Eye drops of potassium iodide: a description of the drug

Drops of Potassium Iodide is one of the most popular drugs widely used in ophthalmic practice. It is prescribed to people with various severe diseases, including cataracts. So that you can also take this remedy without any problems, let's figure out what kind of medicine it is, what indications and contraindications to admission it has, and how to apply it correctly.


  • 1Description of the preparation
  • 2Pharmacological action and group
  • 3Indications and contraindications in use
    • 3.1In pregnancy
    • 3.2To small children
  • 4Possible complications caused by the drug
  • 5Video
  • 6conclusions

Description of the preparation

Drops of eye potassium iodide - this is a local remedy that has a pronounced antiseptic effect.The main active component of this drug is potassium iodide, which in this agent contains 30 mg. This drug is produced in vials-droppers, intended for individual use.

The presented medicine should be taken strictly individually. Transfer of a vial of a dropper from one patient to another can cause infection of the mucous eye with one or another pathogen.

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Pharmacological action and group

The agent has a pronounced anti-atherosclerotic and antimicrobial effect.It positively affects the synthesis of lipids in the blood. The drug allows not only to cope with various diseases, but also helps to identify certain diseases, for example, cataracts, in the early stages.

Indications and contraindications in use

Presented eye drops are used in several clinical cases.Among them are:

  • cataract;
  • hemorrhages in the mucous eyes - hemophthalmia and hyperemia;
  • fungal infections of the cornea or conjunctiva;
  • opacity of vitreous body and cornea.

Also, this drug can be used for some types of research in ophthalmology. For example, it can be used to diagnose cataracts.

As for contraindications to the use of this drug, it can be considered hypersensitivity to iodine, as well as thyroid gland diseases, including goitre and adenoma.In addition, this drug is not prescribed for certain forms of diathesis or nephritis.

Also, with caution, this drug is prescribed for patients who suffer from kidney failure, furunculosis or acne. They need additional advice from a doctor before starting such a drug.

In pregnancy


Eye drops Dorzopt with instructions for use

Read about arteritis and the methods of its treatment here.

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Pregnant women are rarely prescribed drugs.They can use it only under the strict supervision of the attending physician, regardless of the trimester of pregnancy.

The same rules should be followed and nursing mothers. They can also recommend that doctors refrain from feeding the baby during treatment with such drops.

To small children

This category of patients, this drug is usually not prescribed, since there is no necessary data on the results of its use in children.Doctors prefer to assign to this group of patients other equally effective drugs that have a similar effect.

Possible complications caused by the drug

Usually this drug does not cause side effects in patients.In some cases, immediately after its administration, the patient may feel a slight tingling in the eye.Only long-term uncontrolled administration of such a drug can be dangerous. It causes:

  • Increased sensitivity to iodine.Such sensitivity in the future will manifest itself in the form of various allergic reactions, including swelling, increased tearing, rubbing and itching.
  • Negative skin reactions, including dermatitis and acne.Such reactions can appear not only against the background of prolonged use of the drug, but also in case of an overdose.

If any of the adverse reactions described above occur, the patient should immediately consult a doctor. In this case, the drug should be stopped for a while.



As you can see, the presented eye drops are safe and effective drug that can be used in various clinical cases. To use it does not cause you any difficulties, it is very important to carefully study the rules of taking the drug and the recommendations given by your doctor. If you strictly adhere to them, this medicine will only benefit you.

Read also about eye drops Blink Intensive and.

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