How to understand that you have pneumonia

How to understand that loss of inflammation of the lungs without going to the doctor?


Anton Chernyatin

Without a hike can not do. Advisers from Wikipedia described only the general symptoms, but in fact it is necessary to produce R-graphics, and see which departments affected the inflammation. The attending physician will select the course of antibiotic therapy and prescribe the treatment.
It is better not to delay this, because with delayed treatment, the process can worsen, so it's more likely that you need to see a doctor.


most in any way, if only a common blood test done, and listen to yourself))

Vyacheslav Smolin

The most important things are cough and high fever. The patient suffers from a dry persistent cough, which can occur not only during the day. Especially he worries a person in the morning and at night, preventing sleep.
Temperature, as one of the most obvious signs of pneumonia, is either not very high, 37 ° C, or rises to 3, ˚С. A man complains of a chill, sweats a lot.

instagram viewer

It can be either quickened or difficult. In very young children with pneumonia, the frequency of respiratory movements is sometimes up to 60 or more times. Those kids who are from one year to five, the frequency of such movements can exceed 40 times.

When you try to take a deep breath, there is pain in your chest. At the same time, painful sensations arise precisely in the place where the main focus of inflammation is concentrated.

Other signs of pneumonia:
constant swelling of the wings of the nose
pain in the abdomen
bluish tint of the area around the mouth
severe headaches
physical weakness
lack of appetite
sputum, which is difficult to leave

In general, rather to the doctor it is necessary!

Anastasia Markasova

Under the scapula can prick


High fever and pain in one half of the chest. But there are options, pain may not be. Cough may or may not be. Do a fluorography, at least.

T & amp;

No way. It happens late, believe me.
And the doctor just listen to you - just call him.

How to recognize pneumonia? What are the first signs?


Anna Varakuta

Pneumonia usually begins acutely - the temperature rises, the state of health worsens (in a newborn this manifests itself either in excitement or in lethargy). Cough begins - dry, superficial and painful. Often in the initial period, abdominal pain, headache.
The leading symptom is shortness of breath.
Respiration is frequent.
Inflating the wings of the nose in the child and the movement of the intercostal muscles.
There is a cyanosis around the mouth, which during crying or coughing intensifies.
Despite the heat, the child's hands and feet are cold.
In rare cases, pneumonia can occur without fever and shortness of breath, while the only symptoms of the disease are fatigue, poor health, lack of appetite and cough. If you suspect an inflammation of the lungs, immediately put the child in bed and call a doctor at the house. Do not forget that pneumonia is a serious illness of the body, which can lead to respiratory failure, convulsions and other life-threatening conditions. Complications of pneumonia can be inflammation of the lungs (pleurisy), inflammation of the middle ear, damage to the heart muscle.
Treatment of a child
Children of early age, i.e., those who have the most severe illness and develop respiratory failure more often should be treated at the hospital. Older children can be treated at home. But do not forget to fulfill the appointment of the attending physician.
You can not also interrupt treatment without consulting a doctor, even if the child is better. Breaks in treatment create the prerequisites for the recurrence of the disease or its transition to a chronic form. Treatment of pneumonia is long, it lasts at least 2-3 weeks. Medicines are prescribed by the doctor depending on the severity and form of the disease.
A child with pneumonia needs bed rest. Preferably half-sitting position in bed. To do this, the head end of the infant's bed should be raised. The position of the child must be constantly changed so that in the lower parts of the lungs there is no stagnation of blood, which contributes to exacerbation of the inflammatory process. Take the breast peptide more often in your arms and keep it in an upright position so that there is not much sputum in the lower parts of the lungs. Do not let a child cry because the need for oxygen increases during crying.
Room for the patient
The patient's room should be ventilated every 2 hours. In warm weather, the window can be permanently open. Place the baby cot so that the air from the window does not go directly to the child. The temperature of the air in the room should not exceed 20 ° C, the child should not be sheltered too warmly. Take care of the purity of the skin. Change your baby more often.
Food and well-being of the child
The child should be given a plentiful drink, and it should be given often and in small portions. Since the inflammation of the lungs disrupted the exchange in the lungs of carbon dioxide and blood oxygen accumulate under-oxidized metabolic products (the blood is acidified). This worsens the condition of the child. Therefore, as a drink do not fit sour juices.
Give the child tea with raspberry or black currant jam, borzhom.
From time to time, offer a 2% solution of baking soda.
The food should be easily digestible.
Do not give cakes with cream, fat cookies and others, though tasty, but difficult-digestible sweets.
Do not force the child to eat. As soon as he gets better, his appetite will improve.
The baby can be difficult, sucking the breast. In these cases, it is necessary to give expressed milk or to feed the baby with a spoon.
Be sure to watch the frequency of breathing and pulse of the child, as well as their ratio. An increase in the ratio of respiration and pulse should be reported immediately to the doctor.
It must also be ensured that the child has a regular stool. In an infant with pneumonia, bloating (flatulence) can occur, which in turn exacerbates respiratory failure. If within two days there was no chair, you should make a Kli



Snow Maiden



High fever and shortness of breath.


Dry and frequent cough, constantly high fever even in the morning, weakness, discomfort in the lungs ...

Kostya Kartashov

In the first, it simply did not arise.
Before the inflammation probably was the flu, then wet rales that do not go through the temperature and sweating in the evenings, after inhaling.
Then pneumonia.
And so it is necessary to knock, to listen.. .

Harmful Miracle

How to recognize pneumonia
Pneumonia: signs and treatment
Inflammation of the lungs is one of the most common human diseases. For some, especially in childhood, this is just punishment for some, for others - a rarity; third, such, to Unfortunately, not much, they themselves did not get pneumonia, but the relatives and friends who had been ill had enough quantity.
The respiratory system in general and the lungs in particular are very vulnerable to infectious diseases. With all the variety of methods of infection, the airborne transmission pathway is most common. It is not surprising that the upper respiratory tract is the advanced detachment of the fight against a multitude of viruses and bacteria. Under certain conditions - the weakness of immunity, high activity of the microbe, violation of the qualitative composition of the inhaled air, etc. - the infectious process is not localized only in the upper respiratory tract (nasopharynx, larynx, trachea), but spreads downward. Sometimes the process ends with inflammation of the bronchial mucosa - bronchitis, but, quite often, this is not limited to. There is inflammation of the lung tissue itself - this is pneumonia.
Virtually any microorganism can cause the development of pneumonia. Which specifically - depends on a number of factors. From the age of the patient, from the place where the inflammation of the lungs arises - at home or in the hospital, if in the hospital, in which department - in surgery, some microbes, in therapy others. An enormous role is played by the state of health of the body as a whole and the state of immunity in particular.
At the same time, the inflammation of the lungs is rarely the primary, that is, lived and was a healthy boy Vasya, suddenly, again, and fell ill with pneumonia. Inflammation of the lungs, as a rule, is secondary and represent a complication of another disease.
All these "other diseases" can be divided into two groups: acute respiratory viral infections (ARVI) and everything else. In this case, pneumonia, as a complication of normal ARI (rhinitis, pharyngitis, laryngitis, bronchitis), is much more common than pneumonia in all other infections, injuries and surgeries. This is not at all surprising and is not due to any particular "fear" of respiratory viral infections, but to their widest prevalence - "pick up" SARS to the average person 1-2 times a year is possible for certain, and all the rest is from the case to the occasion.
Signs of pneumonia:
You should know some signs that allow you to suspect the development of pneumonia.
1. Cough became the main symptom of the disease.
2. Deterioration after improvement or any "catarrhal disease" lasting more than 7 days.
3. It is impossible to take a deep breath - such an attempt leads to a fit of coughing.
4. The expressed pallor of a skin on a background of other signs ORVI (temperature, a rhinitis, tussis).
5. Shortness of breath at a low body temperature.
6. At high temperature, paracetamol (panadol, epheralgan, tylenol) does not help at all.
I want to emphasize that the knowledge of the 6 mentioned characteristics is not necessary in order to make a diagnosis, but in order not to be drawn with seeking medical help.
The doctor has quite advanced methods of detecting pneumonia. In addition to listening and tapping, in doubtful cases, use a clinical blood test and X-ray examination - it almost always allows you to dot all the "i".
The choice of place of treatment - hospital or hospital - is determined by a number of factors - starting from the patient's age and ending with the qualification of the doctor and his desire to run to your house every day (although the salary from this is not will change). A very significant and most important moment is the real severity of pneumonia itself. Complicated forms of the disease that occur with respiratory or heart failure, with obstructive syndrome (obstruction - that just is a blockage of bronchi with dense phlegm), with pleurisy - are treated exclusively in hospital. Uncomplicated pneumonia can be treated at home.
How is pneumonia treated?
Anything that would

Sveta Zhuk

chest pain and hard breathing


The best diagnostician: pathologist. Always the correct diagnosis.

Anna Nazarova

Authentically - only roentgenologically. The final diagnosis without it is not put.

How to determine pneumonia?


Nikolay Egorov

To diagnose pneumonia in patients with a cough, a number of diagnostic criteria have been proposed. However, the use of these criteria in practice is difficult.
Based on data on the high sensitivity and specificity of the level of C-reactive protein (CRP) for the diagnosis of pneumonia, a group of physicians in the US, led by Dr. R. Gonzales explored the value of the rapid test for determining CRP. The study involved 168 consecutive patients with cough complaints lasting no more than 3 weeks. The level of CRP in the blood from the finger was determined using the NycoCard II Test Kit (Axis-Shield of Oslo, Norway).
In all patients, in addition to the determination of CRP and chest X-ray, an evaluation of the symptoms of the disease was also performed. In 20 patients (12%), pneumonia was confirmed radiologically. The mean level of CRP in patients with confirmed pneumonia was statistically significantly higher than the mean level of CRP in patients without pneumonia (60 mg / l vs 9 mg / l, pStatic analysis confirms that the rapid test for determining the level of CRP has the same diagnostic power as the approved scale Heckerling.
With a CRP level of 100 mg / L and higher, the CRP test was highly specific for the diagnosis of pneumonia. This threshold value allows in doubtful cases to decide the need for chest radiography or the beginning of empirical antibacterial therapy.
Thus, based on the data presented, it can be concluded that the rapid test for determining the level of C-reactive protein in the blood is valuable in the diagnosis of community-acquired pneumonia.

Maxim Pegasov

Take everything that you like

Nadezhda Davletshina

To determine it you need to take a picture.. Do not put the veneer in, if you do not die... prescribe antibiotics to pierce and all, do not get so scared ...

elena m

so you are treated with natural preparations and not with chemistry
I can help with recommendations
without antibiotics and pricks

Yulia Timoshenko

Go to the district therapist. Let them listen to your lungs. Perhaps you just have a relapse of ODS. To get sick with pneumonia, you must bear a very severe flu or very much catch cold (lying in the snow for a day).

[email protected] @))
In general, the alveoli overflowing with inflammatory contents are pressurized by capillaries, disrupting the circulation, until the blood flow ceases completely in a number of sites of the inflammatory tissue.
These anatomical changes do not always occur in a strictly defined sequence. Because of this, the morphological picture in different areas of the lung can be quite variegated. Lymph nodes located near the sites of inflammation increase in size and remain swollen even for some time after the elimination of the inflammatory process. As recovery recovers, the normal anatomical structure of the lung recovers, and the alveolar tissue begins to perform the usual gas exchange functions for it. In those cases when the lungs do not fully absorb the inflammatory effusion for a long time, it can accompanied by violations of respiratory function until the emergence of severe failure of external respiration.


relax it is not pneumonia, with her cough moist, the temperature is off scale. At you .most easier a pharyngitis, tabletochki resorbing popey, rinse a neck, more tea with a raspberry, a compress on the top part of a thorax


the doctor can and does not listen to pneumonia! do a fluorography. Buy sumamed 500 and drink 3 days for 1 capsule.
Now pneumonia is treated without a hospital.


You are more like a new ARVI. And about the pneumonia will have to vybirt between life and fear.

What to do with pneumonia (respond only to the knowledgeable)?



go better to the site


It is urgent to call a doctor and he will appoint injections

Marfa Abramovna

Penicillin also I will advise, and what, you are afraid of nyxes?

Irina Treil

Now you will be advised here. Go better to the doctor, to the hospital wherever you want, With inflammation, you need to do the injections.

Personal Cabinet Removed

You need antibiotics in combination with bacteria for the stomach, so as not to plant it. Herbs and aspirin will not help here. Specific drugs should appoint a doctor


Antibacterial treatment, in particular penicillin, is the main treatment. In addition, auxiliary therapy, postindromnoy aimed at eliminating inflammation. changes in the lungs, restoration of the reactivity of the body. Peace, warmth in the room, food =% EF% ED% E5% E2% EC% EE% ED% E8% FF & amp; ll = 1 & amp; st = 0 read here


If there is an Internet means not in NizhneZasranske, without antibiotics in any way, it's impossible to advise the name of the lekartsva (inflammation can be different). Look for a good pharmacy or choir. doctor.

Denis Kuzmenko

turn to a good pulmonologist, the danger is that the inflammation of the lungs gives heavy impairment to virtually all organs and systems of the body. You need to intensively heal, the most important thing is to eat more fruits and vegetables, do not use heroes, doses, c, e, marijuana., Do not drink, do not smoke, if you turn to a normal specialist, he will prescribe a course of antibiotic therapy for you, it is necessary because the inflammation of the lungs arises from the weakening of the immune response of the organism to a foreign agent, viruses. Vooebschem you need to be treated! I WISH YOU GREAT HEALTH!

Len) Ok

Inflammation of the lungs should be treated in a hospital, under the constant supervision of a doctor. I do not want to scare you, but I lost two people close to me, the girlfriend did not recover, a year later died of lung cancer, and my stepfather lived in muhosranske and did not go to the doctor, he died. I want to say that this is very serious.

Personal Cabinet Removed

To be treated at a hospital. After the first week, change the antibiotic. Usually change to cephalosporins. But self-healing is a risk too big. It's not a runny nose any. ((

Ghenadiy Vasilyev

Very effective course of antibiotic treatment from the group of cephalosporins ROCEFIN (intramuscularly 7-10 days) or Sumamedom.


Inflammation of the lungs (synonym: pneumonia) is an inflammatory process of the lung tissue that affects the entire respiratory system. As shown by statistics, a considerable number of people who do not have the necessary knowledge share the concepts of "pneumonia" and "pneumonia whereas, in fact, they mean the same disease. And it, as a rule, is one of the most common in the life of the average person.

ICD-10 code J18.9 Pneumonia, unspecified

What causes pneumonia?

Inflammation of the lungs can be "picked up" by airborne droplets. At the most standard development of events, the infection affects only the upper respiratory tract (larynx, nasopharynx, trachea), and does not descend below. But, under certain conditions, such as weakening immunity, increased activity of microbes, prolonged inhalation of low-quality air and the like, the disease can go deeper. And, if the process has not stopped on the inflammation of the bronchial mucosa (the disease "bronchitis"), then, in after all, it comes down to inflammation of the lung tissue, which is called the term "pneumonia."

In a word, air is the most valuable resource in this case, and much depends on its qualitative composition. But the method described above, which causes pneumonia, is not the only one. Many do not know that the function of the lungs is not only to perform gas exchange: to remove carbon dioxide from the blood and to absorb oxygen. They can regulate the exchange of salts and liquids, which, for example, moisturizes the inhaled air, they prevent penetration into the body a large number of "bad" substances, with which the environment is filled, they perform regulation of body temperature and the coagulation system blood.

These functions are associated with the onset of pneumonia. After a serious enough harmful effect on the body - any inflammatory process, a fracture bones, the transferred operation, a combustion and other - there is a probability, that there will be an inflammation lungs. This is due to the fact that, due to the listed phenomena, various kinds of harmful substances are formed in the blood - thrombi, toxins, the remains of damaged tissues. Lungs also take most of these substances on themselves, as they are a unique filter. And this filter is very complex, not intended for repair, so it's worth taking care of it.

Lung inflammation: at risk

Inflammation of the lungs often occurs in people with hepatic insufficiency, bronchial asthma, diabetes and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Patients with immunodeficiency - those who have undergone organ transplantation, have an infection with HIV and infants. The risk group for aspiration pneumonia - a very serious disease - includes chronic alcoholics and drug addicts. Inflammation of the lungs often develops in patients with intubation, since artificial ventilation nullifies all the protective functions of the body that are above the larynx.

Characteristic symptoms of pneumonia

Inflammation of the lungs and its symptoms are associated with breathing: rapid coughing, shortness of breath, chest pain, while constant A "companion" of these phenomena is a fever, and in the aftermath, weakness, sweating, and headache. Many people confuse pneumonia with ARVI (acute respiratory viral infection, after which the inflammatory process often develops and develops deeper) and do not hurry up with a visit to the doctor. A significant factor that helps determine if there is pneumonia: sputum produced by coughing, which is "purulent" and often consists of blood veins.

The doctor diagnoses pneumonia with the help of a blood test, listening to noises in the chest, and the most reliable way - X-ray lung examination. In the case of analysis, an increased number of leukocytes can be found in the blood - says presence of bacterial infection, in the case of X-rays, certain darkening. The causative agent of the disease is determined by microscopic analysis of sputum and the taking of bacterial inoculation.

Sometimes it is difficult to determine the source that causes lung inflammation, and doctors do a biopsy: an operation, during which manually, an endoscope gathers the infected material directly from the lung.

Where does it hurt?

Chest pain Chest pain with inspiration Chest pain when coughing

What's bothering you?

Cough Body temperature

What it is necessary to survey?


How to inspect?

Chest X-ray Study of the respiratory system (lungs)

What tests are needed?

Sputum examination

Who to contact?


How is pneumonia treated?

Inflammation of the lungs is treated with antibiotics, and the earlier the patient starts the process, the easier and faster it will pass. Usually they are given to the patient even before the appearance of the results of bacterial examination. The most common bacterium that causes pneumonia is pneumococcus, so antibiotics are often prescribed against it.

The average period of improvement of the patient's condition, which has pneumonia is 4-5 days, and if at its expiration the condition has not changed, then the medicinal product is being replaced - in accordance with a laboratory study to identify the species the pathogen. Can carry out special chest massage and respiratory gymnastics. The patient is recommended to drink a lot of warm liquid to reduce the viscosity of phlegm.

How to treat pneumonia with folk methods:

  1. One tablespoon of oregano ordinary pour a glass of boiling water, insist twenty minutes, filter. One glass is divided into one day - four servings;
  2. One tablespoon of lime tree pour a glass of boiling water, insist an hour, filter. Take one glass 2-3 times a day;
  3. One liter of hot water should be poured onto a glass of ordinary Kalyna fruit, boil for ten minutes, filter, add three tablespoons of honey. Take half a glass 3 times a day.

In addition to treatment

Physiotherapy for pneumonia What to do with pneumonia? Antibiotics for pneumonia Than to treat? Datum

How to prevent pneumonia?

  1. Elderly people (over 65) and those at risk should be vaccinated against different types of streptococcus. Children at risk are vaccinated in a specially designed way for them;
  2. Vaccination against influenza can help prevent pneumonia, since pneumonia often develops after it;
  3. Frequent and thorough hand washing effectively prevents pneumonia;
  4. Healthy diet, regular exercise, rest contribute to strengthening the body's resistance and can prevent pneumonia;
  5. Refusal / non-smoking.

Thus, we have learned information that will help us to identify the inflammation of the lungs and understand what to do about it.

How to understand that you have bronchitis? help the prizzz. help prizzz



or bronchitis in pneumonia or vice versa... Well, you are a man's brains powder? for the sake of points?
you want to know, you can see a doctor for a checkup, but no, so listen, when you cough, you feel every process of the bronchi... Can you tell which side is more inflamed... temperature may not be... And Andrei Ivanov is not right-the temperature is not always with bronchitis... with a cold or pneumonia you do not even mean that you have bronchi))) if I'm not right, tell me what.
all of the above 100% I'm checking on my own skin even now-read, there's also a question on the topic asked)))



Andrey Ivanov

It looks like an acute respiratory disease, but the temperature lasts for 2 - 3 weeks ...


It is necessary that the doctor listened to the bronchi, it is better not to run, bronchitis can safely go to pneumonia!


Make an X-ray of the lungs.

Andrey Tikhonov

Bronchitis is mandatory with sputum, sometimes with hemoptysis (in severe cases), cough is present, but a sputum variant is possible without coughing. The temperature with bronchitis is not necessary. on the roentgenogram, augmentation of the pulmonary pattern is possible.

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