Sore throat then disappeared voice how to treat

Missing voice sore throat: causes and treatment

If the voice is gone, the throat hurts, we start treatment almost immediately, but do not even think that with the same symptoms, very different diseases can occur.

What can cause loss of voice and sore throat

A small number of people can safely say that they never suffered from a sore throat. Painful sensations can be accompanied by severe burning, or simply discomfort, which occurs, for example, when talking.The causative agents of the pain can be normal bacteria and viral infections, which are transmitted to our body as a result of ingestion of air and food intake.

Speaking of loss of voice and sore throat as infectious consequences, they can be symptoms of some kind of illness. At the same time, there may be:
  • cough;
  • coryza;
  • headache;
  • elevated temperature;
  • rash on the skin;
  • Weakened state;
  • decreased appetite.

The most common source of loss of voice and sore throat is a viral infection, which subsequently engenders a viral illness:

  • flu;
  • ARVI;
  • mononucleosis;
  • chickenpox;
  • other viral diseases.
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In those cases, if the loss of voice and sore throat are caused by bacteria, the painful sensations start unexpectedly and immediately very painful.

The most famous bacterial infection of the throat is streptococcal infection. When breathing is broken through the nose and the person breathes through the mouth, the pain can occur due to the effects of air. It can be dry or too cold. Also can have in its composition smoke, dust, chemical compounds. Thus, the mucous membrane dries, irritation occurs and discomfort, pain, and loss of voice occur. If the sore throat and loss of voice are one of the main symptoms, then, basically, it is accompanied by fever.

Diseases and their treatment

There are a number of diseases in which a sore throat and loss of voice are the main symptoms.

Pharyngitis is accompanied by perspiration, dryness, and sore throat. If the disease with pharyngitis, the general condition of a person is stable, then you can do without the use of antibiotics. It is recommended to take hot foot baths, apply warming compresses on the neck, drink plenty of milk with honey, rinse your throat and apply inhalation with steam.

Angina is accompanied by a strong, burning pain in the throat. After a full examination and a thorough examination, the doctor prescribes antibiotics. Do not self-medicate. To reduce the likelihood of getting complications, the patient needs to adhere to bed rest. You can not eat spicy, heavy food. It is necessary to drink more a warm liquid, for example, tea with lemon, milk with honey, broth, kissel. Speeding up the recovery will help rinse your throat, inhalation and use of aerosols.

With laryngitis, changes in the voice are observed, namely, rudeness, hoarseness, and sometimes even a voice can disappear.

If the general condition is satisfactory during the course of the disease, bed rest is not prescribed. Completely silent is not necessary, but the conversation in a whisper is very annoying speech device. From consumed food you need to remove soda, alcohol and irritating food. In the treatment of this disease include inhalation nebulizer, which includes alkaline mineral water, decoctions of medicinal plants, antibacterial agents, decongestants. Sometimes used electrophoresis. If laryngitis acts as a symptom of ARVI, then the underlying disease is treated.

Laryngitis can be chronic. Cure in this case is very difficult process, because can develop malignant tumors. Patients are assigned bed rest.

In the treatment of catarrhal laryngitis, infusions are administered on the basis of a mixture of medicinal antibiotics with hormones of corticosteroids and enzymes. Surgery, such as endoscopy and moxibustion, is also possible.

In atrophic laryngitis, inhalations, including menthol, iodine, are used.

The parathonsillar abscess is a purulent inflammation of the tissues that are located next to the tonsils. Abscess is a complication due to angina or chronic tonsillitis. As a rule, the paratonsillar abscess has a one-sided development. When the patient is already recovering from a sore throat or after an exacerbation of chronic tonsillitis, pain can occur when swallowing on one side. The nature of the pain is much stronger than with angina, and gives into the jaw and the auricle. In some cases, edema is so powerful that breathing can be difficult.

Unlike angina, it is impossible to cure an abscess at home. If you do not heal an abscess, then spontaneous dissection is possible. In this case, pus may not come out completely, and as a result, inflammation will again occur. Dangerous consequences are infection of the blood and phlegmon of the neck.
Only a specialist should open the parathonsillar abscess.

Recommendations of doctors

As mentioned above, self-medication can not be done. But what to do if as a result of a cold you have a voice, and at the same time sore throat? Run to the doctor. He will be able to prescribe the right medicines. In general, doctors prescribe complex treatment.

First of all, inhalations are prescribed. This method works like this: in a large saucepan pour boiling water and drip a couple of droplets of oil from eucalyptus or sage. We inhale steam through the mouth, and exhale through the nose. At the same time you need to cover your head with a towel and bend over a bowl.

In case you felt a slight perspiration or hoarseness in your voice, you immediately need to apply lugol solution. You need to take a cotton wand and dip it into the solution. Wipe it with the back of the throat, tonsils and the area that is inflamed.

Everyone knows that it is possible to cure a sore throat by using a warm liquid. But this is not coffee or tea, but special medicines. For example, you can brew grass or do mors.

It is necessary to use an antiallergic agent. The funds from this group help in removing the swelling of the throat, including the ligaments. Use these drugs is recommended at night.

Folk ways of treating sore throat

In the days of our great-grandmothers, traditional medicine was not very developed. Therefore, for colds, everyone resorted to folk remedies:

If the throat hurts and the voice is gone, honey is the best assistant. To save yourself from the pain in your throat, you do not need any medicine. Having honey at home, you can avoid this problem. You need only 1 tbsp spoon to dissolve in warm water, and add the lemon juice. Taking such a potion, you can feel relief in a couple of hours.

You can make tea from the grass. Prepare such medicinal teas is not difficult. Decoction of licorice grass and a decoction of rye elm have anti-inflammatory effect.

If the pain in the throat is a consequence of allergy or irritation with dry air, then you can gargle with a saline solution or a soda solution.

To cure angina, you can make apple cider vinegar. To do this, take a teaspoon of vinegar and a glass of water, and mix. Gargle every hour.

Given that the diseased ligaments also need to rest, you need to "play in silence." You can, if necessary, talk in a whisper.

Effectively and the use of potato juice. Raw potatoes are grated and squeezed through gauze. Freshly squeezed juice gargle three to four times a day, be sure after eating.

The use of egg syrup also helps to cope with the problem. A couple of egg yolks mix with sugar and whisk. In this mass, add 40-50 g of melted butter. It is necessary to dissolve this mixture in the amount of a tablespoon every hour.


To restore the voice, apart from treatment, one should adhere to a sparing regimen, rest, do not strain, because this can further aggravate the disease. But how to treat this manifestation, can tell only the doctor after the examination.

The throat hurts and the voice was gone. The better to rinse?


Anyuta Pilipenko

Furacelin should not be rinsed (it can further increase the contamination by bacteria). You can use Chlordesedin for external use (it is already ready, you do not need to dilute) or 1% alcohol solution of Chlorophyllipt (according to instructions). Soda + salt + iodine, this is the so-called sea water.. too it is possible, but it is better at purulent processes.




Honey, tea with raspberry liter, under 2 blankets and sweat, you will be like a new one


make inhalation with chamomile, drink hot milk and butter, rinse with margontsovka (just look so that the solution was ooooch weak)


Soda + salt + iodine, every 2 hours. And even better than inhalation!


For a glass of warm water 1h. spoon of salt, 1 h. a spoonful of soda, 1-2 drops of iodine.

marco rationalist

Furatsilinom, you can and soda but the first is better.

Arkady Redko

To relieve pain - make a solution with propolis (tincture of propolis sold in a pharmacy 80%) a teaspoon of a glass of water and rinse. To have a voice, shut up for a week.


The tea tree oil and Malavita solution every 2 hours alternately


on a glass of water a teaspoonful of soda and 2 drops (by no means more) of iodine. and rinse. I have a couple of times during the winter, the voice disappears (chronic. ) This is the only thing I'm saving, I did not have a vote for a week or two, but now it's back in a day. my friend's grandmother once advised. thank her very much


Laryngitis is an inflammation of the larynx that occurs most often with acute respiratory viral infection, influenza and other infectious diseases, as well as as a result of voice overexertion.
Symptoms: Changing the voice from mild hoarseness to total loss, coughing, dryness, sore throat. Sometimes a slight fever, a headache.
Traditional methods of treatment: Home mode, silence, warming compress on the neck, expectorant medicine. Avoid too cold, hot and spicy food.
Unconventional and folk methods of treatment:
1) Carrot juice mixed with honey in the ratio:. Take 1 tablespoon 4-5 times a day. Grated carrots, cooked in milk, take on, -1 glass 3 times a day.
2) In hoarseness, it is recommended to eat as much as possible cooked garlic for a couple.
3) Pour 5-6 crushed cloves of garlic 1 cup of milk, boil, cool and strain. Take 1 tablespoon several times a day.
4) Take 3 teaspoons of chopped onion peel, pour, l. water, allow to boil and insist for 4 hours, then drain and use to rinse the throat.
5) Medium-sized bulb to peel, cut, add 2 teaspoons of sugar and pour, 5 glasses of water. Boil the mixture until tender. The mixture should thicken at the same time. Mix this mixture with honey in the ratio:. Take 1 tablespoon 3-4 times a day for 30 minutes before eating.
6) Good results are obtained by rinsing the throat with fresh potato juice, which is carried out regularly 3-4 times a day.
7) Grate the beetroot on a small grater and squeeze out a glass of juice. In it, pour 1 tablespoon of vinegar. Gargle 3-4 times a day, while drinking 1 sip of this remedy.
8) Grind 2 egg yolks of a raw egg with white sugar, add butter and take between meals. Helps with hoarseness.
9) Boil 2 tablespoons of dried white grapes in 1 glass of water. Add 1 tablespoon of onion juice. Take a glass, 3 times a day, in a warm form, you can with honey. Helps with hoarseness.
10) Infusion of the leaves of plantain large mixed with an equal volume of honey and cook for 20 minutes. Take 1 tablespoon 2-3 times a day.
11) Take 10gr. bark of the viburnum and oak bark. Collect 1 pint of cold water and boil for 20 minutes. Insist 1 hour. Do inhalation and gargle.
12) Inhalation with essential oils of mint, thyme, eucalyptus.


A solution of calendula tincture, a couple drops of valerian!

Elena Ivanova

Tongselgon !!

Tatiana Timoshenko

Furacilin helps me ...


Milk is hot and honey !!!


all life is saved by inhalation of salt-soda-iodine in a saucepan with boiling water and covered with a blanket, inhaling deeply, and you can also boil potatoes and breathe over tubers in the same way under the blanket.


me helps furatsilin, or water a little salt, iodine and soda.


Gargle with a strong solution of salt and (or) soda.


Physical blocking
The throat is the anterior part of the neck, which contains the beginning of the esophagus and the respiratory tract. The throat connects the nasal cavity with the larynx and the mouth - with the esophagus. It plays an important role in the processes of breathing, speech and swallowing.
Emotional blocking
As you already understood, the throat is a very important organ in the life of a person. Throat diseases have three basic metaphysical meanings. If the pain in the throat is accompanied by difficulty breathing, it says that there are few aspirations in a person's life. Cm. also an article LIGHT (PROBLEMS).
If the pain in the throat stops talking, article LARYNGIT.
If we are talking about the feeling of DARKNESS, if a person feels that they took him by the throat, then someone forces him to do something or say, He feels that he is being pressured.
If a person feels a sore throat when swallowing, he should ask himself the following question: "What situation is the moment difficult to swallow at the moment? What piece does not climb into my throat? "Perhaps this is some kind of strong emotion or unwillingness to accept a person or a new idea. This difficulty causes anger and aggressiveness in the person facing him or against another person. Often, when a piece does not climb into the throat, a person feels like a victim and takes the position of "poor me, unhappy."
Mental blockage
It is in the throat is the center responsible for creativity; so if you have a sore throat, you must give yourself the right to create and do whatever you want, not. treading on his throat, not blaming himself and not being afraid to disturb others. Instead of being angry with yourself for an incorrect decision or an ill-considered act, learn to accept with love what you create. Only beats can reveal your personality.
I will give an example from my personal life. Several times my throat began to ache much before public speaking; it was difficult for me swallow this pill - the need for five consecutive evenings to speak at conferences or lectures overtime. It seemed to me that my body told me that it was too much work and I began to feel sorry for myself. In fact, it told me that I myself, without any coercion, made such a schedule. The pain disappeared as soon as I decided to hold all the conferences and lectures with love, no matter how hard it was for me.
It is interesting to note that the throat connects the heart and the head, or, at the metaphysical level, the love of self and I am. Creating your life in accordance with your true needs, you realize your individuality, your I am, you open up abundance. Therefore, if you allow yourself to build your life at your own discretion, this will help you develop your creative abilities. Do what you think is necessary, even if you know that some of the people around you may not like it.
If you feel that you were taken by the throat, know that this is just your perception of the situation. No one can take you by the throat unless you yourself allow it. Do not worry that some people can become for you pieces that do not climb into your throat, that you can not control them. Those who seek to control others do not have the energy or the time to build their own lives.
Spiritual blockage and conclusion
In order to understand the spiritual blockage that interferes with meeting the important need of your true self, ask yourself the questions listed in the UNLOCKING section. The answers to these questions will allow you, not only to more accurately determine the real cause of your physical problem, but also to eliminate it.

Help!!! How to treat laryngitis (inflammation of the vocal cords) Generally, the voice was gone


Ksenia Malakhova

At me before a new year such happened all has tried and drink and rinsings and rest of sheaves, and the voice does not come back and to me have advised an anise, it is possible to make seeds and to drink, but I bought essential oil in the pharmacy and made inhalations over a saucepan, after the first the voice began to erupt and in a day I was heard, only the timbre was slightly lower than mine normal. But then everything fell into place. So I recommend - it is checked!


Voice calm is a must! Alkaline warm drink (milk with soda or mineral water), inhalations with herbs. But voice peace is the most important thing

Anechka Weisblech

treat, first of all, eliminating its causes. Patient for 5-7 days should not talk loudly, smoke, drink alcoholic beverages, spicy food. Recommended mustard plasters on the sternum or warming compress on the neck, warm alkaline drink, rinse the throat with chamomile broths, sage, oil-alkaline inhalations. With signs of a violation of breathing, distracting therapy is shown (hot foot baths, mustard calves for calf muscles, etc.). Medicamental treatment has a number of side effects, weighting the prognosis


ingalaciya ADRENALINOM


Treatment of laryngitis with folk remedies.
Laryngitis is an inflammation of the laryngeal mucosa that occurs most often in acute catarrh of the upper respiratory tract, influenza and other infections, and as a result of voice overexertion.
(Depending on the degree of inflammation, the voice changes from mild hoarseness to its loss, coughing, dryness, sore throat. Sometimes the temperature rises slightly, the head hurts. Chronic laryngitis occurs in smokers, alcoholics, people whose work is associated with occupational hazards).
Recipes of traditional medicine
used for laryngitis:
1. The kernel of apricot seeds in the form of an emulsion (better in complex with others. medicinal plants) is recommended for taking with laryngitis, whooping cough and others. diseases. Prepare an emulsion of 20-30 seeds, eat 3-4 times a day.
2. Rhizomes of calamus aiara in the form of a hot infusion are used to rinse the mouth with laryngitis and stomatitis.
Infusion: 1-2 teaspoons of rhizomes insist 3-5 hours in a glass of boiling water, heat and rinse your mouth.
3. Leaves of blackberry bluish in the form of condensed hot infusion are used to rinse the mouth and throat with angina, laryngitis and stomatitis.
Preparation of the present: 1-2 tbsp. Spoons of herbs insist an hour in a glass of boiling water, warm up and rinse your mouth.
4. Good results for acute and chronic laryngitis give a treatment with honey: inhalation, applique, and ingestion. For inhalations, a 30% solution of honey in water is used. At home, a teapot with a small amount of water is used for this purpose. The kettle is put on the included hot plate. Put a rubber tube on the tip of the kettle and gently inhale the water vapor with honey. As the solution cools down in the kettle, it is heated periodically. The duration of such inhalation is 15-20 minutes, it is better to do it at night. Honey by inhalation and ingestion up to 100 g. a day used for a variety of diseases of the respiratory tract - laryngitis, rhinitis, sinusitis, tracheitis, etc.
5. Garlic sowing is used to treat sore throat, laryngitis and throat tuberculosis.
Application: a clove of garlic bite and hold (sucking the juice) in the mouth for as long as possible, followed by repeated repetition. Aim: juice and essential oils tend to thaw the throat and this cures diseases.
6. The rhizome of calamus, the rhizome of the cinquefoil erect, the inflorescences of chamomile - equally.
Decoction: 1-2 teaspoons of the collection is insisted for 3 hours in a glass of boiling water, boiled for 10 minutes and used to rinse the mouth and throat with angina, laryngitis and stomatitis.
7. Buckwheat flowers, poppy flowers, mother-and-stepmother flowers, herbs of the lungwort, flowers of the forest marshmallow are all 10 g. Infusion: 4 tbsp. spoon collection insist 2-3 hours in, l of boiling water and drink with honey to taste 1 / 2-2 / 3 cup warm infusion 3-4 times a day before meals with laryngitis, catarrh of throat and throat voice.
8. Nettle leaves - 20 grams, rhizome rootstocks erect - 15 grams, chopped dill fruits - 10 grams, sage leaves medicinal - 20 g.
Infusion: Art. spoon collection insist 1-2 hours in a glass of boiling water and use in a hot form for mouthwash with angina, laryngitis and stomatitis.


One of the directions of treatment is the elimination of the causes that caused the disease. For complete rest of the larynx within 57 days, the patient is advised not to talk. It is forbidden to smoke, drink alcohol. It is also necessary to exclude spicy seasonings, spices. Useful warm drink (milk, mineral water), rinsing the throat with decoction of chamomile or sage, warm alkaline inhalation, inhalation of aerosols of antibiotics, heat on the neck (bandage or warming compress), hot foot baths (1 tbsp. l. dry mustard for 5 liters of hot water).
For inhalations, it is advisable to use a conventional steam or ultrasonic inhaler. However, thermal inhalations can be carried out at home and in their absence. For carrying out steam inhalation it is possible to adjust a pan in which 45 glasses of water is heated with addition in her various drugs that cause a mild anti-inflammatory effect (510 drops of 510% tincture of iodine, 12 Art. l. crushed eucalyptus leaves, 1 hour. l. eucalyptus, menthol or anise oil). A tight cone-shaped funnel is folded out of thick paper, the wide end of which is tightly covered with a saucepan, while the patient breathes through the narrow end of the funnel inserted into the mouth. You can also breathe the steam over the pot with a wide towel or sheet. In all cases, the patient's mouth to the exit point of the steam should be 2030 cm, bearing in mind that the greater the distance, the lower the vapor temperature. These thermal inhalations should be carried out for 5 minutes several times a day for 35 days.
Inhalations of phytoncides of garlic or onions are shown (garlic and onion juice is prepared immediately before inhalation, mixed with, 5% solution of novocaine or isotonic sodium chloride solution in the proportion: 1 part juice to 3 parts solvent). Inhalation is carried out 2 times a day: for a course of 20 inhalations. Phytoncides also include chlorophyllipt from a leaf of eucalyptus, which has a pronounced antistaphylococcal effect. Is used inside 1% alcohol solution for 25 drops 3 times a day.
Methods of traditional medicine for acute laryngitis
Traditional medicine recommends the use of rinse beetroot. Grate the beets with a small grater. Squeeze out a glass of juice. In it, pour 1 tbsp. l. table vinegar. This solution gargle 56 times a day. In doing so, take one sip. Continue until recovery.
Expectorants of reflex action are shown (increase secretion of bronchial glands, dilute sputum). Of expectorants prescribed abundant alkaline drink, 3% solution of potassium iodide, infusions and decoctions of the althea, thermopsis up to 10 times a day, inhalation with 2% sodium bicarbonate solution. Expectorants are used in both acute laryngitis and during exacerbation of chronic laryngitis.
Plants used for the treatment of acute laryngitis and exacerbation of chronic laryngitis and possessing predominantly expectorant action.
1) Radish. Slice the raw radish with very thin slices. Sprinkle each slice with sugar. Radish juice can be consumed with honey. To do this, cut the radish into a groove, fill it with honey, cover with a piece of radish, insist 4 hours, drain the juice. Take 1 tbsp. l. 3 times a day.
2) Infusion of oregano (10 g of herb and flowers of oregano per 200 ml of water) is taken by 1/4 cup 3 times a day.
3) Tea from nettle flowers (20 g nettle flowers for 4 cups boiling water) to drink during the day.
4) Infusion of herbs of thermopsis (, 1 g of herb per 200 ml of water) is taken at 1 tbsp. l. 2 hours 6 times a day.
5) Infusion of herbs Ipecacuanas (, g herbs per 200 ml of water) is taken at 1 tbsp. l. every 2 hours 6 times a day.
6) Decoction of root ripening (20 g of root per 200 ml of water) is taken for 1 tbsp. l. 56 times a day.
7) Infusion of the root of the cyanosis (68 g of root per 200 ml of water) is taken at 35 st. l. the day after a meal.
8) Licorice root is applied in the form of infusion (6 g of root per 200 ml of water) for 1 tbsp. l


Laryngitis is treated with SILENCE and HEAT!


Here we are at the reception of his patients assign a magnet to the trachea, sea buckthorn oil by a full pipette in both nostrils for a night, so that by throat drained, holostovoy regime, is not sour, hot, salted., in a vein of calcium gluconate and ascorbic, dissolve falimint by 1 Table. 4 times a day. And it would be nice to have a gramox on 1 table. 3 times a day

Konstantin Zaikos

Take more honey will be easier

4 days as the voice was gone, but the throat does not hurt. What can it be like to return a voice?


and again Victoria

Laryngitis - symptoms of laryngitis.

Laryngitis is an inflammation of the larynx. Distinguish between acute and chronic laryngitis. Most often, it is one of the symptoms of acute respiratory viral infection, influenza, scarlet fever, whooping cough. Symptoms of laryngitis: ligamentous ligaments with laryngitis lose their ability to vibrate, the voice of a person becomes hoarse or completely lost.

Breathing with laryngitis becomes difficult and sibilant and a painful barking cough appears. Occlusion of the respiratory tract can sometimes be very serious, especially in children in these cases, talk about the so-called false croup. It can also arise as an independent disease - with overexertion of the voice, inhalation of dusty air, irritating vapors and gases, smoking, and abuse of alcoholic beverages. In acute laryngitis, the mucous membrane of the larynx is hyperemic and edematous, thickening and incomplete closure of the vocal cords (vocal folds) are noted. When the flu is visible, hemorrhages in the mucous membrane of the larynx (hemorrhagic laryngitis).

The inflammatory process with laryngitis can cover the entire mucous membrane of the larynx or its individual areas (isolated laryngitis). Patients with laryngitis complain of dryness, perspiration, in the throat, sometimes in pain when swallowing. Cough, at first dry, and later accompanied by sputum discharge. With laryngitis, the voice becomes hoarse, coarse, or disappears. Acute laryngitis can occur with a headache, a slight increase in body temperature. Duration of laryngitis usually does not exceed 7-10 days. The danger is acute laryngitis of the subglottic (lining) space, accompanied by stenosis of the larynx. Some chemicals, if inhaled, can also cause inflammation of the laryngeal mucosa.

In young children, small children, inflammation (laryngitis) can flow so violently that the swelling of the mucous membrane blocks the access of air to the larynx (false groats). In these cases, the breath is disturbed: breathing becomes noisy, the child cries, worries. In severe cases of laryngitis, lack of oxygen can cause brain damage, up to the coma. Undoubtedly, this condition requires urgent hospitalization in the ENT or pediatric hospital.

Treatment of laryngitis

Treatment of laryngitis is aimed at eliminating the cause that caused laryngitis. A patient with laryngitis is not recommended for 5-7 days to talk loudly, smoking is forbidden, alcohol is consumed, sharp meals should be excluded from food.

The patient with laryngitis should take care of his voice, do not talk for some time and try to keep the inhaled air warm and wet; usually in this case, recommended steam inhalation, which must be done for 15-20 minutes every 2-3 hours. Also, when laryngitis should be avoided in the cold air or in a smoke-free room and go out during the fog.

When laryngitis is prescribed a warm drink (milk, Borjomi), gargling with a decoction of chamomile or sage, warm alkaline inhalations, bandages and warming compresses around the neck, hot foot baths. Applied antitussives, we recommend a proven drug broncholitin, as well as physiotherapy (UHF, Novocain electrophoresis on the larynx). In chronic hypertrophic laryngitis, hyperplastic areas of the mucosa are cauterized with a 3-5% solution of silver nitrate or surgically removed. In chronic atrophic laryngitis, alkaline and oily inhalations are used, the larynx is lubricated with Lugol's solution in glycerol. For better separation of the crust, proteolytic enzymes (chymotrypsin, chymotrypsin, etc., ) in the form of aerosols.

The prognosis for acute laryngitis is favorable; sometimes a transition to chronic laryngitis is possible. The outcome of chronic laryngitis depends on its shape. At a hypertrophic and atrophic chronic laryngitis complete recovery does not occur. Prophylaxis of laryngitis is aimed at eliminating causal factors.

nevsk nevsk

He will return, need to be patient, calm down

About 100 VaRaBeY

And at ta tonsils hurt if yes! then it's an ass! Hot milk is hot!


sugar candies in the pharmacy buy. this is laryngitis


Is it possible to walk when the voice disappears but not much

How to quickly heal (restore) the hoarse voice? At first the throat hurted, and then the voice disappeared altogether! What to do?


Lilia Fedotova

Silence is an iron rule! Buy the drug "Imudon" in the pharmacy France. Tablets need to dissolve - this is for the vocal cords. Try chewing ginger often. Will help very quickly!


1. If possible, be silent. Do not whisper, do not be sulky, do not make any sounds.
2. Put a warming compress on your throat.
3. To drink warm (not hot) milk with the addition of oil.
Do oil inhalations.
At night (Just before you go to bed in a quarter of a glass of warm milk, add 10 drops of Propolis alcohol tincture (sell in a pharmacy), drink.
in the intervals suck lollipops (such as "Travesil)
Good luck in the treatment!

Inna Krasilnikova

To be silent. Bask. To sleep. Do not strain yourself. This is laryngitis.
Get right!

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