflammation of two lobes of the lung).

The second step in identifying bilateral pneumonia is sputum analysis, for the presence of viruses, infections, bacteria. The third step is a blood test. If, as a result of a blood test, many white blood cells are detected (above the norm), it is a viral bilateral pneumonia or bacterial pneumonia.

Two-sided pneumonia

Assess the whole range of problems associated with pneumonia, you can, only having had it. Very often, the scale and severity of the disease is underestimated, confusing it with an ordinary cold. Both bilateral and unilateral pneumonia are very dangerous diseases. Despite the fact that the signs of pneumonia have much in common with the symptoms of traditional ARI, SARS, colds, the course of these diseases differs drastically.

Causes and main symptoms of bilateral pneumonia

Pneumonia can be of two main types: one-sided and two-sided. Both forms of the disease pose a threat to the body and manifest themselves almost equally. On the description of the features of bilateral inflammation of the lungs, I want to stop in more detail to simplify its diagnosis.

The main cause of the emergence of bilateral pneumonia is the activity of microbes. Viruses and pathogens, in principle, live in almost all organisms, but strong healthy immunity restrains their development, and accordingly, prevents the appearance of the disease. Once a problem arises in the work of the immune system, the virus or bacteria will necessarily take advantage of it.

These factors can lead to weakening of immunity and bilateral pneumonia:

  • disturbed rhythm of life;
  • chronic lung diseases;
  • frequent colds;
  • allergy;
  • severe hypothermia;
  • hypovitaminosis.

Securing yourself from all of the above, you can easily avoid not only bilateral pneumonia, but also many other problems.

Characteristic for all types of bilateral pneumonia - and for the lower lobe, and for polysergmatic, and purulent, and for focal - are such symptoms:

  1. The first sign of the disease is fever. The temperature can jump abruptly to forty degrees, while it is almost impossible to knock it down with febrifuge.
  2. The disease is often accompanied by headaches.
  3. Another characteristic symptom is the pain in the chest, which is especially acute in deep breaths. Thus the person feels weakness and a malaise because of the lowered pressure.
  4. Some patients suffer from excessive sweating and shortness of breath.
  5. Basically bilateral pneumonia manifests itself as a cough, with a purulent form of the disease in sputum, even small blood clots can be detected. Although with some types of pneumonia this symptom may be absent. So, for example, sometimes focal bilateral pneumonia is completely asymptomatic.
  6. Sometimes with pneumonia on the face appear rashes, and the skin turns pale and takes a cyanotic shade.

Treatment of bilateral pneumonia

Inflammation of the lungs is a very serious illness, and therefore treatment should be appropriate. Unfortunately, it is impossible to overcome pneumonia without antibiotics. The duration of treatment, the composition of the medication complex and procedures is determined for each patient individually. The choice depends on the form of the disease and the state of health of the patient.

In general, the therapeutic complex includes potent drugs. In addition to antibiotics, it also includes:

  • antihistamines;
  • vitamins;
  • anti-inflammatory drugs.

Very often the effect of drug treatment is supported by physiotherapy procedures.

It is not recommended to treat the inflammation of the lungs at home by yourself. It is important to understand that the consequences of bilateral pneumonia can be more than serious:

  1. Infected organism is prone to infectious-toxic shock.
  2. In some cases, negligence can lead to blood poisoning.
  3. The most terrible consequence of the disease is death. Unfortunately, deaths are a frequent occurrence, because of pneumonia, patients die even today.

All about pneumonia

Inflammation of the lungs is an infectious disease of the pulmonary parenchyma, mainly of bacterial origin. Lesion of the lungs is accompanied by fever, dyspnea and changes in the radiograph.


Pneumonia is divided as follows:

  • Typical, developing against a background of high temperature and intoxication;
  • Atypical, in which changes in the lungs are not always accompanied by the usual clinical symptoms.

Depending on the morphological form:

  • Focal;
  • Focal and drain;
  • Segmented;
  • Croupous;
  • Interstitial (this type of pneumonia some pulmonologists call into question).

In the lung tissue, the pathogen can get into the following ways:

  • bronchogenic (ingestion of infectious material from the upper parts);
  • hematogenous (with blood flow from other foci of infection);
  • by direct inhalation of an aerosol containing a large number of microbes or chemicals. There are also causes of infection, such as injuries or operations on the chest.

According to the infectious agent that caused the disease, pneumonia is divided into bacterial, viral, fungal, parasitic, chlamydial, mycoplasmal and mixed genesis.

Most often, out-of-hospital pneumonia is detected, this form occurs when infected at home. Often, the causes of inflammation - viral infections, they violate the natural ways of cleaning the respiratory tract from mucus, which easily penetrates into the lung tissue.

Hospital-acquired forms of the disease can occur if the patient has been in the hospital for more than 72 hours. The causes of inflammation are microorganisms resistant to antibiotics and disinfectants.

Symptoms of the disease

There are 4 main signs on which you can suspect pneumonia, and it is for them you can suspect the development of this terrible disease:

  • Intoxication;
  • Cough;
  • Respiratory disorders;
  • Physical changes, they are determined by the doctor when examining the patient.

Signs of intoxication. This is a high temperature, exceeding 38 degrees, it lasts more than 3 days. The patient becomes sluggish, apathetic, the skin is pale, the appetite is weak, sleep is disturbed, dyspnoea and palpitations are observed, excessive sweating. The intoxication syndrome comes out in the elderly patients in the first place.


It is one of the main signs of pneumonia. At the beginning of the disease, cough may be absent or be dry, unproductive. When the infiltrate begins to resolve, the cough becomes wet, with a mucous or mucopurulent discharge. The absence of a cough may be indicative of another disease.

Breathing disorders:

  • dyspnea of ​​a mixed character, with no signs of constriction of the bronchi.
  • Increased respiration;
  • Cyanosis of the nasolabial triangle, in severe cases blueing touches large areas of the body. The change in color intensifies with physical activity.
  • Tachycardia;
  • Participation of auxiliary muscles in breathing (retraction of intercostal spaces, wings of the nose).

Inspection of the patient

When listening to the lungs appear small bubbling rales or crepitation (as if the snow is crunching). Chryps are identified over a restricted area of ​​the lung that is affected by the inflammatory process.

Breathing can be both hard and weak, as if coming from afar. When tapping the chest determine the foci of blunting.

Each of the signs, taken separately, can not speak in favor of the diagnosis of "pneumonia". The greatest value is represented by such symptoms as fever, rapid breathing, increased voice tremor, radiologic signs.

Atypical pneumonia

This diagnosis is made in cases where the following pathogens are detected: mycoplasma, chlamydia, legionella or virus. Symptoms can be very diverse, ranging from typical signs of pneumonia, and ending with blurred forms. More often atypical inflammation is found in children and young people under 40 years old. The leading symptom is a persistent cough that occurs with or without fever.

Mycoplasmal pneumonia

Often begins development with rhinitis, pharyngitis, tracheitis. The temperature can be either subfebrile or high. Later, a cough resembles that of pertussis, dyspnea. Typical extrapulmonary manifestations - pain in the muscles and joints, skin rashes. The general condition of the patient does not always suffer, there may be no inflammatory changes in the blood.

Bloody sputum is allocated, patients complain of pain in the chest. The diagnosis is confirmed on the X-ray, where light areas of lung tissue are found, and the pattern of the lung is increased. Often, mycoplasmal pneumonia occurs as a bilateral inflammation of the lungs.

Chlamydial pneumonia

Its signs resemble inflammation caused by mycoplasmas. The patient often finds rhinitis, hoarseness, bronchitis. Inflammation of the lungs can easily be confused with a viral infection. Symptoms from the side of the lungs appear gradually, pronounced pertussis cough, shortness of breath, an increase in temperature. On the x-ray, small inflammatory infiltrates are determined.

Legionellosis pneumonia

Many people know the disease as a "Legionnaires disease". The causes of pneumonia in this case - air conditioners installed in the premises. The patient becomes sluggish, apathetic, a runny nose and cough in the early days of the illness may not bother.

Sometimes the manifestation of the disease begins with diarrhea, and only then do other symptoms that indicate pneumonia.

All atypical forms of pneumonia require the identification of the cause of the disease - an infectious agent. A big role in diagnostics is given to bacteriological research and ELISA.

Possible complications

The consequences of pneumonia can be very serious, secrete pulmonary and extrapulmonary complications.

In extrapulmonary complications include such conditions as:

  • Infectious-toxic shock;
  • Heart failure;
  • DIC is a syndrome in which bleeding develops.

Pulmonary complications:

  • Abscess of the lung;
  • Pneumothorax;
  • Pleurisy.

Treatment of pneumonia

If the diagnosis is established or if it is suspected, antibacterial therapy is immediately prescribed. If there are doubts about the correctness of the diagnosis, the decision to prescribe antibiotics is taken on the basis of an X-ray and a blood test. It determines neutrophilia, an increase in white blood cells, high ESR, toxic granularity, a shift to the left

The choice of a remedy remains the prerogative of the doctor. The following medicines are used:

  • Macrolides;
  • Cephalosporins;
  • Derivatives of penicillin;
  • Fluoroquinolones.

To cure pneumonia, antibiotics should be used for a long time, at least 7-10 days, sometimes a combination of medicines is required. Rehabilitation includes complex measures aimed at all resorption of inflammatory exudates.

When coughing, medicines are prescribed that have an expectorant and diluting effect. To cure a viral infection, antiviral drugs are prescribed. In the fungal nature of the disease, Fluconazole can be administered intravenously.

Rehabilitation for pneumonia is based on detoxification therapy. Patients are assigned a sufficient volume of fluid through the mouth. Infusion therapy is performed according to indications, it helps to cure dehydration of the body, falling blood pressure, bleeding, violation of microcirculation.

Preventive measures

First you should stop smoking. Prevention of pneumonia is reduced to increasing nonspecific defense of the body and preventing viral infections. Great influence on the immune system has hardening. Rehabilitation for pneumonia is also a breathing exercise, but before performing them, you should consult your doctor. As a preventive measure of pneumonia, a diet with a high content of proteins and vitamins is prescribed.

Nutrition patients

There is no special diet for pneumonia. Patients are assigned light food, which contains a sufficient amount of vitamin A, B and C, as well as proteins and carbohydrates. The amount of salt in the diet is reduced, it is recommended to drink more liquid - juices, fruit drinks, tea, broth of wild rose.

Lean meat, dairy products, fresh and stewed vegetables, fruits, cereals and bread are shown. The diet should be followed and after the improvement of the patient's condition, the composition of the products is about the same. It is recommended to include sour-milk products, since massive antibacterial therapy damages the intestinal microflora.

When the patient went on the mend, the diet is gradually expanding due to meat products and fats.

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