Find out what to do if the ear is stuffed with a cold

The incorporated ear delivers many unpleasant moments - the hearing worsens, the ears rustle and dizzy. The disease is not always directly related to ear diseases, often occurs against the background of improper cleaning of the ears, against the background of infection by the viruses of the respiratory system. Has laid down an ear at a rhinitis - what to do or make, what medicines and exercises will help or assist to eliminate or eradicate an illness?

  • Causes
  • Obstruction of the ear in children and pregnant women
  • How to treat a stuffy ear
  • Compress
  • Medication
  • What to do at home
  • Folk remedies for the treatment of congestion
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Good hearing is possible only with the same pressure in the Eustachian tube, which is located in the middle ear, and the drum cavity. During the runny nose under the influence of various factors, there is a disturbance of balance, the permeability of the Eustachian tube deteriorates. In the cavity behind the tympanic membrane there is a vacuum, it loses its mobility - the ear lays, the hearing deteriorates.

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Important!Otolaryngologists call ear congestion the most common complication of a runny nose and incorrect blowing out.

Why lays the ear in the cold:

  • severe swelling of the tissues, inflammation of the lymph nodes in the nasopharynx;
  • mucous clusters in the nasal passages;
  • constant repetition - to prevent stagnation, one should cleanse each nostril separately;
  • otitis and sinusitis, which occurs against the background of a cold;
  • inflammatory processes in the tissues of the facial nerve - with pain giving the temporal part of the lower jaw, some areas of the face may become numb.

The reason for the stuffiness of the ears against the background of a chronic rhinitis may be sulfur plugs, which are formed when the protective functions of the body weaken.

Obstruction of the ear in children and pregnant women

In a child, the stuffiness of the ear arises almost always with a strong cold - little children have weak immunity, many of them do not know how to blow their nose properly. Rid the child of unpleasant symptoms can be by inflating balloons.

Almost 70% of children have otitis on the background of nasal congestion, which is characterized by severe pain in the ear. If the child can not tell about what is bothering him, he constantly cries, rubs and pulls his ear, turns his head.

Symptoms of otitis in the child - deterioration of appetite and sleep, nausea, vomiting, problems with balance, the temperature rises, pus out from the auricle. When one or more symptoms of the child appear, the doctor should be immediately shown.

Pregnant women often suffer from allergic and colds. Rhinitis occurs on the background of hormonal changes, weakened immunity, low hemoglobin, high blood pressure.

How to treat a stuffy ear

To treat children and pregnant women should choose the safest methods of therapy - massage, gymnastics, folk remedies.

How to relieve congestion with the help of gymnastics:

  1. Circular movements of the jaw 5 times in each direction - you should try to perform the exercise with the greatest amplitude.
  2. Push the lower jaw forward - move it up and down, from side to side. Each movement must be done at least 7 times.
  3. Pinch both nostrils with your fingers, try to inhale through your nose.
  4. To supplement the gymnast should a special massage - circular movements move from the lower jaw to the outer ear.


The safest method will cope with the stuffiness - a warm compress. Fold the cotton in several layers, completely cover the ear, put on a tight cap or kerchief. Such a compress can be kept overnight, it can be done provided that the temperature is not higher than 37.5 degrees.

Since the causes of ear congestion against a background of severe or chronic rhinitis may be different, a comprehensive approach is used in treatment.

After a cold, my ear poured - what should I do? If hearing impairment and other unpleasant symptoms occur, it is necessary to visit the ENT. After examination and collection of anamnesis, the doctor will be able to establish the cause of the disease, make an accurate diagnosis.


What medications are used for ear congestion:

  • ear drops that fight with pathogenic microorganisms, eliminate inflammation - Otipax, Otinum, Rizorcin;
  • nasal vasoconstrictors help alleviate the symptoms of the disease - Naphthysine, Vibrocil, Sanorin, Sustafacil-sodium;
  • ear antibacterial ointments - Sofrodeks, Vishnevsky ointment;
  • inhalers;
  • compresses for heating;
  • Exercise that helps to normalize the pressure in the ears.

What should I do if my ear is stuffed with a cold in the airplane? A sharp pressure drop can cause the ear to become stuffy with a strong rhinitis. Eliminate the problem with chewing gum, candy. You can start yawning, or drink a glass of water in small sips. It will also help a simple exercise - to take a deep breath in your mouth, while the nose needs to be clamped, exhale sharply through the nose.

Important!Zalozhennost an ear at a rhinitis - only consequence or investigation of disease. To avoid relapse, it is necessary to eliminate the cause.

Without proper treatment, the obstruction of the ear can lead to the development of chronic, catarrhal otitis, meningitis, inflammation of the facial nerves.

What to do at home

Home methods of treatment consist in strict observance of the doctor's recommendations, washing the nose and ears, using thermal compresses.

Is it possible to warm up the stuffed ear? Warming is one of the most effective and safe methods of treatment, suitable for children and pregnant women. Although many doctors still argue about the advisability of this method of therapy.

Important!You can warm your ears only in the absence of temperature and purulent discharge.

Methods of heating with dry heat:

  • boiled hot egg - wrap with a natural cloth in several layers, attach to the ear for a quarter of an hour;
  • heated salt or sand - pour hot contents into a tissue bag, hold in the tragus area for 20 minutes;
  • blue light.

Alcohol compress is a popular way of treating ear diseases. Vodka or diluted alcohol soak gauze, attach to the sore ear, cover with parchment and polyethylene. On top of the compress insulate with a layer of gauze, in which to cut a hole for the auricle. All fixed with a bandage, hold for 20 minutes. After removing the vodka compress, burns may remain, so the skin should be previously oiled or creamed.

To alleviate the condition will help boric alcohol - moisten the ear wand, insert into the ear canal. The entire procedure will take half an hour - you need to hold the wand in your ear for 5 minutes, then make a five-minute breather.

Folk remedies for the treatment of congestion

Relieve unpleasant symptoms can be with home remedies, tinctures, some products. But the use of these drugs does not cancel the trip to the doctor. Because only he can prescribe adequate treatment.

The easiest way to get rid of temporary hearing loss is the onion candle. It is necessary to take the middle from the vegetable, insert it into the ear canal, fix it with a warm kerchief, leave it till morning.


If the ear is stuffy, tincture of calendula will help. Pour 250 ml of vodka 5 g of dry inflorescences, put in a dark place for 14 days. For a compress, the drug should be diluted with water - for 120 ml of warm water 3 ml of tincture. With severe pain, you can dig in 2 drops of clear solution into each ear canal.


Home ointments from natural ingredients will help to quickly cope with pain and inflammation.

Mix 30 g of lanolin and petrolatum, add 55 g powdered powdered celandine. Ointment should be lubricated on the outside twice a day for a week. Store the product at room temperature.


In 250 ml of any vegetable oil, melt 50 g of beeswax, add half of the boiled yolk in small portions. All mix, leave in a closed container for a quarter of an hour, filter out. Apply ointment on cotton turuns, place in the ear passage for 40 minutes. Repeat the procedure can be 6-8 times during the day.

As a first aid, you can use almond oil - bury in a warm form 2-3 drops in each ear three times a day. The leaves of geranium excellently eliminate inflammation - it is enough to stretch, place in the ear.

To avoid stuffy ears during a runny nose, you need to constantly and thoroughly clean the nasal passages. To do this, you can use saline solutions, calendula decoctions or chamomile.

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