Sore throat and cough how to cure quickly

Sore throat than cure? How to quickly cure a throat folk remedies

With the onset of autumn, we are increasingly beginning to get sick with colds. We are tormented by migraines, runny nose, sore throat. Than to treat such unpleasant symptoms, which remedy is the most effective? In fact, everything is not as simple as it might seem at first glance. There are a lot of nuances that need to be considered, whether it be possible contraindications or certain features of your condition. What are they?

Varieties of throat diseases and their main symptoms

So, if you have a sore throat, than treat it - a secondary issue. First you need to determine the cause of discomfort. Such a discomfort can be caused by bacteria, fungi and viruses. In addition, this reaction can be based on allergy, irritation, dry air, bad habits, hypothermia, weakening of immunity. However, such reasons are still secondary. Depending on the type of pathogen and the area to which it affects, distinguish and the main types of diseases:

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  • Laryngitis. It can occur both on a viral basis and with an overstrain of the ligaments of the throat, the complication extends to the laryngeal mucosa. The most characteristic sign is a change in the voice, the appearance of wheezing, in especially severe cases, the patient can not speak at all.
  • Pharyngitis. Such a disease in the people is also called inflammation of the pharynx, it is easy to recognize by the following symptoms: the pain appears after a cold, the change of voice is almost completely absent.
  • Angina. The official name is acute tonsillitis / tonsillitis. A similar phenomenon is accompanied by acute pain, alteration of the tonsils (increase in size, discoloration, appearance of plaque), fever, general weakness, rapid fatigue. The causative agent of angina is considered to be both bacteria and viruses.
  • Tracheitis. The problem area can be defined already by the name of the disease itself, a group of different viruses cause an inflammatory process in the trachea. To characterize the condition with such a problem may slightly elevated temperature (37-3,), frequent dry cough, sensation of edema and discomfort in the throat. In people this condition is often characterized as a lump in the throat.sore throat than to heal

Professionally diagnose a disease can only be an expert. Therefore, if you feel unwell, consult a doctor, and do not self-medicate. Remember, such actions will help you protect yourself from possible complications and solve the health problem in the shortest possible time.

How to start treatment

If for some reason you can not visit a polyclinic, then treatment should begin at home with improvised means. For starters, create the most comfortable conditions that will not contribute to the development of complications and pain. Refuse cold food, and even more drinks. Take care of the comfortable temperature of the food you eat. In order not to give yourself extra uncomfortable sensations, you can subject the products to additional processing, changing them to the state of mashed potatoes with a blender or meat grinder. Soft food does not hurt the sore throat, in addition, it is much easier to use.

Treatment available to pregnant women and children: rinse and inhalation

After that, you can go to the main question. Do you have a sore throat than treat it? In some cases, you can do without special medications and a doctor's examination. People's recipes will come to your aid, which can also be distinguished by good results. Their additional advantages include accessibility, budget and ease of use.

pregnancy hurts throat than cure

The simplest method is a different rinse. Perform this procedure should be at least 6 times a day, only in this case you can reduce discomfort and achieve the desired effect. To prepare a medicinal solution, you can use components such as:

  • soda;
  • pills furatsilina;
  • medicinal herbs (for example, calendula, chamomile and others);
  • hydrogen peroxide;
  • potassium permanganate and much more.

After rinsing, it is recommended that some time be refrained from eating food or liquids. This is necessary to ensure that the useful components of the solution have time to assimilate and have a beneficial effect on the throat.

The most appropriate method will be in such a state as pregnancy. "It hurts my throat, than to treat it? Girls in gynecology are often asked by gynecologists. It should be noted right away that there are few options. In addition to rinses, a lot of warm liquid is recommended. This will help speed up the process of removing the infection from the body and accelerate its recovery. In addition, inhalations based on sea water will also be superfluous. All these drugs are permissible even in such a state as pregnancy. Sore throat, than to treat it, if such events do not help? Then you have to go to the doctor, be sure, you should not run your health in any condition. By the way, such treatment is acceptable and safe for young children. However, if your baby is less than three years old, starting self-treatment is strongly discouraged. Coordinate your actions with a pediatrician.

When to visit a doctor

In which cases is the visit to the doctor mandatory? You can determine this need by focusing on the following symptoms:

  • Painful sensations persist for more than two days, despite the measures taken.
  • Painful sensations are extremely inconvenient, you can not eat, yawn, it's hard for you to talk.
  • There is a high body temperature, fever, chills.
  • Skin rashes appear.
  • General malaise.sore throat than to cure the medicine

In all these cases, it is best to ask the doctor: "Does it hurt the throat than to treat?" Medications are the answer you get. The easiest way to buy lollipop tablets. They are affordable, sold in any pharmacy and are as simple as possible when used. Typically, these products have a pleasant taste. The most well-known are such tools as "Septotelet" or "Tharyngept". Remember that, in addition to the appointment, the doctor must put you an accurate diagnosis, give advice, provide for possible complications. In addition, the pharmacy sells a variety of sprays for treating the throat and ready-to-use rinse solutions.

What are the cures for sore throats?

It is necessary to understand medicine well if you have a sore throat. Than to treat it or him and how tablets differ among themselves? Accepted to allocate the following groups of funds:

  • Antiseptics. Provide a quick, but usually superficial effect. Their main property is the temporary softening of the throat. They can not completely eliminate the virus, but they are perfectly spread out with possible bacteria.
  • Aesthetic. Also has a superficial effect, reduces pain, relieves irritation, helps with severe perspiration.
  • A combination medicine based on the properties of an antiseptic is most preferable.
  • Immunostimulant. It is aimed at increasing immunity, due to the increase in the body's strength, the patient can cope with the disease that has arisen.

The last item can be especially important if you have a sore throat. Than to treat it or him? The answer is simple: take care of your immunity. In this case, you will rarely get sick and recover much faster.

constantly sore throat than to heal

Folk recipes: original syrup

It happens that pills and proven drugs do not help. What to do in this situation, because it hurts the throat, than to treat? Medicines can offer you not only traditional, but folk medicine, sometimes they are even more effective and effective. To get rid of any pain in the throat will help the original syrup based on garlic and natural honey. Grind the first component, fill it with half a glass and lightly pour honey. The ingredients are heated on low heat for 15-20 minutes, and then cooled to re-manipulate. The received structure should be accepted on one spoon every hour.

Wonderful properties of medicinal herbs

Popular for combating diseases of the throat are all kinds of medicinal herbs. On their basis rinses, inhalations and various broths for reception inside are done. Many representatives of the world of flora have an excellent anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effect. These include eucalyptus, sage, oregano, coniferous trees, raspberry, horsetail, mint and all kinds of citrus. You can make up their own funds on their basis, or you can use the already prepared recipe. So, prepare berries of dogrose, motherwort, plantain, marigold and clover. Grind all ingredients and mix. Two tablespoons of this raw material should be poured into two glasses of boiling water. During the day, the agent will be infused at room temperature in a dark place. Then it can be used instead of tea and used to rinse your throat.

sore throat than to treat antibiotics

Basic rules of an integrated approach

What to do if you have a sore throat, pershit, than to treat it? Try an integrated approach: broth, inhalation and rinsing. Let's start with the last point of the treatment plan. Rub one small beet and add to it a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar. Such a saturated mass is recommended to gargle. After a while, the positive effect can be fixed by inhalation on herbs. For its preparation you will need an equal amount of chamomile, elderberry and linden flowers. Components should be mixed, chopped and pour a glass of boiling water. For 200 milliliters of water, you need only 20 grams of raw materials. The final step is to prepare a healing infusion. His recipe includes such original ingredients as thyme, chicory, walnut leaves and currants. All these herbal ingredients are boiled and insisted for several hours. After filtration, the drink is consumed in a dosage of 100 ml per day.

Classical recommendations for colds and sore throats

What actions should be taken if you have a common cold, sore throat. Than to treat it if temperature is not present, but unpleasant sensations are present. A powerful remedy is rinse based on a teaspoonful of sea salt and a couple drops of ordinary iodine. Perform the procedure every two hours - and very soon you will be able to note the positive effect. In addition, it is superfluous to add onion and garlic. These vegetables are powerful natural antiseptics, because quickly and reliably rid of bacteria inside the body. Use them as an additive to the main food, adding to soups, salads, second courses.

cold sore throat than cure

If your throat is red, it hurts, than to treat it? Try a delicious and healthy recipe based on natural honey. In a glass of warm, but not hot milk, add one tablespoon of this sweet remedy. You can use honey and without any additives, but remember, it should not be washed down with water. By the way, this remedy is effective not only for the treatment of the throat, but also for the general maintenance of the body during illness.

The condition of the cold is really very unpleasant, it hurts the throat, the rhinitis. Than to treat an illness? Try to improve your health with tea or a decoction, it will not only have an anti-inflammatory effect on the throat, but it also helps to minimize the signs of starting ARVI. It is recommended several times a day to use such drinks as green tea, broth of wild rose, black warm tea with honey or raspberries, water with lemon.

What if you have symptoms such as sore throat, cough? Than to treat this trouble? Be sure to try such a folk remedy, like butter. Cut a small piece of the product and slowly dissolve it. After drinking, do not drink for at least 30 minutes. Such a measure will reduce the perspiration in the throat, soften the mucous membrane.

We treat sore throat at home

If you have a sore throat, than treat it, because, most likely, begins angina. Begin the process of fighting the disease with classic rinsing solutions of herbs on alcohol, soda, salt. Perform such manipulations should be as often as possible, on average with interruptions of one hour. Classic tablets such as "Lizobakt" Stopangin "Pharyngosept" can help. But the most effective pharmaceutical means is "Lugol". To date, it is available as a spray or a solution for the treatment of glands. Such a tool is very affordable and allowed for use by children, as well as pregnant women. Before using the medication, it is recommended that you read the attached instructions. To treat a sick throat at an angina it is possible and by means of an ordinary zelenok.

In what cases are antibiotics prescribed?

However, it should be remembered that these measures are effective in the early stages of the development of angina, in the advanced stage without the use of special antibiotics can not do. What to do if time is lost, you have a sore throat, sore throat? Than to treat a similar status, the doctor will prompt only, he can define or determine a necessary dosage and a medicine. Most often the patient is prescribed such a remedy as "Amoxicillin". Do not self-cancel the appointment at the first sign of improvement, remember that antibiotics are used only by the course (for example, 5 or 7 days). Be sure to clarify the doctor about the need to use ancillary to normalize the microflora of the stomach, because specific drugs can have a negative impact on it.

very sore throat than to heal

Summing up: how to properly treat the throat

Let's summarize, if you have a fever, sore throat, what to treat it, what actions to take? Observe the following recommendations:

  • Reduce the load (do not talk, do not eat rough or cold food).
  • Give up smoking (at least for the period of illness).
  • Use a large amount of warm liquid (for example, teas, decoctions, fruit juice, compotes, it is best if the components of the drink are included with vitamin C).
  • Do not forget about regular gargling with special solutions.
  • Soften the throat with special pills, lozenges and lozenges.
  • With severe pain, do not forget to take a remedy that minimizes such feelings.
  • Visit a doctor.
  • Strengthen immunity (proper nutrition, abundance of vitamins).
  • Provide a rest for recovery.

If all the recommendations are followed, the unpleasant feelings will recede on the third or fourth day. If you have a very sore throat, than to treat? Antibiotics help cure the neglected form of the disease. Do not delay the trip to the doctor, take care of your health, otherwise you have a chance to earn various complications.

Prevention as the main cure for sore throat

Now you know what to do when you have a sore throat, what to treat it in an emergency situation, how to eliminate the symptoms accompanying the disease. It is time to talk about preventive measures, because it is much easier to prevent the problem, than to look for ways to solve it in the future. First of all, you should take care of the issue of air humidity in the room where you are most often (living room, office). Excessive dryness contributes to the development of various diseases, so you should buy and regularly use a special device - a moisturizer. In addition, it is recommended and periodically gargle with a solution of sea salt. Such an event is especially important during the cold, because it will help you to eliminate the inflammatory process at the very beginning. It would be superfluous to engage in special exercises, a set of procedures could be suggested by a therapist, but the most basic exercise is as follows:

  • Take a deep breath through your nose.
  • Slowly exhale through the mouth.
  • Repeat these manipulations for a couple of minutes.

If you have a sore throat, than treat it with folk remedies or tablets, in fact it is not so important, the main thing is to take adequate measures in time and not to let the disease progress. Observe the basic rules of prevention, follow the rules of comprehensive treatment and do not forget about the need for professional help. Be healthy!

Begins to hurt or be ill; be sick with a throat how quickly to cure ???



Tonsillitis is an inflammation of the tonsils, mostly palatines. Distinguish between acute tonsillitis (angina) and chronic. Frequent exacerbations of tonsillitis can lead to violations of the function of the heart, the appearance of pain in the joints. Tonsillitis is more common in children. Chronic tonsillitis occurs as a result of repeated angina and acute childhood infections.
Symptoms: Unpleasant sensations, pain in the throat, giving in the ears, sometimes the smell from the mouth. Often a prolonged temperature in the evenings, weakness, headache, disability.
Traditional methods of treatment: Flushing of the tonsils with antiseptic solutions (antibiotics). With complications - the removal of tonsils.
Unconventional and folk methods of treatment:
1) Take 4-5 chopped cloves of garlic and 2 tablespoons of dry shredded herb sage, pour 1L. boiling water, insist in a sealed container for 15 minutes, and cool at room temperature, strain. Take, 5 glasses 3-4 times a day and rinse with this infusion of the throat.
2) Conduct garlic irrigation of the tonsils. Squeeze a little fresh juice of garlic, apply it to the fingertips and grease this juice with tonsils. After this, this procedure can be repeated with the infusion of propolis. This is a very effective tool. Consider that the juice should be diluted with water a little.
3) For pain in the throat, pour a teaspoonful of baking soda and salt into a glass of warm boiled water and add a few drops of iodine. With this solution rinse throat. The pain can pass after 1 day of rinsing.
4) For the treatment of tonsillitis rub 1 glass of raw beets, pour 1 tablespoon of vinegar, insist, squeeze the juice with vinegar and rinse your mouth, throat and swallow a bit (1-2 tablespoons).
5) It is good to squeeze into the prepared dishes juice from 1 sheet of aloe. The age of the plant should be at least 2 years. Drink juice for 1 teaspoonful 1 time a day in the morning on an empty stomach. The course of treatment is 1 month.
6) In tonsillitis, lubricate palatine tonsils with aloe juice mixed with natural honey in the ratio: within 1 week.
7) Brew 1 cup of boiling 3-5 clove buds (spice), infuse 2 hours. Infusion to drink or all at once, or on, 5 glasses. The procedure can be carried out once a year as a treatment, as well as with preventive purposes.
8) Lubricate the tonsils with fleece impregnated with fir oil (sold at the pharmacy) 4-5 times a day. The course of treatment is 2-3 days. The effect is enhanced by simultaneously injecting 1 drop of this oil into each nostril at the same time. There may be unpleasant sensations, but they will pass in 10-15 minutes.
9) Collect the flowers of the potato, dry it in the shade. Boil 1 tablespoon of flowers in 1 glass of water. These solutions gargle 3 times a day for 10 days.
10) 4 teaspoons of the crushed dry leaves of a sage to make 2 glasses of boiled water, to insist 30 minutes and to filter. To apply for gargles of a throat 2-3 times a day.
11) 3-4 tablespoons of elderberry brew 1 cup of boiling water, boil for 5 minutes on low heat, cool and drain. Gargle as often as possible.
12) Mix 1 part of linden flowers and 2 parts of oak bark. Brew 1 cup of boiling water 1 tablespoon of the mixture, hold on low heat for 5 minutes and strain. Gargle by diluting the broth with honey.

Irina is the happiest

to eat lemon ...

Lyubov Chistyakova

do so half a teaspoon baking soda plus a little salt a little less than soda plus a drop of iodine on a glass of water and gargle every 2 hours


Antigrippin drink, is on sale in a drugstore, only drink at night (if in the daytime you will fall asleep all day), and in the morning you will wake up in a normal state

Anton Gulidine

A glass of tea, a spoonful of honey, a spoon of cognac and a spoonful of raspberry jam, do not go to the street after that. There is also a sprinkler in the pharmacies: Anti-angina is called, it's great, but it helps

Julia Khutornaia

rinse, as often as possible (every 1.5 - 2 hours), furacillin, licorice naked, etc., more warm liquid (tea with a lemon, fruit drinks), tap on the tonsils from the side of the neck, pastilles are all kinds of, sprinkle overnight with hexoral ...


Gargle with a decoction of chamomile. More often. It works very well.

Sergey Troshin

Sore throat is the first sign of a cold. It must be stopped as soon as possible, otherwise the infection will spread further, and there will be a runny nose and cough. Here are some effective ways.
The first helpers in the fight against infection are lollipops. Choose therapeutic sweets with mint or sage - they will cope with even such a serious infection as streptococci and pneumococci. Dissolve the candy slowly under the tongue, then the healing ingredients will soak in evenly and do not damage the stomach.
Be sure to caress your throat at least 3 times a day. Excellent help the broths of chamomile, sage, eucalyptus, calendula. Effective and a composition for rinsing: 1 tablespoon of salt dissolve in a glass of warm water. Then add 1 teaspoon of soda and 3 drops of iodine. Salt will pull the infection from the glands, iodine will disinfect, and soda will create an alkaline environment, which the virus does not tolerate.
Do not forget to take vitamins. They will increase the protective functions of the body.

To raise the immunity will help mulled wine. It's quite easy to cook it. Mix 200 g of dry red wine, 2 tablespoons of honey, a little cloves and cinnamon. Put the mixture on the fire and at the first signs of boiling turn it off. Drink in small sips. Such a cocktail stimulates the work of the bone marrow, and he accordingly produces cells of immunity.
If your temperature is normal, you can get your feet stuck. Reflexologists say that the throat is connected by energy channels with legs. So, after warming up the lower limbs, you automatically warm up your throat.
Even better, if you go to the bath. Take with you an eucalyptus broom. In the steam room, warm it up, bring it to your face and inhale the healing aroma. In a few minutes, essential oils will relieve pain and inflammation.
From the hoarseness and pain in the throat will help breathing exercises. Try to breathe at the same time with your nose and mouth. They say that even opera singers are saved from unpleasant sensations before the concert begins.


If you still can not recover, drink Insti and all the problems disappear. Well, if after that it will continue to hurt, go better to the doctor!

Vladimir Nabiullin

Rinse with rotokanom like not disgusting and very effective
Rotokan in the pharmacy

Throat throat: what to do and how to treat hoarseness of voice in an adult

The slowness of the voice, dry cough in an adult with a cold does not surprise anyone - these are typical symptoms of diseases of the upper respiratory tract.

But not always hoarse voice in an adult appears only because of this. In fact, there are other reasons why the hoarse throat.

Which ones, what treatment is required, how quickly to restore the voice at home?

The answers to these questions are especially important, if the adult's work depends on the voice, it is necessary to treat such a phenomenon.

Causes of hoarseness

Causes of hoarsenessWhy does the voice become hoarse or disappear at all? Physiologically this is explained as follows: either the vocal cords are irritated, and then the voice sounds hoarse, or the pathologies of the larynx develop, and then hoarseness occurs.

Treatment is required different. Therefore, if the throat rises more than two weeks, the voice is almost gone, there is reason for concern and visits to the doctor.

The most common causes of hoarseness are as follows:

  1. Inflammation of the larynx caused by viral or bacterial infections. Most often it is with a cold or flu that it hurts and wheezes your throat. Also there is a dry cough, the temperature can rise. If other cold symptoms have already passed, but the voice has not recovered, laryngitis is diagnosed - the chronic form often has to be treated with antibiotics.
  2. Overvoltage of the vocal cords. It is often enough to shout loudly once or sing a song to permanently disrupt the voice. Also, the voice grows hoarse and disappears from those who regularly load the voice apparatus - from speakers, lecturers, speakers. Treatment can be done at home, without loading the vocal cords and rinsing.
  3. Bad habits. Alcohol and smoking greatly affect the vocal cords. If a person used alcohol on the eve of the day, do not be surprised that in the morning his voice was gone and his throat hurt. If you get rid of bad habits, the voice will recover by itself. Only in advanced cases requires special treatment.
  4. Nervous stress. If a person is very nervous or frightened, his voice may be lost. Cure such a phenomenon can be with the help of sedatives and complete rest for the vocal cords - you can not even speak in a whisper.
  5. Pathology of internal organs, dysfunction of the thyroid gland, neoplasm in the larynx. These are the most serious reasons for the scaling of the voice, the treatment will take a long, probably surgical operation, which will help to get rid of hoarseness.

The reasons for a hoarse voice can be far from being innocent and safe, as it may seem at first glance.

Therefore, if there was a cough, the voice changed, there are other alarming symptoms, a visit to the doctor should not be postponed.

How to cure cough, sore throat and hoarseness quickly

ErespalIf the voice is gone, there is a cough, a sore throat, you should quickly contact an otolaryngologist - he will select the appropriate treatment and will consult what to do and how to get rid of unpleasant symptoms.

If you choose the right medicine and do all the procedures prescribed by your doctor, the laryngitis treatment will take 7 to 10 days. You can treat hoarseness by such means:

  • Erespal in syrup or tablets - this drug removes the inflammation of the larynx, swelling, promotes the expansion of bronchial lumens;
  • Miramistin is a potent antiseptic, in the pharmacy you can buy it in the form of a spray or laryngeal solution;
  • Falimint, Septotelet - tablets and troches for resorption, help to treat sore throat and cough, restore voice;
  • Bioparox, Ingalipt - with the help of these aerosol and inhaler you can eliminate all the symptoms of laryngitis - sore throat, dry cough, - and restore the voice;
  • Lugol is also an antiseptic solution for treating the inflamed larynx.

If the voice is lost, treatment with folk remedies can be effective. But you still need to consult a doctor. Sometimes, to cure a cough, sore throat, hoarseness requires antibiotics. But such treatment can appoint only a doctor-otolaryngologist, if it is precisely established that the cause of infection is a bacterial infection.

Treat laryngitis depending on the pathogen can be drugs such as Augmentin, Amoxiclav, Ceftriaxone, Aksetin, Cefixim, Summed, Clarithromycin. They destroy bacteria and thereby quickly and effectively eliminate inflammation, sore throat, hoarseness and hoarseness. But it is impossible to make appointments for oneself, as antibiotics are effective and safe only with a properly formulated treatment regimen.

It should also be noted that there is no universal medicine that would quickly help every patient if his voice was gone.

Therefore, do not trust the advertising and advice of friends, what helped cure laryngitis to them, may be ineffective and even harmful.

How to cure a hoarse voice with folk remedies

How to cure a hoarse voice with folk remediesGet rid of hoarseness and hoarseness of the voice can be through various rinses and inhalations based on herbs and other natural products.

But we must understand that it is impossible to cure bacterial infection with folk remedies.

If there is no temperature, you can do inhalation with a cough, using such proven folk recipes:

  1. A solution of soda and sea salt - for 5-6 liters of hot water at a temperature of not more than 60 degrees should take one tablespoon of components.
  2. Leaves of eucalyptus - for the same amount of water you need to take two tablespoons of a medicinal plant.
  3. A decoction of sage, chamomile and calendula. Herbs are mixed in equal proportions, then a tablespoon of collection is poured into a glass of boiling water and infused under the lid for an hour. The broth is filtered and added to hot water for inhalation.

Another accessible and tried-and-tested recipe for ages is the gogol-mogol. This tool can be treated even completely missing voice, it is very popular with opera singers whose vocal cords receive regularly enormous loads. But, of course, the gogol-mogul acts as a home medicine of local action, it can not neutralize microbes.

Prepare it this way:

  • Smash 1-2 eggs, separate the yolks and transfer them to a blender;
  • Add a tablespoon of sugar and beat until a foamy mass without grains is obtained;
  • Pour two tablespoons of warm milk, add as much honey and whisk a little more;
  • If desired, flavor rum or cognac.

But gogol-mogol can be used to treat a hoarse voice can only be used by people who do not have allergies to raw eggs and honey. As an alternative remedy, traditional medicine recommends juice of raw beet for rinsing or syrup from the juice of black radish and honey. It also quickly recovers the voice of warm milk with burgers from a cough or with soda, details about the loss of voice in the video in this article.

It hurts my throat how quickly to cure


Jason Bouzynin

urine rats

karaoke here

vodka with salt




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Powders such as rinza sip, tea with honey (just honey for the night is also good), rinse with soda. If the disease is contagious, then rinse with furacilin, antibiotics.

basil of rue

Sea salt, rinse it, or drink vodka with salt.

Dmitry L

buy lugol solution and anoint your throat 2-3 times

Sergey Romanovich

To begin umifenovir (arbidol / arpeflju) inside, rinse every hour, to splash with an amino acid


you can remove the symptoms, and quickly cure will not work. rinse with soda throughout the day, warm drink abundantly, a throat spray or a local antibiotic bioparox

Ivan Krotov


Alena Kovalchuk

Usually if I have a sore throat I eat honey then do not drink water for 15-30 minutes. I drink an hour with mint.

Egor Smirnov

Quickly eat ice cream.

Olga Marenkova

If the throat hurts the rinsing is frequent and everything, no arbidols and other fuflomitsyn are needed.

How can ODS be cured quickly? chen sore throat cough and runny nose, how can you fix the situation for about a day for 2?





We drink Rinz. Passes quickly.

Elena Lisovskaya (Aktanova)

Antiviral only Remantadin real. Take the scheme specified in the instructions. If you get sick yesterday or today, it will help you quickly.


if it is mainly in the throat - rinse it every 30-40 minutes. A warm solution of furatsilina, soda with salt, soda with 2-3 drops of iodine, herbal tea (chamomile, calendula).
Runny nose - it is good to wash your nose at least 3 times a day with a solution of sea salt or furatsilinom.
Cheaply and efficiently.
But if the temperature - to the doctor!

Tatyana Fedosova

Inflammatory process in the body lasts at least 7 days, the laws of pathophysiology, so that before you can not cope. Remantadine acts only on influenza viruses, and even then not always because of the high resistance of the virus to the drug. Other respiratory viruses are not sensitive to it. Various complex preparations based on paracetamol (koldreks, rinza idr. ) reduce only the manifestations of the disease, they do not act on the cause. It makes sense to take them only at high temperature. Be treated at home as it should, until full recovery. From antiviral it is possible to try or taste kagocel, viferon. Although you can do without them, it depends on the severity of the disease.


Antiviral drugs treat only viruses, but you need Lavomax immunostimulating. I tried it on myself, it works right away


Antigrippin Maximum, this is certainly not a magic wand, but in three days removes all unpleasant symptoms, but what is most noteworthy is that the drug not only cleans the symptoms, but also cures. I was satisfied. She took capsules, because it was convenient to take medicine at work. Recover and strengthen the immune system.
Good luck!

How can I quickly cough a cough and runny nose

Knowing how quickly to cure a cough and runny nose is simply necessary, especially in the spring-autumn period. Temperature changes, sharp thaws and cold snaps can cause unpleasant diseases even in people with a very stable immune system. Especially predisposed to frequent colds and cough are children, the elderly or people already already suffering from chronic diseases.

The problem of a strong cough

Cough and coryza treatment alone

Having discovered the malaise, the first prerequisites, indicating the appearance of a cough or sputum, associated with a common cold, you must immediately begin treatment. Even with immediate response, the disease stops only on day 5. Recollecting that it's time to take some measures, too late, stretching the "pleasure" of treatment will take several weeks.

The problem of the common cold

If a person does not have serious illnesses, and cough and runny nose has a clearly catarrhal character, you can try to do without "chemistry using exclusively folk remedies. But if the process is delayed, and the patient has not felt improvements in health, the temperature in the evenings of the beginning to rise, reaching 38 degrees, an appeal to a doctor and a strong prescription prescribed by him simply certainly.

Additional caution: self-medication is possible only with those components for which the diseased adult or child does not have allergies. The first steps to recovery should be a daily wet cleaning of the room, where the patient is isolated from the rest of the household. If possible, all objects that act as dust collectors are removed: soft toys, carpet paths, decorative pillows, figurines, books. So, humidification of air and cleaning will take a few minutes, which is important not only for the patient, but also for the family member caring for him.

Rhinitis and cough are effectively treated if all methods of traditional medicine are used at once:

  • abundant drinking;
  • decoctions, tinctures;
  • inhalation, rinsing;
  • compresses, cans.
The benefits of inhalation for cough and cold

After isolating the patient, it is necessary to prepare him a drink consisting of ripe berries of raspberries and viburnum (:). In fact, it is a compote, which can be further sweetened with honey instead of sugar. Drink can not be sugary and sweet, eliminating it will help a few drops of lemon juice.

No less effective is drinking from milk, a spoonful of oil and a few drops of juice of the bulb.The product is not very pleasant to taste, but it perfectly eliminates headaches, helps to fight with a cough and abundant rhinitis.

To ease the breathing will help and tincture of crimson stems. Only the tops of the plant are used, which are crushed for the speed of the preparation of the drink. A small amount of the mixture is poured already with hot water, and then boiled for an additional 20 minutes. The mixture is filtered, carefully poured into a thermos bottle and infused for about 1.5 hours. A day should drink no more than 1 cup of tincture.

Available cough and cough medicines

When treating children, you can do a little trick, which many parents resort to. It is known that babies can be capricious for hours so as not to eat raw onions, garlic. But their use is very desirable: the bactericidal properties of these plants are known for centuries. The trick is that the chopped onion and several cloves of garlic on the plate are put on the cupboard so that the child does not see it. The smell in the room will be a bit specific, but, in combination with frequent airing and wet cleaning, this method will help to get better quickly even without medications.

The use of sage for rhinitisP

In rhinitis or even the slightest hint of a possible diagnosis, it is necessary to do inhalations. And in this case the potato is recognized as the most effective in the people. Small potatoes or cleaning are cooked to full preparedness, the pan with them is transferred to the patient, and he, having covered his head with a towel or a dense tissue, should inhale the steam. A modern, supplemented interpretation of this procedure is the addition to the potatoes during the cooking of the leaves of eucalyptus and thyme, and immediately before inhalation a little fir oil. If the rhinitis in the initial stage, there will be abundant discharge, and it will recede.

For a daily rinse of the throat, you can prepare a well-known soda solution: a spoonful of soda for 150-200 g of warm water. For greater efficiency, it is alternated with a decoction prepared from chamomile and sage, the anti-inflammatory properties of which help get rid of not only cough, but in parallel and from the cold. Herbs are mixed, one serving is enough to use 1 spoon, and pour boiling water. After 20 minutes, rinse is ready, you just need to wait until his temperature drops to an acceptable level and start rinsing.

Too strong, debilitating cough will soften honey, mixed: with butter. Take the mixture with a small spoon, holding in the mouth until it is completely absorbed.

With a cold, it is necessary to warm up, for which alcohol is used, mixed with castor oil. The mixture is rubbed into the back and chest of the patient with massage non-intensive movements. After the skin becomes pink, you need to carefully cover the area of ​​massage. If the rub was performed on the chest, the evaporation of alcohol and oil will alleviate even the runny nose, although the remedy is recommended for coughing.

The most common cabbage helps fight colds, if you smear it with liquid honey, put it on your chest and insulate with food film.

Compress will not cause discomfort, and therefore it is desirable that he was on his chest for about 12 hours.

Use of medicines for colds

Cold drops

With a dry and very intense cough, it is advisable for children to purchase special lollipops in the pharmacy, "Doctor Mom" ​​pastilles. Adults will benefit from pharmacy products:

  • Tusuprex;
  • Glaucine;
  • Libexin;
  • Sinecod.

Excellent cleansing of the lungs and relief from coughing will provide "Khaliksol "Bromhexine" and for a long time known to all mukaltin.

In the fight against sputum during cough, Ambroxol, Lazolvan, and Acetylcysteine ​​are effective. The drugs have an excellent anti-inflammatory effect on the body, so that together with a cough passes and a cold.

Counteracting a cough, one should not forget about the common cold, which must also be urgently cured. Since ordinary sprays only relieve temporary symptomatology, being vasoconstrictive, and some of them cause later chronic rhinitis, doctors are increasingly advised to resort to them only in extreme cases: this is Galazolin, Xylen, Sanorin, Ximelin, Naphthysine.


Runny nose is easy to defeat by washing, solutions for which are sold in pharmacies. These are the medicines Saline, Otrivin, Aqualor, Aquamaris, Dolphin, the use of which is effective only with systematic application. Manufacturers have developed a special series of the same medicines for babies, which are simply identified by a special "Baby" note to the name. If the disease is not started, you can use the usual sea salt without the additives in the form of flavors, bought there, and make a solution yourself, making sure that it is not too salty.

It is advisable to resort only to the means created from plants. The medicine Pinosol, containing the oil of such plants as eucalyptus, mountain pine and mint, as well as vitamin E.


However, self-treatment is dangerous enough if the process lasts more than 5 days, and relief does not come. In cases of infants, pregnant women and the elderly, even this time is not worth waiting. Treatment should be conducted only with the use of drugs prescribed by a doctor.

How to quickly cure angina and cough?





angina - spray STOP ANGIN, cough - doctor IOM


Be sure to drink antibiotic - tsiprolet, flemoxin, etc. (if it's a sore throat), rinse your throat with herbs (sage, chamomile), suckling pills-anthy-angin (better if in tab. contains chlorhexidine) and the like. Pryskay in the throat-hexoral, bioporaks (stronger than cf-in). Cough-any medicines for coughing (adults are well helped by broncholitin), sage-based sage-based tablets, rubbing ointment, for example, by a doctor (if there is no tempo) on the area of ​​the chest and feet. Angina always gives a high temperature of 38. If there is no such temperature, then this is fahrenheit or tonsillitis (you do not need to drink antibiotics), enough of a bioprotox. And in general address to the doctor

Maria Saplinova

And who gave you the diagnosis? You understand what the thing is, the pain in the throat is not equal to the sore throat.
Antibiotics in our country are still prescribed by doctors, self-medication in this case leads only to sitting in a sad queue to the gastroenterologist.
If I understood correctly, and you have ARD, while it hurts your throat and has a cough, then: lie in bed in your toes, measure temperature (knock down if the column begins to approach closely to 39 degrees), gargle, sucking herbal pills - I am for. When the doctor's temperature is high at home.

Nadezhda Pinchuk

Shoulder shoulders. Touch your shoulders, they are tough. And should be soft.
Hand behind your back reach the spine as best you can. Stroking movements of the left and right hand from the spine to the neck.

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