First aid for broken ribs and further treatment at home

Fracture of the ribs represents a violation of bone or cartilaginous integrity, ranks first in prevalence among all chest injuries and accounts for 20% of all fractures.

In the risk of injury, there are elderly people whose chest tissue has lost its elasticity with age.

Risk of injury is a high probability of damage to internal organs, which can lead to serious complications and death.

Article content:
  • Reasons for fracture of ribs
  • Characteristic symptoms
  • Possible complications
  • First aid
  • Diagnosis
  • Treatment of damage
  • What can not be done?
  • Recovering stages
  • Traditional medicine
  • Prevention of fracture

Reasons for fracture of the ribs

Factors contributing to a fracture:

  • Breast in the chest.
  • Falling on a solid protruding object by the chest.
  • Chest compression.
  • Sports injuries.
  • Fall from height.

There are pathological forms of damage to , resulting from a negative effect on the body of certain diseases:

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  • osteoporosis, in which there is brittle bones and their vulnerability to an insignificant effect;
  • rheumatoid arthritis;
  • formation of tumors;
  • osteomyelitis.

Characteristic symptoms of

Signs of fracture of the ribs are:

  • surface respiration of the affected person with observation of discrepancy of the respiratory rhythm in the affected area;
  • painful sensations in the injured area, amplified by inhalation and exhalation, with coughing and attempts to perform certain movements and subside during rest and sitting;
  • tissue swelling at the site of injury and bruising;
  • pallor of the skin;
  • listened to the crunching or sound of rubbing bones at the time of fracture, characteristic of injuries with several fragments or for multiple injuries of a particular rib without bias of bone patches.

In case of complicated fractures, the following symptoms are added:

  • release of blood from the respiratory tract by coughing;
  • subcutaneous emphysema, resulting from the ingress of air from a damaged lung under the skin.

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Possible complications of

In the event of an injury, the heart, kidneys, pleura, spleen, lungs, or blood vessels may be affected.

The negative consequences resulting from rib injuries include:

  • hemothorax and pneumothorax - ingestion into the pleural cavity of blood and air;
  • pleuropulmonary shock, characteristic of extensive wounds and pneumothorax;
  • respiratory failure, manifested by increased pulse and respiration, blueness and pallor of the skin, asymmetry of the chest, which can be seen through breathing;
  • pneumonia, developing with damage to lung tissue in conditions of limited motor abilities of a person;
  • external and internal bleeding;
  • lesions of an infectious nature.
Many complications pose a danger to human life, therefore they require special attention and timely competent help.

First Aid Assistance

If you suspect a fracture, you should not do self-medication at home.

If the fracture is closed, before proceeding to the trauma center, it is recommended to perform the following actions:

  • attach to the affected area of ​​the ice;
  • open the windows to enter the room of fresh air;
  • take an anesthetic that does not affect breathing - Promedol, Paracetamol, Analgin, Ibuprofen;
  • put on the chest tight bandage of bandage or any available under the arm tissue, tie it should be on the deep breath of the victim.

You can help the victim sit down, if in this position he feels better.

After the injury, should be called forth immediately, especially if the person develops shortness of breath, weakness and with an open fracture shape that can lead to acute respiratory failure and respiratory arrest, with complaints of drowsiness and thirst, with loss of consciousness.

Important! In the case of an open fracture, when the bone protrudes outward, the person should in no case move.


For the correct diagnosis, the specialist conducts the following activities and examinations:

  • Patient examination and palpation;
  • Study of anamnesis and complaints;
  • Radiography;
  • Tomographic examination;
  • Puncture of the pleura to determine the severity of the patient's condition.

An experienced trauma surgeon can detect the presence of fracture of the ribs according to the manifested signs:

  • is a symptom of axial loads - when pressure is applied to the chest, the pain is felt not in the place of impact but in the area of ​​the lesion;
  • a symptom of interrupted inhalation - a person can not take a deep breath because of the occurrence of severe pain in the place of injury;
  • symptom of Payra - the patient feels pain when tilted to the side without damage.

What to do and how to treat?

To achieve maximum effect, treatment of fracture of the ribs is performed in a complex manner.

For uncomplicated injuries, it is enough to take pain medications , a means for quick excretion of sputum and immobilization - the chest is fixed with an elastic bandage with the help of a circular bandage.

In hospital, the patient is prescribed:

  • Introduction 1 ml 70% ethyl alcohol with procaine in the projection of the fracture;
  • Oxygen inhalations for suspected respiratory failure;
  • Puncture of the pleural area for draining blood and air with extensive hemothorax and pneumothorax, which is performed under anesthesia;
  • Antibiotics in the manifestation of complications in the form of pneumonia.

Surgical intervention of may be required in the following cases:

  • pneumothorax;
  • severe lung injury;
  • open wound of thorax;
  • hemothorax;
  • damage to the abdominal organs;
  • foreign objects in the wound canal;
  • significant displacement of bone fragments;
  • bleeding or damage to large vessels or heart.

For the recovery of pulmonary ventilation a special gymnastics is prescribed a week after receiving the injury. Physiotherapeutic procedures are useful in fracturing the ribs.

For a unilateral lesion of , a physician may recommend placing mustards on a healthy side to avoid the risk of lung congestion.

Food for fractures should be rich in vitamins and trace elements, especially protein and calcium, for rapid bone growth. In the daily diet is recommended to include cottage cheese, cold meat, beef broth, fish, milk, soy, dog rose, cheese, bread with bran, sesame, hazelnuts, persimmons, jelly and green vegetables.

In addition, you can take vitamin pharmacy complex .

The surface for sleeping and resting should be flat, with a raised head part.

The duration of the fusion of uncomplicated fracture of the ribs is: in children - up to 2-3 weeks, for adults on average 3-4 weeks, with a weakened organism and in the elderly - up to 7 weeks. In severe cases, recovery may require a longer period of time because of the need to eliminate complications of fracture.

Pain syndrome can persist and manifest within 6 months after injury. Return to sports activities is possible in 2-2.5 months. Physical stress should be added gradually.

What can not be done?

In order for the recovery period to be as successful as possible, it is necessary to exclude it for at least 3 weeks:

  • Sharp movements;
  • Heavy lifting;
  • Excessive physical activity;
  • Acceptance of alcoholic beverages.

In the recovery period, it is recommended to limit salt intake and exclude pickled foods, coffee and chocolate, which slow healing of broken bones.

The stages of convalescence

There are 3 stages of healing of the fracture of the ribs:

  1. The formation of connective tissue corns.
  2. Formation of osteoid callus.
  3. At the final stage, a gradual hardening of the callus occurs.

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Traditional medicine

Among the methods of traditional medicine, there are many effective recipes, the benefits of which are not refuted by doctors. But before using them, you should always consult with a specialist and use folk methods only as a supplement to the main treatment to speed recovery.

The most effective folk treatments for fracture of the ribs are the following recipes:

  • Bone growth is stimulated by the use of boiled onion .The dosage of the product per day is not limited.
  • Eggshell from 10 eggs, previously cleaned from the film, is poured with the juice of five pomegranates and insisted until the shell is completely dissolved. The resulting composition is added 1 liter of honey and 10 crushed garlic heads. Healing mass should stand for 1 day indoors, 3 days - in the refrigerator. It is recommended to drink the drug 3 times a day for 1 tablespoon, mixed with a tablespoon of olive oil.
  • For anesthesia, it is possible to apply to the area of ​​destruction of the raw potatoes grated .
  • In 0.5 liters of boiled water should be added 1 tablespoon of rose hips and leave the mixture infused in a thermos for the whole night. The received product is recommended to drink during the day, using 100 grams in several receptions.
  • It is useful to rub fir oil or tea tree oil into the affected areas.
  • Burdock root, lilac flowers, coltsfoot and dandelions should be mixed in equal ratio in a 1-liter can, pour vodka on three quarters of the container and insist for 1 week. The remedy is used to rub the fracture sites. The maximum efficiency can be achieved by adding to the infusion mummy.

For maximum benefit from the use of traditional medicine from natural ingredients, you should follow the rules of preparation of recipes and dosage of medicinal infusions.

Prevention of fracture

Damage is not always preventable, but with simple recommendations, you can reduce the risk of fracture of the ribs:

  • Avoid excessive physical exertion;
  • Use protective equipment when playing sports;
  • Observe the rules for performing sports exercises;
  • Lead a healthy lifestyle and abandon bad habits;
  • Eat foods rich in calcium, regularly;
  • Keep an active lifestyle.

If signs of a rib fracture appear, you should always visit a doctor who will perform the necessary examinations and based on the results, upon confirmation of the diagnosis, appoint a competent treatment that will lead the patient to recovery and help avoid serious complications and consequences of trauma.

See video on how to speed up the fusion of broken ribs: