How to quickly cure ARVI in an adult

How can I quickly get rid of ARVI?

Colds cause many people to seek medical help, especially during epidemics. During the year, about 50 million cases of infectious diseases are diagnosed in our country, of which 90% are acute respiratory viral infections (ARVI) and influenza. These diseases are often accompanied by the development of complications. The costs of society for their prevention and treatment, the losses from disability of the population are very high. Therefore, the urgency of information on how to quickly cure an acute infectious disease at home is beyond doubt.

Mode and power

A patient with ARVI needs bed rest for the entire fever period. Until full recovery, the patient should be at home. At normal body temperature, a doctor is allowed to visit the polyclinic.

The room in which the patient is located should be ventilated frequently. Daily wet cleaning with antiseptic agents is necessary. It is recommended to limit the contact of healthy family members with the patient, allocate him a separate dish and a towel.

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The food should be high-grade, with the big maintenance of vegetables, fish, sour-milk products, vitamins. Useful abundant drink - compote of dried fruits, dog rose, green tea. You should give up strong tea and coffee, sweets, fatty foods, alcohol.

Vitamins A, E, B are important. It is best to buy ready-made multivitamin complexes in the pharmacy. During the recovery period after ARI, it is possible to take plant adaptogens - rhodiola rosea, ginseng.

Non-drug treatment

If the disease is mild, without severe fever and intoxication, you can get by with folk remedies, especially in a child. Useful steam inhalation with soda solution, grinding of the chest with badger fat, vegetable ointments, balm "Golden Star". It will help to quickly remove symptoms of acute respiratory distress syndrome acupressure of the face and hands.

It is recommended to hold warm gargles with infusion of mother-and-stepmother, chamomile, calendula, sage and eucalyptus. These plants have anti-inflammatory and immunostimulating effect. It shows aromatherapy using essential oils of pine, eucalyptus, cedar.

At normal body temperature, thermal procedures are effective: hot foot baths with mustard, warm milk with honey, dry heat on the waist. For a child, you can use socks filled with mustard powder - let it be like them in the evening before going to bed. They will help to improve well-being and mustard plasters on the interscapular area. Do not wrap a scarf around your throat.

If the disease is accompanied by a fever, a runny nose, severe nasal congestion, headache and muscle pain, weakness - one can not do without the medical treatment of ARVI.

Etiotropic therapy

Ideally, ARVI treatment should be etiotropic, that is, be aimed at the very cause of the disease - the virus. However, this therapy is designed only for influenza. For its treatment, two main groups are used:

  • blockers of M2-channels (remantadine, amantadine);
  • inhibitors of neuraminidase (zanamivir, oseltamivir).

These drugs quite quickly eliminate all the symptoms of the flu. Their disadvantage is the rapid development of the resistance of the virus and a decrease in their effectiveness after a few days of admission. In addition, these drugs are badly tolerated, causing nausea, dizziness, insomnia, lack of appetite. In ARVI caused by other pathogens, these drugs are ineffective.

In modern conditions, increasing importance is placed on vaccine prophylaxis - the introduction into the body of a healthy person inactivated vaccine. The complexity of vaccine prevention lies in the fact that it is not always possible to correctly identify the type of influenza virus that will become the source of the epidemic in the current year.

Even etiotropic treatment and vaccine prophylaxis may not protect a person from a flu. With ARVI these methods are not applied at all. Therefore, the basis for treatment of acute respiratory infections in the home is symptomatic therapy.

Symptomatic therapy

Treatment with symptomatic remedies at home helps quickly eliminate the symptoms of the disease and prevent the development of complications. The main signs of acute respiratory viral infection are cough, runny nose and fever. For their treatment, drugs from different pharmacological groups are needed:

  • drugs that suppress inflammation;
  • remedies that reduce mucosal edema;
  • components from cough;
  • substances that suppress damage to membranes by free radicals;
  • vitamins;
  • antihistamines.

Usually, all of them are present in one combination or another as a combination of cold remedies. Such complex means modern medicine recommends in order to quickly recover from ARVI at home.

Advantages of combined remedies against ARVI:

  • act on all links of the disease;
  • contain a balanced dose of drugs, which reduces the risk of overdose;
  • components have unidirectional (synergistic) action;
  • combined preparations are cheaper than their components separately;
  • convenience of use, including for the child.

One of the main components of complex agents from ARVI is paracetamol. This is one of the safest antipyretics. Phenylephrine, which is a decongestant, effectively removes nasal congestion, eliminates the common cold. Of the antihistamines, the most common is phenyramine. This drug dries the mucous membrane, eliminates itching and swelling of the eyes and nose.

To increase efficiency, reduce feelings of weakness, many combined drugs include caffeine. It suppresses the feeling of drowsiness that antihistamines can cause. An important component of such drugs is vitamin C. It reduces vascular permeability, strengthens cells, increases the body's defenses. A lot of complex preparations with different effect have been developed, allowing each patient to choose the remedy that best suits him.

One of the effective combined funds in the Russian market is Lemsip. It contains paracetamol and phenylephrine in a balanced combination that allows you to quickly remove all the symptoms of a cold. This drug takes a leading position in the fight against the symptoms of ARVI in the UK. The drug is available in powder form with a pleasant aroma, it starts to act after 15 minutes. The action time reaches 6 hours. The medicine does not cause drowsiness.

Of the multicomponent drugs in the form of tablets, it is worth noting the "Rince" remedy. It is prescribed for children over 15 years and adults. The optimal composition of the drug helps to quickly get rid of pain, cold and fever.

Features of ARVI treatment in young children

Children under 3 months should be monitored for drinking. The amount of water needed per day is 120-150 ml per kg of child weight. Lack of fluid is the main danger of an infectious disease for a child's body.

If the baby's skin is pink, it is necessary to undress it, apply cold to the area of ​​large vessels (groin, armpits) and rub it with water at room temperature. Do not use vodka, vinegar or cold water for this. This can cause spasm of small vessels and completely "unbalance" thermoregulation. In some cases, a common bath with a water temperature two degrees below the child's body temperature helps to reduce fever.

Lower body temperature is necessary if it exceeds 38 ° C in children with heart, lung, nervous system or in children under 3 months of age. In other cases, the boundary of the "knocked-in" temperature is 3, ˚С. To reduce it it is necessary gradually, it is best on 1 ˚С. To this end, you can use only two drugs - paracetamol and ibuprofen.

With thick mucus in the nasal cavity of the child, it is necessary to wash the spout with physiological saline. You can use an aspirator. If the baby's nose breathes freely, it is not necessary to wash it.

It is possible to use decongestants in special "children's" doses in a short course. With pain in the throat in children, it is better not to rinse, but to drink warm milk with honey, Borjomi mineral water, soda.

Cough should be treated with respiratory gymnastics, postural drainage, chest massage, abundant drinking. The doctor can prescribe a means that dilutes sputum, inside or inhalation. Self-medication with these drugs is dangerous.

In the treatment of a child, unjustified administration of immunostimulating, antiviral and antibacterial drugs should be avoided.

Treatment of acute respiratory viral infections in adults

The most common and painful topic for every person and for every family in the autumn-winter period is ARVI. During the epidemic, 8-9 people out of 10 can get sick. By respiratory viral infections are meant diseases of the upper respiratory tract caused by a group of viruses. There are about 250 kinds of viruses that can lead to the development of acute respiratory viral infections.

The primary factor in the development of the disease is the hypothermia of the body and, as a consequence, a decrease in overall immunity. Subcooling of the lower extremities is of great importance.

Prevention of ARVI

If you do not want to hurt follow a series of recommendations:

  1. Adhere to a regular, rich in vitamins and protein nutrition.
  2. Be sure to get enough sleep, you can sleep 1-2 hours a day.
  3. Try not to get into stressful situations.
  4. Come home - wash your hands immediately with soap and water. Rinse thoroughly with soap and nasal passages.
  5. In public places, hospitals, pharmacies, shops do not hesitate to put on an ordinary disposable mask.
  6. Drip 2-3 drops of beet juice into the nasal passages.
  7. 2-3 times a day instill the drug Grippferon.
  8. Lubricate the nasal passages with Oksolin Ointment when going outside.
  9. Take 1 tablet of Dibazolum for 2 weeks.
If the virus has penetrated the body

As a rule, at first a period of the first unclear, weak symptoms appears. Weakness, coughing, runny nose, a sore throat, an aching in the muscles of the body, a small subfebrile condition. What can be done first thing at home? So, treatment of acute respiratory infections in the home suggests:

  1. It is very good to wrap it up and sweat in a dream.
  2. Rub feet with vodka, and put on warm dry socks.
We are treated at home

Next, we turn to treatment of acute respiratory infections with folk remedies.

We drink warm tea with honey and ginger:

  1. For a glass of tea, put one hour. l. rubbed ginger and the same piece of honey.
  2. All this is thoroughly mixed.
  3. You need 2-3 glasses of this tea drink.

You can put dry jars on your back.

Treatment of acute respiratory infections in adults involves the fact that you need to properly sweat. Therefore, we use tea with diaphoretic herbs:

  • Linden blossom;
  • elder;
  • raspberries.

If the acute respiratory viral infection proceeds without temperature, then the following simple method can be used for treatment:

  1. We collect half a glass of water
  2. We drip there 5 drops of iodine.
  3. We're drinking.
In case of further development of the disease

Traditional medicine in this situation recommends taking:

  • immunomodulators;
  • antihistamines;
  • antiviral drugs;
  • multivitamins.

Remember that before you start the treatment standards for ARVI in adults, it is better to consult a district doctor. He will be able to prescribe the optimal regimen for ARVI treatment in adults.

One of the proven antiviral drugs that allow for effective treatment of ARVI in adults is Viferon in a dosage of 50, 00 units. It contains ready antibodies for suppression from viruses. The drug of a similar group is Kipferon. Take this drug for 1 candle, rectally 2 times a day.

Another proven drug is Isoprinosine. It has antiviral nonspecific action and reduces immunosuppression of viruses. It is taken in a dosage of 500 mg for a period of 5 days.

Rapid treatment of acute respiratory viral infection in adults allows the use of antibiotics. However, as a rule, they are prescribed in the presence of complications of the disease.

From vitamins take large doses of ascorbic, up to 1 gram during the day.

Vasoconstrictors are recommended for use in obstructed nasal breathing.

To antihistamines we will refer:

  • Diphenhydramine;
  • Tavegil;
  • Loratadin et al.

Take 1-2 times a day.

Please note that cough preparations should be taken only on the advice of a doctor. Because it is necessary to assess the type of cough. However, lozenges containing sage are allowed.

Also warm milk with Borjomi in the same proportions will help.

Do not forget about the wet cleaning of the room up to 2 times a day, and also airing up to 4-5 times a day.

It is recommended to drink plenty of liquids to detoxify the body (up to 2 liters of fluid). It is very useful to drink:

  • milk with lemon and honey;
  • cranberry, raspberry, cranberry fruit drinks;
  • compotes;
  • citrus juices.

The patient needs to provide sufficient food with protein food: broths, vegetables and fruits, seafood. It should be eaten often, but fractional.

And most importantly - you need bed rest for the patient. Complications, as a rule, develop if the cold is transferred to the legs. These are defeats:

  • heart;
  • kidney;
  • brain;
  • lungs and others.

Tip 1: How to treat a cold in adults

Cold common people called viral diseases of the upper respiratory tract, flowing in a mild form. The most common of these are acute respiratory disease (ARI) and acute respiratory viral infection (ARVI). These diseases are easily recognized and amenable to home treatment.

You will need

  1. - salt
  2. - milk
  3. - honey
  4. - Butter and sunflower oil
  5. - chemist's collection of herbs
  6. - cranberries
  7. - essential oils
  8. - Radish
  9. - lemon


  1. Begin treatment for the first symptoms of a cold. It can be a cough, runny nose, sore throat, general weakness. The sooner you take action, the sooner the disease will come to naught. However, do not rush to run to the doctor for prescription for antibiotics, first try tried home remedies.
  2. Drink more warm liquid, the ideal option - green or herbal tea with honey. Use a natural antibiotic: cranberries, make mashed potatoes, add boiling water to it, filter and take during the day. In the absence of allergies to bee products, use honey and other medicinal products. For example, mix it with radish juice (it stands out if you make a cone-shaped depression in a vegetable and leave it in a closed pan for several hours).
  3. Dissolve a quarter teaspoon of salt in a glass of warm water. With the resulting solution, rinse your throat with a cough, and in case of a cold, drop a few drops into each nostril two or three times a day. After the procedure, lubricate the nostrils with petroleum jelly or "Asterisk" balm. As an option - heat a few teaspoons of salt in a dry frying pan, pour it into a tissue bag or a handkerchief and apply to the sinuses. In the same way, you can warm your nose with a hot baked potato.
  4. Rinse your throat with broths of pharmacy herbs. Take one tablespoon of dry leaves of sage or chamomile and brew in a glass of boiling water. Cool to room temperature and use during the day every few hours. If you trust aromatherapy, try a massage with essential oils of plants. Mix five drops of sage oil, chamomile and eucalyptus with four tablespoons of sunflower oil. The resulting mixture rub your neck and back before going to bed.
  5. Do not ignore general medical recommendations for patients with colds. Avoid heavy fatty foods, give preference to chicken broth, green apples, lemons, warm milk with a piece of butter. Often ventilate the room. If possible, observe bed rest, sleep in woolen socks and with a scarf around his neck.
  6. Be sure to consult a doctor if after several days of active treatment the cold becomes only stronger. The reason for the visit to the doctor should be and new emerging symptoms of the disease, such as nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, high fever.

How to cure a viral infection (throat, temperature 3 the nose is stuffed, it breaks the entire body.)


Anna Matveeva

Antibiotics - in any case! They do not act on viruses, only on bacteria, and the flu, like any "cold" - a viral infection. Antipyretics (aspirin, paracetamol, fervex, koldreks and other advertising charm) - only if the temperature is above 3,. In all other cases, you create a protracted course of the disease.
As soon as possible start to take stimulants of immunity, the best preparations are echinacea, in the pharmacy there is immunal and tincture of echinacea. It is the same. In the first day take a half-spoonful every two hours, then three times a day. If you grab the virus in the first hours, then you can simply cut it off, if later - you will still recover much faster and without complications. But about a day honestly you will be ill, while the organism will gather, and the virus will be destroyed.
If there is no appetite, it is better to starve, because at high temperature food is not digested, but only poisons the body. But the drink should be abundant - up to 3 liters per day. By the way, alcohol increases the toxic effect of the virus, especially the flu.

user unknown

Drink something that the doctor prescribed, or you can look in the directory of a practical doctor, if there is a book like that.. .
In general, in my opinion, it is better not to drink anything particularly strong, for example, I do not know how these medicines act on the body. .

Valentina Tsimbelman

Maybe this cocktail will help, it will help. If there are no problems with the stomach, but still something to eat in front of him. Juice of two oranges, one grapefruit and one lemon. You can add a little bit of water. I wish you recover !!!


I am helped very much by "Grypostat C". The first day two capsules, three times a day, and then one. Three days and everything will pass.

Ekaterina Shumova

To drink tea with berries of a viburnum (lowers temperature), with a raspberry, with honey (if there is no allergy on these products. And of the drugs - ocillococcinum (homeopathy).

anny smit

stupidity! You tell me how to treat antibiotics? I'm too lazy, but I'll work hard! it's antibiotics that kill some kinds of bacteria, viruses and microbes, call it whatever you want, mostly destroying what you think is yourself, what? The toxins that secrete these bacteria! The temperature is kept from intoxication with toxins (poisons) that secrete bacteria, respectively - 1 load on the heart, 2 on the CNS (since some toxins affect the central nervous system), on kidney. Biseptol - the safest antibiotic, just against viral diseases, I would advise those two times a day in the morning and in the evening on one tablet, then, so that the infection does not go to the bronchi, brombexin 3 dragees also in / in, and the most important link, hot wine exclusively before going to bed strongly diluted with boiling water, 1 - the wine disinfects the mouth and pharyngeal area, 2 - from it you sweat, 3 - instantly will fall asleep. for two days you will be cured. and more - naphthyzin in the nose every time it starts to flow, or pawn your nose. I recommend every 3 hours. Take care that the time interval for taking biseptol and wine is at least 4 hours. that is, at 18.00 you drink biseptol, at 22, for example, when you lie down, you drink wine. I got it?

Svetlana Aldoshina

If in your pharmacy you sell grapefruit seed oil "Citrosept" urgently buy and take 30 drops 3 times a day. After 3 days, do not even remember that they were ill. I always have it at home, but as it ends, then run to the pharmacy. Stuck is very powerful. my whole family uses, if that. One drawback is bitter, to indecency, but if dissolved in orange juice, and not in water, it is easier to use.

Inga Kravchenko

"I have a sad look -
My head hurts,
I'm sneezing, I'm hoarse.
It's the flu! "
FROM. AT. Mikhalkov
ARVI - the most common human diseases - up to 90% of all cases of infectious diseases. They are all sick - some more often, others are less common, but that's all. In winter, more often (viruses are much more active at this time), in the summer - less often, but still get sick.
The viruses that cause ARI affect so-called epithelial cells - cells covering the airways from the nose and throat to the lungs. There are a lot of viruses of these, the most famous is the flu, but there are others - less famous, but no less nasty (parainfluenza, adenovirus, rhinovirus, reovirus, etc.). Particularly sad is the fact that each of these viruses has a certain number of options (parainfluenza - only 4, influenza several dozen), so a person has a theoretical, and, often, and a real practical opportunity to get SARS very often.
In the external environment, viruses die fairly quickly, but from person to person are transmitted very easily - by airborne droplets. From the moment of infection to the appearance of the first signs of the disease (this interval is called incubation period) requires very little time - sometimes several hours, but, as a rule, no more than four days.
Any respiratory virus affects, as a rule, not all airways, but some specific area. Even at this level, selectivity of viruses can be traced. Rhinovirus - the nasal mucosa, parainfluenza - larynx and trachea, influenza - trachea and bronchi, etc.
Symptoms of acute respiratory viral infection are well known to everyone, if only because a person who has never had an acute respiratory viral infection does not exist. At first, malaise, well, a rise in body temperature, a runny nose and a cough for a long time do not make themselves wait.
But the specific, individual symptoms of acute respiratory viral infection in each case depend, first of all, on where, in which part of the respiratory tract the virus caused the most intense inflammatory process. To denote this place, there are many terrible medical words. RINIT - defeat of the nasal mucosa, FARINGITI - lesion of the mucous membrane of the pharynx, NAZOFARINGITI (nose and throat at the same time), TONZILLITE (tonsils), LARYNGITIS (larynx), TRAHEIT (trachea), BRONCHITH (bronchi), BRONCHIOLITH (the smallest bronchi - bronchioles).
Combining these words (tonsilofaringitis, laryngotracheitis, tracheobronchitis, etc.), readers may well not only to join the medical terminology, but also to use the information received in selfish purposes. It's one thing to tell the boss at work that your child had ARVI, but quite another, that the child was sick with nasopharyngotongillitis. Given the general conviction that the severity of the disease has a direct connection with the incomprehensibility of the diagnosis, you are provided with sympathy for the authorities.
Knowing the signs of the defeat of this or that part of the respiratory tract, the doctor can not only make an accurate diagnosis (i.e. e. say not just "ORVI specifically" ORVI, bronchitis "or" ARVI, laryngotracheitis "), but also to guess which virus caused the real disease.
Abundant runny nose with little disturbed general condition - rhinitis, most likely rhinovirus; hoarse or hoarse voice, a rough painful cough - laryngitis, rather total parainfluenza; a very high fever, a pronounced disturbance of the general condition, a slight runny nose, a frequent dry cough - bronchitis, most likely influenza, e.
The methods of prevention and principles of ARVI treatment do not depend on how exactly this virus is called. This, by the way, largely determines the fact that practical pediatricians prefer not to fool their own patients with a head and rarely call the disease their exact names, for example, adenovirus infection, or parainfluenza. The word "ORVI" and parents and doctors by and large are satisfied, they use it


just had the flu, went for 2-3 days without complications - just lay at home and slept, did not eat and only drank a hot weak tea. Give immunity to work.
and antibiotics mow down their own flora and indirectly undermine their own immunity.

Irina Plaschuk

Here are a couple of tips:
Change into pajamas and put on woolen socks and a scarf.
If you really get into bed, and try to sleep.
Ask your mother (Or another adult who can help) that she cooks you hot tea with lemon. Or poured hot milk with honey.
Try using Tantum Verde, or Lizobakt if the throat is red.

How to cure a cold a day: proven methods

With chills and mild ailments, from which in most cases a cold starts, emergency measures should be taken - if in your plans are not to get sick and sit for a couple of days with a temperature, and then another week to walk, without parting with the nasal handkerchief.

Toto cure a cold in one day, it is best to hold it at home and not go anywhere. But this day we should use the maximum benefit for our health and dedicate it to the fight against a beginning cold, as well as ARI and ARVI. In this we will be helped not only by pharmacy products, but also by tried home remedies: lime blossom, raspberry tea, hot milk with honey, onions, garlic and mustard. We'll start with it ...

Cold treatment for one day: warm up and sweat

If you are frozen, then first thing you need to keep warm. Frozen feet will perfectly warm hot tub with mustard - something that we simply call "get your feet". In a basin with hot water (not lower than +40-42 ° C), dissolve a spoonful and a half of mustard powder and keep the feet for 15 minutes, when necessary pouring hot water. After that, you need to wipe your feet thoroughly, put on woolen socks and lie under a warm blanket. You can just pour a mustard powder into your socks instead of a hot hot tub and go to bed. And if you did not have dry mustard on hand, rub your feet with vodka and put on warm socks.

Cold hands warmed under a stream of hot water: five minutes, raising the temperature from pleasantly warm to hot (+ 42-43 ° C). Then dry up our hands and put on something warm with long sleeves. To enhance the effect, you can put warm mittens on your hands and spend the next 60 minutes wrapped in a woolen blanket.

To sweat, and, therefore, get rid of toxins and try to cure a cold for the day, the body needs more fluid than usual. Therefore, we will drink - exclusively in hot form: tea with raspberry jam, tea with lemon and honey, decoction of lime blossom, thyme, chamomile or elderberry flowers with mint. Prepare the broths of medicinal plants is simple: a glass of boiling water take 2 tbsp. spoons of dried flowers or herbs, brewed with boiling water, covered with a lid and allowed to stand for 15-20 minutes. Herbal teas for a cold drink on, liter per day. And the total daily volume of fluid with symptoms of cold or ODS should be at least two liters.

"Just in case" you measured the temperature and saw that the thermometer's column went up - do not panic. If the body temperature does not exceed + 38 ° C, then doctors do not advise her to shoot down, because a rise in temperature is evidence that human immunity began to fight the disease. And we can and should help him cure a cold in one day, for example, after drinking hot tea with the root of ginger, which strengthens the body's immune system and prevents infection from developing. To make ginger tea, a piece of 2 cm long root is peeled, finely chopped, put together with tea brew into a cup, pour 200-250 ml of boiling water and let it brew for 15 minutes. In this healing drink you can add a slice of lemon and a teaspoon of natural honey.

By the way, after you have drunk, be sure to wipe the skin with a well-pressed hot towel - to remove the toxins that have emerged, and change to dry.

How quickly to cure a cold with a cold?

If the cold has made itself known about the stuffiness of the nose, you need to take the initiative on yourself and apply the methods proven by generations to combat the first symptoms of the common cold.

Among the multitude of folk remedies for treating colds with colds is a sufficient amount of very effective - especially at the initial stage of the disease.

It is recommended to lubricate the nose with the Kalanchoe juice 2-3 times a day (or bury 2 drops of juice in each nostril). Often used table salt, which is mixed with butter. This home-made ointment (a third of a teaspoon of oil mixed with the same amount of salt and slightly warmed up) lubricates the nose from the outside. And to wash the nose, which moistens the mucous and facilitates nasal breathing, a teaspoon of salt is dissolved in a glass of warm water. Rinsing is carried out as follows: one nostril is covered with a finger, and the second is sucked into the nose by a solution of salt (the same is done by the second nostril).

An ancient folk remedy for a common cold with a cold is a common onion.

It is enough to cut the bulb in half and breathe phytoncides that stand out from the cut. Phytoncids onions have a bactericidal property and are able to neutralize even the diphtheria bacillus and the causative agent of tuberculosis Koch's wand. So with a cold they can cope easily: you need several times a day for 10 minutes to keep in the nostrils of cotton swabs, moistened with onion juice.

Effective remedy for colds for colds - bury your nose with any warm oil (for example, olive, sea-buckthorn, menthol) or oil solution of retinol acetate (vitamin A). Should also help the balm "Star if they have to cover the nose and the wings of the nose before going to bed.

Of the pharmacies nasal drugs with a blocked nose, the drops "Galazolin "Naphtizin "Nazol "Nazivin" and sprays "Sanorin Otryvin Vibrocil Delufen etc.,

How for a day to cure a cough for a cold?

When a cough is the first sign that you are trapped in a cold, you need to start by rubbing your back and chest cells with ointments, which contain essential oils, and which have a disinfecting, distracting and irritating effect act.

You can rub over the chest for the night with a mixture of castor oil (2 tbsp. spoons) with turpentine (1 tbsp. spoon) or finished medicinal turpentine ointment. This tool is rubbed into the skin of the chest (except the heart area) and the soles of the feet, warmly wrapped. With the help of two or three rubbing, you can cure a cough for almost a day for a cold. But it should be borne in mind that such procedures can not be carried out at elevated temperature.

An irreplaceable cough remedy (and not only) has proven badger fat. Due to its composition, badger fat has a restorative, anti-inflammatory and even immunostimulating effect on the human body. With this fat, you need to rub your back and chest for the night. And in folk medicine is very popular such a recipe: for 100 g of badger fat, honey and cocoa powder mixed with 50 g of butter and 50 g of crushed leaves of aloe (centennial). Add 5 g of mummy and propolis, as well as 50 g of medical alcohol. Mix all ingredients until smooth.

For the treatment of cough for a cold 1 hour. A spoonful of this mixture is bred in a glass of water and rubbed for the night back, chest and calf muscles of the legs. And for internal use - as a powerful fortifying agent - 1 tbsp. Spoon the mixture dissolve in a glass of hot milk and drink in small sips (before eating).

Instead of tea to cough for colds, you must drink broths from medicinal herbs: oregano, mother-and-stepmother, elecampane, sweet clover, thyme, peppermint. A glass of boiling water is taken by a handful of herbs and brewed like tea, which after 15 minutes of insisting is ready for use - a glass three times a day. Special chest coughs are sold in pharmacies. For example, in "Breast Collection No. 1" contains the root of the althea, the leaves of the mother-and-stepmother and the ore of the oregano; and in "Breast Collection No. 2" - the leaves of the mother-and-stepmother, the leaves of the plantain and the root of licorice. These phytopreparations are produced in filter bags and are easily brewed.

A good remedy for a strong cough is the fresh juice of black radish, which has anti-inflammatory and expectorant properties. Radish needs to be washed, peeled and finely chopped. Then mix with granulated sugar in the proportion: and put in a jar, tightly closing the lid. After 4-5 hours radish will give healing juice, which should be taken - 1 tablespoon at least three times during the day.

One of the effective methods of cough treatment is steam inhalations. For example, with oil of eucalyptus, mint, juniper or pine. Drip a few drops of oil in a bowl of boiling water, sit down, tilt your head above the container, cover with a towel and breathe steam. These simple home procedures have an antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, expectorant and bronchodilator effect.

Aerosol inhalations are also useful, which are carried out with the help of pocket inhalers. Most often, essential oils (menthol, anise, eucalyptus, peach), as well as natural honey and propolis (alcohol solution) are included in the mixtures. Here is the recipe for honey inhalation with propolis: 1-2 teaspoons of honey dissolved in a glass of boiled water and drop 6-8 drops of propolis. Water can be replaced by a% solution of furacilin. Duration of the procedure is 5 minutes.

If we talk about pharmaceuticals for cough, then drugs such as Glauvent, Libexin or Tusuprex inhibit the cough reflex, but do not depress respiration. And "Tusuprex" has not only an antitussive effect, but also a weak expectorant. These drugs doctors recommend taking three times a day for one tablet.

To the group of drugs that have enveloping, expectorating and mucolytic (diluting sputum) effects are "Acetylcysteine "Bromgexin "Ambroxol" (a synonym for "Lazolvan"), etc. Remember that many drugs have a side effect and often not one. It is for this reason that medications for treating a cough for colds are recommended after consultation with a doctor.

How for a day to cure a throat for a cold?

Rinsing is the first emergency method with perspiration and pain in the throat for colds. The most effective for gargles for a long time are considered decoctions of sage, chamomile, St. John's wort and three-color violets. Prepare them is not difficult: 1 tbsp. Spoon the herbs with 1 cup of boiling water, put on fire, bring to a boil and immediately remove from the plate. The broth should be insisted in a sealed container for 15-20 minutes. Gargle should be often and warm decoction, it will remove inflammation of the mucosa and help for a day to cure a cold.

Sore throat is very useful to rinse with this composition: in 200 ml of warm boiled water, dissolve a teaspoon of table salt and soda, add 8-10 drops of iodine. And even such a solution: for a glass of warm water take 2 tbsp. spoons of apple cider vinegar or fresh lemon juice.

For a day to cure a cold is not easy, but honey and lemon always come to our rescue. At the first hints of sore throat cut a circle of lemon, put on top a teaspoon of honey - and in the mouth! And chew! And then swallow. Every hour the procedure can be repeated.

Do you trust drugstores more? On health! In the pharmacy, a large selection of all sorts of lollipops from the pain in the throat, for example, "Strepsils" and "Koldakt Lorkpils based on a chemical such as antiseptic amylmetacresol. And in candies "Strepsils plus" there is an anesthetic - lidocaine. Tablets under the tongue of "Septefril" contain the strongest antiseptic substance decamethoxin, which It is used in the treatment of purulent and fungal skin lesions, as well as for the treatment of the hands and the operated site in surgery.

And in "Tharyngepte which removes perspiration in the throat and discomfort when swallowing, the main active substance is the drug ambazone with a strong bacteriostatic effect. Doctors prescribe ambazone in the treatment of acute infectious and inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity and pharynx (tonsillitis, tonsillitis, stomatitis, pharyngitis, etc.).

Cold treatment for one day with medications

At the first symptoms of a cold, people often take advertised medicines. For example, "Arbidol which is considered an antiviral agent that increases immunity. It contains the active ingredient umifenovir, as well as inorganic pigment titanium dioxide (E 171) and yellow food coloring "sunset sunset" - E 110. The latter has a negative effect on the human body, therefore it is banned in the US and some countries of Europe. It should also be noted that the drug "Arbidol" (Russian production), the World Health Organization (WHO) does not consider as a promising antiviral drug, but The US Food and Drug Administration refused to register it in the United States as a medicinal product preparation.

One can not but rejoice at the quick action of preparations such as "Coldrex Hotem" or "Teraflu used to treat a cold in one day. Their effectiveness has been tried by many, but not everyone knows that the therapeutic effect of powders on colds is due to the presence in their composition of a maximum single dose of paracetamol - a popular antipyretic and analgesic all over the world preparation. With prolonged use and in high doses, paracetamol can cause allergic reactions, as well as toxic effects on the liver and kidneys.

In addition to paracetamol, cold powder from different brands contain phenylephrine hydrochloride, which narrows the vessels of the nasal mucosa. So do not be surprised if after 3-4 days of taking an anti-cold powder you will feel a burning sensation, dryness or tingling in the nose. This is the action of phenylephrine. And in the list of its side effects are listed: thrombocytopenia, leukopenia, skin rash, angioedema, increased blood pressure and palpitations.

How to cure a child for colds / ARI / ARVI

A cold is usually called a whole range of different diseases, usually of a viral origin. They are sometimes provoked by hypothermia, but even more often viruses "attack" weakened children's organisms. It is those who are accustomed to effeminacy, the "overwhelmed" kids suffer from "colds" often.

ARVI and other colds

Angina, bronchitis, rhinitis and other diseases, which are catalyzed by mild cold, are quite common in children of different ages. But the most frequent manifestations of acute respiratory viral infection are acute respiratory infections. This is also a generalized term, for acute respiratory infections or otherwise acute respiratory diseases imply a group of dysfunctions of the nasopharynx and upper respiratory tract. They are manifested by inflammatory processes, externally expressed in pains, choking in the throat, sneezing and coughing, runny nose, weakness, a slight increase in temperature.

There are a lot of causative agents of catarrhal diseases, about 200 viruses. About 30% of diseases develop under the influence of rhinoviruses. Most often, infection occurs with direct contact with children who are already ill and adults: in kindergarten, school, at home, in public places. The virus can be transmitted by airborne and by contact.

Who is sick more often?

It is noticed that the youngest children, up to 5-7 years old, are often susceptible to viral infections. They just have weak protective forces of the body. Additional points that increase the likelihood of the disease are lack of vitamins, fatigue, other recently transferred diseases, weakened the body, hypothermia. Often sick sedentary children, prone to overeating.

Based on these risk factors, it is easy to build a tactic to strengthen immunity, which will become the prevention of diseases of this series. It is a balanced diet rich in vitamins and trace elements, with a sufficient protein content. Do not forget that sour-milk products, which are often loved by children, also have a beneficial effect. influence on the microflora of the intestine, and it, in turn, actively participates in protecting the body from viruses and toxins. It is necessary to ventilate the room, go for walks, engage in mobile games with children: this will make the kids more protected from viruses and bacteria, and the relationship within the family will strengthen.

If the child is ill after all

But not always preventive measures help. The child becomes capricious, shows obvious signs of malaise. If the temperature is not higher than 38 °, do not knock it down, because the temperature rise is one of the ways to fight the infection, so the body copes with the disease more quickly. But if it is even higher, it is too much workload, even convulsions may occur. Lowering the temperature of the baby is most easily wiped: wet the napkin with water, you can add a little vinegar (1/20 of the volume of water).

The main thing: to provide the child with peace, abundant drink, rich in vitamins nutrition. Gargling, nasal instillation is a symptomatic treatment, the other is often not required.

But if the disease develops too sharply, you can also apply medication: Interferon, Viferon, Grippferon, Arbidol and other medications. But only on the advice of a doctor and accurately keeping the dosage. In no case should one cling to these or other medications by themselves, they may have contraindications, and even with dosage parents can not guess, and this leads to dangerous complications.

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