Onychomycosis of the nails: treatment of fungal disease in the home

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Onychomycosis of the nails is their fungal lesion. The disease is quite common, and the problem is not purely cosmetic. Cure the disease as early as possible, since in the future it can lead to severe allergic reactions on the skin.

Article content:
  • Causes of the disease
  • Symptoms
  • General recommendations
  • How to treat folk remedies?
  • What is not recommended?
  • Preventative measures

Causes of the disease

By itself, onychomycosis does not appear. It is a contagious disease that comes from an infected person to a healthy one. The reasons for it can be varied.

A person can pick up a fungus both at home and in public places. Often you can pick it up in places with a high level of humidity and dampness - in the bath, in the pool, on the beach.

The risk of contracting the fungus increases:

  • in the elderly;
  • people with low immunity;
  • those who live in a warm climate, close to tropical;
  • lovers of gyms and public beaches;
  • instagram viewer
  • production workers who use production showers;
  • those who prefer to always wear closed shoes;

The cause may be increased sweating. Women are sick less often than men. Also, cases of onychomycosis of nails are more common among residents of the city, rather than villages.

The reasons may be the simplest household items, so if the disease is found in one family member, treatment is necessary and the rest too.

Fungal disease can result from injuries of limbs, diseases due to which blood circulation is disturbed, as well as endocrine and somatic disorders, low immunity. Increases the risk of having diabetes.

Symptoms of

The first symptom of onychomycosis of the nail is appearing on them streaks or spots that can have a black, whitish, brown and yellow shade of .Also among the signs of the disease is a thickening or thinning of the nail plates, their crumbling, and also exfoliation. The disease can go to the skin of the hands and feet. Also, there may be places of thickening, the skin may turn red and begin to peel off.

Paronychia can occur - the process of inflammation of the peri-osedocular cushion. If it is a fungal lesion of the nails on the legs, there may be pain when walking. Usually, the disease begins from the areas between the toes or hands, and only then passes directly to the nail plate.

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General recommendations

To determine the presence of this disease can be a doctor-mycologist. For this purpose, only one examination of the patient is not enough, especially taking into account the fact that the symptoms of the fungus are similar to many other diseases.

In order to clearly define the onychomycosis, it is necessary to take a scraping from the nail plate or a piece of nail from the patient. Before this procedure it is forbidden to process hands with anything for several days, as this can distort the clinical picture and the results obtained.

The first study was the study of the material taken under the microscope. This study helps confirm or disprove the fact that the fungus is present in principle. After it is necessary to determine which particular pathogen became the cause of the fungus. For this purpose, the is seeded on the nutrient medium.

On the treatment of nail fungus will have to spend a lot of time and effort. The more neglected the disease, the more difficult it will be to treat it. In any case, treatment is necessary, and therapy must be comprehensive and competent.

It is necessary to use antifungal ointments, but it is equally important to conduct internal treatment taking pills against the fungus. Before the beginning of therapy it is necessary to completely or partially remove the nail plates.

There are a lot of drugs that are used in the treatment of fungi. They do not just kill harmful microorganisms, but also improve blood circulation and give hands or feet a foot of attraction.

It is important to wear loose shoes, which inside will be processed regularly by formalin. Socks and tights should be boiled when washing. Onychomycosis of the nails is successfully cured in most cases, but, nevertheless, in some patients, cosmetic defects remain after treatment.

How to treat folk remedies?

In the fight against fungal nail damage, folk methods of treatment can be very effective. There are many such means.

  • Iodine .Treatment of affected areas can be a five percent solution of iodine. It must be applied several times a day. After use, you may feel a burning sensation. If this sensation soon passes, it means that the drug acts correctly. If over time it only increases, then you need to stop using this tool.
  • Tea mushroom .This remedy is one of the most ancient with the fight against any defects of the nails. You need to take a small part of the fungus, remove the film from it, grind it to the state of gruel, and then rub the resulting mass into the affected nails. You can use it several times a day, each time using a new part of the fungus. And before going to bed, you can make a compress, for which you need to put on the nails pre-infused tea mushroom. Before you compress, it is better to steam up your nails in warm water, which you need to add iodine and manganese. It is possible to resort to these measures within a month.
  • Propolis .Propolis helps to accelerate the growth of nails and speeds the departure of the damaged plate. It is necessary to apply it to damaged areas. It is better to use a 20% tincture or propolis extract.
  • Table vinegar .Vinegar should be diluted with warm water in proportions of 1 to 4. Soak socks or gloves( depending on what is hit - hands or feet), put them on wet, warmed with polyethylene. Apply this procedure better before going to bed.
  • Tea Tree Oil .Tea tree oil helps if you drip it drop by drop under the nail and onto it. After that, it is better to process the finger with a patch. To improve the effect, you can combine tea tree oil with lavender oil. Rub the mixture into the nails.
  • Coffee .You need to weld strong natural coffee without throwing away the residue. It is worth keeping your hands or feet damaged. After several times using this procedure, the fungus disappears with pain. You can also use this tool for pain in the feet and cracks in the heel area.
  • Garlic and butter .A good effect with onychomycosis is provided by a combination of grated garlic with the same amount of butter. It is necessary to apply this mixture to the affected areas, warm it with cellophane, gloves or socks. In the morning, the skin needs to be thoroughly washed with water. Use better every day for a month.
  • Golden Horn .Tincture of a golden mustache must be mixed with water in proportions of 1: 4.With this mixture you can make baths or lotions of affected areas.
  • Salt baths .To combat fungal microorganisms, you can use baths with table salt or sea salt. In addition to treatment, they help moisturize the skin and enhance regeneration processes.

What is not recommended?

By themselves, folk methods can not be the main therapy. They need to be used in addition to other methods of treatment.

Many specialists mistakenly appoint a means for improving the immune system, homeopathic preparations, dietary supplements, as well as various methods of physiotherapy.

In fact, none of these methods treat a fungal infection, and treatment should be aimed specifically at its elimination .

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Preventive measures

Prevention measures in this case are aimed at both sanitary and educational work, and on personal and public nature. For patients, the observation of a specialist is of great importance. Also should pay attention to the following issues:

  • timely prevention of microtrauma of hands and feet;
  • elimination of diaper rash and high sweating;
  • elimination of calluses and excessive dryness of the skin.

When visiting swimming pools, saunas, baths and showers, use closed rubber slippers, wipe your feet dry. Slippers are also recommended for use on the beach, as sand and pebbles permanently retain fungi.

It's important to change stockings and socks every day. Do not wear someone else's shoes. If there are dystrophic changes in the nails, treat them immediately, as they seriously increase the risk of infection.

Only constant control over personal hygiene helps to eliminate the risk of such an unpleasant disease as onychomycosis of the nails.

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