Episcleritis of the eye - causes and methods of treatment

The sclera is a rather dense envelope of the eye. She has many functions. It serves as a support for the muscles of the organs of vision, protects them, supports the vessels and internal structures of the eyeball. It can be divided into three parts: an episclerus, a sclera and a brown membrane. Inflammation of the sclera is a serious enough disease, it must be urgently treated.


  • 1Definition of disease
  • 2Causes
  • 3Symptoms
  • 4Possible complications
  • 5Treatment
  • 6Medication
    • 6.1Surgically
    • 6.2People's means
    • 6.3Prevention
  • 7Video
  • 8conclusions

Definition of disease

Epicleritis is a painful condition of the episcleral tissue located between the conjunctiva and the sclera.The disease has a feature - it is not able to penetrate and touch the lower layers of this part of the eye. Usually episcleritis is considered only a side effect or manifestation of another, more significant disease. That is why the causes of the disease are vague and often have an individual character.

Diffuse and nodular types of disease are distinguished.

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Diffuse episcleritisis manifested in the form of reddening of the sclera and is most often of an infectious nature,nodular, which has the form of a nodule on the sclera with redness.

For nodular episcleritischaracterized by bilateral development, the duration of the disease for a month and an independent cure. It was also noted that most often this form affects middle-aged and elderly people with recurrent relapses.

In addition, rosacea-episcleritis is also isolated.Rosacea is a chronic, periodically recurring, skin disease of the face, for which vascular damage is characteristic. Rosacea is manifested in the form of permanent reddening, rashes, vascular asterisks, abscesses.This pathology of the skin affects the vascular system of the outer shells of the eye, which led to the name of the form of episleritis.

Manifestation of Rosacea on the face of a person

Epicleritis affects only the upper layer of the sclera, is found most often among young people.


Now there is no precise data on the causes of episcleritis. FROMSpecialists make assumptions that the disease originates from rheumatic pathology.In addition, observations were made that the disease was manifested if a person was diagnosed with:

  • Systemic lupus erythematosus;
  • Gout;
  • Allergic diseases with a genetic predisposition;
  • Foreign bodies in the eye and blunt injuries of the eyes;
  • Nodular polyarteritis and the like

Infection is also able to give impetus to the appearance of the disease in question.It can be bacterial in nature and take its origin in the conjunctiva, as well as the cornea.

There is no precise data on the causes of episcleritis. It can be as a consequence of pathology or infection.


Determine the onset of this disease can be by several criteria:

  • Pain and inflammation in this area.Feeling of discomfort.
  • Redness of sclera.It occurs as a result of the expansion of blood vessels.
  • Isolation of tear fluid.This happens when the nerve endings are irritated.

The most common symptoms of this disease were listed above.

If there is at least one factor in this list, it is recommended that you consult a doctor.

Possible complications

Complications in episcleritis can occur if timely treatment is not provided and the doctor is not consulted.The disease can go on independently, but it should be borne in mind that in this case it can sometimes become chronic. This threatens with the fact that you will have to suffer with this ailment constantly and its appearance will be frequent.

Also, the conjunctiva, the cornea, the lens can be drawn into the inflammatory process, especially triggered by the infection. When the last two organs are damaged, visual acuity is markedly reduced, and if the vascular membrane of the anterior chamber of the eye is involved, the intraocular pressure increases, the lens becomes turbid.

If the disease has acquired a chronic form, then eventually the episcler is thinned, which leads to a thinning of the sclera, dry keratoconjunctivitis may develop(dry eye syndrome), staphyloma of the sclera.

Epicleritis should be treated in a timely manner, otherwise as a complication can make its chronic form.


In most cases, episcleritis passes by itself, it takes no more than two weeks. But, nevertheless, in order to protect yourself from complications, you can take some health measures.

Diagnosis of the disease is carried out by an ophthalmologist by examination with a slit lamp.During the examination, the involvement of the underlying tissues is investigated, whether there are accompanying exudates. Initially, the diagnosis is based on ophthalmic diseases (scleritis, conjunctivitis), afterwards additional tests for syphilis, ESR of blood and others are prescribed.


As a medicine, eye drops usually appear. The basis for them is the analogue of tears. If the disease has turned into a relapse form, the doctor may prescribe non-steroid medicines. They can act as tablets.

Analogues of tears are used to treat episcleritis

Glucocorticosteroid agents, appointed by a doctor, is not recommended for a long time, t. these drugs can lead to the development of glaucoma and cataracts.

If the treatment scheme determined by the doctor does not give positive results, then the drugs are changed to a group of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.


Surgical intervention with episcleritis is not required.

This disease is only the result of some other. Therefore, it is worthwhile to learn the root cause of problems with the organs of vision.


All about eye drops Kosopt

Eye drops of Tealosis are presented in this article.

Tetracycline ointment for the eyes with instructions and indications for use for adults and children is presented in this material.


People's means

Often in the quality of folk remedies are gadgets.They are based on chamomile or tea.

There is another way. This will requiredilute the juice of aloe with water in the proportion: 0.Prepared formula use drops. Drip 4 times a day until all signs of episcleritis are removed.

Treatment of episcleritis is often not required, but with pronounced discomfort, it is worth using medications and folk remedies, having previously visited the ophthalmologist.


Girl Wiping Eye

There are a number of measures that significantly reduce the chances of the appearance of episcleritis.It is important to comply with each item and carry out a whole range of preventive measures.So, here is a list of measures that will help prevent this ailment:

  • Take care of your eyes, protect them.
  • Observe the rules of hygiene and care for the organs of vision.
  • Protect eyes with sunglasses.They also help avoid particles of dust and small insects in the eyes.
  • At the first suspicions on eye diseases to address to the ophthalmologist.The sooner you come to the doctor - the more quickly he will prescribe you a treatment that will be extremely effective.

Preventative measures are the basis for strengthening the eyes, so do not neglect them to prevent the development of eye diseases.



Epicleritis is a disease that passes almost imperceptibly. Only its severe manifestations can serve as an excuse to turn to a specialist. In general, you can do with ordinary folk remedies. In order not to give this ailment to you, it is necessary to observe a number of preventive measures, because thanks to them you not only protect yourself from illnesses, but strengthen health in general.

Also read about what is chemosis of the conjunctiva and its hyperemia.