What kind of compresses can you do when you cough to a child?

Heating compresses for cough - effective treatment

A frequent symptom of many diseases - coughing - can deliver a lot of painful inconveniences to a person. His convulsive attacks interfere with talking, leading to vomiting, do not let fall asleep to the patient, and people living next to him. All this brings a lot of inconvenience and greatly worsens the quality of life without that suffering person.

One of the tools that perfectly help to reduce the intensity of reflex convulsive exhalations and their soreness is a compress of cough. With its help, excellent results are achieved in reducing or even completely disappearing not only a painful symptom, but also many accompanying phenomena.

The advantages of compresses in the treatment of cough

The use of compresses has a number of advantages, as their correct application guarantees:

  • Simplicity of imposing.
  • Fast result.
  • Practically complete absence of side effects (except for cases of individual intolerance of individual components and preparations).
  • Saving money.
  • Availability.
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Principle of action of compresses against coughing

The secret of the effectiveness of the method lies in the thermal effect of the ingredients on the skin and nearby tissues. As a result, vasodilation and circulatory activation are carried out, which causes the release of antiviral antibodies. Thanks to this happens:

  • Increased oxygen influx to the affected tissues.
  • Reducing local edema.
  • Degeneration of foci of inflammation.
  • Acceleration of excretion of toxic substances.
  • The death of microorganisms-causative agents of the disease.
  • Overall improvement of health.
  • The disappearance of weakness and headaches.

How do I compress a cough?

One of the advantages of this method of treatment, like a compress, is its simplicity. It is superimposed in three stages and consists of layers:

  • Inner. A piece of cheesecloth or bandage is wetted by the chosen product, it is applied directly to the skin.
  • Medium. A plastic layer, a film, an oilcloth, a dense sheet of wax paper covers the wet layer from above, in order to isolate the liquid in the event of leakage.
  • Outdoor. The third layer insulates and fixes the lower ones. For this purpose, a scarf made of wool, bandage and cotton wool, a warm shawl, a towel is perfect.

All layers are superimposed on each other in turn, fixed on the back or chest. It must be remembered that the heart area should always remain open.

Features of the use of compresses for coughing

Compresses are almost universal cough remedy. They are successfully placed for adults and children from a year old. They are great for treating pregnant women.

Very effective compress with a dry cough. Already after its first use in many patients, the process of sputum evacuation and its expectoration begins. This method is excellent for getting rid of reflex jerks of the diaphragm, which are a symptom of such diseases as:

  • Bronchitis.
  • ARI.
  • Flu.
  • Laryngitis.
  • Tonsillitis.
  • Pharyngitis.
  • Pneumonia and others.

There is a small list of limitations in which this method can not be used:

  • Intolerance of the components used.
  • Increased body temperature.
  • Acute period of cold disease.
  • Skin lesions, diseases, large moles, warts at the places of direct tissue application.
  • The age of the baby is up to 12 months.
  • Heart ailments.
  • High blood pressure.
  • Tumors.

Types of compresses from cough

Choose a suitable compress for a dry or wet cough is not difficult. They are a huge number: oily, cabbage, water, potato, honey, vinegar, cold, hot, curd, alcohol. And this is not a complete list. All of them are perfectly combined with other medical procedures, drugs and drugs.

Potato cough compress

This is ideal for those who have a very sensitive skin and a dry, violent cough. For such a bandage it is necessary:

  • Take a few potatoes, clean them thoroughly.
  • Boil along with the skin.
  • Stirred tubers.
  • Puree is divided into two sections of gauze, fabric until the middle.
  • Cover the gruel with a free edge.
  • One compress of potatoes put on the chest, the second on the back.
  • Top cover with polyethylene, fix with elastic bandages, warm.

Warm up the body for several hours, until the potatoes cool. The results can be seen after the first procedure.

Compress with dimexidom from cough

This dressing has an excellent warming effect. To apply it, you need to take the following steps:

  • The medicine is diluted half with water.
  • The resulting liquid is heated to 40 degrees.
  • In it, gauze or a clean cloth is moistened, pressed.
  • Immediately straightened, put on the chest sick person.
  • Covered with a bag or film.
  • Warms up, left for a time not exceeding 1 hour.
  • After removing the tissue, the skin is wiped with water.
  • The patient warms up.

It should be remembered that some people have an allergic reaction to a compress of cough with dimexidum. In this case, such a procedure can not be done.

Cough water compress

Very popular, effective and simple is a warming compress with vodka. To use it you need:

  • Take diluted alcohol or plain vodka without additives.
  • Heat the liquid to 40 degrees.
  • Wet gauze, bandage and squeeze.
  • Immediately apply a moist layer on the skin, cover with a film.
  • Put a waist, scarf or towel, wrap the bandage with a bandage.

The exposure time should not exceed 4 hours. If, after removing the layers, the skin turns red, then it indicates a burn. In this case, the exposure time in the future should be reduced.

Curd cough compress

Excellent in helping to cope with sharp reflex exhalations bandage of cottage cheese.

To superimpose it, the following actions are performed:

  • Cottage cheese is heated.
  • The liquid which has left is poured out.
  • The rest is wrapped in cloth or gauze, put on the chest to the patient.
  • It is covered from above with polyethylene.
  • It is wrapped in a scarf or towel.
  • The bandage is left for the whole night, and in the morning they are removed.

Cabbage pack of coughs

An affordable, simple, safe and very effective means to help get rid of the reflex jerks of the diaphragm is cabbage. It should be used as follows:

  • Tear off the fleshy leaf.
  • A little roll it with a rolling pin for dough.
  • Lubricate with honey, apply this side to the chest.
  • Cover with a plastic bag or wax paper.
  • Insulate, fix with a bandage.

Leave it all night. After a few procedures, the cough should pass.

Despite all the safety and effectiveness of compresses, it must be remembered that before using them, you still need to consult a doctor. After all, for a successful fight with a dry or wet cough you need to know how it is caused by the disease. The specialist will be able to correctly diagnose ailment and choose the most effective means for getting rid of it.


Cough compresses for children. What are they?

The child cough can have a diverse nature, most often this disease is triggered by inflammation of the respiratory tract. Coughing can be a huge danger for the child, because it is so important to cure it on time, especially if it lasts more than two weeks. Of course, many people know that it is not the cough itself that should be cured, but the cause of its occurrence. Coughing is a natural natural reaction of the body to the inflammatory process that occurs in the respiratory tract - bronchi, trachea, cough affects the formation of mucus.

Along with a cough, microbes are removed from the body, which die in the cells of the mucous membrane. The cough can have a paroxysmal character when coughing episodes end with nausea and vomiting, also a dry cough, a cough with phlegm and a barking cough. How to help the child get rid of a cough? An excellent method of treatment are time-tested compresses for children cough. They are divided into medicinal, hot, cold and warming. Compresses for children are often effective.

How to make compresses for children?

It's very easy to create compresses on your own, the compress must consist of three layers:

1. The first layer is gauze or medical bandage, it needs to be moistened in the right solution - ether, alcohol and oil.

2. The second layer - insulating is a special paper for compresses or oilcloth.

3. The third layer of compress should necessarily warm the painful part. You can use for this purpose cotton wool, bandage, terry towel, woolen shawl.
When cough for children is treated with a compress, it is necessary to lay all layers on the chest. Observe such rules, it is not possible that the first layer of the compress should lie on the heart area and near-cardiac. In no case should warming compresses be done if the body temperature is very high and children under 1 year old.

Types of compresses for children cough

Some of the common compresses for children from cough are compresses from potatoes, cottage cheese and butter.

Oil cough compress for baby

With the help of oil compresses, permanent cough hunting can be eliminated, especially essential oils. With their help, you can relax the bronchi and help your baby breathe easier. Such compresses are best performed at night, you can use such oils - mountain pine, olive oil, eucalyptus oil, lavender oil, it needs to dilute one drop to 10 drops of water. Do not compress to children who may have an allergic reaction. It can very badly end.

How to prepare a compress for a child with oil? The oil should be heated in a water bath, then drop it onto the compress, the first layer.

Curd cough compress for baby

With the help of it you can reduce cough, it can be used even if the child has a fever, with the help of it you can lower body temperature. To curd compress brought the expected result, it must be laid down for the night.

Cottage cheese compress is very easy to cook, warm the cottage cheese, only without whey, put it in gauze, make a cake from it and tie it to your chest.

Next, apply the remaining layers of the compress. When you take antibiotics, this compress can not be performed.

Potato cough compress for baby

Boil the potatoes, put it in gauze. Prepare it best in uniform. Remember that you need to use hot potatoes, it is best to put it in a plastic bag. Then this cake should be wrapped with a towel and put on the shoulder of the child. Carefully apply this compress so that the child does not have a burn from the compress.

Recipes of compresses for cough for the child

1. Compress with a black radish. To do this, squeeze out the juice from the black radish. Then dab the gauze towel in warmed sunflower oil (always on a water bath), so that there is no burn, then into the radish juice. The first layer needs to be put on the chest to the child who is sick, then on top to lather the paper for compresses, in this compress it is not recommended to use oilcloth, then wrap it with a warm scarf, best of all woolen. Leave the compress for 20 minutes.

2. If your child does not have allergies, you can use honey for cough compresses, you need to take one tablespoon of honey melted, mustard dry, alcohol, only weak and sunflower oil. All you need to mix thoroughly add flour and knead a very steep dough. The mixture should be heated in a water bath, then apply a compress. Children still do not want to use alcohol, so it's best to take such ingredients - cold water honey and flour.

3. Compress from apple cider vinegar. For him, you need to take 3 tablespoons of water, one tablespoon of apple cider vinegar and one teaspoon of honey. All must be carefully mixed, heated. Bottom layer dipped in the prepared solution, then lay out the next layer. Remove after 20 minutes.

Do I need to make compresses for children?

It is impossible to unequivocally answer this question, because some people do not perceive folk methods of treatment at all, because it is so important to consult a doctor about your child, to clarify with him, whether it is necessary to apply compresses or no.
It is also impossible to accurately answer the question about the effectiveness of compresses for coughing for a child, each to bear them in different ways, to someone they help, but to someone not.

When exactly is it necessary to treat a child with a compress? Here, too, are very different opinions of doctors, some say that you can not use this method at all, others say that it is necessary to apply, Still others say that compresses are complacency for parents and all.

So, compresses from a cough for children can be used, only you must take into account the characteristics of the child. Compresses help to expand blood vessels to activate blood circulation, this way it is better to start interferon and antibodies to a variety of viruses that could trigger development cough. In the acute period of the disease, you can not use a compress. They can only aggravate the inflammation.


How to make a compress from a child and an adult cough?

Cough is a protective reaction of the body for respiratory infections. Today, his treatment is not particularly difficult. In any pharmacy, the pharmacist will offer a variety of drugs that can eliminate this unpleasant phenomenon in a short time. The main thing is not to forget to take medicine in time.

In addition to pharmacy products, there are many people's methods of treatment, which are no less effective.

Compress from cough: how correctly to apply?

This is an affordable and effective folk remedy that helps both adults and children. In order for the procedure to benefit, you need to know how to make a compress of a cough correctly. And also you need to consider several important points:

  • The components that make up the compress can not be applied directly to the human body. Before use, the tissue with the ingredients must be warmed, and the vegetable oil must be applied to the chest.
  • To prevent the compress from coughing, it is fixed, especially if it is applied overnight.
  • The heart zone should remain free.
  • This method of treatment is not used for children under one year, with skin injuries and fever.
  • After the compress is removed, it is necessary to wipe the skin dry and lubricate with a nutritious cream. You can not leave the house after a procedure for several hours.
  • Compresses are used in conjunction with the treatment that the doctor appointed. Only in this way can you overcome the disease.
A very important point is the selection of components for the compress (depending on the course of the disease). At the very beginning of the disease, honey and apple cider vinegar are used. If the bronchitis began to develop, an alcohol or honey compress from cough will be effective. With prolonged symptoms, use an oil compress. Let us consider in more detail how each of them is prepared.

From honey and vinegar

This simple hot compress is used for the beginning catarrhal cough. For its preparation take natural apple cider vinegar and mix it with water in the proportion then add a teaspoon of honey. A napkin soaked in such a solution is applied to the throat and chest, covered with a plastic wrap and covered with a warm scarf. Soak for about 20 minutes.

From beer

If the use of vinegar is impossible because of the increased sensitivity of the skin, you can try a beer compress. To do this, it is necessary to slightly warm up the glass of the drink and add honey to it (1 h. l.). The compress is applied to the throat, wrapped in a scarf.

From vodka

Gauze is folded several times and moistened with vodka. A well-pressed tissue is applied to the thorax without affecting the heart area. A layer of cellophane is placed over the compress and wrapped in a warm kerchief. This compress can be kept until morning. It is desirable for children to dilute vodka in half with water to avoid skin irritation.

This tool has a strong warming effect, so if there is a suspicion of a purulent process in the lungs, pleurisy, it can not be used.

Honey pack

Perfectly helps from bronchitis compress of honey. It is necessary to take a natural liquid product and grate their breasts. After this, the treated zone should be covered with parchment or compress paper. It is desirable for the patient to be in bed, covered with a blanket until there is a feeling of warming up.

At the end of the procedure, the compress should be washed off with warm water, the breast should be wiped dry and greased with vegetable oil, in which you can add eucalyptus or fir essential oil.

To prepare a compress with honey from cough, it is desirable to take a fake product. He rarely provokes allergic reactions and causes irritation. Thickened honey can be heated in a water bath. But you need to ensure that the water temperature is not too high, otherwise the honey will lose its healing properties. If a compress is made from a child's cough, the breast should be pre-lubricated with vegetable oil.

Help the tool "Dimexide"

The drug "Dimexide" has a strong anti-inflammatory effect. Penetrating deep into the tissues, it delivers the active ingredient directly to the focus of inflammation. But with this remedy you need to be extremely careful and watch carefully so that it does not get on the skin or mucous membranes, because you can get a burn.

To prepare a compress, 1 part of the preparation is diluted 4-5 parts with warm water. Gauze napkins are wetted in the resulting solution and applied to the breast (avoid the heart area). On top put cellophane tape and wrap. Compress cough with "Dimexidum" should be kept for about an hour, but if it burns very hard, it must be removed immediately. Then wash the skin with warm water and wipe dry.

Such a compress will be useful when starting coughing cold. Children under 12 years, as well as pregnant and lactating women, this treatment is prohibited.

Compress with cabbage

It helps with coughing with phlegm, because the substances that are contained in cabbage, well contribute to its excretion. Such a compress from a cough is allowed to be done even by children, there are no contraindications to it.

For cooking, take a few cabbage leaves, boil two to three minutes in boiling water and put it on the chest in front and behind. The patient is wrapped, the compress remains at night.

Oil compresses

They can be prepared from simple vegetable oil, heated in a water bath. The napkin should be dipped in warm oil and applied to the body without affecting the heart area. Top cover with parchment or compress paper (you can not use polyethylene) and wrap it with a warm scarf. The oil compress is left overnight, and can be removed after a few hours.

With bronchitis, a moistened napkin can be dipped into the juice of a black radish. The compress is applied, as in the previous description, the duration of the procedure is 30-60 minutes (until the burning sensation is felt). Then the patient is wiped with a towel and warmly dressed.

From potatoes

Children can make a dry compress of potatoes from a cough. You need to cook mashed potatoes with vodka. A non-combustible mixture is placed in a plastic bag so that the ingredients do not fall directly onto the skin, wrap it with a napkin and apply to the chest. To the back you need to attach another such compress and then wrap it around with a warm kerchief. When the mixture has cooled, compress is removed. This procedure can be performed several times a day.

Compress from cottage cheese

If you suspect a pneumonia, you can prepare a pack of cottage cheese. Preliminary it needs to be heated a little, for example, on a hot battery. Then 1 st. l. honey for 100 grams of cottage cheese and everything mixes well.
The resulting mixture should be applied a thin layer on a linen napkin or a kitchen towel and wrap it with the patient's body, without touching the heart area. From above cover with a compress paper and wrap with a warm kerchief. The compress is left overnight.

If the compress is put to a small child, in no case can not shoot it at night, try to persuade the baby and leave the remedy until the morning. Then the rests are washed off under a warm shower, the patient is triturated and warmly dressed. The type of cottage cheese can be used to judge the presence of pneumonia. If it is caked, but it remains white - it means that there is no inflammation. The diagnosis is disappointing in the case when the cottage cheese has turned yellow and covered with yellow-green spots.

Mustard Compress

It happens that all the symptoms of a cold have already passed, but there is only a cough, which does not help get rid of any medications and procedures. In this case, a compress of dry mustard, honey, vegetable oil and flour will help. All components take 1 tbsp. l. Then add the spoon of vodka to the mixture, mix everything well and warm it in a water bath. The mixture is spread on a napkin, placed on the throat or chest, covered with a film or a compress paper. Then you need to wrap yourself in a scarf. The procedure is repeated a few days until relief comes.

Compresses for children

According to many pediatricians, treating a child with compresses is a useless, though harmless exercise. But the experience of many parents speaks of the high efficiency of such a tool.

Compress from a coughing child should have three layers. This is gauze, paper or film, a warming layer from a warm kerchief or scarf.

On the heart area, the compress is not applied. Babies who have not turned a year, this treatment is not suitable. It is also best to use such a remedy at the stage of recovery. Most often for the treatment of children use potatoes, cottage cheese, butter.
Compress from cough is an effective and good remedy. In order to strengthen its action and get rid of colds in a short time, you can drink cough and cough tea simultaneously.


We make a compress of potatoes from a cough

When there are primary signs of a cold, when you start coughing, do not immediately begin to treat with pills, try to make a compress of potatoes from a cough - it is a soft and effective remedy. It, with its thermal impact on the lungs and bronchi, can improve blood flow and dilate blood vessels. The appearance of cough for colds, viral infections, bronchitis is a natural reaction of the body and a means for purification from sputum.The potato compress is effective in wet cough, it helps the patient to alleviate the general condition when coughing, promotes the production of sputum, stimulates the body's production of protection against the virus.

Before using folk potato recipes, it would be nice to consult a doctor. Although such methods of sparing treatment and have no side effects, with some concomitant diseases they can harm the patient.

Why it is good to do a compress

Compresses are different in their method of application. They are used both in cold form and warm. The basis for them can be alcohol, oil or vegetable components, such as potatoes.

When choosing a compress with various excipients, one should take into account the type of cough, the condition of the patient, its allergic reaction to this or that ingredient.

Compress, which will warm up when you cough, you should put before going to bed, you can at night.

Restriction to put a compress of cough, can serve as an increased pressure in patient, certain cardiovascular diseases, skin changes, cuts or any form of on it. It is not welcome to apply this method of treatment to infants and people aged. It is necessary to refrain from compress in the acute phase of the disease and elevated temperature.

Rules for the treatment of compresses

Compresses can be used to treat various diseases, but the principles, how to put it correctly, are the same for everyone. What you need to consider when setting a compress from a cough:

  1. The ingredients of the warming compress should not be applied directly to the patient's skin. They should be put on a warm cloth, and then applied. Pre-skin in place of application of the compress should be smeared with vegetable oil.
  2. In order to compress, put on the night, did not move, it must be fixed in the right position. The heart zone should always be left open.
  3. After the compress is removed, this part of the body is thoroughly wiped with a towel until dry. Further, to mitigate this area, you can anoint any nutritious cream. Exit the room to the open air after the procedure can be after 3-4 hours.
  4. One compress will not give positive results in the treatment of cough. It is necessary to combine it with the adoption of medications and the passage of procedures prescribed by the attending physician.
  5. An important role in coughing is played by those components that are used for compress. For example, a wet cough acts well potatoes.

It should be borne in mind that if you make a compress of potatoes, do not apply it immediately, with a heat with a heat. This can lead to a burn and to the fact that all the useful potato substances come out through the steam. It is necessary to give the potatoes a little cool in a saucepan with the lid closed.

Compress from potatoes

One of the most common recipes for coughing is a pack of potatoes. Potatoes are in every house. In addition, it does not cause allergic reactions, as, for example, in some cases, honey.

For the compress, you need to prepare two large tubers, gauze and a towel. Potatoes should be thoroughly washed and boiled in a peel. Next, the ready potatoes, together with the skin, are kneaded and laid out on gauze and on one edge of the towel. The weight of the towel is covered. The same must be done with the other end of the towel.

The compress is placed on the patient's chest on one side and on the back to the lungs on the other. To prevent displacement and retention of heat, the towel is wrapped around the top with a plastic wrap and a warm kerchief.

This procedure can be repeated for 3-4 consecutive nights, combining it with medication. During the day, potato inhalation can be used. After the procedure and at night, you must protect the patient from drafts or hypothermia.

Treatment with potato tortillas

This method of cough treatment at home is well known and available. Cough can be treated even in small children. The potato cake warms up well, softens the cough, promotes the draining of sputum from the bronchi. This method can not be used at a temperature, and before starting treatment it is necessary to consult a doctor.

To make a flat cake you need to take a few potatoes, carefully wash them. Potatoes are cooked in the skin until they are ready. After cooking, the tubers are warmed together with the peel. The mashed mass is poured into a spoonful of vegetable oil and vodka. The mixture is again mixed. Potatoes form a ball and turn into gauze. The compress is superimposed on the chest, and the patient is wrapped in a blanket. Cake should be kept on chest for 2-3 hours. After this time, the medicine is removed. The skin is wiped dry and lubricated with cream. The patient should be warmly dressed after the procedure.

Pelton from potatoes with honey

If the patient does not respond to honey, then the cake can be made with the addition of honey. To do this, you need to knead two boiled tubers in a uniform, add two large spoons of vegetable oil, one spoonful of honey and mustard, mix all this mixture carefully and make a cake. Mustard is added to ensure that the potato cake does not cool down for a long time.

Cake should be put in a plastic bag, and then wrapped with a towel. The compress is placed on the chest and fixed for the night. Such a compress will warm the patient's airways during the night.


Potato cake can be made with the addition of vegetable oil and three drops of iodine. He is also imposed for the night on the patient's chest.

It is good to drink the patient between the setting of the compresses with a decoction prepared according to Vanga's recipe. In a liter of water you need to cook potatoes, an apple and a head of onions. Cook should be until the amount of water is reduced by half. Broth strain and give the patient on a small spoon three times a day.

Inhalation of potato steam

When coughing during the day, combining with night compresses from potatoes, you can breathe potato pairs. This procedure should be followed only when the patient has no temperature.

For inhalations, boil potatoes in a saucepan of at least 3 liters. The water in which the potatoes were boiled is completely drained. Then the patient covers himself with the pan with a blanket and starts to breathe the steam. The length of the procedure is at least 5 minutes. If the patient does not feel very well, the inhalation should be stopped or a crack in the blanket for fresh air.

It is necessary to breathe the steam correctly. Do not do very deep breaths and exhalations. Also, do not breathe too fast or draw deep potato fumes.

Fermentation of potato steam can be carried out for several days before the onset of cough relief. This procedure has no contraindications and is completely harmless. Therefore, such an inhalation can do even future mothers.


Strengthen the impact of potato steam can be with the help of table salt. Potatoes should be cooked with a pinch of large salt. Then the procedure is carried out as usual.

The use of potatoes for the treatment of wet cough, coughing, improving the removal of sputum from the lungs and bronchi is a good help for strengthening the action of medications.

Potatoes are a natural, harmless product. Treatment of cough with its use does not have negative manifestations and can be used for young children and patients of any age.


At the child a strong cough what to do or make?? Is it possible to apply compresses from dimexid ???



Yes, if Dimexide is competently diluted, the child does not have a temperature and an allergic reaction to Dimexide. To us the pediatrist with 6 mes recommended instead of mustard plasters at a cough. Get well!

Natali Natali

Sit on a strict diet and see a doctor!

Ramziya Sitdikova

I've never heard of compresses with dimexid. Better DO NOT EXPERIMENT on your child!


I applied the back of the mustard, dry, fixed, wrapped up for the night. A bunch of viburnum soak in boiling water, chop, drain, mix with honey or pink jam until sweets and give three times a day for half a glass.


In general, it would be better to go to the hospital! But try to do a drainage massage on the back. With two hands, drive along the back of the lungs, slightly pressing, then as if shifting the skin up to the shoulders, then lightly flicking on the back, then stroking the back from the middle to the sides. and after that you have to press your finger on the root of the tongue. After watering the child with tea from chamomile or give any expectorant. Massage do once a day for 5 days!


Cook the potatoes in the peel and just then hot squeeze into a polythene bag and put in a towel put on the groove and tie a down with a handkerchief and so while the neostynet can add honey try very well helps


It depends on what cough and how old the child is. In any case, compresses are not needed. Up to 5 years - moisturize the room, drink, inhalation nebulizer with saline, if it is very often breathes and wheezes - an ambulance. For older children, the same thing, only it is possible to give a mokrotagozzhazhoe


What for??? Let the child have the kodelak, let him sleep peacefully

Marina Gazieva

Give the child hot milk with honey, butter and add some baking soda. And I do not advise compresses with dimexid.

olga apostolova

rub the chest and back with warming ointment, and herbal inhalation


The inflammatory processes in the lungs include bronchitis and pneumonia, tracheitis. To get rid of inflammatory processes it is necessary, first of all, to stimulate immunity both antimicrobial and antiviral. The more pronounced inflammation processes, the more intense the massage (rubbing of hands, feet, tapping the head up to 5-8-10 times a day). At a high temperature, pay special attention to rubbing the legs, hands up to 5-8 times a day.
Local effect in the projection of the lungs from the front: intensively rub the chest with the palm 2-3-5 times a day, tap on the sternum in the projection of the trachea and lungs. Coughing so immediately and knock for 1-2 minutes, massage the point of bronchitis (third-fourth intercostal space to the right of the sternum by 1-2 centimeters). Local impact in the projection of the lungs from the back: a back massage in the projection of the lungs (grinding, kneading, vibrations in the form of tapping with the ribs of the palms). Independently, a back massage, you can do about the door jamb. Vibrations are performed by a rolling pin with a rubber extruder ring on it. In a painful, hysterical, painful cough, carry out an intensive action on the point of bronchitis, tapping the sternum with the fist and projection of the lungs in front and behind, tapping the blade with the scapula.
It is important, during the massage of the chest, to identify painful areas in the projection of the lungs and to act on them day in and day out until painfulness disappears in them. Recovery comes in two to three days.

We get rid of the pain in the throat, once and for all.
Pain in the pharynx, larynx appear during inflammatory processes (pharyngitis, tonsillitis, laryngitis). To get rid of these phenomena, it is required to stimulate immunity, that is, rub the palm base with a hand and a forearm, external area, up to the elbow inclusive, and the legs - the lift of the foot and the shin, from all sides, up to the knee inclusive from three to eight once a day. Legs can rub your foot on the leg. Local effect: tear the skin over the larynx and rub the crease between the toes especially painful places. Find on the surface of the cartilage of the larynx painful points and press them with the fingernail of the index finger. Also, the nail of the index finger to press and hold for 3-5 seconds the soreness and on the front surface of the cervical spine. Especially effective is the pressure on those places, when exposed to which arrows of pain (painful irradiation), the point of which just reaches your glands or inflamed mucous. That is, it reaches exactly the pain that bothers you. Try to press on this pain, to cause the arrow and to hold this arrow of pain within 3-5 seconds, change the place of touch and again press and hold. That's how to handle all parts of the neck and especially painful places. With the right massage, you can get rid of the pain in the throat for two to three hours, in some cases even for 10-20 minutes. The sore throat either does not develop or ends within three hours. Success to all.

Oksana Maksyutova

Let's make kodelak or syrup aspirated, helped us, or tablets "from a cough that used to cost 2 kopecks.

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