Back injury after a fall: treatment and symptoms


  • 1Symptoms of a back injury and its treatment
    • 1.1Classification
    • 1.2Symptomatology
    • 1.3Cervical injury
    • 1.4Traumatism of the thoracic region
    • 1.5Trauma in the lumbar region
    • 1.6Diagnostics
    • 1.7Therapeutic tactics
  • 2Back injury: Is there such a diagnosis, how serious is it?
    • 2.1Back injury: causes
    • 2.2Back injury: symptoms
    • 2.3Back injury: diagnosis
    • 2.4Back injury: treatment
  • 3Back injury after a fall: treatment and symptoms
    • 3.1Clinical picture
    • 3.2Neck
    • 3.3Thoracic department
    • 3.4Lumbar section
    • 3.5Diagnosis: X-ray, uzi
    • 3.6Treatment
    • 3.7First aid
    • 3.8Medication Therapy
    • 3.9Physiotherapy
    • 3.10ethnoscience
  • 4Back injury: treatment, symptoms and first aid
    • 4.1Symptoms
    • 4.2First aid: what to do
    • 4.3Ointment with back bruises
    • 4.4Home Treatment
    • 4.5How much the back hurts after a bruise
    • 4.6Is it possible to warm a bruised back
    • 4.7Effects
  • 5Treatment of back injuries
    • 5.1First aid with a bruised back
    • 5.2Folk remedies for back injury
  • 6Treatment after a back injury: opportunities and prospects
    instagram viewer
    • 6.1Degree of damage: what should I prepare for
    • 6.2Type of injury
    • 6.3First aid
    • 6.4Separately about spinal cord injury
    • 6.5We are involved in the process of treatment
    • 6.6Home treatment

Symptoms of a back injury and its treatment

A bruise is considered to be the most common type of all injuries and occurs most often in everyday conditions by elementary human negligence.

Damaged with this injury, only the outer and inner soft tissues (skin, vessels, nerve endings, muscles, subcutaneous tissue and ligaments), this is the main difference between a bruise and a fracture.

A very frequent case in medical practice and statistics is the bruise of the back.

Determine the severity and prescribe adequate treatment will help the emerging first symptoms, which in different situations are somewhat different from each other.

The results of medical research have confirmed that most often strong female bruises are exposed to female representatives, elderly people, athletes and excessively active children.


There are several types of spinal injury:

  • with present spinal cord injury;
  • without disturbing the integrity of the spinal cord;
  • with trauma of internal and external soft tissues;
  • without the formation of wounds;
  • accompanied by dislocation of the vertebrae;
  • with violation of the integrity of the bones of the vertebrae.

Most often, the back bruises are diagnosed after falling on this area and affect only the muscular tissues of the dorsal region, but sometimes more serious injuries occur:

  • trauma of the spine. Cervical, thoracic and lumbar vertebrae can be damaged while falling;
  • injury to the ribs. In this case, the periosteum of the ribs, which contain a mass of nerve endings, is traumatized.


Common symptoms that allow to determine the back injury are:

  • the presence of pain syndromes in the field of trauma;
  • inconvenient movements;
  • deterioration of working capacity;
  • the formation of abrasions, scratches, bruises, swelling or bruising.

But in addition to the above signs, there are also such symptoms, the presence of which indicates a certain type of back injury.

Cervical injury

In the event that an injury to the cervical spine, which is not accompanied by damage to the spinal cord, then qualified experts consider it the most secure. Diagnose it can be due to such features:

  • intense pain in the neck region;
  • the appearance of swelling of soft tissues in the area of ​​trauma;
  • formation of hematomas;
  • when the head moves, the pain sensations increase significantly.

Traumatism of the thoracic region

Breast injury is considered a more serious injury than the above. Symptoms confirming the presence of a thoracic injury are:

  • intense pain, gradually disappearing after a certain period of time;
  • inconvenient process of breathing;
  • the appearance of a cough, at which painful sensations increase;
  • swelling of the skin and changing their color in the area of ​​damage;
  • When palpation of the bruised area, the pain also becomes more intense;
  • deterioration of the muscular part of the back.

Trauma in the lumbar region

Damage of this type as a result of a fall is often accompanied with a trauma to the pelvic bones. The main signs of a back injury of this species are:

  • severe pain in the lower back;
  • edema and hematoma in the lower back;
  • while making bends and turns with the body - there is an increase in pain syndrome;
  • in the prone position, uncomfortable discomfort is often felt;
  • the functionality of the back muscles is significantly deteriorating.


After a visit to a medical institution, an experienced doctor conducts a series of examinations that allows you to exclude fractures and put the most accurate diagnosis, and due to the manifested symptoms - determines the place of localization and character injury.

Define the back injury can be due to such diagnostic procedures:

  • interviewing the victim;
  • palpation of the damaged part of the dorsal region;
  • radiography;
  • electrocardiography;
  • Ultrasound of injured organs and soft tissues;
  • CT or MRI.

After the diagnosis is made, the doctor appoints the victim the necessary, in his case, way of treatment.

Therapeutic tactics

Treatment of back injuries after a fall is appointed by a qualified physician based on the results of the diagnosis performed, and also depending on the severity of the damage that occurred.

With a minor injury, it will be quite easy to treat the injured person.First of all, care should be taken to ensure that the sufferer does not feel the pain syndrome.

For this, the area of ​​injury is treated with special non-steroidal ointments and gels, which have an anti-inflammatory effect. Use of non-narcotic analgesics is also recommended.

During the entire recovery period, the patient should minimize all physical activity to a minimum.

If there was a severe back injury, then together with anti-inflammatory and analgesics, the doctor prescribes the taking of hormonal drugs.

These medications also help to reduce pain, eliminate swelling of soft tissues and various inflammatory processes. The final method of recovery is rehabilitation.

After the full restoration of the skin and the final elimination of pain - the doctor, individually for each, appoints the necessary methods of rehabilitation. It can be:

  • specialized massage courses;
  • developing exercises;
  • exercise therapy;
  • physiotherapeutic procedures.

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Back injury: Is there such a diagnosis, how serious is it?

A bruise is one of the most common domestic injuries.

Everyone in his life met with bruises, but not everyone knows what bruises are different from fractures. What is a bruise and how does it differ from a fracture?

A bruise is a traumatic tissue injury caused by a mechanical effect on a particular area.

The main difference between a bruise from fractures and other types of injuries is the absence of a violation of the anatomical integrity of the tissues.

Although contusions are widespread in medical practice, the variety of their species is so great that it is only possible to talk about the danger or safety of such a trauma based on the localization of damage. Fortunately, most of the bruises are not dangerous and relatively easy to treat.

About the bruise of the back you can speak only conditionally. Officially, such a diagnosis is not put, because it does not exist.

From the anatomical point of view, the back is the back of the trunk, which originates in the area of ​​the first cervical vertebra and ends with the lower back. It is understandable that this is a huge anatomical area.

In the back area there is a huge number of soft tissues. Proceeding from this, the types of back injuries are manifold.

In most cases, it is about the bruises of the muscles of the back. They are the least dangerous. In addition, in this area there are:

• Bruises of the spine. They, in turn, are divided into:

- bruises of the cervical spine;

- bruises of the thoracic spine;

- bruises of the waist and sacrum.

• Contusion of the ribs (technically, bruise the bone, including the rib is impossible, the damage concerns the periosteum, rich in nerve endings).

There are more detailed classifications that take into account the presence or absence of damage to the vertebrae, spinal cord.

Back injury: causes

The causes of back injuries are manifold.

Due to the fact that there are a lot of muscles in the back area, both the spinal column and the posterior parts of the ribs are relatively uncommonly injured.

Therefore, it is possible to isolate a number of specific causes, those that most often contribute to injury.

• Traffic accidents. Most often as a result of an accident there are bruises of the cervical and lumbar spine (when striking the head on the steering wheel, etc.).

• Fighting (in domestic conditions or during sparring).

• Blow into the back area with blunt objects. When striking along the spinal column, bruises of the spine and fractures of the posterior parts of the ribs are most often observed, whereas in the case of a shock across the spine the picture is reversed. Similar effects are caused by the impact of the shock wave.

• Falls from height. In this case, it can be about falling from a small height to the back, and landing on your feet when jumping from a height (so-called.

compression trauma of the spine). In the second case, the risk of severe damage is higher, because compression trauma requires more thorough diagnosis.

No less dangerous and falling on your back flat.

• Violation of the technique of performing sports exercises. In this case, more often there are not bruises, but stretchings of ligaments.

• The so-called. bruises "diver." Occurs when the head strikes against the hard surface of the bottom of a shallow pond. It is accompanied by dangerous injuries, including bruises of the cervical spine of medium and high severity, fractures and dislocations of the vertebrae.

In all cases, the back injury can be a single injury, and may be concomitant damage.

In the risk group, according to medical statistics, are:

• Women of any age (due to anatomical features of the structure of the skeleton).

• Athletes (especially dangerous in terms of injuries contact, water, extreme sports).

• Drivers of cars.

• Persons whose professional activities are associated with a high level of physical activity.

Back injury: symptoms

Symptomatology with bruises of the back is pronounced. The intensity, as well as the nature of the manifestations, depends on two factors:

• Locating the injury.

• The extent of injury.

Still, you can identify the symptoms that in one way or another will be present, regardless of the localization and strength of the back injury. These manifestations include:

Pain syndrome. The intensity of the pain syndrome depends not so much on the degree as on the localization of the trauma. The most painful injuries are the cervical spine, as well as the ribs.

In all other cases, the power of pain may be different. The pains are dull aching. In some cases, they can be burning. Often the pain radiates along the entire vertebral column.

If the ribs are damaged, pains are poured into the sternum.

Puffiness of the site of injury. Edema is not formed immediately, but several hours after the injury (on average, runs from 2 to 12 hours). Puffiness arises from the accumulation of fluid in the area of ​​damaged tissues.

Development of hematoma. With a back injury, the surrounding blood vessels (capillaries) are destroyed. Blood from the vessels goes into the intercellular space of the layers of the skin.

In addition to the described symptoms, local manifestations are also observed. They play an important role in diagnosis and help to establish the correct diagnosis.

With bruises of the cervical spinethe picture of the acquired neurologic deficit develops, the motor activity of the upper and lower extremities decreases.

Among the symptoms:

• Hearing in the ears (tinnitus).

• Visual disturbances (flickering in the eyes of flies-photopsy, increase in the number of floating opacities, loss or narrowing of the visual fields).

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• Violation of coordination, uncertain gait.

• Decreased movement of the arms and legs until the development of paresis or paralysis.

Somewhat less frequently observed:

• Impaired breathing.

• Disturbance of the pupils' reaction to light.

Most neurological symptoms are caused by compression of the basilar and vertebral arteries feeding the brain (primarily the occipital lobe and the cerebellum suffer).

Back injury in the thoracic region of the spine is accompanied by:

• Violations of the motor activity of the hands.

• Numbness of the upper limbs.

• Incontinence of urine and urine (rarely).

• Decreased sex drive.

When the lumbosacral spine is injured, the following things come to the fore:

• Disorders from the excretory system.

• Decreased motor activity of the lower extremities.

In all three cases, it is an extremely dangerous injury.

With bruises of the posterior parts of the ribs, the main symptom is intense pain. In addition to the pain syndrome, breathing problems develop, which are also often caused by pains that force the patient to restrain normal breathing.

Back injury: diagnosis

Diagnosis of back injuries is not an easy task. Before the doctor there are several tasks:

First, to pinpoint the localization of the injury (pain is an unreliable diagnostic sign, it can be located away from the site of the injury).

Secondly, to exclude the presence of more serious injuries of the ribs and spine, as well as of the lungs (in case of broken ribs, bone fragments often damage lung tissue).

The standard diagnosis strategy consists of several stages.

1) First of all, the patient is questioned (anamnesis). The doctor clarifies the points of interest to him regarding the patient's condition, the circumstances of the injury, etc.

2) The doctor inspects the damage site. At this stage it is important to determine the presence of deformities, the presence and size of edema and hematoma.

3) In the next stage, the specialist performs palpation of the damaged site and conducts a series of functional tests (for evaluation of tendon reflexes, sensitivity of the skin over the site of the injury).

After conducting primary diagnostic measures, the doctor can establish a preliminary diagnosis. The next steps consist in confirming the conclusions of the specialist and excluding more serious injuries.

4) Radiography of the spine, thorax in two projections. Allows you to visually assess the condition of bone structures and exclude partial or complete fractures of the vertebrae and ribs.

5) Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) - is intended for the delicate evaluation of soft tissues of the back, chest cavity organs, blood vessels. It is especially important for studying the state of intervertebral discs, spinal cord.

6) Computed tomography (CT) - is prescribed as an alternative to an X-ray or in combination with it. Designed for a fine assessment of bone structures.

In rare cases, a lumbar puncture is prescribed (to exclude the presence of blood in the cerebrospinal fluid).

Back injuries, regardless of localization and severity, are considered to be potentially dangerous injuries, therefore they are treated in a comprehensive manner. Diagnosis and treatment of back injuries are dealt with:

  • Surgeon (neurosurgeon).
  • Neurologist (neuropathologist).
  • Orthopedist.
  • In case of lung damage - pulmonologist.

Back injury: treatment

The tactics of treatment of uncomplicated back injury, as well as contusion of soft tissues of the back (muscles) is to remove the pain syndrome.

For these purposes, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are used in the form of ointments (Ketorol, Diclofenac) and analgesic drugs (Baralgin et al.).

In addition, a sparing regimen of physical activity is prescribed.

Much more difficult is the situation with complicated bruises and bruises of the spine and ribs. In this case, in addition to anti-inflammatory and analgesic hormones are prescribed. All of them serve the purpose to relieve pain syndrome, puffiness, inflammation.

Also, "complex" bruises require a mandatory course of rehabilitation. After the end of drug treatment with stabilization of the state, physiotherapy (magnet and electrophoresis) and exercise therapy are prescribed.

Thus, the back injury is a collective concept and exists only for convenience.

In most cases, it is a relatively innocuous damage to the muscles, but you can not exclude more serious injuries until specialized diagnostic activities are carried out.

In all cases, it is impossible to diagnose independently, a doctor's visit is mandatory.

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Back injury after a fall: treatment and symptoms

As is known, from the injuries no one is insured. In severity, a back injury after a fall is considered one of the lightest injuries.

Nevertheless, the consequences of this trauma can be very serious.

I would like to note that with a bruised back that arose after a fall, only soft tissues (skin, subcutaneous tissue, muscles, ligaments, etc.) are damaged.

It should be noted that even minor injuries can lead to serious complications. Therefore, do not neglect professional medical care if necessary.

Clinical picture

Regardless of which area of ​​the back was injured, for a simple bruise without damage to the spine or spinal cord, there will be a characteristic clinical picture. Almost all the symptoms appear immediately after the injury. The most common type of injury is observed when a person falls or strikes a blow.


Clinical symptoms of a spinal injury in the neck without spinal cord injury can be attributed to mild severity.

Usually the victim complains of acute pain in the neck, swelling and the appearance of hemorrhages at the site of the injury. After a while, the intensity of pain gradually subsides.

However, if a person begins to move his neck and turn his head, painful sensations tend to intensify.

If any part of the spine is injured, a professional medical examination must be carried out to avoid serious damage.

Thoracic department

If the back is bruised at the level of the shoulder blades and chest due to a fall, the symptoms characteristic of this type of injury will be observed. Vertebrae remain intact, only soft tissues undergo traumatic lesions. What clinical signs will be noted:

  • Sharp and sharp pain in the back, which gradually decreases with time.
  • Difficulty breathing, it is possible to cough. With deep breathing or coughing, the pain intensifies.
  • Puffiness and changes in skin color at the site of injury.
  • The palpation of this area also causes soreness.
  • Functional disorders of the muscular apparatus of the back.

Lumbar section

The clinical picture of the contusion of the lumbar spine will correspond to traumatization of extremely soft tissues.

It is noted that in the presence of chronic diseases of the musculoskeletal system, the pain sensations will be more pronounced.

What symptoms are usually observed with a bruised lower back:

  • Acute pain in the lower part of the trunk, which occurs immediately after a fall on the back.
  • Swelling and subcutaneous hemorrhage (bruises) in the lower back.
  • With tilts and corners of the body, the pain intensifies.
  • Lying on the back is often uncomfortable.
  • Functional disorders of the back muscles.

If the victim fell mainly on the lower back and buttocks, then most often damage to the pelvic bones fixes a bruise or fracture of the lumbosacral spine post.

Diagnosis: X-ray, uzi

The peculiarity of injury, the nature of injuries and the severity of the symptoms will help the doctor to make a preliminary assessment of the severity of the condition of the victim.

According to standard clinical practice, additional laboratory-instrumental methods of examination are used to exclude a more severe pathology. In most cases, these diagnostic methods are mandatory.

It is better to exclude a heavier possible pathology than to miss it in the early stages of development. With the proposed injury of the spine, the following types of studies can be used:

  • X-ray examination.
  • Electrocardiography.
  • Ultrasonic diagnostics of damaged soft tissues and internal organs.
  • Magnetic resonance imaging.

If neurologic symptoms that indicate a spinal cord injury are observed, a lumbar puncture is performed with further laboratory diagnosis of cerebrospinal fluid.

Only a qualified specialist can determine how much the injury is dangerous to the life and health of the victim.


In order for the treatment to be effective, the injured person with a strong back injury in the area of ​​the upper part trunk, chest or waist, obtained after the fall, should be taken as soon as possible to hospital. At the same time, it is advisable to provide first aid at the prehospital stage.

First aid

It is necessary to ensure the peace of the injured area of ​​the body. It is recommended to take a pose that will help ease the pain. Do not perform intensive massaging of the back. This will only intensify the painful sensations.

In the first day, it is recommended to apply cold compresses every 2 hours. To eliminate swelling and reduce pain syndrome, ice or any chilled objects is perfect.

To avoid the development of cold trauma, ice and other frozen objects should be applied to the skin, before wrapping them in polyethylene and fabric.

In no event should you alternate cold and hot compresses. In the first 24 hours, heat only provokes an increase in traumatic inflammation and painful sensations. Starting from the second day, you can switch to warm compresses.

The first aid for various injuries should be able to provide any person.

Medication Therapy

How can I treat a back injury? To reduce puffiness and reduce pain after falling on your back, you can use special medications.

To date, there are no problems with the choice of painkillers. In the acute period of trauma it is recommended to use non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

The most commonly prescribed types of NSAIDs in the form of ointments, gels or creams:

Approximately 2-3 days after the injury, external means can be used that have a warming or irritating effect.

As shown by clinical studies, they are effective enough for the removal of the pain syndrome due to the expansion of peripheral blood vessels and strengthening of local blood circulation.

However, remember that these medicines can not be used to treat painful areas of the body where there are open wounds. The most popular are:

In the case of severe pain associated with trauma, Novocain blockades can be used. However, such treatments are rarely used.

If you doubt the choice of an anesthetic for treating a back injury, consult a specialist.


With a bruise of the spine, physiotherapy is actively used.

In an acute period of damage, resort to the appointment of physical therapy methods that help stop bleeding (bruising), reduce pain and reduce puffiness.

With volumetric bruises, anti-inflammatory methods and other types of physiotherapeutic action are used to prevent the formation of pathological scar tissue. What can appoint:

  • Electrophoresis with novocaine and other analgesics.
  • Local cryotherapy.
  • Amplipulse therapy.
  • Ultrahigh-frequency therapy.
  • Ultraphonophoresis.
  • Infrared irradiation.
  • Balneotherapy.
  • Mud treatment.

During the rehabilitation period, therapeutic massage sessions and a specially designed back exercises are used. If the trauma is mild and there are no complications, a full recovery is observed within 10-12 days.

The severity of the clinical symptoms of a spinal injury (cervical, thoracic or lumbosacral divisions) determines further tactics and the choice of treatment.


It is necessary to recognize that for today many people try to cope with their ailments, using non-traditional methods of therapy.

Nevertheless, if you decide to treat a back injury, received after the fall, folk remedies at home, it will be superfluous to first get approval from a specialist.

Let's list some popular recipes:

  • Oil and vinegar. This folk method is considered one of the easiest to apply. It is necessary to take one tablespoon of conventional vegetable oil, boiled water and table vinegar. Mix all ingredients. We moisten a small piece of natural tissue in this solution and apply it to that area of ​​the back, where we feel the greatest soreness. It is enough to conduct several such procedures, so that the bruise has passed.
  • Ointment from burdock. It turns out that it is possible to treat soft tissue damage with burdock. To prepare the ointment, we need about 70 grams of fresh roots of this plant. Grind and pour them with vegetable oil (200 ml). We leave for one day. Then it should be heated for 15 minutes on a low heat for 15 minutes. Filter and put in the refrigerator. Store better in a vessel or bottle of dark glass. This remedy is used to lubricate the painful areas of the body three times a day.
  • Oak bark and daisies. Thoroughly crush the oak bark and dried flowers of daisy. We take these plant components in the same ratio. In a glass with boiling water pour out a tablespoon of chopped daisies and oak bark. We insist about 30 minutes. We moisten the gauze in this infusion and apply it to the injured area of ​​the back.
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It is strongly recommended before using any folk remedy to treat spinal injuries at home, consult a doctor.

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Back injury: treatment, symptoms and first aid

Back injury is considered to be one of the most dangerous injuries, because this trauma is associated with an extensive bruise of soft tissues.

In addition, back injury can lead to spinal trauma and, as a result, paralysis.

The cause of injury can be a fall on the back, squeezing or blowing a blunt object.


Depending on the degree of severity, back injuries are divided into:

  1. Contusions without spinal cord injury;
  2. With damage to the spinal cord;
  3. With damage to the skin and tissues;
  4. Without damage to the covers;
  5. Accompanied by a dislocation or fracture of the vertebrae.

Each type is characterized by individual symptoms and has its own characteristics, which must be taken into account when choosing further treatment tactics.

Therefore, the consequences for each of these types can also be different.

Common symptoms of a bruised back are typical for all types of lesions and are manifested as:

  • Painful sensations in the back, with more intense pain in the spine;
  • Appearance of swelling;
  • Bruises and bruises, the formation of which is the result of vascular damage.

If the spinal cord is damaged, a concussion is added to the general symptoms.

Because of an injury, blood circulation may be disturbed and a rupture of nerve endings may occur, as well as muscle damage.

The manifestation of symptoms directly depends on the applied force. With a mild form of injury, the symptoms are not significant.

Serious same injuries accompanied by spinal injury can be diagnosed by such Symptoms such as breathing disorders, decreased sensitivity, paresis and muscle spasms, paralysis extremities. With concomitant damage to the thoracic region, there may be a decrease in sensitivity in the upper limbs, as well as a violation of coordination.

In addition, there are pains in the thoracic region, especially when trying to inhale.

If the lumbar region is damaged, the sensitivity decreases in the lower limbs, there are swelling in the ankles.

There are disorders of reflex and urinary function, paresis of the legs, paralysis develops. Accidental injury:

  1. Contusions of the kidneys. This damage is possible with a trauma of the lumbar region and manifests itself as the presence of blood in the urine;
  2. Formation of a hematoma in the retroperitoneal region. It usually arises from the rupture of the organs and vessels of the abdominal cavity. It manifests as acute pain in the abdomen;
  3. Fractures of the ribs can manifest themselves in the form of severe pain during inhalation and exhalation, as well as during palpation;
  4. Damage to the vertebrae can be expressed by a decrease in motor function and loss of sensitivity below the area of ​​the injury.

It is important to understand, then only by the presence or absence of a symptom one can not judge the severity of the damage, because the majority damage have a similar symptomatology, and having made certain conclusions in favor of any damage, you can make a mistake that will not be easy in the future to correct.

First aid: what to do

Very often a back injury is accompanied by damage to organs that are located in close proximity to the spine.

Often, along with a bruise, the coccyx is damaged. Therefore, it is very important to begin treatment immediately after injury.

A slight back injury may not be felt for several days after the incident.

Therefore, even in the absence of symptoms, after an injury, the load on the dorsal part should be limited. It is advisable to provide the affected person with bed rest for a week.

When mild symptoms appear, you should fully immobilize your back by applying a tight bandage.

It is necessary to apply cold to the bruised place during the first day.

If symptoms worsen over time and the condition worsens, the patient should be rushed to the emergency department, where a thorough examination will be performed and optimal treatment is prescribed. The diagnostic methods used for back injuries include visual examination, reflex check, x-ray or computed tomography.

Ointment with back bruises

With bruises, irreplaceable drugs that relieve pain and swelling are ointments and gels.

The action of some of them is aimed at warming up the muscle and removing the pain syndrome, as well as improving blood circulation.

Chondroprotective ointments relieve irritation and swelling, but they have a number of side effects.

Combined drugs along with basic properties also reduce the risk of developing thrombosis.

Use ointments should be applied for 10 days applying them to the affected area 3 times a day.

Good action has Riciniol, the use of which will accelerate the regeneration of damaged tissues.

Home Treatment

If the injury is mild and accompanied only by stretching the muscles, then radical treatment is not carried out.

It is enough to provide the patient with bed rest for several days, which then should gradually be replaced by moderate loads and activity.

The surface on which the patient will lie must be rigid.

Under the waist should be put a small cushion for unloading the spine. To overload the back during this period is dangerous, but it is absolutely necessary to develop.

Cold must be applied first day.

In addition to cold, the patient is shown the use of anti-inflammatory and analgesic drugs in the form of tablets and injections, but their reception must be agreed with the doctor in charge.

From the second week of treatment it will be useful to undergo a course of restoring back and leg massage, as well as exercises to develop and strengthen muscles. If pain develops during exercise, then the workout should be discontinued and consult a doctor.

How much the back hurts after a bruise

It is very difficult to predict the exact terms of a full recovery after a bruise.

Each case is individual and the duration of treatment and rehabilitation depends on a number of factors.

On the average, however, the painful sensations after a slight injury go through about one and a half months.

For lesions of medium severity, treatment lasts up to six months, but partial recovery can be observed after a couple of months. After severe bruises, pain can persist for the rest of your life.

Is it possible to warm a bruised back


As a rule, if as a result of a bruising function of the urinary system, motor and tactile functions are preserved, then the prognosis can be considered favorable. However, in the absence of proper treatment, the consequences of a back injury can be radicular pain and incontinence.

A bruise, even in the absence of complications, is a very serious injury, the consequences of which can appear after some time. Therefore, treatment in a medical institution is strictly mandatory.

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Treatment of back injuries

One of the most dangerous injuries is a bruised back. Mechanical shock, accidents, accidents, falls, impacts on the surface of water are the main causes that cause a back injury.

It represents the greatest threat to human health due to the small number of soft tissues in the spine. This leads to the formation of a bruise of internal organs when falling on the back. Most often, the vital organ - the spine.

To exclude the risk of complications and accelerate the process of recovery it is important to know what to do with a back injury.

  • Symptoms
  • Classification
  • First aid
  • Treatment
  • ethnoscience
  • Complications

Symptoms of a back injury vary depending on the severity and the site of the injury. However, it is possible to distinguish the main signs of a back injury that are common to all types of trauma:

  • Strong, throbbing pain, gripping the entire back. As a rule, pain is first short-term and local, after a day intensifies. Pain syndrome increases with flexion and extension of the back, as well as with inclinations;
  • Appearance of puffiness, swelling;
  • Formation of a hematoma or bruise due to damage to blood vessels and hemorrhage into soft tissues;
  • With a strong back injury, the injured person complains of pain in the chest and shortness of breath.

If, with a bruised back, the back of the brain was touched, the situation is complicated by concussion, blood circulation disturbance, damage to the spinal muscles, rupture of the nerve endings.

The contusion of the middle part of the back is usually complicated by the trauma of the thoracic region of the back. If the thoracic area has suffered, the limbs lose sensitivity and coordination, the pain gives in heart, with inspiration and exhalation there is a pain syndrome, breathing is broken, there are spasms with deep inhalation.

With a bruise of the lower back, the following symptoms are additionally observed: violation of urination, loss of sensitivity of the lower extremities, reduction of all reflexes, erectile dysfunction functions.

Classification of back injuries

This damage has several degrees of severity and species, so a classification of back injuries is introduced:

  • Normal injury of soft tissues of the back with damage to the skin;
  • Without damage to the spinal cord;
  • With spinal cord injury;
  • With dislocation of vertebrae;
  • With vertebral fracture;
  • Without penetrating wounds.

Also, the back injuries are classified according to the area of ​​injury: the thoracic region, the cervical region, the coccygeal department, the sacral department, the lumbar region.

First aid with a bruised back

Treatment of soft tissue injuries of the back should begin immediately.

The first aid should be given immediately after the injury, this will help reduce the unpleasant symptoms before receiving treatment in a specialized medical institution. If you do not pay attention to damage in time, it can cause complications.

The injured person must take a horizontal position, limit any physical strain. It is best to provide complete immobilization with no axial loads. The next step in providing first aid with a back injury is the application of a cold compress.

Take a packet of ice, snow, a bottle of cold water or any other cold object and attach it to your back for 20-30 minutes. After 15-20 minutes, repeat this procedure again. Cold compress is needed to avoid the appearance of swelling, swelling, bruising.

Apply a tight bandage, pretreating the place of injury with Riciniol emulsion. If the pain is unbearable, take an anesthetic drug (Ketanov, Naiz, Aspirin, Analgin).

Call an ambulance or take the injured person to the emergency room yourself if his condition begins to deteriorate noticeably.

Before you begin treatment of a back injury after a fall or stroke, you need to make sure there are no complications and accompanying injuries.

To do this, consult a doctor for X-ray, CT, reflex testing, history and visual examination.

Treatment of back injuries with complications or bruises of internal organs should be carried out in a hospital.

In the case of an easy back injury, treatment at home is possible. Be sure to comply with bed rest for the first 3 days, then gradually begin to introduce moderate stress on the spine, continue to apply a cold compress.

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On the 2-3 day of treatment of a back injury at home, it is recommended to replace cold compresses with thermal compresses and hot baths to stabilize the local circulation.

Edema on the back of the blow is treated with warmers, hot salt in a bag. Apply them for 30-40 minutes in the morning, afternoon and evening to reduce swelling and bruising after a back injury.

On the 5th-6th day, you can begin to visit the physiotherapy procedures to normalize the microcirculation on the recommendation of the attending physician. Effective physiotherapy methods: UHF, magnetotherapy, laser therapy, electrophoresis.

You can also watch a video on how to treat a back injury:

Folk remedies for back injury

In addition to therapy for back injuries, folk remedies also help well. Treatment of a back injury with their help can be carried out at home. Well proven following folk methods for the treatment of back injuries:

  • Hot bath with mint infusion. Just brew 200 grams of dried mint in the bathroom, take it for 20-30 minutes;
  • Cook the beans, pass through the meat grinder, attach to the bruised place, fix with a bandage and leave for the night;
  • Mix 120 ml of vinegar (6%) and, a teaspoon of salt. In the resulting solution, moisten a clean cotton cloth, attach to the site of injury for 20-30 minutes;
  • To prepare a compress, use a tincture of, liter vodka and 100 g cones of hops.

Complications of soft tissue injuries of the back

It is very important at the stage of diagnosing a back injury to exclude all possible serious consequences of trauma. They include:

  • Contusion of the kidney, resulting from damage to the lumbar region. Symptoms of this trauma are permanent and paroxysmal pain in the kidney area. This may indicate an adrenal hematoma;
  • Fractures, sprains of the vertebrae, characterized by a decrease in motor activity and sensitivity of the body below the site of injury;
  • An exacerbation of an osteochondrosis of a backbone;
  • Injuries of the lung and ribs;
  • The retroperitoneal hematoma, formed with a bruise of the waist and pouring blood into the retroperitoneal space;
  • A bruise of the spine.

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Treatment after a back injury: opportunities and prospects

In the list of injuries, this species occupies a special place due to the severity of the consequences.After a fall, soft tissues, muscles, and the spinal cord are often damaged.

Treatment and its duration depend on the department that suffered most, and on the severity of such trauma. Much of the treatment determines the patient's compliance with all medical recommendations.

Further we will consider, on what certain signs can specify, when there was a bruise of a back after falling, treatment and its possibilities in house conditions.

Degree of damage: what should I prepare for

The bruise of any part of the back can turn into the most unpleasant consequences for health, as evidenced by several special sections formed in ICD-10 (International Classification of Diseases of the 10th revision), where each type of injury is assigned a separate code.

ICD-10 describes the symptoms and additional characteristics of the condition relative to each department, the provision of first medical care and systemic treatment. Therefore, in determining the severity of injury to the cervical spine, lower back, the level of damage to soft or bony tissues, specialists are guided by ICD-10. Back injury is considered in class S00-T98, where for each type of open and closed injury, a code is given, recommendations and forecasts are given.

In accordance with the classification of the 10th revision, we draw attention to the main symptoms that accompany the bruise of the entire back. After such an injury, always appear:

  • pain in the injury site and throughout the spine;
  • swelling in the affected area;
  • bruises and bruises throughout the damaged area of ​​soft tissues.

These are the so-called local symptoms, and after more severe injuries, muscle spasms, impaired sensation, dizziness and loss of consciousness are observed. The manifestations of injury as a result of falling depend on the department that was damaged, and on how much it was a strong blow.

Type of injury

The special code for ICD-10 has every kind of closed and open trauma, when there was a bruise of the lower back and pelvis, and the damage in this area is assigned a separate code S30.0.

It is noted that the bones, joints and muscles of this department belong to one of the most vulnerable parts of the body, and, in addition, as a result of the impact, kidneys and other organs located in this zone suffer. This type of injury (code S30.

0 in the ICD) has characteristic symptoms, among which the first place is pain, and also there is an increasing hematoma, in some cases - paralysis of the legs.

After a stroke in the upper or middle lumbar region (special code for classification S30-S39), trauma shows difficulties in bending and unbending the legs in the knees, partial or total loss of sensitivity below place of impact.

First aid

In this type of injury, it is important to know what can and can not be done immediately after a stroke or a fall, since direct and timely treatment depends on timely and correct care.

After 15 minutes, you need to take a break for 10 minutes, and then repeat the cold procedure and, in addition, before the arrival of the brigade "ambulance" should give the victim an analgesic drug.

In the classification of the 10th revision, trauma of the cervical spine is separately identified and each of them has its own code in limits S10-S19, which describes the manifestations of all mild and severe cases and possible conditions of the patient after each type injury.

It is noted that with a trauma of the cervical spine in 90%, the body of the vertebrae is displaced by more than 5 millimeters, and if the cervical region is damaged, the site of the impact is painful for a long time, and the pain spreads to other areas.

In addition, intermittent breathing is observed, and with palpation of soft tissues, a decrease in muscle reflexes and sensitivity is observed.

As a result of a trauma of the cervical region, conduction of the spinal cord can also be impaired, a respiratory arrest and a complete paralysis, but even with a slight bruise of the cervical spine, paresis occurs (partial loss of ability to move) of the upper extremities.

Separately about spinal cord injury

Such a trauma often occurs as a result of a bruise of the cervical region, and it can lead to very serious consequences, and manifestations depend on the severity and form of the lesion, while, as a rule, the conduction of nerve impulses is impaired.

When a spinal cord injury occurs to an easy degree, a portion of the impulses may persist, the mobility is below the impact region, and in this case there remains the possibility of complete restoration of the functions.

In a situation of severe damage to the cervical region and the spinal cord, conduction deteriorates so much that recovery sensitivity and motor activity is reduced to a minimum, and, anatomically, this site can maintain integrity.

The contusion of the spinal cord is accompanied by a number of changes in the area of ​​the joint and soft tissues, and this is manifested by a number of symptoms. It:

  • sharp or dull pain with burning sensation;
  • impaired motor ability;
  • impossibility to feel touch and temperature change;
  • spasms;
  • cough;
  • loss of ability to control urination and defecation.

As a complication, sometimes there is a violation of sexual sensitivity and loss of ability to perform a childbearing function. In addition, due to a breathing disorder, pneumonia or pulmonary edema may develop.

However, even in the absence of obvious signs of damage, and the place of impact hurts not very long, it is necessary to apply to the therapeutic an institution and undergo a survey, since you can skip concussion of the spinal cord, and this leads to the development of various complications.

It should be noted that some of the consequences of the injury are declared about 6-10 days after the impact, and sometimes several years pass. Therefore, it is recommended during the first hours to do an X-ray, which will help detect a change in tissues, and then go through the necessary treatment.

We are involved in the process of treatment

Regarding how to treat a back injury, the decision is made by the doctor and on the basis of the results of the survey, since reveal, for example, a fracture of the ribs, if the bruise has fallen on the side of the back, and there will already need additional treatment. It should also be taken into account that some injuries, especially those related to the cervical spine, require a phased and long-term treatment, including folk remedies. But you should not do anything without consulting your doctor, because you can only cause harm. In addition, during the first 24 hours you can only apply cold to the bruised place, and the use of compresses and wraps with folk remedies is acceptable only from the second day.

Home treatment

When treating at home, tinctures based on medicinal plants are often used. For the preparation of one of them you need to take 30 g of burdock root and violet tricolor and 20 grams of rhizome rootgrass creeping and herb veronica.

This mixture must be poured 1 liter of vodka and insist for 5 days, and then strain. This tincture is used as a compress, which is best done at night.

During this time, the damaged surfaces will receive vitamins B, A, C and E necessary for the recovery process, as well as a large number of microelements. A course of 10 procedures is recommended.

It will help cure a damaged back and tincture based on Angelica, which perfectly removes inflammation in the tissues and saturates the body with vitamin C, calcium and phosphorus.

To prepare the product, 20 grams of angelica rhizomes should be poured into 1 liter of vodka and insisted for 2 days. Used such tincture in the form of lotions and compresses for 3 weeks.

Choosing which folk remedies to help yourself in case of a bruise, you can give preference to a recipe based on bay leaf and juniper.

These plants will give damaged tissues vitamins A, C, PP, group B and many microelements, as well as relieve inflammation.

If the skin has abrasions, the selected plants will prevent the development of infection and contribute to the healing of wounds.

To make the tincture, you need 3 tablespoons of pre-crushed bay leaf and 20 g of juniper needles to pour 400 g of vodka and insist for 3 days. A means for compresses and wraps is applied for 4 weeks.

The use of medicinal tinctures should always be agreed with the doctor, and he needs to report any changes that occur during treatment.

But even in this case, let's not forget that it is impossible to cure a back injured by a bruise only with folk remedies.

Depending on the period that has passed since the injury, and the changes that occurred at this time, physiotherapeutic procedures and massage are prescribed. To obtain the necessary and stable result, it is possible in the case of complex application of several methods.

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