Belmo on the eye: causes of appearance, types, symptoms and treatment

Belmo is the main disease, accompanied by opacity of the cornea. The main cause of its development is cicatrical changes in the cornea (the genesis is wide). As a result of scarring, it becomes not transparent and stops normally passing light. In addition, the cornea takes on a characteristic shade - white, porcelain. Over time, the network of blood vessels grows, the processes of fatty degeneration begin, and the leukoma becomes yellow. The main way to treat pathology is surgical intervention.


  • 1Definition of disease
  • 2Causes
  • 3Symptoms
  • 4Possible complications
  • 5Treatment
    • 5.1Medication
    • 5.2Surgically
    • 5.3Folk remedies
  • 6Prevention
  • 7Video
  • 8conclusions

Definition of disease

Belmo (another name for the disease is leukemia) is an ophthalmic pathology associated with discoloration and opacity of the cornea. Belmo is formed as a result of ingress of foreign bodies (especially frequent ones), injuries, and inflammation of the cornea.The main cause of turbidity is tissue scarring. First, the cornea acquires a porcelain color, then turns yellow, becomes turbid, the light transmission is disturbed.

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Belmo does not always affect the quality of vision - the patient can see objects as before, distorted or do not see anything at all.

Depending on the location of the leukemia or affects the visual function, or not.In the case of a significant increase in leukemia, a person may stop seeing the affected eye at all.

Congenital throat is much less common than acquired.

Types of belly - congenital and acquired.The second type of leukoma occurs more often.The form of education can also be different and have the form of a spot, a cloud, a total defeat, and so on.

Eye with leukemia (thorn)


Belmo on the eye of a person occurs as a consequence of ophthalmic diseases affecting the deep structure of the cornea. Among them:

  1. Keratitis is deep or shallow.Keratitis affects the cornea and in the absence of treatment (or simply inadequate therapy) cause the formation of leukemia.
  2. Pathology of the conjunctiva, especially trachoma.
  3. Congenital opacities of the cornea.

The main reason for the formation of leukemia is damage to the cornea of ​​the eye. It occurs as a result of injuries and various diseases.

Other causes of opacity of the cornea are eye surgery and trauma.Among the injuries, the most dangerous are alkaline burns, as for surgical interventions, even the most simple operation can cause scarring of the cornea.


The patient can for a long time not suspect the presence of a thorn in the cornea - therefore, regularly undergo ophthalmic examinations. The main symptoms that indicate the development of leukemia:

  • feeling of sand in the eyes;
  • blurring of vision;
  • redness;
  • shroud;
  • thread;
  • photophobia;
  • lacrimation;
  • sensation of foreign body in the eye.

Possible complications

The most serious complications of leukemia develop with its location opposite the pupil in the central part of the cornea. If the peripheral parts of the eye become turbid, the visual function is most likely not to suffer.

The main complication of leukemia is blindness. It develops when the belly is located opposite the pupil (in the center of the cornea).


100% effectiveness of treatment of a thorn is guaranteed only by operation.You can also use drug therapy schemes and folk remedies.


Conservative treatment is used only in the initial stages of leukemia, or with a small amount of eye damage. It stops the processes of growth of the belly.

More detailed treatment of the throat through medications is described here.


The most effective way to treat a thorn is surgery, which involves transplanting the donor cornea. Implantation can be through and partial.

Operative treatment of leukemia of the eye always has a favorable prognosis.

Folk remedies

Folk remedies in the treatment of eye leukemia are used, but they do not allow you to get rid of the disease. Lotion, rinsing, instillation only reduces symptoms. Among the popular recipes for the treatment of leukemia are the following:

  • Take a freshly baked loaf of rye bread, cut a hole in it with a diameter equal to the diameter of the glass.Put the mentioned dishes into it and wait for the condensate to collect. After the resulting liquid drip into the eye daily.
  • Onions and honey.The drops are prepared as follows: fresh onions are taken, passed through a grater or a meat grinder and pressed. The resulting juice is poured into a glass with boiled water, where a dessert spoon of fresh honey is added. The resulting solution drips one to two drops a day for a long time.
  • Poppy seeds and honey.Rub poppy seeds with honey and the resulting gruel is applied to the eyes for 30 days. Keep no more than 30 minutes.


Prevention of the formation of leukemia of the eye requires timely competent treatment of inflammatory diseases and corneal damage. Try to avoid eye injuries.


The causes of astigmatism

Types of amblyopia are described in this article.

What to do if a child has barley on his eye




Belmo appears as a result of scarring the cornea. First, the cornea acquires a porcelain color, then turns yellow. The quality of vision can remain the same or change (worsen - slightly or until complete blindness). Types of watering can - acquired and congenital, the form can be different. The main method of treatment is surgical intervention.

Also read about astigmatism according to ICD-10 code and uveitis.

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