What kind of eye drops are better for conjunctivitis?

Conjunctivitis is one of the most unpleasant diseases, which, if present, interferes with living, working and watching the appearance. Symptoms and treatment of conjunctivitis are always interrelated. To treat the disease most often use a whole complex of medicines, including eye drops. And despite the fact that the drugs can only be used when they are prescribed by a doctor, to know the features of their use is necessary in order to avoid mistakes and complications.


  • 1Application area
  • 2Features of preparations
  • 3List
    • 3.1From bacterial
    • 3.2From allergic
    • 3.3From viral
    • 3.4From fungal
  • 4Recommendations for use
  • 5Video
  • 6conclusions

Application area

Conjunctivitis is a disease of the conjunctiva of the eyes, usually accompanied by the appearance of inflammation.Preparations prescribed by a qualified eye specialist should relieve pain, swelling, lacrimation, and other symptoms.But in the treatment of the disease it is especially important to correctly determine the cause and nature of the problem. This is necessary in order to prescribe suitable medicines.

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The main causes of the appearance of pathology:

  • Allergy;
  • Disturbances in the functioning of internal organs;
  • Inflammation of ENT organs;
  • Chemical burns and eye damage;
  • Bacterial infections;
  • Viruses;
  • Weakened immunity;
  • Problems accompanying recovery in the postoperative period.

In addition, conjunctivitis can be chronic or acute.Acute in this case may occur due to infection with bacterial and fungal infections.

Depending on the diagnosed nature of the occurrence of conjunctivitis, the doctor prescribes medications to eliminate the causes and symptoms.

Since different drugs from inflammation of the conjunctiva eliminate various causes and symptoms, it is highly recommended not to prescribe treatment without the involvement of a doctor.

Features of preparations

In most cases, along with eye drops to treat inflammation of the conjunctiva, ointments are given for conjunctivitis in adults and medications for ingestion. As a rule, they recommend:

  • With allergic inflammation- antihistamine, anti-inflammatory, analgesic, relieving edema;
  • With bacterial- antibiotics, anti-inflammatory, analgesic, relieving edema;
  • With fungal- specially prepared medicines depending on the type of fungus, antimycotic;
  • In viral- antiviral, anti-inflammatory.
Types of conjunctivitis

The duration of treatment for inflammation also depends on the nature of the disease. Typically, solutions are instilled two to four times a day. In this case, ointments can be used at least fifteen minutes after instillation.


Drugs that are effective in combating conjunctivitis of any type have now been developed many. All these medicines can be divided into groups according to their intended use. And correctly to pick up a complex of preparations the qualified ophthalmologist can only.

From bacterial

Symptoms of bacterial conjunctivitis depend on which pathogens were the cause of its occurrence (most often streptococcus, staphylococcus). In addition to swelling and redness, the patient may experience pain, stinging and burning. In addition, there may appear turbid or purulent discharge, gluing of eyelashes.

Among the most effective drugs against bacterial inflammation:

  • Sulfacil sodium. According to the instructions, one or two drops are prescribed up to six times a day (depending on the complexity of the problem).
  • Levomycetin. An effective antibiotic is prescribed for up to one week, one drop twice a day.
  • Fucitalmic. The drug is administered on an individual basis, since it may not be suitable for every patient. It is recommended to apply for one week, by digesting one drop twice a day.
  • Eye Drops Vitabakt. These are drops from conjunctivitis for children and adults. It is prescribed one drop to six times a day for a course of treatment up to ten days.
  • Ciprofloxacin. Apply the drug according to a certain pattern, starting with one drop every two hours. Duration of use - from one week.
  • Tobrup. Strong means, which has an antibiotic in the category of the newest. Duration of application - up to seven days.
  • Albucid. Apply one to two drops three times a day. Can be appointed only for adults.
  • Gentamicin. Dosage is determined by the oculist.

In case the treatment with the prescribed drug does not have a positive effect, it is necessary to contact the attending physician again to replace the medicine and carry out a new diagnosis.

From allergic

Among the main signs of allergic inflammation are puffiness, itching, burning, lacrimation. However, solving the problem consists not only in getting rid of the symptoms, but also in eliminating the cause. Therefore, patients often undergo a comprehensive examination for the detection of allergens.

The best drugs for allergic inflammation:

  • Allergodyl. It is applied one drop to four times a day.
  • Cortisone. The drug is contraindicated in pregnant women and nursing mothers. Dosage is determined by the optician.
  • Oftdek. Effective to eliminate bacterial and allergic forms of inflammation of the conjunctiva. Removes the main symptoms.
  • Claritin. An antihistamine drug is prescribed one drop to three times a day.

As a rule, anti-allergic eye drops are used until the visible signs of the development of conjunctivitis disappear.

From viral

Viral form of inflammation of the eye occurs less frequently than others. As a rule, its appearance and development is accompanied by swelling, redness, lacrimation, discharge and pain.

Among the most effective medicines:

  • Ophthalmoferon, Actipol. Can be used to treat the disease in children. It is used up to three times a day, one drop per eye.
  • Florenal. The drug in the form of a solution is applied one drop to two to three times a day.
  • Terbofen. Effective drug. Assign one drop three times a day.

It is strongly advised not to use strong drugs intended only for adults, to treat children, pregnant women and mothers during breastfeeding.

From fungal

Fungal conjunctivitis is more difficult to diagnose and treat, because it requires a long-term study to identify the type of fungus.Most often, the patient has swelling of the eyelids, redness, itching and burning, unclear discharge, the appearance of films. In severe cases, a greenish coating and ulcers may form.

Treatment of fungal conjunctivitis is also quite difficult and can last up to six weeks, and most of the drugs can be purchased only on prescription. Most often to eliminate the problem appoint Fluconazole, Amfoterzin B, Introconazole. Nystatin ointment and special solutions are also used, mixed in certain proportions, the composition of which is determined individually.

Recommendations for use

In order to improve the effectiveness of prescribed drugs, you must strictly follow the specified dosage and not miss the time of instillation.It is especially important during the treatment period to take into account the rules of personal hygiene and not allow the use of common hygiene products in order to avoid repeated disease and contamination of others.It is also useful to strengthen immunity and establish healthy eating habits, the use of vitamin and mineral complexes will be superfluous.

The effectiveness of treatment may depend on the correctness of the procedure for instillation of solutions. Before it is recommended to wash your hands and face, rinse your eyes thoroughly.You need a network in a convenient position and throw your head back. Pulling down the lower eyelid, you need to apply the prescribed dose of medicine (usually one or two drops) on the inside, not allowing the flow of droplets.


Drops for eyes after welding

Ingredients Masked, as well as features of the application are described in this article.

Drops in the eyes for newborns, when the eyes are festering http://eyesdocs.ru/medicinaoperacii/lekarstva/effektivnye-glaznye-kapli-dlya-novorozhdennyx.html


It is also not advisable to skip the use of drugs prescribed inwards, since very often they form the basis of treatment.

To avoid the spread of the disease (especially fungal, viral and bacterial), do not touch the eye solution dispenser from the affected mucous eye.



Treatment of conjunctivitis in adults and children can be a complex and lengthy process. In order to facilitate and speed it up, competent diagnostics and correct identification of the kind of problem are required. Only in this case it is possible to get rid of an unpleasant illness and return to normal life without any consequences. This will help a lot of various modern medicines.