Therapeutic properties and contra-indications of herbs for hair and skin

The medicinal herb called "string" is very popular. Especially her mothers who bring up little children like her.

Herbal decoction gently cares for baby skin, eliminates irritation and intertrigo, saves babies from diathesis.

But on this wonderful properties do not end. The plant is able to save a person from many ailments and even protect them from the consequences of a snake bite.

Contents of the article:
  • Contents of the article:
  • What is known about the plant
  • Composition and useful properties of
  • Contraindications and caution in the application of
  • Procurement
  • Application in folk medicine
  • Baths for small children
  • Skin and hair care

What is known about the plant

The sequence is a one-yeargrass, belonging to the family of the Astrovs and having about 200 species in its genus.

Species can be found in Russia, in Central Asia, in North America.

Of all the species diversity, the most famous is the tripartite sequence.

It has curative properties and has found wide application in folk medicine. About it, we'll talk.

As a medicinal plant, the turn became popular in Russia in the 19th century. In those distant times it was even prepared on an industrial scale, using exclusively within the country.

In Tibet and China, about the miraculous properties of the plant have been known much earlier. Local doctors recommended a sequence of joint diseases, eczema, purulent wounds, dysentery and other ailments.

The plant has more than once rescued the inhabitants of southern countries from the deadly consequences after stings of scorpions and snakes.

In Russia, the string occurs on its European part, in Siberia, the Far East and the Caucasus.

Grass prefers to settle on the wet banks of rivers and lakes, swamps and meadows, sometimes forming whole thickets.

Sometimes it is greeted on its site by truck farmers, whom the string is perceived as a weed.

You can recognize the medicinal sequence on the leaves, divided into three lobules, due to what it got its name "trifid".

Slices, the middle of which is larger in size than the other two, have a lanceolate shape with serrated edges.

In height, the plant reaches 60 cm, branched in the upper part into several thin shoots. Yellow flowers are collected in single baskets, located at the tips of the main stem and shoots.

Blossom grass from the second half of June to the end of September. In early autumn, the plant produces fruits in the form of flat achenes with a couple of prickly serrated sockets.

And what do you know about the useful properties of rose hip syrup? At what age can it be given to children written in useful material.

About the useful properties of the grass of the willow-tea is written in the article on this page.

The sequence is so popular among the people that it acquired over time many other names. Often it is called goat's horns, a swamp arrow, canine replays, a trailer, scrofulous grass, a two-tooth, a shabashnik.

Perhaps it is difficult to find a house in the countryside, where a dried bunch of this medicinal herb hung under the ceiling. And it's not accidental - after all its useful properties are checked and proved by time.

Composition and useful properties

The sequence is a pantry of very valuable substances for the human body, each of which plays its own specific role:

  • vitamin A- participates in all the basic functions of the body, with its deficiency decreases immunity, impaired vision and skin condition;
  • vitamin C - protects immunity, is a strong antioxidant, participates in hematopoiesis and collagen synthesis, reduces the effect of allergens, increases the strength of blood vessels;
  • flavonoids - activate enzymatic processes, enhance the action of ascorbic acid;
  • tannins, namely polyphenols( 66% of the total composition) - have a bactericidal action, which makes the turn a unique plant for the treatment of skin diseases;
  • mucous substances - enveloping the walls of the stomach and intestines, create additional protection for the digestive system;
  • bitterness - stimulate the formation of gastric juice and bile, stimulate appetite;
  • essential oils - provide the plant with antibacterial, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties;
  • microelements: potassium, magnesium, copper, chromium, zinc, calcium, boron, iron - are extremely important for the full functioning of the body.

Thanks to its rich biochemical composition, the properties of the string are surprisingly multifaceted. It helps to heal from various diseases of internal organs and works wonders when getting rid of skin ailments.


  • promotes rapid healing of cuts, abrasions, purulent wounds, helps with diathesis, "sweating", allergic rashes, acne, itching of the skin, hives, psoriasis, neurodermatitis, eczema, furunculosis;
  • has a diuretic effect, relieves fever, intensifies sweating, is used to treat colds and diseases of the genitourinary system;
  • has an expectorant effect, improves breathing, is used in the treatment of pulmonary diseases;
  • increases immunity, has a general strengthening effect;
  • stimulates appetite, has a beneficial effect on digestion, speeds up metabolic processes, improves liver and spleen;
  • And what do you know about the useful properties, application and treatment of mummies? On the recommendations and contraindications written in the proposed article, hidden under the link.

    For a review of the treatment of pyelonephritis with folk remedies, read here.

    On the page: http: // narodnye-sredstva /zhkt/ ot-glistov.html is written about folk remedies for worms in adults.

  • helps in the treatment of scrofula, diabetes, scurvy, gout and arthritis, arteriosclerosis of the vessels;
  • cleanses the body of toxins, relieves edema and muscle pain;
  • lowers blood pressure;
  • has a sedative effect, useful for neuroses, stresses and nervous breakdowns;
  • cares for the skin, tones and refreshes it, removes greasy shine;
  • strengthens hair, fights with their increased fat content, eliminates dandruff;
  • relieves of excessive sweating of the feet, relieves their fatigue.

Contraindications and caution in the application of

The sequence, like any medicinal herb, has contraindications. Unreasonable use of the plant can cause unwanted side effects.

With excessive use of herbs, sleep disturbance, nervous excitability and even panic attacks are possible. An overdose of the herb can excessively lower blood pressure and provoke diarrhea.

Do not take internally:

  • hypotension;
  • for pregnant and lactating women;
  • for children under the age of 3;
  • if there is an individual intolerance of the sequence.


The medicinal raw materials are leaves, shoots of a string up to 15 cm long and unblown flowers. Harvest the grass during budding, while the flowers on the shoots have not yet blossomed.

This is a very important point - if you assemble a plant with blossoming or faded flowers, during drying, prickly fruits ripen out of them, which are not suitable for medicinal purposes.

The collected sequence is laid out on a sheet of paper and dried in the shade in the fresh air or in a regularly ventilated room, remembering to turn the raw materials once a day.

You can simply tie the grass into a bundle and hang it on a stretched rope or under the ceiling. The billet can be considered completely dried, when the shoots begin to break easily.

Dry sequence is stored in paper bags or boxes in layers, between which paper is laid, absorbing excess moisture.

With this method, the harvested grass lasts longer. The maximum shelf life of the dry sequence is 2 years.

When collecting medicinal raw materials, it is not necessary to confuse the threefold sequence with its relatives - a series of drooping and radial beads. These plants are dangerous because they can cause poisoning.

The alternating droplet is characterized by solid jagged leaves, and the beam line is wider with baskets and a wrapper of numerous small leaves around the inflorescence.

Application in folk medicine

In the treatment of ailments, the turn is used as a drug for internal reception in the form of broths and water infusions and as an external remedy as medicinal compresses, ointments and lotions.

You can take health-improving baths with grass and include it in the composition of caring creams. In the treasury of folk medicine, many recipes have been collected for the manufacture of medicinal potions from the succession:

The medicine for colds.
Brew a glass of boiling water with a spoon of turn and cook for 20 minutes. Cooled and filtered broth take no more than a spoonful three times a day.

Treatment of stomach ulcers, colitis, radiculitis, gout and psoriasis.

Pour a couple of spoons of turn with boiling water( 200 ml), an hour to insist and drink a glass of medicinal drink portions throughout the day.

When coughing, exacerbation of cystitis and high blood pressure.
3 tablespoons of herbs pour boiling water( 200 ml) and 20 minutes to simmer in a water bath. After an hour, filter the infusion and treat it, taking one third of the glass three times a day.

With allergies.
Add a blackcurrant branch to the mixture of dry string and finely chopped burdock root, taken for 10 grams, and pour the collection with water.
Bring the mixture to boil and cook for 5 minutes.
Take the broth inside a spoonful 3 times a day, daily wipe them skin, suffering from an allergic rash.

Treatment of arthritis on the hands.
10 g of herb infused in 200 ml of boiling water and treated with infusion, taking on a spoonful up to 5 times a day.

In addition to treatment, it is useful to wipe the arthritic fingers with this infusion and the remaining string pulp.

Ointment for the treatment of hard-healing wounds and ulcers.
A mixture of 50 grams of string and 400 ml of olive oil, simmer 10 minutes with a water bath, then filter.
Use the drug as compresses on the affected area.
It is useful to apply fresh, finely chopped leaves of a string to sore and suppurating wounds and ulcers or sprinkle them with powdered dry grass.

Removing fatigue and swelling on the legs, removing feet from sweating.
Pour a couple of spoons of the turn into boiling water( 400 ml) and simmer for about 20 minutes using a water bath.
Cool and filtered infusion pour into the basin and take a foot bath for 20 minutes.

Treatment of rheumatism, urticaria, hypertension, ulcerative colitis, lung diseases, with deposition of salts and bleeding.
Pour a glass of slightly warm water 20 g finely chopped strings, heat and soak with a water bath for a quarter of an hour.
About an hour, stir the broth, and then filter and add water to the initial volume.
Treated by taking it on a spoonful up to 3 times a day.

Decoction for the treatment of acne, acne and other skin diseases.
3 tablespoons of herbs cook for no more than 10 minutes in 400 ml of water.
Use a decoction for lotions, daily cleansers and baby baths.

Bath with dermatosis.
200 g of turn boil with boiling water( 2 liters), insist and filter.
Pour the infusion into a water-filled bath and take it no more than 30 minutes., Duration of treatment - 15-20 therapeutic baths.

Collection for treatment of nephritis, cystitis, pyelonephritis.
Pour boiling water mixture of a string, birch buds, mother-and-stepmother and bearberry, taken in the proportion 2: 1: 3: 3.
The present collection is filtered and drunk to 20 ml in the morning and in the evening after a meal.

Treatment of scrofula. With
interfere with the turn, the grass of the sweet bitter nightshade and the violet tricolor in the proportion 4: 4: 1.
St stomach the mixture with 200 ml of boiling water.
Cooled infusion to drink on st spoon 4 times a day.

Relaxing and soothing bath with string.
10 liters of water with 100 g of grass bring to a boil, and then pour into a bath filled with water.
The duration of the bath is no more than 30 minutes.

A sequence of bites inflicted by poisonous insects and snakes.

Grind the grass to the place of bite.

Compress protects the wound from suppuration and promotes a speedy recovery.

Baths for small children

Bathing babies in infusion or decoction of the turn is perhaps the most common use of the plant. Healing herbs soften and soothe baby skin, relieve irritation and itching.

The succession successfully copes with the chalk and diaper rash, relieves the children from the crusts on their heads( the so-called scrofula).

For the preparation of infusion for the bath you need to take 15 grams of dry grass, pour it 600 ml of boiling water, cover it warmly and insist about 12 hours.

Decoction of the same sequence is prepared as follows: 15 grams of herbs brew 400 ml of boiling water and simmer with a water bath for 15 minutes. After 40 minutes, filter and use for bathing.

Tracks not only relieve babies from skin problems, but also soothingly act on them, providing children with a good sleep.

Skin and hair care

The series is very popular among women.

She gently cares for the skin and returns the beauty of damaged hair.

Particularly well in the care of oily and acne prone skin.

The herb is used in the form of masks, lotions, tinctures for washing and even cosmetic ice. The following magic recipes showed themselves perfectly:

Face mask.
Take equal parts of fresh herb and cottage cheese, thoroughly rub and apply to the skin of the face.
After 20 minutes the mixture is washed off with warm water.
This mask will quickly moisturize the skin, refresh and rejuvenate the face.

A sequence in the fight against the greasy shine of the skin.
Pour a spoonful of crushed dry turn into a glass of boiling water for about an hour.
Wet gauze bandage with this infusion and apply on the skin for 20 minutes.
It is useful to carry out the procedure up to 3 times in 7 days.

Cosmetic ice.
Decoction broth, cooked according to any of the recipes proposed above, freeze in molds.

Wipe the skin with ice cubes morning and evening.

The procedure refreshes, invigorates, tones the skin and saves her youth.
However, do not use ice in the presence of acne and acne.

Care for problem skin with acne.
Infuse the string in a thermos bottle( 3 tbsp per 400 ml of water), soak the soft tissue with infusion, applying it to the skin for a quarter of an hour.
It is useful to wash each day with decoction and use it as a cleaning tonic as often as possible.

Cream with string for hand care.
Mix well the butter( 50 g), broth of the turn and honey, taken on a spoon.
Regular lubrication of the skin of hands with this cream will make it velvety, gentle and well-groomed.
Store the cream in a refrigerator.

Hair conditioner.
Steam a couple of spoons of herbs brewed with boiling water( 200 ml), insist, filter and, diluting with a liter of warm water, rinse with infusion freshly washed hair.
Rinser with a strip eliminates the itching of the head, eliminates hair from dandruff.

The sequence is an invaluable gift, generously presented to us by nature. With skillful use, the plant will rejuvenate the body and can become a true helper in the fight against many diseases.

You will learn about the benefits of bathing children with the addition of decoction water to the water while watching a video master class.